package org.geogebra.desktop.plugin; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.mozilla.javascript.Context; import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable; public class CallJavaScript { /** * Evaluates the global script for the current construction and returns a * scope object for this script. * * @param app * @return */ public static Scriptable evalGlobalScript(App app) { // create new scope Context cx = Context.enter(); // No class loader for unsigned applets so don't try and optimize. // // if (!AppD.hasFullPermissions()) { // cx.setOptimizationLevel(-1); // Context.setCachingEnabled(false); // } Scriptable scope = cx.initStandardObjects(); // Initialize GgbApi functions, eg ggbApplet.evalCommand() GeoGebraGlobal.initStandardObjects(app, scope, null, false); // Evaluate the global string try { cx.evaluateString(scope, app.getKernel().getLibraryJavaScript(), app.getLocalization().getMenu("ErrorAtLine"), 1, null); } catch (Throwable t) { } Context.exit(); return scope; } /** * Evaluates a local script using the global scope from the current * construction. * * @param app * @param script * @param arg */ public static void evalScript(App app, String script, String arg) { // get the global scope for the current construction Scriptable globalScope = ((ScriptManagerD) app.getScriptManager()) .getGlobalScopeMap().get(app.getKernel().getConstruction()); Context cx = Context.enter(); // No class loader for unsigned applets so don't try and optimize. // // if (!AppD.hasFullPermissions()) { // cx.setOptimizationLevel(-1); // Context.setCachingEnabled(false); // } // Create a new scope that shares the global scope Scriptable newScope = cx.newObject(globalScope); newScope.setPrototype(globalScope); newScope.setParentScope(null); // Evaluate the script. cx.evaluateString(newScope, script, app.getLocalization().getMenu("ErrorAtLine"), 1, null); Context.exit(); } }