package org.geogebra.desktop.util; import org.geogebra.common.util.LaTeXCache; import com.himamis.retex.renderer.share.TeXConstants; import com.himamis.retex.renderer.share.cache.JLaTeXMathCache; import com.himamis.retex.renderer.share.exception.ParseException; import; public class GeoLaTeXCache implements LaTeXCache { // used by Captions, GeoText and DrawParametricCurve to cache LaTeX formulae public Object keyLaTeX = null; @Override public Object getCachedLaTeXKey(String latex, int fontSize, int style, Object fgColor) { Object newKey; try { newKey = JLaTeXMathCache.getCachedTeXFormula(latex, TeXConstants.STYLE_DISPLAY, style, fontSize, 1 /* * inset around the label */, (Color) fgColor); } catch (ParseException e) { if (keyLaTeX != null) { // remove old key from cache try { JLaTeXMathCache.removeCachedTeXFormula(keyLaTeX); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } } throw e; } if (keyLaTeX != null && !keyLaTeX.equals(newKey)) { // key has changed, remove old key from cache try { JLaTeXMathCache.removeCachedTeXFormula(keyLaTeX); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } // Application.debug("removing"); } keyLaTeX = newKey; return keyLaTeX; } @Override public void remove() { if (keyLaTeX != null) { try { JLaTeXMathCache.removeCachedTeXFormula(keyLaTeX); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } } } }