package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.main.GWTKeycodes; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EventType; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.GeoClass; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.inputfield.AutoCompleteTextFieldW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.SpreadsheetTableModelW; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; public class SpreadsheetKeyListenerW implements KeyDownHandler, KeyPressHandler { private AppW app; private SpreadsheetViewW view; private Kernel kernel; private MyTableW table; private SpreadsheetTableModelW model; private MyCellEditorW editor; boolean keyDownSomething = false; public SpreadsheetKeyListenerW(AppW app, MyTableW table) { = app; this.kernel = app.getKernel(); this.table = table; this.view = (SpreadsheetViewW) table.getView(); this.model = (SpreadsheetTableModelW) table.getModel(); this.editor = table.getEditor(); } @Override @SuppressFBWarnings({ "SF_SWITCH_FALLTHROUGH", "missing break is deliberate" }) public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent e) { e.stopPropagation(); // cancel as this may prevent the keyPress in some browsers // hopefully it is enough to preventDefault in onKeyPress // e.preventDefault(); // pass the event on to the cell editor if editing if (table.isEditing) { table.sendEditorKeyDownEvent(e); return; } table.allowAutoEdit(); int keyCode = e.getNativeKeyCode();// .getKeyCode(); // Application.debug(keyCode+""); // boolean shiftDown = e.isShiftDown(); boolean ctrlDown = e.isControlKeyDown() || e.isMetaKeyDown(); // AppW.isControlDown(e) // Windows ctrl/Mac Meta // || e.isControlDown(); // Fudge (Mac ctrl key) int row = table.getSelectedRow(); int column = table.getSelectedColumn(); switch (keyCode) { case KeyCodes.KEY_UP:// KeyEvent.VK_UP: e.preventDefault(); if (e.isControlKeyDown()) { // AppW.isControlDown(e)) { if (model.getValueAt(row, column) != null) { // move to top of current "block" // if shift pressed, select cells too while (row > 0 && model.getValueAt(row - 1, column) != null) { row--; } table.changeSelection(row, column, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } else { // move up to next defined cell while (row > 0 && model.getValueAt(row - 1, column) == null) { row--; } table.changeSelection(Math.max(0, row - 1), column, false); } // e.consume(); } else { // default action row = table.getLeadSelectionRow(); column = table.getLeadSelectionColumn(); if (row > 0) { table.changeSelection(row - 1, column, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } } // copy description into input bar when a cell is entered // GeoElement geo = (GeoElement) // getModel().getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow() - 1, // table.getSelectedColumn()); // if (geo != null) { // AlgebraInput ai = // (AlgebraInput)(app.getGuiManager().getAlgebraInput()); // ai.setString(geo); // } break; case KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT:// VK_LEFT: e.preventDefault(); if (e.isControlKeyDown()) { // AppD.isControlDown(e)) { if (model.getValueAt(row, column) != null) { // move to left of current "block" // if shift pressed, select cells too while (column > 0 && model.getValueAt(row, column - 1) != null) { column--; } table.changeSelection(row, column, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } else { // move left to next defined cell while (column > 0 && model.getValueAt(row, column - 1) == null) { column--; } table.changeSelection(row, Math.max(0, column - 1), false); } // e.consume(); } else { // default action row = table.getLeadSelectionRow(); column = table.getLeadSelectionColumn(); if (column > 0) { table.changeSelection(row, column - 1, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } } // // copy description into input bar when a cell is entered // geo = (GeoElement) getModel().getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), // table.getSelectedColumn() - 1); // if (geo != null) { // AlgebraInput ai = // (AlgebraInput)(app.getGuiManager().getAlgebraInput()); // ai.setString(geo); // } break; case KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN:// VK_DOWN: e.preventDefault(); // auto increase spreadsheet size when you go off the bottom if (table.getSelectedRow() + 1 >= table.getRowCount() && table.getSelectedRow() + 1 < app .getMaxSpreadsheetRowsVisible()) { model.setRowCount(table.getRowCount() + 1); // getView().getRowHeader().revalidate(); //G.STURR 2010-1-9 table.changeSelection(row + 1, column, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } else if (e.isControlKeyDown()) { // AppD.isControlDown(e)) { if (model.getValueAt(row, column) != null) { // move to bottom of current "block" // if shift pressed, select cells too while (row < table.getRowCount() - 1 && model.getValueAt(row + 1, column) != null) { row++; } table.changeSelection(row, column, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } else { // move down to next selected cell while (row < table.getRowCount() - 1 && model.getValueAt(row + 1, column) == null) { row++; } table.changeSelection( Math.min(table.getRowCount() - 1, row + 1), column, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } // e.consume(); } else { // default action row = table.getLeadSelectionRow(); column = table.getLeadSelectionColumn(); if (row < table.getRowCount() - 1) { table.changeSelection(row + 1, column, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } } // // copy description into input bar when a cell is entered // geo = (GeoElement) // getModel().getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow()+1, // table.getSelectedColumn()); // if (geo != null) { // AlgebraInput ai = // (AlgebraInput)(app.getGuiManager().getAlgebraInput()); // ai.setString(geo); // } break; case KeyCodes.KEY_HOME:// .VK_HOME: e.preventDefault(); // if shift pressed, select cells too if (e.isControlKeyDown()) { // AppD.isControlDown(e)) { // move to top left of spreadsheet table.changeSelection(0, 0, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } else { // move to left of current row table.changeSelection(row, 0, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } // e.consume(); break; case KeyCodes.KEY_END:// .VK_END: e.preventDefault(); // move to bottom right of spreadsheet // if shift pressed, select cells too // find rectangle that will contain all cells for (int c = 0; c < table.getColumnCount() - 1; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < table.getRowCount() - 1; r++) { if ((r > row || c > column) && model.getValueAt(r, c) != null) { if (r > row) { row = r; } if (c > column) { column = c; } } } } table.changeSelection(row, column, e.isShiftKeyDown()); // e.consume(); break; case KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT: // Event.VK_RIGHT: e.preventDefault(); // auto increase spreadsheet size when you go off the right if (table.getSelectedColumn() + 1 >= table.getColumnCount() && table.getSelectedColumn() + 1 < app .getMaxSpreadsheetColumnsVisible()) { // table.setRepaintAll(); model.setColumnCount(table.getColumnCount() + 1); // view.columnHeaderRevalidate(); // view.repaint();//FIXME: setRepaintAll is not compatible with // TimerSystemW! // table.repaint(); // view.getFocusPanel().setWidth(table.getGrid().getOffsetWidth()+"px"); // these two lines are a workaround for Java 6 // (Java bug?) table.changeSelection(row, column + 1, false); } else if (e.isControlKeyDown()) { // AppD.isControlDown(e)) { if (model.getValueAt(row, column) != null) { // move to bottom of current "block" // if shift pressed, select cells too while (column < table.getColumnCount() - 1 && model.getValueAt(row, column + 1) != null) { column++; } table.changeSelection(row, column, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } else { // move right to next defined cell while (column < table.getColumnCount() - 1 && model.getValueAt(row, column + 1) == null) { column++; } table.changeSelection(row, Math.min(table.getColumnCount() - 1, column + 1), false); } // e.consume(); } else { // default action row = table.getLeadSelectionRow(); column = table.getLeadSelectionColumn(); if (column < table.getColumnCount() - 1) { table.changeSelection(row, column + 1, e.isShiftKeyDown()); } } // // copy description into input bar when a cell is entered // geo = (GeoElement) getModel().getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), // table.getSelectedColumn() + 1); // if (geo != null) { // AlgebraInput ai = // (AlgebraInput)(app.getGuiManager().getAlgebraInput()); // ai.setString(geo); // } break; case KeyCodes.KEY_SHIFT:// .VK_SHIFT: case KeyCodes.KEY_CTRL:// Event.VK_CONTROL: case KeyCodes.KEY_ALT:// Event.VK_ALT: // case KeyEvent.VK_META: //MAC_OS Meta // e.consume(); // stops editing start break; case GWTKeycodes.KEY_F9:// Event.VK_F9: kernel.updateConstruction(); // e.consume(); // stops editing start break; case GWTKeycodes.KEY_R:// KeyEvent.VK_R: if (e.isControlKeyDown()) { // AppD.isControlDown(e)) { kernel.updateConstruction(); // e.consume(); } else { letterOrDigitTyped(); } break; // needs to be here to stop keypress starting a cell edit after the undo case GWTKeycodes.KEY_Z:// KeyEvent.VK_Z: //undo if (ctrlDown) { // Application.debug("undo"); app.getGuiManager().undo(); // e.consume(); } else { letterOrDigitTyped(); } break; // needs to be here to stop keypress starting a cell edit after the redo case GWTKeycodes.KEY_Y:// KeyEvent.VK_Y: //redo if (ctrlDown) { // Application.debug("redo"); app.getGuiManager().redo(); // e.consume(); } else { letterOrDigitTyped(); } break; case GWTKeycodes.KEY_C:// KeyEvent.VK_C: case GWTKeycodes.KEY_V:// KeyEvent.VK_V: case GWTKeycodes.KEY_X:// KeyEvent.VK_X: if (!editor.isEditing()) { if (!