package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GDimension; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import org.geogebra.common.gui.layout.DockComponent; import org.geogebra.common.gui.layout.DockPanel; import org.geogebra.common.gui.toolbar.ToolBar; import; import org.geogebra.common.javax.swing.SwingConstants; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Event; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EventType; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.GDimensionW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.css.GuiResourcesSimple; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.FastClickHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.ClickStartHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.MathKeyboardListener; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.NoDragImage; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.web.cas.view.CASStylebarW; import org.geogebra.web.web.css.GuiResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.GuiManagerW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.ImageFactory; import; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.AppResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.ImgResourceHelper; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.PerspectiveResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.panels.AlgebraStyleBarW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.StandardButton; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.StyleBarW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetStyleBarW; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Every object which should be dragged needs to be of type DockPanel. A * DockPanel will wrap around the component with the real contents (e.g. the * EuclidianView) and will add a title bar if the user is not in the * "layout fixed" mode. The user can move the DockPanel by dragging the title * bar. * * To add a new dock panel one has to subclass DockPanel, implement the abstract * method DockPanel::loadComponent() and maybe replace DockPanel::getIcon() and * DockPanel::getStyleBar(). * * One can add a panel using Layout::registerPanel(), the GuiManager also * provides GuiManager()::initLayoutPanels() as an easy access point to add new * panels. This is also important because it matters at which point of execution * a panel is added, see Layout::registerPanel() for further information. * * @author Florian Sonner */ public abstract class DockPanelW extends ResizeComposite implements DockPanel, DockComponent { /** Dock manager */ protected DockManagerW dockManager; /** app */ protected AppW app; /** * The ID of this dock panel. */ protected int id; /** * The title of this dock panel. */ private String title = " no title"; /** * If this panel is visible. */ protected boolean visible = false; /** * If this panel has focus. */ protected boolean hasFocus = false; /** * The dimensions of the external window of this panel. */ protected Rectangle frameBounds = new Rectangle(50, 50, 500, 500); /** * If this panel should be opened in a frame the next time it's visible. */ protected boolean openInFrame = false; /** * If there is a style bar associated with this panel. */ private boolean hasStyleBar = false; /** * Style bar component. */ Widget styleBar; /** * If the style bar is visible. */ protected boolean showStyleBar = false; /** * String which stores the position of the panel in the layout. */ protected String embeddedDef = "1"; /** * The size of the panel in the layout, may be either the width or height * depending upon embeddedDef. */ protected int embeddedSize = 150; /** * Panel for the styling bar if one is available. */ private FlowPanel styleBarPanel; /** * Toolbar definition string associated with this panel or null if this * panel has no toolbar. Always contains the string of the perspective * loaded last. */ protected String toolbarString; /** * Default toolbar definition string associated with this panel or null if * this panel has no toolbar. This string is specified in the constructor * and won't change. */ private final String defaultToolbarString; /** * The component used for this view. */ protected Widget component; /** * The