package org.geogebra.common.main; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianController; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.draw.DrawDropDownList; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.draw.DrawInputBox; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.ConstructionDefaults; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Furniture; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoAngle; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoBoolean; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoInputBox; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.PointProperties; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.EuclidianSettings; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EuclidianStyleConstants; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * Handles keyboard events. This class only dispatches */ public abstract class GlobalKeyDispatcher { public GlobalKeyDispatcher(App app2) { = app2; this.selection = app.getSelectionManager(); } /** * Handle Fx keys for input bar when geo is selected * * @param i * x when Fx is pressed * @param geo * selected geo */ public void handleFunctionKeyForAlgebraInput(int fkey, GeoElement geo) { if (!app.showAlgebraInput() || app.getGuiManager() == null) { return; } switch (fkey) { default: // do nothing break; case 3: // F3 key: copy definition to input field app.getGuiManager().setInputText(geo.getDefinitionForInputBar()); break; case 4: // F4 key: copy value to input field app.getGuiManager().replaceInputSelection( " " + geo.getValueForInputBar() + " "); break; case 5: // F5 key: copy name to input field app.getGuiManager().replaceInputSelection( " " + geo.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate) + " "); break; } } /** application */ protected final App app; protected final SelectionManager selection; private TreeSet<AlgoElement> tempSet; /** * @return temporary set of algos */ protected TreeSet<AlgoElement> getTempSet() { if (tempSet == null) { tempSet = new TreeSet<AlgoElement>(); } return tempSet; } private Coords tempVec; private boolean newWindowAllowed = true; protected boolean renameStarted(char ch) { GeoElement geo; if (selection.selectedGeosSize() == 1) { // selected geo geo = selection.getSelectedGeos().get(0); } else { // last created geo geo = app.getLastCreatedGeoElement(); } // show RENAME dialog when a letter is typed // or edit Textfield for any keypress if ((Character.isLetter(ch)) || geo instanceof GeoInputBox) { // open rename dialog if (geo != null && geo.isRenameable()) { if (geo instanceof GeoInputBox) { DrawInputBox dt = (DrawInputBox) app .getActiveEuclidianView().getDrawableFor(geo); dt.setFocus(ch + ""); } else { app.getDialogManager().showRenameDialog(geo, true, Character.toString(ch), false); } return true; } } return false; } private boolean handleUpDownArrowsForDropdown(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos, boolean down, boolean canOpenDropDown) { Log.debug("[KEYS] handleUpDownArrowsForDropdown"); if (geos.size() == 1 && geos.get(0).isGeoList()) { DrawDropDownList dl = DrawDropDownList.asDrawable(app, geos.get(0)); if (dl == null || !((GeoList) geos.get(0)).drawAsComboBox()) { return false; } if (canOpenDropDown && !dl.isOptionsVisible()) { dl.toggleOptions(); } else { dl.moveSelectorVertical(down); } return true; } return false; } private boolean handleLeftRightArrowsForDropdown(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos, boolean left, boolean canOpenDropDown) { Log.debug("[KEYS] handleLeftRightArrowsForDropdown"); if (geos.size() == 1 && geos.get(0).isGeoList()) { DrawDropDownList dl = DrawDropDownList.asDrawable(app, geos.get(0)); if (canOpenDropDown && !dl.isOptionsVisible()) { dl.toggleOptions(); } if (dl.isMultiColumn()) { if (dl.isOptionsVisible()) { dl.moveSelectorHorizontal(left); return true; } } else { return handleUpDownArrowsForDropdown(geos, left, canOpenDropDown); } } return false; } /** * Tries to move the given objects after