(ctrlDown || e.isAltKeyDown())) { letterOrDigitTyped(); } } break; case GWTKeycodes.KEY_DELETE:// KeyEvent.VK_DELETE: case GWTKeycodes.KEY_BACKSPACE:// KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE: if (!editor.isEditing()) { e.preventDefault(); // e.consume(); // Application.debug("deleting..."); boolean storeUndo = table.delete(); if (storeUndo) { app.storeUndoInfo(); } return; } break; // case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER: case GWTKeycodes.KEY_F2:// KeyEvent.VK_F2: //FIXME if (!editor.isEditing()) { table.setAllowEditing(true); table.editCellAt(table.getSelectedRow(), table.getSelectedColumn()); table.setAllowEditing(false); } // e.consume(); break; case KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER:// KeyEvent.VK_ENTER: if (!editor.isEditing()) { editOnEnter(); break; } editor.onEnter(); // fall through case GWTKeycodes.KEY_PAGEDOWN:// KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN: e.preventDefault(); int pixelx = table.getPixel(column, row, true).getX(); int pixely = view.getFocusPanel().getAbsoluteTop() + view.getFocusPanel().getOffsetHeight(); GPoint gip = table.getIndexFromPixel(pixelx, pixely); if (gip != null) { table.changeSelection(gip.getY(), column, false); } else { table.changeSelection(model.getRowCount() - 1, column, false); } break; case GWTKeycodes.KEY_PAGEUP:// KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP: e.preventDefault(); int pixx = table.getPixel(column, row, true).getX(); int pixy = view.getFocusPanel().getAbsoluteTop(); GPoint gi = table.getIndexFromPixel(pixx, pixy); if (gi != null) { table.changeSelection(gi.getY(), column, false); // stop cell being erased before moving } else { table.changeSelection(0, column, false); } break; // stop TAB erasing cell before moving case KeyCodes.KEY_TAB:// KeyEvent.VK_TAB: e.preventDefault(); // disable shift-tab in column A if (table.getSelectedColumn() == 0 && e.isShiftKeyDown()) { // e.consume(); } else { if (e.isShiftKeyDown()) { // if (table.getSelectedColumn() == 0) // this cannot happen table.changeSelection(row, column - 1, false); } else { if (table.getSelectedColumn() + 1 >= table.getColumnCount() - 1) { if (table.getSelectedRow() + 1 < table.getRowCount() - 1) { table.changeSelection(row + 1, 0, false); } } else { table.changeSelection(row, column + 1, false); } } } break; case GWTKeycodes.KEY_A:// KeyEvent.VK_A: if (e.isControlKeyDown()) { // AppD.isControlDown(e)) { // select all cells row = 0; column = 0; // find rectangle that will contain all defined cells for (int c = 0; c < table.getColumnCount() - 1; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < table.getRowCount() - 1; r++) { if ((r > row || c > column) && model.getValueAt(r, c) != null) { if (r > row) { row = r; } if (c > column) { column = c; } } } } table.changeSelection(0, 0, false); table.changeSelection(row, column, true); // e.consume(); } // no break, fall through default: if (/* * ? !Character.isIdentifierIgnorable( * Character.toChars(e.getNativeEvent().getCharCode())[0] * //e.getKeyChar() ) && */ !editor.isEditing() && !(ctrlDown || e.isAltKeyDown())) { letterOrDigitTyped(); } else { // e.consume(); break; } } } public void letterOrDigitTyped() { // memorize that this is OK according to keyCode keyDownSomething = true; table.setAllowEditing(true); table.repaint(); // G.Sturr 2009-10-10: cleanup when keypress edit // begins // check if cell fixed Object o = model.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), table.getSelectedColumn()); if (o instanceof GeoElement) { GeoElement geo = (GeoElement) o; if (geo.isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { return; } } model.setValueAt(null, table.getSelectedRow(), table.getSelectedColumn()); table.editCellAt(table.getSelectedRow(), table.getSelectedColumn()); table.setAllowEditing(false); } private void editOnEnter() { int row = table.getSelectedRow(); int col = table.getSelectedColumn(); // memorize that this is OK according to keyCode keyDownSomething = true; table.setAllowEditing(true); table.repaint(); // G.Sturr 2009-10-10: cleanup when keypress edit // begins // check if cell fixed Object o = model.