location of this panel in the view menu. If -1 this panel won't * appear there at all. */ private int menuOrder; /** * Shortcut to show this panel, SHIFT is automatically used as modifier, * \u0000 is the default value. */ private char menuShortcut; /** * Indicator whether this panel is the last one in the main frame. In this * case no title bar will be visible, but just the stylebar. */ private boolean isAlone; /** * Indicator whether this panel is hidden. A hidden panel is not visible, * but it's View component is still attached to the kernel. */ private boolean isHidden; /** * Flag to determine if the frame field will be created as a JDialog (true) * or as a JFram (false). Default is false. */ private boolean isDialog = false; /** * Images for Stylingbar */ private Image triangleRight, triangleLeft, dragIcon, closeIcon; /** * For calling the onResize method in a deferred way */ Scheduler.ScheduledCommand deferredOnRes = new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { onResize(); } }; /** * For calling the onResize method in a deferred way */ @Override public void deferredOnResize() { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(deferredOnRes); } /** * @return true if this dock panel frame will be created as a JDialog. If * false then it will be created as a JFrame * */ public boolean isDialog() { return isDialog; } /** * Sets the isDialog flag. * * @param isDialog * true if this dock panel frame will be created as a JDialog. If * false then it will be created as a JFrame */ public void setDialog(boolean isDialog) { this.isDialog = isDialog; } /** * Prepare dock panel. DockPanel::register() has to be called to make this * panel fully functional! No shortcut is assigned to the view in this * construtor. * * @param id * The id of the panel * @param title * The title phrase of the view located in * @param toolbar * The default toolbar string (or null if this view has none) * @param hasStyleBar * If a style bar exists * @param menuOrder * The location of this view in the view menu, -1 if the view * should not appear at all */ public DockPanelW(int id, String title, String toolbar, boolean hasStyleBar, int menuOrder) { this(id, title, toolbar, hasStyleBar, menuOrder, '\u0000'); } /** * Prepare dock panel. DockPanel::register() has to be called to make this * panel fully functional! * * @param id * The id of the panel * @param title * The title phrase of the view located in * @param toolbar * The default toolbar string (or null if this view has none) * @param hasStyleBar * If a style bar exists * @param menuOrder * The location of this view in the view menu, -1 if the view * should not appear at all * @param menuShortcut * The shortcut character which can be used to make this view * visible */ public DockPanelW(int id, String title, String toolbar, boolean hasStyleBar, int menuOrder, char menuShortcut) { = id; this.title = title; this.defaultToolbarString = toolbar; // this is different in Web and Desktop! setToolbarString(defaultToolbarString); this.menuOrder = menuOrder; this.menuShortcut = menuShortcut; this.hasStyleBar = hasStyleBar; this.isAlone = false; } /** * @return The icon of the menu item, if this method was not overwritten it * will return the empty icon or null for Win Vista / 7 to prevent * the "checkbox bug" */ public ResourcePrototype getIcon() { return AppResources.INSTANCE.empty(); } /** * @return The style bar. Note: Unless this method is overridden a dummy * stylebar is returned. */ protected Widget loadStyleBar() { return new SimplePanel(); } /** * @return The main panel of this view. */ protected abstract Widget loadComponent(); /** * @return The main panel of this view (null if none was loaded yet). */ public Widget getComponent() { return component; } /** * Method which is called if this dock panel gained focus. This happens if * setFocus(true) was called and this panel had no focus before. * * @remark If GeoGebra is running as unsigned applet focus is just changed * between euclidian views (even if other views were selected in the * meantime). */ protected void focusGained() { // empty by default } /** * Method which is called if this dock panel lost focus. This happens if * setFocus(false) was called and this panel had