pressing an arrow key on the * keyboard. * * @param geos * moved geos * @param xdiff * translation in x direction * @param ydiff * translation in y direction * @param zdiff * translation in z direction * * @return whether any object was moved */ protected boolean handleArrowKeyMovement(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos, double xdiff, double ydiff, double zdiff) { GeoElement geo = geos.get(0); boolean allSliders = true; for (int i = 0; i < geos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geoi = geos.get(i); if (!geoi.isGeoNumeric() || !geoi.isChangeable()) { allSliders = false; continue; } } // don't move sliders, they will be handled later if (allSliders) { return false; } // set translation vector if (tempVec == null) { tempVec = new Coords(4); // 4 coords for 3D } double xd = geo.getAnimationStep() * xdiff; double yd = geo.getAnimationStep() * ydiff; double zd = geo.getAnimationStep() * zdiff; tempVec.setX(xd); tempVec.setY(yd); tempVec.setZ(zd); // move objects boolean moved = GeoElement.moveObjects(geos, tempVec, null, null, app.getActiveEuclidianView()); // nothing moved if (!moved) { for (int i = 0; i < geos.size(); i++) { geo = geos.get(i); // toggle boolean value if (geo.isChangeable() && geo.isGeoBoolean()) { GeoBoolean bool = (GeoBoolean) geo; bool.setValue(!bool.getBoolean()); bool.updateCascade(); moved = true; } } } if (moved) { app.getKernel().notifyRepaint(); } return moved; } public void setNewWindowAllowed(boolean rel) { newWindowAllowed = rel; } /** * Handles general keys like ESC and function keys that don't involved * selected GeoElements. * * @param key * key code * @param isShiftDown * whether shift is down * @param isControlDown * whether control is down * @param isAltDown * whether alt is down * @param fromSpreadsheet * whether this event comes from spreadsheet * @param fromEuclidianView * whether this event comes from EV * * @return if key was consumed */ protected boolean handleGeneralKeys(KeyCodes key, boolean isShiftDown, boolean isControlDown, boolean isAltDown, boolean fromSpreadsheet, boolean fromEuclidianView) { // eventually make an undo point (e.g. after zooming) app.storeUndoInfoIfSetCoordSystemOccured(); boolean consumed = false; // ESC and function keys switch (key) { default: // do nothing break; case ESCAPE: // ESC: set move mode handleEscForDropdown(); if (app.isApplet() && !app.showToolBar()) { app.loseFocus(); } else { app.setMoveMode(); app.getActiveEuclidianView().getEuclidianController() .deletePastePreviewSelected(); } consumed = true; break; case ENTER: // check not spreadsheet if (!fromSpreadsheet) { // ENTER: set focus to input field consumed = handleEnter(); } break; // toggle boolean or run script when Spacebar pressed case SPACE: // check not spreadsheet if (!fromSpreadsheet) { consumed = app.handleSpaceKey(); } break; case TAB: consumed = handleTab(isControlDown, isShiftDown, true); break; // open Tool Help case F1: app.getDialogManager().openToolHelp(); return true; // F9 updates construction // cmd-f9 on Mac OS case F9: if (!app.isApplet() || app.isRightClickEnabled()) { app.getKernel().updateConstruction(); app.setUnsaved(); consumed = true; } break; } /* * // make sure Ctrl-1/2/3 works on the Numeric Keypad even with Numlock * // off // **** NB if NumLock on, event.isShiftDown() always returns * false with // Numlock on!!! (Win 7) if (event.getKeyLocation() == * KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD) { String keyText = * KeyEvent.getKeyText(keyCode); if ("End".equals(keyText)) { keyCode = * KeyEvent.VK_1; } else if ("Down".equals(keyText)) { keyCode = * KeyEvent.VK_2; } else if ("Page Down".equals(keyText)) { keyCode = * KeyEvent.VK_3; } * * } */ // Ctrl key down (and not Alt, so that AltGr works for special // characters) if (isControlDown && !isAltDown) { switch (key) { case K1: case NUMPAD1: // event.isShiftDown() doesn't work if NumLock on // however .isAltDown() stops AltGr-1 from working (| on some // keyboards) if (isShiftDown && app.getGuiManager() != null) {// || // event.isAltDown()) // { app.getGuiManager().setShowView( !app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN), App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN); consumed = true; } else if (!isAltDown) { // make sure not triggered on // AltGr // Ctrl-1: set objects back to the default size (for font // size 12) changeFontsAndGeoElements(app, 12, false, false); consumed = true; } break; case NUMPAD2: case K2: // event.isShiftDown() doesn't work if NumLock on // however .isAltDown() stops AltGr-2 from working (superscript // 2 on some keyboards) if (isShiftDown && app.getGuiManager() != null) {// || // event.isAltDown()) // { app.getGuiManager().setShowView( !app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2), App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2); consumed = true; } else if (!isAltDown) { // make sure not triggered on // AltGr // Ctrl-2: large font size and thicker lines for projectors // etc int fontSize = Math.min(32, app.getFontSize() + 4); changeFontsAndGeoElements(app, fontSize, false, true); consumed = true; } break; case NUMPAD3: case K3: // event.isShiftDown() doesn't work if NumLock on // however .isAltDown() stops AltGr-3 from working (^ on // Croatian keyboard) if (isShiftDown && app.getGuiManager() != null && app.supportsView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN3D)) { // || // event.isAltDown()) // { app.getGuiManager().setShowView( !app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN3D), App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN3D); consumed = true; } else if (!isAltDown) { // make sure not triggered on // AltGr // Ctrl-3: set black/white mode printing and visually // impaired users changeFontsAndGeoElements(app, app.getFontSize(), true, true); consumed = true; } break; case A: if (isShiftDown) { if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().setShowView( !app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_ALGEBRA), App.VIEW_ALGEBRA); consumed = true; } } else { selection.selectAll(-1); consumed = true; } break; case K: if (isShiftDown) { if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null && app.supportsView(App.VIEW_CAS)) { app.getGuiManager().setShowView( !app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_CAS), App.VIEW_CAS); consumed = true; } } break; case L: if (isShiftDown) { if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().setShowView( !app.getGuiManager().showView( App.VIEW_CONSTRUCTION_PROTOCOL), App.VIEW_CONSTRUCTION_PROTOCOL); consumed = true; } } else { selection.selectAll(selection.getSelectedLayer()); consumed = true; } break; case O: // File -> Open if (!isShiftDown && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().openFile(); consumed = true; } break; case P: if (isShiftDown) { // toggle Probability View if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().setShowView( !app.getGuiManager().showView( App.VIEW_PROBABILITY_CALCULATOR), App.VIEW_PROBABILITY_CALCULATOR); } } else { showPrintPreview(app); } consumed = true; break; case T: // File -> Export -> PSTricks if (isShiftDown && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().showPSTricksExport(); consumed = true; } break; case W: // File -> Export -> Webpage if (isShiftDown && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().showWebpageExport(); consumed = true; } else { // File -> Close (under Mac: Command-W) app.exitAll(); // Under Ubuntu/Unity this will close all windows. consumed = true; } break; case F4: // File -> Exit if (!isShiftDown) { app.exitAll(); consumed = true; } break; case I: // Edit -> Invert Selection if (!isShiftDown) { selection.invertSelection(); consumed = true; } break; case X: // Ctrl-shift-c: copy graphics view to clipboard // should also work in applets with no menubar // check not spreadsheet if (!fromSpreadsheet) { handleCopyCut(true); } break; case C: // Ctrl-shift-c: copy graphics view to clipboard // should also work in applets with