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), table.getSelectedColumn()); if (o instanceof GeoElement) { GeoElement geo = (GeoElement) o; if (geo.isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { return; } } model.setValueAt(model.getValueAt(row, col), row, col); table.editCellAt(row, col); editor.selectAll(); table.setAllowEditing(false); } @Override public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent e) { // make sure e.g. SHIFT+ doesn't trigger default browser action e.stopPropagation(); // prevent default action in all cases here except CTRL+V // but how to detect CTRL+V? Just detect "V" and "v", and // check e.ctrlKeyDown! This is only needed in Firefox, to // properly trigger the "paste" event... in other browsers // we could call preventDefault unconditionally (paste OK) if (!e.isControlKeyDown()) { e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.getCharCode() != 86 && e.getCharCode() != 118 && // "V" e.getCharCode() != 67 && e.getCharCode() != 99 && // "C" e.getCharCode() != 88 && e.getCharCode() != 120) {// "X" e.preventDefault(); } // pass the event on to the cell editor if editing if (table.isEditing) { table.sendEditorKeyPressEvent(e); return; } // check if this is OK according to keyCode too (right key) if (keyDownSomething) { keyDownSomething = false; } else { return; } // as the following doesn't work for KeyDownEvent: // e.getNativeEvent().getCharCode(); final int charcode = e.getUnicodeCharCode(); // make sure that this code runs after the editor has actually been // created Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { // if the user enters something meaningful, spare an additional // entering String str = ""; if (charcode > 0) { str = new String(Character.toChars(charcode)); } Object ce = table.getCellEditor(); GeoClass ceType = table.getCellEditorType( table.getSelectedRow(), table.getSelectedColumn()); if (ce instanceof MyCellEditorW && ceType == GeoClass.DEFAULT && !"".equals(str)) { ((MyCellEditorW) ce).setText(str); ((AutoCompleteTextFieldW) ((MyCellEditorW) ce) .getTextfield()) .setCaretPosition(((MyCellEditorW) ce) .getEditingValue().length()); } } }); } public native void addPasteHandlerTo(Element elem) /*-{ var self = this; elem.onpaste = function(event) { var text, cbd; if ($wnd.clipboardData) { // Windows Internet Explorer cbd = $wnd.clipboardData; if (cbd.getData) { text = cbd.getData('Text'); } } if (text === undefined) { // all the other browsers if (event.clipboardData) { cbd = event.clipboardData; if (cbd.getData) { text = cbd.getData('text/plain'); } } } if (text !== undefined) { self.@org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetKeyListenerW::onPaste(Ljava/lang/String;)(text); } } elem.oncopy = function(even2) { self.@org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetKeyListenerW::onCopy(Z)(even2.altKey); // do not prevent default!!! // it will take care of the copy... } elem.oncut = function(even3) { self.@org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetKeyListenerW::onCut()(); // do not prevent default!!! // it will take care of the cut... } }-*/; public void onPaste(String text) { boolean storeUndo = table.paste(text); view.rowHeaderRevalidate(); if (storeUndo) { app.storeUndoInfo(); } } public void onCopy(final boolean altDown) { // the default action of the browser just modifies // the textarea of the AdvancedFocusPanel, does // no harm to the other parts of the code, and // consequently, it should ideally be done before this! // so let's run the original code afterwards... // not sure one ScheduleDeferred is enough... // but in theory, it should be as code continues from // here towards the default action, as we are in the event Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { table.copy(altDown, true); } }); } public void onCut() { // the default action of the browser just modifies // the textarea of the AdvancedFocusPanel, does // no harm to the other parts of the code, and // consequently, it should ideally be done before this! // not sure one ScheduleDeferred is enough... // but in theory, it should be as code continues from // here towards the default action, as we are in the event Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { boolean storeUndo = table.cut(true); if (storeUndo) { app.storeUndoInfo(); } } }); } }