focus before. * * @remark If GeoGebra is running as unsigned applet focus is just changed * between euclidian views (even if other views were selected in the * meantime). */ protected void focusLost() { // empty by default } /** * Bind this view to a dock manager. Also initializes the whole GUI as just * at this point the application is available. * * @param dockManager1 * dock manager */ public void register(DockManagerW dockManager1) { this.dockManager = dockManager1; app = dockManager1.getLayout().getApplication(); buildDockPanel(); // buildGUI should be called in a lazy way! // buildGUI(); } /** dock panel */ MyDockLayoutPanel dockPanel; /** the main panel of this stylebar */ FlowPanel titleBarPanel; private FlowPanel titleBarPanelContent; private PushButton closeButton; private FlowPanel dragPanel; private FlowPanel closeButtonPanel; private VerticalPanel componentPanel; /** button to collapse / expand stylebar */ protected StandardButton toggleStyleBarButton; private ResourcePrototype viewImage; private ImageResource downImage; // needs to be initialized here, because the button might be added in // adSouth(), before setLayout() is called private final SimplePanel kbButtonSpace = new SimplePanel(); /** * @return height in pixels */ public int getHeight() { return dockPanel.getOffsetHeight(); } /** * @return width in pixels */ public int getWidth() { return dockPanel.getOffsetWidth(); } /** * Create the UI */ protected void buildDockPanel() { // guard against repeated call // while creating DockPanel based GUI (problem with early init of EV) if (dockPanel != null) { return; } dockPanel = new MyDockLayoutPanel(Style.Unit.PX); initWidget(dockPanel); } /** * Build gui, has no effect when called the second time * * @param setlayout * whether to also set layout */ public void buildGUIIfNecessary(boolean setlayout) { // This way it is safe to call buildGUI multiple times if (componentPanel != null) { return; } // This also acts as a boolean to show whether this // method has already been called componentPanel = new VerticalPanel(); componentPanel.setStyleName("ComponentPanel"); styleBarPanel = new FlowPanel(); styleBarPanel.setStyleName("StyleBarPanel_"); titleBarPanel = new FlowPanel(); titleBarPanel.setStyleName("TitleBarPanel"); titleBarPanel.addStyleName("cursor_drag"); // kbButtonSpace = new SimplePanel(); titleBarPanelContent = new FlowPanel(); titleBarPanelContent.setStyleName("TitleBarPanelContent"); titleBarPanel.add(titleBarPanelContent); dragPanel = new FlowPanel(); dragPanel.setStyleName("dragPanel"); ClickStartHandler.init(dragPanel, new ClickStartHandler(true, false) { @Override public void onClickStart(int x, int y, PointerEventType type) { startDragging(); } }); dragPanel.setVisible(false); if(dragIcon == null){ dragIcon = new Image(GuiResources.INSTANCE.dockbar_drag()); /* * Prevent default image drag from interfering with view drag -- * needed for IE */ dragIcon.addDragHandler(new DragHandler() { @Override public void onDrag(DragEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); } }); } dragPanel.add(dragIcon); if(closeIcon == null){ closeIcon = new Image(GuiResources.INSTANCE.dockbar_close()); } closeButton = new PushButton(closeIcon); closeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { app.getGuiManager().setShowView(false,; } }); closeButtonPanel = new FlowPanel(); closeButtonPanel.setStyleName("closeButtonPanel"); closeButtonPanel.setVisible(isStyleBarEmpty()); closeButtonPanel.add(closeButton); titleBarPanelContent.add(styleBarPanel); titleBarPanelContent.add(dragPanel); if (!this.isStyleBarEmpty()) { addToggleButton(); } titleBarPanelContent.setVisible(!isStyleBarEmpty()); if (this.isStyleBarEmpty()) { titleBarPanel.add(closeButtonPanel); } if (app.getGuiManager().isDraggingViews()) { enableDragging(true); } if (setlayout) { setLayout(false); } } /** * Switch panel to drag mode */ protected void startDragging() { if (componentPanel == null) { return; } dockManager.drag(DockPanelW.this); } private void addToggleButton() { // always show the view-icon; otherwise use showStylebar as parameter if (app.has(Feature.DYNAMIC_STYLEBAR)) { toggleStyleBarButton = new StandardButton(getToggleImage(false), null, 