package org.geogebra.common.util.debug; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; //import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; /** * Common logging class * * @author Zoltan Kovacs <> */ public abstract class Log { /** logger */ private static volatile Log logger; private static Object lock = new Object(); /** * Logging level */ public static class Level { /** * Log level priority */ int priority; /** * Category text */ String text; /** * Creates a logging level * * @param priority * Log level priority * @param text * Category text */ Level(int priority, String text) { this.priority = priority; this.text = text; } /** * Message priority, the lower the more problematic. * * @return the priority */ public int getPriority() { return priority; } } private static Set<String> reportedImplementationNeeded = new TreeSet<String>(); /** emergency */ public final Level EMERGENCY = new Level(0, "EMERGENCY"); /** alert */ public final Level ALERT = new Level(1, "ALERT"); /** critical */ public final Level CRITICAL = new Level(2, "CRITICAL"); /** error */ public final Level ERROR = new Level(3, "ERROR"); /** warning */ public final Level WARN = new Level(4, "WARN"); /** notice */ public final Level NOTICE = new Level(5, "NOTICE"); /** information */ public final Level INFO = new Level(7, "INFO"); /** debugging (default) */ public final Level DEBUG = new Level(8, "DEBUG"); /** trace */ public final Level TRACE = new Level(9, "TRACE"); /** in case keepLog = true, this sets max length of in-memory log */ public static final int LOGFILE_MAXLENGTH = 10000; private final StringBuilder memoryLog = new StringBuilder(); /** * The entire log since starting the application. * * @return the entire log */ final public static StringBuilder getEntireLog() { return logger.getEntireLogImpl(); } private StringBuilder getEntireLogImpl() { return memoryLog; } /** * Logging destinations */ public enum LogDestination { /** * Send logging to file. A file name must also be set by using the * setLogFile() method. */ FILE, /** * Sends logging to console. Messages <= ERROR will be written to * STDERR, others to STDOUT in desktop mode; sends log messages via * GWT.log to the Eclipse console in web development mode. */ CONSOLE } private Level logLevel = DEBUG; // default private LogDestination logDestination = LogDestination.CONSOLE; // default; private boolean timeShown = true; // default private boolean callerShown = true; // default private boolean levelShown = true; // default /** whether to keep log in memory */ protected boolean keepLog = false; /** * Sets the current logging level * * @param logLevel * the logging level to set */ public void setLogLevel(Level logLevel) { this.logLevel = logLevel; } /** * Sets the current logging level * * @param logLevel * the logging level to set */ final public static void setLogLevel(String logLevel) { logger.setLogLevelImpl(logLevel); } private void setLogLevelImpl(String logLevel) { if (logLevel == null) { return; } if ("ALERT".equals(logLevel)) { this.logLevel = ALERT; } if ("EMERGENCY".equals(logLevel)) { this.logLevel = EMERGENCY; } if ("CRITICAL".equals(logLevel)) { this.logLevel = CRITICAL; } if ("ERROR".equals(logLevel)) { this.logLevel = ERROR; } if ("WARN".equals(logLevel)) { this.logLevel = WARN; } if ("INFO".equals(logLevel)) { this.logLevel = INFO; } if ("NOTICE".equals(logLevel)) { this.logLevel = NOTICE; } if ("DEBUG".equals(logLevel)) { this.logLevel = DEBUG; } if ("TRACE".equals(logLevel)) { this.logLevel = TRACE; } } /** * Returns the current logging level * * @return the current level */ public Level getLogLevel() { return logLevel; } /** * Sets the logger destination (FILE, CONSOLE, WEB_CONSOLE, CONSOLES) * * @param logDestination * the destination */ final public static void setLogDestination(LogDestination logDestination) { logger.setLogDestinationImpl(logDestination); } protected void setLogDestinationImpl(LogDestination logDestination) { this.logDestination = logDestination; } /** * Returns the logger destination (FILE, CONSOLE, WEB_CONSOLE, CONSOLES) * * @return the destination */ final public static LogDestination getLogDestination() { return logger.getLogDestinationImpl(); } protected LogDestination getLogDestinationImpl() { return logDestination; } /** * Reports if the timestamp is printed for logging * * @return if the names are printed */ public boolean isTimeShown() { return timeShown; } /** * Sets if the report time of the log message should be printed for logging. * May not be available for all platforms (returns empty string when not). * * @param timeShown * if the timestamp should be printed */ final public static void setTimeShown(boolean timeShown) { logger.setTimeShownImpl(timeShown); } protected void setTimeShownImpl(boolean timeShown) { this.timeShown = timeShown; } /** * Reports if the caller class and method names are printed for logging * * @return if the names are printed */ public boolean isCallerShown() { return callerShown; } /** * Sets if the caller class and method names should be printed for logging * * @param callerShown * if the names should be printed */ public static void setCallerShown(boolean callerShown) { logger.callerShown = callerShown; } /** * @return the levelShown */ public boolean isLevelShown() { return levelShown; } /** * @param levelShown * the levelShown to set */ public static void setLevelShown(boolean levelShown) { logger.levelShown = levelShown; } /** * Prints a log message if the logLevel is set to <= level and stores those * classes which have no implementation (simply checks if the message starts * with "implementation needed") * * @param level * logging level * @param logMessage * the log message * @param depth * depth in stacktrace */ public void log(Level level, String logMessage, int depth) { String message = logMessage; if (message == null) { message = "*null*"; } if (logLevel.getPriority() >= level.getPriority()) { String caller = ""; if (callerShown) { caller = getCaller(depth); handleImplementationNeeded(caller, message); caller += ": "; } String timeInfo = ""; if (timeShown) { timeInfo = getTimeInfo(); if (!"".equals(timeInfo)) { timeInfo += " "; } } // Creating logEntry String logEntry = timeInfo; if (levelShown) { logEntry += level.text + ": "; } logEntry += caller + message; print(logEntry, level); // In desktop logging, preserve the entire log in memory as well: if (keepLog) { if (memoryLog.length() > LOGFILE_MAXLENGTH) { memoryLog.setLength(0); } memoryLog.append(logEntry); memoryLog.append("\n"); } } } private static void