package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.menubar; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.main.OptionType; import org.geogebra.common.main.SelectionManager; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.web.css.GuiResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.AppResources; /** * The "Edit" menu. */ public class EditMenuW extends GMenuBar { /** * Application instance */ final AppW app; /** * Reference to selection manager */ final SelectionManager selection; private boolean valid = true; private Localization loc; /** * Constructs the "Edit" menu * * @param app * Application instance */ public EditMenuW(AppW app) { super(true, "edit", new MenuResources()); = app; this.loc = app.getLocalization(); this.selection = app.getSelectionManager(); addStyleName("GeoGebraMenuBar"); initActions(); } /** * initializes the menu */ void initActions() { String noIcon = AppResources.INSTANCE.empty().getSafeUri().asString(); /* * layer values: -1 means nothing selected -2 means different layers * selected */ int layer = selection.getSelectedLayer(); boolean justCreated = !(app.getActiveEuclidianView() .getEuclidianController().getJustCreatedGeos().isEmpty()); boolean haveSelection = !selection.getSelectedGeos().isEmpty(); clearItems(); if (app.isUndoRedoEnabled()) { addUndoRedo(); // separator addSeparator(); } // copy menu addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(GuiResources.INSTANCE .menu_icon_edit_copy().getSafeUri().asString(), loc.getMenu("Copy"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { if (!selection.getSelectedGeos().isEmpty()) { app.setWaitCursor(); app.getCopyPaste().copyToXML(app, selection.getSelectedGeos(), false); initActions(); // app.updateMenubar(); - it's needn't to // update the all menubar here app.setDefaultCursor(); } } }); // paste menu addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(GuiResources.INSTANCE .menu_icon_edit_paste().getSafeUri().asString(), loc.getMenu("Paste"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { if (!app.getCopyPaste().isEmpty()) { app.setWaitCursor(); app.getCopyPaste().pasteFromXML(app, false); app.setDefaultCursor(); } } }); addSeparator(); // object properties menu addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_options().getSafeUri() .asString(), !app.getKernel() .isEmpty() ? loc.getMenu("Properties") : loc .getMenu("Options") + " ...", true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { app.getDialogManager().showPropertiesDialog( OptionType.OBJECTS, null); } }); addSeparator(); // select all menu addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(noIcon, loc.getMenu("SelectAll"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { if (!app.getKernel().isEmpty()) { selection.selectAll(-1); } } }); // select current layer menu if (selection.getSelectedLayer() >= 0 && app.getMaxLayerUsed() > 0) { addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(noIcon, loc.getMenu("SelectCurrentLayer"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { int layer1 = selection.getSelectedLayer(); if (layer1 != -1) { selection.selectAll(layer1); // select all // objects in layer } } }); } if (selection.hasDescendants()) { // select descendants menu addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(noIcon, loc.getMenu("SelectDescendants"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { selection.selectAllDescendants(); } }); } if (selection.hasPredecessors()) { // select ancestors menu addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(noIcon, loc.getMenu("SelectAncestors"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { selection.selectAllPredecessors(); } }); } if (haveSelection) { addSeparator(); // invert selection menu addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(noIcon, loc.getMenu("InvertSelection"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { selection.invertSelection(); } }); } // show/hide objects and show/hide labels menus if (layer != -1) { addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(noIcon, loc.getMenu("ShowHide"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { selection.showHideSelection(); } }); addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(noIcon, loc.getMenu("ShowHideLabels"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { selection.showHideSelectionLabels(); } }); } // Delete menu if (layer != -1 || justCreated) { addSeparator(); addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(GuiResources.INSTANCE .menu_icon_edit_delete().getSafeUri().asString(), loc.getMenu("Delete"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { app.deleteSelectedObjects(false); } }); } } private void addUndoRedo() { // undo menu addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(GuiResources.INSTANCE .menu_icon_edit_undo().getSafeUri().asString(), loc.getMenu("Undo"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void execute() { if (app.getKernel().undoPossible()) { app.getGuiManager().undo(); } } }); // redo menu addItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(GuiResources.INSTANCE .menu_icon_edit_redo().getSafeUri().asString(), loc.getMenu("Redo"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void execute() { if (app.getKernel().redoPossible()) { app.getGuiManager().redo(); } } }); } /** * Make sure next update() rebuilds the UI */ public void invalidate(){ if (app.isMenuShowing()) { this.valid = true; this.initActions(); } else { this.valid = false; } } /** * Rebuild the UI if invalid */ public void update() { if (!valid) { valid = true; this.initActions(); } } }