24); toggleStyleBarButton.addStyleName("toggleStyleBarNew"); downImage = (ImageResource) getResources().back_right(); } else { toggleStyleBarButton = new StandardButton(getToggleImage(false), null, 32); toggleStyleBarButton.addStyleName("toggleStyleBar"); } if(!showStyleBar && viewImage != null){ toggleStyleBarButton.addStyleName("toggleStyleBarViewIcon"); } FastClickHandler toggleStyleBarHandler = new FastClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(Widget source) { setShowStyleBar(!showStyleBar); updateStyleBarVisibility(); if (styleBar instanceof StyleBarW) { ((StyleBarW) styleBar).setOpen(showStyleBar); } } }; toggleStyleBarButton.addFastClickHandler(toggleStyleBarHandler); titleBarPanelContent.add(toggleStyleBarButton); } /** * Update localization */ public final void setLabels() { if (toggleStyleBarButton != null) { toggleStyleBarButton .setTitle(app.getLocalization().getMenu("ToggleStyleBar")); } } /** * sets the layout of the stylebar and title panel * * @param deferred * whether to set the layout in deferred call */ protected void setLayout(boolean deferred) { if (!isVisible()) { return; } buildGUIIfNecessary(false); dockPanel.clear(); Log.debug(app.allowStylebar()); if (hasStyleBar()) { if (app.getSettings().getLayout().showTitleBar() && (app.allowStylebar() || needsResetIcon() || forceCloseButton())) { dockPanel.addNorth(titleBarPanel, 0); } if (isStyleBarVisible()) { setStyleBar(); updateStyleBarVisibility(); } if (styleBar instanceof StyleBarW) { ((StyleBarW) styleBar).setOpen(showStyleBar); } updateStyleBarVisibility(); } if (!app.allowStylebar() && needsResetIcon()) { showResetIcon(); } dockPanel.addSouth(kbButtonSpace, 0); if (component != null) { dockPanel.add(component); } else { dockPanel.add(componentPanel); } if (deferred) { deferredOnResize(); } else { onResize(); } } private boolean forceCloseButton() { return getViewId() == App.VIEW_PROPERTIES && app.getArticleElement().getDataParamEnableRightClick(); } protected boolean needsResetIcon() { return false; } public int getComponentInteriorHeight() { if (dockPanel != null) { int h = (int) dockPanel.getCenterHeight(); if (h == 0 && this.getParentSplitPane() != null) { return this.getParentSplitPane().getPreferredHeight(this); } return h; } return 0; } public int getComponentInteriorWidth() { if (dockPanel != null) { int w = (int) dockPanel.getCenterWidth(); if (w == 0 && this.getParentSplitPane() != null) { return this.getParentSplitPane().getPreferredWidth(this); } return w; } return 0; } /** * extends DockLayoutPanel to expose getCenterHeight() and getCenterWidth() * TODO: move some code above into this class, e.g. setLayout(), or possibly * extend DockPanelW itself */ public static class MyDockLayoutPanel extends DockLayoutPanel { public MyDockLayoutPanel(Unit unit) { super(unit); addStyleName("ggbdockpanelhack"); } @Override public double getCenterHeight() { return super.getCenterHeight(); } @Override public double getCenterWidth() { return super.getCenterWidth(); } @Override public void add(Widget w){ if(this.getCenter()!=null){ Log.error("TODO: dock panel filled twice"); this.remove(this.getCenter()); } super.add(w); } } /** * * @return title in plain style */ protected String getPlainTitle() { return app.getLocalization().getMenu(title); } /** * * @return toolTip text as HTML string with image and title */ protected String getToolTip() { FlowPanel p = new FlowPanel(); String caption; if (!this.isStyleBarEmpty()) { Image img = new NoDragImage(ImgResourceHelper.safeURI(getIcon()), 24); img.getElement().getStyle().setVerticalAlign(VerticalAlign.MIDDLE); img.getElement().getStyle().setMarginRight(4, Unit.PX); p.add(img); caption = app.getLocalization().getMenu(title); } else { caption = app.getLocalization().getMenu("Close"); } p.add(new InlineLabel(caption)); return p.getElement().getInnerHTML(); } private boolean longStyleBar = false; /** * Update all elements in the title bar. */ public void updateTitleBar() { if (componentPanel == null) { return; } updateLabels(); } public void updateLabels() { //TODO implement or delete } /** * A panel is 'alone' if no other panel is visible in the main frame. In * this case no title bar is displayed, but just the style bar. Changing the * value of the 'alone' state