/* -*- Mode: java; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.javascript; import java.io.Serializable; import org.mozilla.javascript.debug.DebuggableScript; final class InterpreterData implements Serializable, DebuggableScript { static final long serialVersionUID = 5067677351589230234L; static final int INITIAL_MAX_ICODE_LENGTH = 1024; static final int INITIAL_STRINGTABLE_SIZE = 64; static final int INITIAL_NUMBERTABLE_SIZE = 64; InterpreterData(int languageVersion, String sourceFile, String encodedSource, boolean isStrict) { this.languageVersion = languageVersion; this.itsSourceFile = sourceFile; this.encodedSource = encodedSource; this.isStrict = isStrict; init(); } InterpreterData(InterpreterData parent) { this.parentData = parent; this.languageVersion = parent.languageVersion; this.itsSourceFile = parent.itsSourceFile; this.encodedSource = parent.encodedSource; init(); } private void init() { itsICode = new byte[INITIAL_MAX_ICODE_LENGTH]; itsStringTable = new String[INITIAL_STRINGTABLE_SIZE]; } String itsName; String itsSourceFile; boolean itsNeedsActivation; int itsFunctionType; String[] itsStringTable; double[] itsDoubleTable; InterpreterData[] itsNestedFunctions; Object[] itsRegExpLiterals; byte[] itsICode; int[] itsExceptionTable; int itsMaxVars; int itsMaxLocals; int itsMaxStack; int itsMaxFrameArray; // see comments in NativeFuncion for definition of argNames and argCount String[] argNames; boolean[] argIsConst; int argCount; int itsMaxCalleeArgs; String encodedSource; int encodedSourceStart; int encodedSourceEnd; int languageVersion; boolean isStrict; boolean topLevel; Object[] literalIds; UintMap longJumps; int firstLinePC = -1; // PC for the first LINE icode InterpreterData parentData; boolean evalScriptFlag; // true if script corresponds to eval() code public boolean isTopLevel() { return topLevel; } public boolean isFunction() { return itsFunctionType != 0; } public String getFunctionName() { return itsName; } public int getParamCount() { return argCount; } public int getParamAndVarCount() { return argNames.length; } public String getParamOrVarName(int index) { return argNames[index]; } public boolean getParamOrVarConst(int index) { return argIsConst[index]; } public String getSourceName() { return itsSourceFile; } public boolean isGeneratedScript() { return ScriptRuntime.isGeneratedScript(itsSourceFile); } public int[] getLineNumbers() { return Interpreter.getLineNumbers(this); } public int getFunctionCount() { return (itsNestedFunctions == null) ? 0 : itsNestedFunctions.length; } public DebuggableScript getFunction(int index) { return itsNestedFunctions[index]; } public DebuggableScript getParent() { return parentData; } }