no menubar if (isShiftDown) { app.copyGraphicsViewToClipboard(); consumed = true; } else { // check not spreadsheet if (!fromSpreadsheet) { handleCopyCut(false); } } break; case M: if (isShiftDown) { app.copyFullHTML5ExportToClipboard(); } else { // Ctrl-M: standard view app.setStandardView(); } break; case B: // copy base64 string to clipboard if (isShiftDown) { app.copyBase64ToClipboard(); } break; // Ctrl + H / G: Show Hide objects (labels) case G: case H: if (isShiftDown) { selection.showHideSelectionLabels(); } else { selection.showHideSelection(); } consumed = true; break; // Ctrl + E: open object properties (needed here for spreadsheet) case E: if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().setShowView( !app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_PROPERTIES), App.VIEW_PROPERTIES, false); } consumed = true; break; // Ctrl + F: refresh views case F: app.refreshViews(); consumed = true; break; /* * send next instance to front (alt - last) */ case N: if (isShiftDown) { handleCtrlShiftN(isAltDown); } else if (newWindowAllowed) { app.setWaitCursor(); createNewWindow(); app.setDefaultCursor(); newWindowAllowed = false; } break; // needed for detached views and MacOS // Ctrl + Z: Undo case Z: if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { if (isShiftDown) { app.getGuiManager().redo(); } else { app.getGuiManager().undo(); } } consumed = true; break; case U: if (isShiftDown && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().showGraphicExport(); consumed = true; } break; case V: // check not spreadsheet, not inputbar if (!(fromSpreadsheet)) { handleCtrlV(); } break; // ctrl-R updates construction // make sure it works in applets without a menubar case R: if (!app.isApplet() || app.isRightClickEnabled()) { app.getKernel().updateConstruction(); app.setUnsaved(); consumed = true; } break; // ctrl-shift-s (toggle spreadsheet) case S: if (isShiftDown) { if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().setShowView( !app.getGuiManager() .showView(App.VIEW_SPREADSHEET), App.VIEW_SPREADSHEET); consumed = true; } } else if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().save(); consumed = true; } break; case Y: if (isShiftDown) { // if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null) // { // app.getGuiManager().setShowView( // !app.getGuiManager().showView( // App.VIEW_PYTHON), // App.VIEW_PYTHON); // consumed = true; // } } else if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { // needed for detached views and MacOS // Cmd + Y: Redo app.getGuiManager().redo(); consumed = true; } break; // Ctrl-(shift)-Q (deprecated - doesn't work on MacOS) // Ctrl-(shift)-J case J: case Q: if (isShiftDown) { selection.selectAllDescendants(); } else { selection.selectAllPredecessors(); } consumed = true; break; // Ctrl + "+", Ctrl + "-" zooms in or out in graphics view case PLUS: case ADD: case SUBTRACT: case MINUS: case EQUALS: // in Chrome and IE11, both the applet and the // browser are zoomed // even when the applet has focus if (app.isHTML5Applet()) { break; } // disable zooming in PEN mode if (!EuclidianView .isPenMode(app.getActiveEuclidianView().getMode())) { boolean spanish = app.getLocalization().getLanguage() .startsWith("es"); // AltGr+ on Spanish keyboard is ] so // allow <Ctrl>+ (zoom) but not <Ctrl><Alt>+ (fast zoom) // from eg Input Bar if (!spanish || (fromEuclidianView)) { (app.getActiveEuclidianView()).getEuclidianController() .zoomInOut(isAltDown, key.equals(KeyCodes.MINUS) || key.equals(KeyCodes.SUBTRACT)); app.setUnsaved(); consumed = true; } } break; // Ctrl + D: toggles algebra style: value, definition, command case D: case BACK_QUOTE: if (!isShiftDown) { Kernel kernel = app.getKernel(); kernel.setAlgebraStyle((kernel.getAlgebraStyle() + 1) % 3); kernel.setAlgebraStyleSpreadsheet( (kernel.getAlgebraStyleSpreadsheet() + 1) % 3); kernel.updateConstruction(); /* * if (app.hasOptionsMenu()) { * app.getOptionsMenu(null).updateMenuViewDescription(); } */ app.setUnsaved(); consumed = true; } else { // Ctrl-Shift-D // toggle "selection allowed" for all objects // except visible sliders, unfixed points, buttons, // checkboxes, InputBoxes, drop-down lists // what to set all objects to boolean selectionAllowed = false; // check if any geos already have selectionAllowed = false // if so then we will set all to be true TreeSet<GeoElement> objects = app.getKernel() .getConstruction().getGeoSetConstructionOrder(); Iterator<GeoElement> it = objects.