will cause the GUI to update automatically if * this panel is visible. * * @param isAlone */ public void setAlone(boolean isAlone) { if (this.isAlone == isAlone) { return; } this.isAlone = isAlone; if (isVisible()) { updatePanel(true); } } /** * @return If this panel thinks it's the last visible one in the main frame. */ public boolean isAlone() { return isAlone; } /** * @return If this panel is hidden but not permanently removed. */ public boolean isHidden() { return isHidden; } /** * Sets the the isHidden flag (no other action) */ public void setHidden(boolean isHidden) { this.isHidden = isHidden; } /** * Update the panel. */ public final void updatePanel(boolean deferred) { if (!isVisible()) { return; } if (component == null) { component = loadComponent(); } setLayout(deferred); //ignore } /** * Build the toolbar GUI. */ public void buildToolbarGui() { // TODO implement or delete } /** * Update the toolbar GUI. */ public void updateToolbar() { app.getGuiManager().setActivePanelAndToolbar(id); } /** * Update fonts. */ public void updateFonts() { //TODO implement or delete } /** * Close this panel. * * @param isPermanent */ protected void closePanel(boolean isPermanent) { dockManager.closePanel(this, isPermanent); } @Override public void closePanel() { closePanel(true); } /** loads the styleBar and puts it into the styleBarPanel */ private void setStyleBar() { if (styleBar == null) { buildGUIIfNecessary(false); styleBar = loadStyleBar(); styleBarPanel.add(styleBar); } } /** * Update the style bar visibility. */ public void updateStyleBarVisibility() { if (!isVisible()) { return; } buildGUIIfNecessary(true); if (app.has(Feature.DYNAMIC_STYLEBAR) && toggleStyleBarButton != null) { if (showStyleBar) { toggleStyleBarButton.setIcon(downImage); } else { toggleStyleBarButton.setIcon((ImageResource) viewImage); } } styleBarPanel.setVisible(isStyleBarVisible()); if (isStyleBarVisible()) { setStyleBar(); styleBar.setVisible(showStyleBar && !app.getGuiManager().isDraggingViews()); } if (styleBar instanceof SpreadsheetStyleBarW || styleBar instanceof CASStylebarW || styleBar instanceof AlgebraStyleBarW) { setStyleBarLongVisibility(isStyleBarVisible()); } } /** * Sets style bar visibility to true and false. * When visible, style bar occupies a space of a full row (instead of floating). * E.g. in CASView and SpreadsheetView * @param value true to show style bar */ private void setStyleBarLongVisibility(boolean value) { // in applets title bar may be null and view menu still enabled if (app.allowStylebar() && titleBarPanel != null && titleBarPanel.getLayoutData() != null) { dockPanel.setWidgetSize(titleBarPanel, value ? 44 : 0); titleBarPanel.setStyleName("TitleBarPanel-open", value); setLongStyleBar(value); deferredOnResize(); } } /** * @return The parent DockSplitPane or null. */ public DockSplitPaneW getParentSplitPane() { if (isOpenInFrame()) { return null; } Widget parent = getParent(); if (!(parent instanceof DockSplitPaneW)) { return null; } return (DockSplitPaneW) parent; } /** * @return The embedded def string for this DockPanel. */ public String calculateEmbeddedDef() { StringBuilder def = new StringBuilder(); Widget current = this; Widget parent = this.getParent(); DockSplitPaneW parentDSP; while (parent instanceof DockSplitPaneW) { int defType = -1; parentDSP = (DockSplitPaneW) parent; if (parentDSP.getOrientation() == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT) { if (current == parentDSP.getLeftComponent()) { defType = 3; } else { // right defType = 1; } } else { if (current == parentDSP.getLeftComponent()) { defType = 0; } else { // bottom defType = 2; } } if (def.length() == 0) { def.append(defType); } else { def.append(","); def.append(defType); } current = parent; parent = current.getParent(); } // gwt does not support reverse() ?? // return def.reverse().toString(); // reverse is OK for GWT 2.8 return def.reverse().toString(); } /** * @return The XML container which stores all relevant information for this * panel. */ public DockPanelData createInfo() { return new DockPanelData(id, getToolbarString(), visible, openInFrame, showStyleBar, new Rectangle(frameBounds), embeddedDef, embeddedSize); } /** * If this view should open in a frame. Has