package org.geogebra.web.html5.gawt; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GBufferedImage; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GGraphics2D; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.GGraphics2DW; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class GBufferedImageW implements GBufferedImage { ImageElement img = null; // necessary Canvas canv = null; // not necessary, but if present, this is the main one private double pixelRatio; public GBufferedImageW(int width, int height, double pixelRatio, boolean opaque) { this(null, width, height, pixelRatio, opaque); } public GBufferedImageW(Canvas canvas, int width, int height, double pixelRatio, boolean opaque) { this.pixelRatio = pixelRatio; if (canvas == null) { canv = makeCanvas(); } else { canv = canvas; } canv.setCoordinateSpaceWidth((int) (width * pixelRatio)); canv.setCoordinateSpaceHeight((int) (height * pixelRatio)); canv.setWidth(width + "px"); canv.setHeight(height + "px"); Context2d c2d = canv.getContext2d(); if (opaque) { // fss = // c2d.getStrokeStyle(); // fsf = // c2d.getFillStyle(); c2d.setGlobalCompositeOperation(Context2d.Composite.COPY); c2d.setStrokeStyle(CssColor.make("rgba(255,255,255,1.0)")); c2d.setFillStyle(CssColor.make("rgba(255,255,255,1.0)")); c2d.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); c2d.fill(); // c2d.setStrokeStyle(fss); // c2d.setFillStyle(fsf); } if (pixelRatio != 1) { c2d.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio); } // img = getImageElement(); } public GBufferedImageW(int width, int height, double pixelRatio) { this(width, height, pixelRatio, false); } public GBufferedImageW(ImageElement imageElement) { if (imageElement != null) { img = imageElement; } else { Log.debug("BufferedImage (gawt) called with null"); } } // this clones this bufferedimage! public GBufferedImageW(Canvas cv) { if (cv != null) {// This should not called with null canv = makeCanvas(); canv.setCoordinateSpaceWidth(cv.getCoordinateSpaceWidth()); canv.setCoordinateSpaceHeight(cv.getCoordinateSpaceHeight()); canv.setWidth(cv.getCanvasElement().getWidth() + "px"); canv.setHeight(cv.getCanvasElement().getHeight() + "px"); Context2d c2d = canv.getContext2d(); c2d.putImageData( cv.getContext2d().getImageData(0, 0, cv.getCoordinateSpaceWidth(), cv.getCoordinateSpaceHeight()), 0, 0); // img = getImageElement(); } else { Log.debug("BufferedImage (gawt) called with null Canvas"); } } public GBufferedImageW(ImageData imageData) { canv = makeCanvas(); canv.setCoordinateSpaceWidth(imageData.getWidth()); canv.setCoordinateSpaceHeight(imageData.getHeight()); canv.setWidth(imageData.getWidth() + "px"); canv.setHeight(imageData.getHeight() + "px"); canv.getContext2d().putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); // img = getImageElement(); } @Override public int getWidth() { if (canv == null) { return img.getWidth(); } return canv.getCoordinateSpaceWidth(); // programmers should make sure that // canv.getCoordinateSpaceWidth() == canv.getCanvasElement().getWidth() } @Override public int getHeight() { if (canv == null) { return img.getHeight(); } return canv.getCoordinateSpaceHeight(); } public ImageElement getImageElement() { if (canv != null) { img =; img.setWidth(canv.getCoordinateSpaceWidth()); img.setHeight(canv.getCoordinateSpaceHeight()); img.setSrc(canv.toDataUrl()); } return img; } public boolean hasCanvas() { return canv != null; } public GBufferedImageW cloneDeep() { if (canv != null) { return new GBufferedImageW(canv); } return new GBufferedImageW((ImageElement) img.cloneNode(true)); } public Canvas getCanvas() { if (canv == null) { canv = makeCanvas(); canv.setCoordinateSpaceWidth(img.getWidth()); canv.setCoordinateSpaceHeight(img.getHeight()); canv.setWidth(getWidth() + "px"); canv.setHeight(getWidth() + "px"); Context2d c2d = canv.getContext2d(); c2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0); } return canv; } private static Canvas makeCanvas() { return Canvas.createIfSupported(); } public boolean isLoaded() { return img == null || img.getPropertyBoolean("complete"); } @Override public GGraphics2D createGraphics() { GGraphics2DW g2 = new GGraphics2DW(getCanvas(), true); g2.devicePixelRatio = this.pixelRatio; return g2; } @Override public GBufferedImage getSubimage(int x, int y, int width, int height) { Context2d ctx = getCanvas().getContext2d(); ImageData imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); return new GBufferedImageW(imageData); } public ImageData getImageData() { return getCanvas().getContext2d().getImageData(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); } @Override public void flush() { // nothing to flush } }