package org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.SpreadsheetTableModel; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EventType; public abstract class CopyPasteCut { // ggb support classes protected Kernel kernel; protected App app; private SpreadsheetTableModel tableModel; private SpreadsheetViewInterface view; private MyTableInterface table; /** * Stores copied cell geo values as a tab-delimited string. */ private StringBuilder cellBufferStr; /** * Stores copied cell geos as GeoElement[columns][rows] */ private GeoElement[][] cellBufferGeo; /** * Records the first row of the current cell range copy source */ protected int sourceColumn1; /** * Records the first column of the current cell range copy source */ protected int sourceRow1; /** * Stores construction index values while performing a paste */ private Object[] constructionIndexes; /*************************************** * Constructor */ public CopyPasteCut(App app) { tableModel = app.getSpreadsheetTableModel(); = app; kernel = app.getKernel(); } private SpreadsheetViewInterface getView() { if (view == null) { view = app.getGuiManager() .getSpreadsheetView(); } return view; } protected MyTableInterface getTable() { if (table == null) { table = getView().getSpreadsheetTable(); } return table; } /** * Combines the GeoElement.toValueStrings from a given block of cell geos * into a single tab-delimited string. This string is stored in (1) the * global String field cellBufferStr and (2) the system clipboard. * * If skipGeoCopy = false, the geos are also stored in the global * GeoElement[][] field cellBufferGeo * * The cell block is defined by upper-left corner (column1, row1) and lower * left corner (column2, row2) * * @param column1 * @param row1 * @param column2 * @param row2 * @param skipGeoCopy */ abstract public void copy(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2, boolean skipGeoCopy); /** * Copies the contents of the cell block defined by upper-left corner * (column1, row1) and lower left corner (column2, row2) into the system * clipboard and then deletes these geos. * * TODO: The external buffer is nulled out so that a followup paste will not * perform a relative copy. This needs to be fixed, relative copy is * expected by the user. * * @param column1 * @param row1 * @param column2 * @param row2 * @return */ public boolean cut(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2) { copy(column1, row1, column2, row2, false); // null out the external buffer so that paste will not do a relative // copy setCellBufferStr(null); return delete(column1, row1, column2, row2); } /** * Pastes data from the clipboard into the given spreadsheet cell range. * * @param cr * the target cell range * @return */ public boolean paste(CellRange cr) { return paste(cr.getMinColumn(), cr.getMinRow(), cr.getMaxColumn(), cr.getMaxRow()); } /** * Pastes data from the clipboard into the given spreadsheet cells. * * @param column1 * first column of the target cell range * @param row1 * first row of the target cell range * @param column2 * last column of the target cell range * @param row2 * last row of the target cell range * @return */ abstract public boolean paste(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2); /** * Copies geos from the field cellBufferGeo and then pastes (renames) them * into the given target cell range using relative cell references in their * definitions. The data may be pasted multiple times to fill in the target * rectangle (and maybe overflow a bit) * * @param column1 * first column of the target cell range * @param row1 * first row of the target cell range * @param column2 * last column of the target cell range * @param row2 * last row of the target cell range * @return */ public boolean pasteInternalMultiple(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2) { boolean succ = true; Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); try { int columnStep = getCellBufferGeo().length; int rowStep = getCellBufferGeo()[0].length; int maxColumn = column2; int maxRow = row2; // paste all data if just one cell selected // ie overflow selection rectangle if (row2 == row1 && column2 == column1) { maxColumn = column1 + columnStep; maxRow = row1 + rowStep; } // collect all redefine operations cons.startCollectingRedefineCalls(); // paste data multiple times to fill in the selection rectangle (and // maybe overflow a bit) for (int c = column1; c <= column2; c += columnStep) { for (int r = row1; r <= row2; r += rowStep) { succ = succ && pasteInternal(c, r, maxColumn, maxRow); } } // now do all redefining and build new construction cons.processCollectedRedefineCalls(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); app.showError(ex.getMessage()); } finally { cons.stopCollectingRedefineCalls(); app.setDefaultCursor(); } return succ; } /** * Creates copies of the geos stored in the global field cellBufferGeo. The * copied values are named as spreadsheet cells corresponding to the given * target cell range and the original source cell locations. Relative cell * references are then applied to match the location of these new