no immediate effect. * * @param openInFrame */ public void setOpenInFrame(boolean openInFrame) { this.openInFrame = openInFrame; } /** * @return Whether this view should open in frame. */ @Override public boolean isOpenInFrame() { // TODO: return openInFrame; // currently opening in an own frame is not implemented on web, // so temporarily it will return false all time (see #3468) return false; // return openInFrame; } /** * If the stylebar of this view should be visible. Has no immediate effect. * * @param showStyleBar */ public void setShowStyleBar(boolean showStyleBar) { this.showStyleBar = showStyleBar; if (app != null) { app.dispatchEvent(new Event(EventType.SHOW_STYLE_BAR, null, "[" + showStyleBar + "," + getViewId() + "]")); } // if (this.toggleStyleBarButton != null) { // this.toggleStyleBarButton.getElement().removeAllChildren(); // this.toggleStyleBarButton.getElement().appendChild(getToggleImage(showStyleBar).getElement()); // if(!showStyleBar && viewImage != null){ // toggleStyleBarButton.addStyleName("toggleStyleBarViewIcon"); // } else { // toggleStyleBarButton.removeStyleName("toggleStyleBarViewIcon"); // } // } } /** * @return If the style bar should be visible. */ public boolean isStyleBarVisible() { if (id == App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN || id == App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2 || id == App.VIEW_ALGEBRA) { if (!app.getSettings().getLayout().isAllowingStyleBar()) { return false; } } return (showStyleBar /* * || !(theRealTitleBarPanel.isVisible() && * theRealTitleBarPanel.isAttached()) */); } /** * just return hasStyleBar - overridden for spreadsheet * * @return hasStyleBar */ protected boolean hasStyleBar() { return hasStyleBar; } public void setFrameBounds(Rectangle frameBounds) { this.frameBounds = frameBounds; } public Rectangle getFrameBounds() { return this.frameBounds; } /** * @return return the Window */ /* * public Window getFrame() { return frame; } */ /** * @param embeddedDef * the embeddedDef to set */ public void setEmbeddedDef(String embeddedDef) { this.embeddedDef = embeddedDef; } public String getEmbeddedDef() { return embeddedDef; } /** * @param embeddedSize * the embeddedSize to set */ public void setEmbeddedSize(int embeddedSize) { this.embeddedSize = embeddedSize; } /** * @return the embeddedSize */ public int getEmbeddedSize() { return embeddedSize; } /** * @return If this DockPanel is visible. */ @Override public boolean isVisible() { return visible; } /** @return Whether this has focus */ public boolean hasFocus() { return hasFocus; } /** * Mark this panel as focused. When gaining focus the panel will * automatically request focus for its parent frame. * * @remark The focus system implemented here has nothing to do with swings * focus system, therefore Swings focus methods won't work. * * @param hasFocus * has the focus * @param updatePropertiesView * update properties view */ public void setFocus(boolean hasFocus, boolean updatePropertiesView) { if (hasFocus && updatePropertiesView) { app.getGuiManager().updatePropertiesView(); } setFocus(hasFocus); } /** * Mark this panel as focused. When gaining focus the panel will * automatically request focus for its parent frame. * * @remark The focus system implemented here has nothing to do with swings * focus system, therefore Swings focus methods won't work. * * @param hasFocus * has the focus */ protected void setFocus(boolean hasFocus) { // don't change anything if it's not necessary if (this.hasFocus == hasFocus) { return; } this.hasFocus = hasFocus; if (hasFocus) { // request focus and change toolbar if necessary if (isOpenInFrame()) { // TODO frame.requestFocus(); } else { /* * TODO if (!app.isApplet()) { JFrame frame = app.getFrame(); * * if (frame != null) { frame.toFront(); } } */ setActiveToolBar(); } } // call callback methods for focus changes if (hasFocus) { focusGained(); } else { focusLost(); } /* * Mark the focused view in bold if the focus system is available. If * this isn't the case we always stick with the normal font as it would * confuse the users that the focus "indicator" just changes if we * switch between EVs. */ setTitleLabelFocus(); } /** * sets the active toolbar */ protected void