package org.geogebra.desktop.gui.layout; import java.awt.Component; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.plaf.SplitPaneUI; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI; import org.geogebra.common.gui.layout.DockComponent; import; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.desktop.main.AppD; /** * Split pane which is used to separate two DockPanels. * * @author Florian Sonner */ public class DockSplitPane extends JSplitPane implements DockComponent { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private boolean dividerVisible; /** * new split pane */ public DockSplitPane() { this(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT); this.addPropertyChangeListener(paneResizeListener); } /** * @param newOrientation * orientation */ public DockSplitPane(int newOrientation) { super(newOrientation); // setResizeWeight(0.5); setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); dividerVisible = false; this.addPropertyChangeListener(paneResizeListener); } /** * Listener for split pane resizing. Transfers focus to the split pane after * a resize event, thus removing focus and sending a focus lost event to the * DockSplitPane components. */ PropertyChangeListener paneResizeListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent changeEvent) { JSplitPane splitPane = (JSplitPane) changeEvent.getSource(); String propertyName = changeEvent.getPropertyName(); if (propertyName .equals(JSplitPane.LAST_DIVIDER_LOCATION_PROPERTY)) { splitPane.requestFocus(); } } }; /** * Return the component which is opposite to the parameter. * * @param component * part of layout * @return oposite component */ public Component getOpposite(Component component) { if (component == leftComponent) { return rightComponent; } else if (component == rightComponent) { return leftComponent; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * set the left component and check if it's empty when loading file * * @param component * componenent */ public void setLeftComponentCheckEmpty(Component component) { // ensure visibility flags of dock panels set to false if (leftComponent != null) { ((DockComponent) leftComponent).setDockPanelsVisible(false); } setLeftComponent(component); } /** * set the left component and check if it's empty when loading file * * @param component * componenent */ public void setRightComponentCheckEmpty(Component component) { // ensure visibility flags of dock panels set to false if (rightComponent != null) { ((DockComponent) rightComponent).setDockPanelsVisible(false); } setRightComponent(component); } /** * Set the left component of this DockSplitPane and remove the divider if * the left component is null. */ @Override public void setLeftComponent(Component component) { super.setLeftComponent(component); updateDivider(); } /** * Set the right component of this DockSplitPane and remove the divider if * the right component is null. */ @Override public void setRightComponent(Component component) { super.setRightComponent(component); updateDivider(); } /** * Replace a component from the split pane with another. * * @param component * part of layout * @param replacement * replacement */ public void replaceComponent(Component component, Component replacement) { if (component == leftComponent) { setLeftComponent(replacement); } else if (component == rightComponent) { setRightComponent(replacement); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * Update the visibility of the divider. */ private void updateDivider() { if (leftComponent == null || rightComponent == null) { dividerVisible = false; } else { dividerVisible = true; } } /** * Update the UI by drawing the divider just if the dividerVisible attribute * is set to true. */ @Override public void updateUI() { super.updateUI(); SplitPaneUI splitPaneUI = getUI(); if (splitPaneUI instanceof BasicSplitPaneUI) { BasicSplitPaneUI basicUI = (BasicSplitPaneUI) splitPaneUI; basicUI.getDivider().setVisible(dividerVisible); } } /** * A helper class used to get the split pane information array of the * current layout. Use {@link #getInfo(DockSplitPane)} with the root pane as * parameter to get the array. * * @author Florian Sonner * @version 2008-10-26 */ public static class TreeReader { private AppD app; private ArrayList<DockSplitPaneData> splitPaneInfo; private int windowWidth; private int windowHeight; /** * @param app * application */ public TreeReader(AppD app) { = app; splitPaneInfo = new ArrayList<DockSplitPaneData>(); } /** * @param rootPane * layout root * @return layout description */ public DockSplitPaneData[] getInfo(DockSplitPane rootPane) { splitPaneInfo.clear(); if (app.isApplet()) { windowWidth = app.getApplet().width; } else { windowWidth = app.getFrame().getWidth(); } if (app.isApplet()) { windowHeight = app.getApplet().height; } else { windowHeight = app.getFrame().getHeight(); } saveSplitPane("", rootPane); DockSplitPaneData[] info = new DockSplitPaneData[splitPaneInfo .size()]; return splitPaneInfo.toArray(info); } /** * Save a split pane into the splitPaneInfo array list * * @param parentLocation * @param parent */ private void saveSplitPane(String parentLocation0, DockSplitPane parent) { double dividerLocation = 0.2; String parentLocation = parentLocation0; // get relative divider location depending on the current // orientation if (parent.getOrientation() == JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT) { dividerLocation = (double) parent.getDividerLocation() / windowWidth; } else { dividerLocation = (double) parent.getDividerLocation() / windowHeight; } splitPaneInfo.add(new DockSplitPaneData(parentLocation, dividerLocation, parent.getOrientation())); if (parentLocation.length() > 0) { parentLocation += ","; } if (parent.getLeftComponent() instanceof DockSplitPane) { saveSplitPane(parentLocation + "0", (DockSplitPane) parent.getLeftComponent()); } if (parent.getRightComponent() instanceof DockSplitPane) { saveSplitPane(parentLocation + "1", (DockSplitPane) parent.getRightComponent()); } } } private int savedDividerLocation; private int savedSize; @Override public void saveDividerLocation() { if (getOrientation() == JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT) { if (getLeftComponent() != null) { savedDividerLocation = getLeftComponent().getHeight(); } savedSize = getHeight(); } else { if (getLeftComponent() != null) { savedDividerLocation = getLeftComponent().getWidth(); } savedSize = getWidth(); } if (getLeftComponent() != null) { ((DockComponent) getLeftComponent()).saveDividerLocation(); } if (getRightComponent() != null) { ((DockComponent) getRightComponent()).saveDividerLocation(); } } @Override public void updateDividerLocation(int size, int orientation1) { /* * AbstractApplication.debug("\nresizeW= "+getResizeWeight() +"\nsize= " * +size +"\nsavedSize= "+savedSize +"\nsavedDividerLocation= " * +savedDividerLocation +"\nleft= "+getLeftComponent() +"\nright= " * +getRightComponent()); */ if (orientation1 == getOrientation()) { if (getResizeWeight() == 0) { setDividerLocationRecursive( checkLocation(savedDividerLocation, size), size, orientation1); } else if (Kernel.isEqual(getResizeWeight(), 0.5)) { if (savedSize == 0) { savedSize = 1; } setDividerLocationRecursive( (size * savedDividerLocation) / savedSize, size, orientation1); } else { setDividerLocationRecursive(size - checkLocation(savedSize - savedDividerLocation, size), size, orientation1); } } else { propagateDividerLocation(size, size, orientation1); } } private static int checkLocation(int location, int size) { int min = MIN_SIZE; if (min > size / 2) { min = size / 2; } if (location < min) { return min; } if (location > size - min) { return size - min; } return location; } private void setDividerLocationRecursive(int location, int size, int orientation1) { setDividerLocation(location); // AbstractApplication.debug("location = "+location); propagateDividerLocation(location, size - location, orientation1); } private void propagateDividerLocation(int sizeLeft, int sizeRight, int orientation1) { if (getLeftComponent() != null) { ((DockComponent) getLeftComponent()).updateDividerLocation(sizeLeft, orientation1); } if (getRightComponent() != null) { ((DockComponent) getRightComponent()) .updateDividerLocation(sizeRight, orientation1); } } @Override public String toString(String prefix) { String prefix2 = prefix + "-"; return "\n" + prefix + "split=" + getDividerLocation() + "\n" + prefix + "width=" + getWidth() + "\n" + prefix + "left" + ((DockComponent) getLeftComponent()).toString(prefix2) + "\n" + prefix + "right" + ((DockComponent) getRightComponent()).toString(prefix2); } @Override public boolean updateResizeWeight() { boolean takesNewSpaceLeft = false; boolean takesNewSpaceRight = false; if ((getLeftComponent() != null) && ((DockComponent) getLeftComponent()).updateResizeWeight()) { takesNewSpaceLeft = true; } if ((getRightComponent() != null) && ((DockComponent) getRightComponent()).updateResizeWeight()) { takesNewSpaceRight = true; } if (takesNewSpaceLeft) { if (takesNewSpaceRight) { setResizeWeight(0.5); } else { setResizeWeight(1); } return true; } else if (takesNewSpaceRight) { setResizeWeight(0); return true; } setResizeWeight(0); return false; } @Override public void setDockPanelsVisible(boolean visible) { if (leftComponent != null) { ((DockComponent) leftComponent).setDockPanelsVisible(visible); } if (rightComponent != null) { ((DockComponent) rightComponent).setDockPanelsVisible(visible); } } }