geos. * * The target cell range is defined by upper left corner (column1, row1) and * lower right corner (maxColumn, maxRow). * * @param column1 * minimum target column * @param row1 * minimum target row * @param maxColumn * maximum target column * @param maxRow * maximum target row * @return * @throws Exception */ public boolean pasteInternal(int column1, int row1, int maxColumn, int maxRow) throws Exception { int width = getCellBufferGeo().length; if (width == 0) { return false; } int height = getCellBufferGeo()[0].length; if (height == 0) { return false; } app.setWaitCursor(); boolean succ = false; // Application.debug("height = " + height+" width = "+width); int x1 = sourceColumn1; int y1 = sourceRow1; int x2 = sourceColumn1 + width - 1; int y2 = sourceRow1 + height - 1; int x3 = column1; int y3 = row1; int x4 = column1 + width - 1; int y4 = row1 + height - 1; GeoElementND[][] values2 = RelativeCopy.getValues(app, x3, y3, x4, y4); /* * for (int i = 0; i < values2.length; ++ i) { for (int j = 0; j < * values2[i].length; ++ j) { if (values2[i][j] != null) { * values2[i][j].remove(); values2[i][j] = null; } } } /* */ int size = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1); if (constructionIndexes == null || constructionIndexes.length < size) { constructionIndexes = new Object[size]; } int count = 0; // ensure the table is large enough to contain the new data if (tableModel.getRowCount() < y4 + 1) { tableModel.setRowCount(y4 + 1); } if (tableModel.getColumnCount() < x4 + 1) { tableModel.setColumnCount(x4 + 1); } GeoElement[][] values1 = getCellBufferGeo();// RelativeCopy.getValues(table, // x1, y1, x2, y2); try { for (int x = x1; x <= x2; ++x) { int ix = x - x1; for (int y = y1; y <= y2; ++y) { int iy = y - y1; // check if we're pasting back into what we're copying from boolean inSource = x + (x3 - x1) <= x2 && x + (x3 - x1) >= x1 && y + (y3 - y1) <= y2 && y + (y3 - y1) >= y1; // Application.debug("x1="+x1+" x2="+x2+" x3="+x3+" // x4="+x4+" x="+x+" ix="+ix); // Application.debug("y1="+y1+" y2="+y2+" y3="+y3+" // y4="+y4+" y="+y+" iy="+iy); if (ix + column1 <= maxColumn && iy + row1 <= maxRow// ) { // // // check // not // outside // selection // rectangle && (!inSource)) { // check we're not pasting over // what we're copying if (values1[ix][iy] != null) { // just record the coordinates for pasting constructionIndexes[count] = new Record( values1[ix][iy].getConstructionIndex(), ix, iy, x3 - x1, y3 - y1); count++; } // values2[ix][iy] = // RelativeCopy.doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo0(kernel, table, // values1[ix][iy], values2[ix][iy], x3 - x1, y3 - y1); // if (values1[ix][iy] != null && values2[ix][iy] != // null) // values2[ix][iy].setAllVisualProperties(values1[ix][iy]); } } } // sort according to the construction index // so that objects are pasted in the correct order Arrays.sort(constructionIndexes, 0, count, getComparator()); // do the pasting for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Record r = (Record) constructionIndexes[i]; int ix = r.getx1(); int iy = r.gety1(); values2[ix][iy] = RelativeCopy.doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo0(kernel, app, values1[ix][iy], values2[ix][iy], r.getx2(), r.gety2()); } succ = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { app.setDefaultCursor(); } return succ; } /** * Pastes data from 2D String array into a given cell range. The data may be * pasted multiple times to fill in an oversized target rectangle (and maybe * overflow a bit). * * @param data * @param column1 * minimum target column * @param row1 * minimum target row * @param column2 * maximum target column * @param row2 * maximum target row * @return */ protected boolean pasteExternalMultiple(String[][] data, CellRange cr) { return pasteExternalMultiple(data, cr.getMinColumn(), cr.getMinRow(), cr.getMaxColumn(), cr.getMaxRow()); } /** * Pastes data from 2D String array into a given set of cells. The data may * be pasted multiple times to fill in an oversized target rectangle (and * maybe overflow a bit). * * @param data * @param column1 * minimum target column * @param row1 * minimum target row * @param column2 * maximum target column * @param row2 * maximum target row * @return */ protected boolean pasteExternalMultiple(String[][] data, int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2) { boolean oldEqualsSetting = app.getSettings().getSpreadsheet() .equalsRequired(); app.getSettings().getSpreadsheet().setEqualsRequired(true); boolean succ = true; // Fixing NPE in chrome: if (data == null) { return false; } else if (data[0] == null) { return false; } int rowStep = data.length; int columnStep = data[0].length; if (columnStep == 0) { return false; } int maxColumn = column2; int maxRow = row2; // paste all data if just one cell selected // ie overflow selection rectangle if (row2 == row1 && column2 == column1) { maxColumn = column1 + columnStep; maxRow = row1 + rowStep; } // paste data multiple times to fill in the selection rectangle (and // maybe overflow a bit) for (int c = column1; c <= column2; c += columnStep) { for (int r = row1; r <= row2; r += rowStep) { succ = succ && pasteExternal(data, c, r, maxColumn, maxRow); } } app.getSettings().getSpreadsheet().setEqualsRequired(oldEqualsSetting); return succ; } /** * Creates new cell geos using the string values stored in the given * String[][]. Cells are named to correspond with the target cell range * defined by upper left corner (column1, row1) and lower right corner * (maxColumn, maxRow). Does not apply relative cell references. * * @param data * @param column1 * @param row1 * @param maxColumn * @param maxRow * @return */ public boolean pasteExternal(String[][] data, int column1, int row1, int maxColumn, int maxRow) { app.setWaitCursor(); boolean succ = false; try { if (tableModel.getRowCount() < row1 + data.length) { tableModel.setRowCount(row1 + data.length); } GeoElementND[][] values2 = new GeoElement[data.length][]; int maxLen = -1; for (int row = row1; row < row1 + data.length; ++row) { if (row < 0 || row > maxRow) { continue; } int iy = row - row1; values2[iy] = new GeoElement[data[iy].length]; if (maxLen < data[iy].length) { maxLen = data[iy].length; } if (tableModel.getColumnCount() < column1 + data[iy].length) { tableModel.setColumnCount(column1 + data[iy].length); } for (int column = column1; column < column1 + data[iy].length; ++column) { if (column < 0 || column > maxColumn) { continue; } int ix = column - column1; // Application.debug(iy + " " + ix + " [" + data[iy][ix] + // "]"); if (data[iy][ix] == null) { continue; } data[iy][ix] = data[iy][ix].trim(); if (data[iy][ix].length() == 0) { GeoElement value0 = RelativeCopy.getValue(app, column, row); if (value0 != null) { // Application.debug(value0.toValueString()); // MyCellEditor.prepareAddingValueToTable(kernel, // table, null, value0, column, row); // value0.remove(); value0.removeOrSetUndefinedIfHasFixedDescendent(); } } else { GeoElement value0 = RelativeCopy.getValue(app, column, row); values2[iy][ix] = RelativeCopy .prepareAddingValueToTableNoStoringUndoInfo( kernel, app, data[iy][ix], value0, column, row, true); // values2[iy][ix].setAuxiliaryObject(values2[iy][ix].isGeoNumeric()); values2[iy][ix].setAuxiliaryObject(true); } } } // Application.debug("maxLen=" + maxLen); app.repaintSpreadsheet(); /* * if (values2.length == 1 || maxLen == 1) { * createPointsAndAList1(values2); } if (values2.length == 2 || * maxLen == 2) { createPointsAndAList2(values2); } */ succ = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // app.showError(ex.getMessage()); // Util.handleException(table, ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { app.setDefaultCursor(); } return succ; } public boolean delete(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2) { return delete(app, column1, row1, column2, row2, getTable().getSelectionType()); } public void deleteAll() { delete(0, 0, tableModel.getColumnCount(), tableModel.getRowCount()); } public static boolean delete(App app, int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2, int selectionType) { boolean succ = false; TreeSet<GeoElement> toRemove = new TreeSet<GeoElement>(); for (int column = column1; column <= column2; ++column) { for (int row = row1; row <= row2; ++row) { GeoElement value0 = RelativeCopy.getValue(app, column, row); if (value0 != null && !value0.isProtected(EventType.REMOVE)) { toRemove.add(value0); } } } app.getKernel().setSpreadsheetBatchRunning(true); int size = toRemove.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { toRemove.last().removeOrSetUndefinedIfHasFixedDescendent(); succ = true; toRemove.remove(toRemove.last()); } app.getKernel().setSpreadsheetBatchRunning(false); // Let the trace manager know about the delete // TODO add SelectAll if (selectionType == MyTableInterface.COLUMN_SELECT) { app.getTraceManager().handleColumnDelete(column1, column2); } else { app.getTraceManager().handleColumnDelete(column1, row1, column2, row2); } if (succ) { app.getKernel().notifyRepaint(); } return succ; } private static class Record { int id, x1, y1, x2, y2; public Record(int id, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { = id; this.x1 = x1; this.x2 = x2; this.y1 = y1; this.y2 = y2; } public int getx1() { return x1; } public int getx2() { return x2; } public int gety1() { return y1; } public int gety2() { return y2; } } /** * used to sort Records based on the id (which is the construction index) */ public static Comparator getComparator() { if (comparator == null) { comparator = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Object a, Object b) { Record itemA = (Record) a; Record itemB = (Record) b; return -; } }; } return comparator; } /** * @return copied cell geo values as a tab-delimited string. */ protected StringBuilder getCellBufferStr() { return cellBufferStr; } /** * @param cellBufferStr * copied cell geo values as a tab-delimited string. */ protected void setCellBufferStr(StringBuilder cellBufferStr) { this.cellBufferStr = cellBufferStr; } protected GeoElement[][] getCellBufferGeo() { return cellBufferGeo; } protected void setCellBufferGeo(GeoElement[][] cellBufferGeo) { this.cellBufferGeo = cellBufferGeo; } private static Comparator comparator; }