setActiveToolBar() { if (hasToolbar()) { ((GuiManagerW) app.getGuiManager()) .setActivePanelAndToolbar(getViewId()); } } /** * Set the title bar focus style * * TODO: Focus is indicated by change in title bar style instead of bold * text, so refactor to express this correctly * */ protected void setTitleLabelFocus() { if (titleIsBold()) { titleBarPanel.addStyleName("TitleBarPanel-focus"); } else { titleBarPanel.removeStyleName("TitleBarPanel-focus"); } } /** * * @return true if title has to be in bold */ protected boolean titleIsBold() { return hasFocus; } /** * @return An unique ID for this DockPanel. */ @Override public int getViewId() { return id; } /** * @return The title of this view. */ public String getViewTitle() { return title; } /** * @return The order of this panel in the view menu, with 0 being "highest". * Will be -1 if this view does not appear in the menu at all. */ public int getMenuOrder() { return menuOrder; } /** * @return Whether the current view has a menu shortcut to toggle its * visibility. */ public boolean hasMenuShortcut() { return menuShortcut != '\u0000'; } /** * @return The menu shortcut of this view. */ public char getMenuShortcut() { return menuShortcut; } /** * @return If this panel has a toolbar. */ public boolean hasToolbar() { return defaultToolbarString != null; } /** * @return If this panel can customize its toolbar. */ public boolean canCustomizeToolbar(){ return hasToolbar(); } /** * @return The definition string associated with this toolbar. */ @Override public String getToolbarString() { return toolbarString; } /** * Set the toolbar string of this view. If the toolbar string is null but * this panel has a panel normally the default toolbar string is used. This * is used for backward compability. Has no visible effect. * * @param toolbarString */ public void setToolbarString(String toolbarString) { if (toolbarString == null && hasToolbar()) { this.toolbarString = defaultToolbarString; } else { this.toolbarString = toolbarString; } } /** * @return The default toolbar string of this panel (or null). */ @Override public String getDefaultToolbarString() { return defaultToolbarString; } /** * @return dock panel information as string for debugging. */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[DockPanel,id="); sb.append(getViewId()); sb.append(",toolbar="); sb.append(getToolbarString()); sb.append(",visible="); sb.append(isVisible()); sb.append(",inframe="); sb.append(isOpenInFrame()); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public String toString(String prefix) { return "\n" + prefix + this.toString(); } @Override public boolean updateResizeWeight() { return false; } @Override public void saveDividerLocation() { // no divider here } @Override public void updateDividerLocation(int size, int orientation1) { // no divider here } @Override public void setDockPanelsVisible(boolean visible) { setVisible(visible); } public void enableDragging(boolean drag) { if (dragPanel == null) { return; } // titleBarPanelContent is unvisible, when it's empty // so is has to be shown/hidden when dragmode changes titleBarPanelContent.setVisible(drag || !isStyleBarEmpty()); dragPanel.setVisible(drag); // hide close button when in dragmode closeButtonPanel.setVisible(!drag); //TODO view menu? if(drag){ titleBarPanelContent.removeStyleName("TitleBarPanelContent"); titleBarPanelContent.addStyleName("DragPanel"); } else { titleBarPanelContent.removeStyleName("DragPanel"); titleBarPanelContent.addStyleName("TitleBarPanelContent"); } if (this.toggleStyleBarButton != null) { this.toggleStyleBarButton.setVisible(!drag); } if (drag) { this.styleBarPanel.setVisible(false); } else { updateStyleBarVisibility(); if (styleBar instanceof StyleBarW) { ((StyleBarW) styleBar).setOpen(showStyleBar); } } } public boolean isStyleBarEmpty() { return false; } public GDimension getEstimatedSize() { switch (getViewId()) { case App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN: return new GDimensionW(app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1) .getPreferredSize().getWidth(), app.getSettings() .getEuclidian(1).getPreferredSize().getHeight()); case App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2: return new