handleImplementationNeeded(String caller, String message) { if (message.length() >= 21 && message.toLowerCase().substring(0, 21) .equals("implementation needed")) { if (!reportedImplementationNeeded.contains(caller)) { reportedImplementationNeeded.add(caller); } } } /** * Prints the log entry, which is usually the full message with timestamp, * the logging level and the caller class * * @param logEntry * the full log entry * @param level * logging level */ protected abstract void print(String logEntry, Level level); /** * Sets the log file name (if FILE logging is available) * * @param logFileName * the name of the log file */ final public static void setLogFile(String logFileName) { logger.setLogFileImpl(logFileName); } protected void setLogFileImpl(String logFileName) { // overridden in some implementations } /** * Returns the current time in human readable format (for debugging) * * @return the timestamp */ final public static String getTimeInfo() { return logger.getTimeInfoImpl(); } protected String getTimeInfoImpl() { return ""; // Implementation overrides this in some applications. } /** * Returns some memory related information (for debugging) * * @return the memory info text */ public String getMemoryInfo() { return ""; // Implementation overrides this in some applications. } /** * Returns the caller class and method names * * @param depth * depth in stacktrace * * @return the full Java class and method name */ public String getCaller(int depth) { String callerMethodName = null; String callerClassName = null; int callerLineNumber; try { Throwable t = new Throwable(); StackTraceElement[] elements = t.getStackTrace(); // String calleeMethod = elements[0].getMethodName(); callerMethodName = elements[depth].getMethodName(); callerClassName = elements[depth].getClassName(); callerLineNumber = elements[depth].getLineNumber(); if ("Unknown".equals(callerClassName)) { /* * In web production mode the GWT compile rewrites the code very * thoroughly. We are doing some intuitive hacking here to * explode the method name; since other information (class name, * line number) is unavailable. */ // PRETTY style // safari: if ("$fillInStackTrace".equals(callerMethodName)) { if (elements.length < 10) { return "?"; } return elements[9].getMethodName(); } // gecko1_8 if ("fillInStackTrace".equals(callerMethodName)) { if (elements.length < 11) { return "?"; } return elements[10].getMethodName(); } // TODO: Maybe other user agents could be supported. // OBFUSCATED style return callerMethodName; } } catch (Throwable t) { // do nothing here; we are probably running Web in Opera return "?"; } return callerClassName + "." + callerMethodName + "[" + callerLineNumber + "]"; } /** * Prints debugging message, level DEBUG * * @param message * message to be printed */ public static void debug(String message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.DEBUG, message); } } public static void debug(Object f, String message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.DEBUG, "[" + f + "] " + message); } } /** * @param message * debug message * @param depth * stacktace depth in which to look (4 if you want to see direct * caller, 5 for one above) */ public static void debug(String message, int depth) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.DEBUG, message, depth); } } /** * @param message * error message * @param depth * stacktace depth in which to look (4 if you want to see direct * caller, 5 for one above) */ public static void error(String message, int depth) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.ERROR, message, depth); } } /** * Prints debugging message, level NOTICE * * @param message * message to be printed */ public static void notice(String message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.NOTICE, message); } } /** * Prints debugging message, level DEBUG Special debugging format is used * for expression values * * @param s * object to be printed */ public static void debug(Object s) { if (s instanceof double[]) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < ((double[]) s).length; i++) { sb.append(((double[]) s)[i]); sb.append(','); } debug(sb.toString()); return; } if (s instanceof HasDebugString) { debug(((HasDebugString) s).getDebugString(), 4); return; } if (s instanceof Throwable && logger != null) { logger.doPrintStacktrace((Throwable) s); return; } if (s == null) { debug("<null>", 5); } else { debug(s.toString(), 5); } } /** * @param s * exception */ protected void doPrintStacktrace(Throwable s) { s.printStackTrace(); } private void log(Level level, String message) { log(level, message, 4); } /** * Prints debugging message, level INFO * * @param message * message to be printed */ public static void info(String message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.INFO, message); } } /** * Prints debugging message, level ERROR * * @param message * message to be printed */ public static void error(String message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.ERROR, message); } } /** * Prints debugging message, level WARN * * @param message * message to be printed */ public static void warn(String message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.WARN, message); } } /** * Prints debugging message, level EMERGENCY * * @param message * message to be printed */ public static void emergency(String message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.EMERGENCY, message); } } /** * Prints debugging message, level ALERT * * @param message * message to be printed */ public static void alert(String message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.ALERT, message); } } /** * Prints debugging message, level TRACE * * @param message * message to be printed */ public static void trace(String message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.TRACE, message); } } /** * Prints debugging message, level CRITICAL * * @param message * message to be printed */ public static void critical(String message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(logger.CRITICAL, message); } } /** * * @param message * content to be printed on top of the trace */ public static void printStacktrace(Object message) { if (logger != null) { logger.doPrintStacktrace( message == null ? "*null*" : message.toString()); } } /** * @param message * message at the top of the trace */ public abstract void doPrintStacktrace(String message); /** * @param log * sets the logger to this */ public static void setLogger(Log log) { synchronized (lock) { logger = log; } } public static Log getLogger() { return logger; } }