GDimensionW(app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2) .getPreferredSize().getWidth(), app.getSettings() .getEuclidian(2).getPreferredSize().getHeight()); case App.VIEW_SPREADSHEET: return new GDimensionW(app.getSettings().getSpreadsheet() .preferredSize().getWidth(), app.getSettings() .getSpreadsheet().preferredSize().getHeight()); } // probably won't work return new GDimensionW(getOffsetWidth(), getOffsetHeight()); } private int embeddedDimWidth, embeddedDimHeight; private ShowKeyboardButton keyboardButton; /** * embedded dimensions (calculated when perspective is set) * * @param w * width * @param h * height */ public void setEmbeddedDim(int w, int h) { embeddedDimWidth = w; embeddedDimHeight = h; } /** * * @return embedded width */ public int getEmbeddedDimWidth() { return embeddedDimWidth; } /** * * @return embedded height */ public int getEmbeddedDimHeight() { return embeddedDimHeight; } /** * Initializes the view-specific icon of the DockPanel * * @param imageResource: the icon the be shown */ public void setViewImage(ResourcePrototype imageResource){ this.viewImage = imageResource; } private ResourcePrototype getToggleImage(boolean showing){ if(showing){ if(triangleRight == null){ triangleRight = new Image( GuiResources.INSTANCE.dockbar_triangle_right()); } return GuiResources.INSTANCE.dockbar_triangle_right(); } if(viewImage != null){ return viewImage; } if(triangleLeft == null){ triangleLeft = new Image( GuiResources.INSTANCE.dockbar_triangle_left()); } return GuiResources.INSTANCE.dockbar_triangle_left(); } public void setStyleBarRightOffset(int offset){ if(this.titleBarPanel != null){ this.titleBarPanel.getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); this.titleBarPanel.getElement().getStyle().setRight(offset, Unit.PX); } } public void showStyleBarPanel(boolean show){ if(this.titleBarPanel != null){ this.titleBarPanel.setVisible(show); } } public boolean isStyleBarPanelShown() { if (titleBarPanel != null) { return this.titleBarPanel.isVisible() && titleBarPanel.getParent() != null; } return false; } protected PerspectiveResources getResources(){ return ((ImageFactory)GWT.create(ImageFactory.class)).getPerspectiveResources(); } public void addToToolbar(int mode) { this.toolbarString = ToolBar.addMode(toolbarString, mode); } public void setCloseButtonVisible(boolean isVisible) { if (closeButtonPanel == null) { return; } closeButtonPanel.setVisible(isVisible); } public void addSouth(ShowKeyboardButton showKeyboardButton) { if (this.kbButtonSpace == null) { return; } this.kbButtonSpace.setWidget(showKeyboardButton); } /** * set a ShowKeyBoardButton that will be updated, if this panel is resized * * @param button * the button to be updated */ public void setKeyBoardButton(ShowKeyboardButton button) { this.keyboardButton = button; } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { if (this.visible != visible) { this.visible = visible; if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().updatePropertiesViewStylebar(); } } if(!app.has(Feature.SHOW_ONE_KEYBOARD_BUTTON_IN_FRAME)){ // hide the keyboard-button, when the view is closed if (keyboardButton != null && !visible) { keyboardButton.hide(); } } if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { ((GuiManagerW) app.getGuiManager()).updatePrintMenu(); } } public MathKeyboardListener getKeyboardListener() { return null; } @Override public void updateNavigationBar() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public boolean hasPlane() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } public int navHeight() { return 0; } public boolean hasLongStyleBar() { return longStyleBar; } public void setLongStyleBar(boolean longStyleBar) { this.longStyleBar = longStyleBar; } public int navHeightIfShown() { return app.showConsProtNavigation(getViewId()) ? navHeight() : 0; } public void showResetIcon() { StandardButton resetIcon = new StandardButton( GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE.viewRefresh(), null, 24); resetIcon.addFastClickHandler(new FastClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(Widget source) { app.reset(); } }); if (!app.allowStylebar()) { titleBarPanel.clear(); titleBarPanel.add(resetIcon); } else { titleBarPanelContent.add(resetIcon); } } }