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; if (!geo.isSelectionAllowed( app.getActiveEuclidianView())) { selectionAllowed = true; break; } } it = objects.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; if (geo instanceof Furniture || (geo.isGeoNumeric() && geo.isIndependent()) || (geo.isGeoList() && ((GeoList) geo).drawAsComboBox()) || geo.isGeoBoolean() || (geo.isGeoPoint() && !geo.isLocked())) { geo.setSelectionAllowed(true); } else { geo.setSelectionAllowed(selectionAllowed); } } } break; } } return consumed; } private void handleEscForDropdown() { Log.debug("handleEscForDropdown"); ArrayList<GeoElement> geos = selection.getSelectedGeos(); if (geos.size() == 1 && geos.get(0).isGeoList()) { DrawDropDownList dl = DrawDropDownList.asDrawable(app, geos.get(0)); if (dl.isOptionsVisible()) { dl.toggleOptions(); } } } /** * Creates new GGB window */ protected abstract void createNewWindow(); /** * Opens print preview dialog * * @param app2 * application */ protected abstract void showPrintPreview(App app2); /** * Handles Ctrl+V; overridden in desktop Default implementation pastes from * XML and returns true */ protected void handleCtrlV() { app.setWaitCursor(); app.getCopyPaste().pasteFromXML(app, false); app.setDefaultCursor(); } /** * @param isAltDown * whether alt is down * @return whether keys were consumed */ protected abstract boolean handleCtrlShiftN(boolean isAltDown); /** * overridden in desktop Default implementation copies into XML * * @param cut * whether to cut (false = copy) */ protected void handleCopyCut(boolean cut) { // Copy selected geos app.setWaitCursor(); app.getCopyPaste().copyToXML(app, selection.getSelectedGeos(), false); if (cut) { app.deleteSelectedObjects(cut); } app.updateMenubar(); app.setDefaultCursor(); } /** * @param isControlDown * whether control is down * @param isShiftDown * whether shift is down * @param cycle * whether to cycle back * @return whether key was consumed */ public boolean handleTab(boolean isControlDown, boolean isShiftDown, boolean cycle) { app.getActiveEuclidianView().closeDropdowns(); if (isShiftDown) { selection.selectLastGeo(app.getActiveEuclidianView()); } else { selection.selectNextGeo(app.getActiveEuclidianView(), cycle); } return true; } /** * Changes the font size of the user interface and construction element * styles (thickness, size) for a given fontSize. * * @param app * application * @param fontSize * 12-32pt * @param blackWhiteMode * whether only black should be used as a color * @param makeAxesBold * force bold / not bold * @return whether change was performed */ public static boolean changeFontsAndGeoElements(App app, int fontSize, boolean blackWhiteMode, boolean makeAxesBold) { if (app.isApplet()) { return false; } app.setWaitCursor(); // axes bold / not bold for (int ev = 1; ev <= 2; ev++) { EuclidianSettings settings = app.getSettings().getEuclidian(ev); int style = settings.getAxesLineStyle(); // set bold style = style | EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_BOLD; if (!makeAxesBold) { // turn bold off again style = style ^ EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_BOLD; } settings.setAxesLineStyle(style); } // determine styles // set new default line thickness int oldFontSize = app.getFontSize(); int angleSizeIncr = fontSize - oldFontSize; int incr = getPointSizeInc(oldFontSize, fontSize); // construction defaults ConstructionDefaults cd = app.getKernel().getConstruction() .getConstructionDefaults(); cd.setDefaultLineThickness(cd.getDefaultLineThickness() + incr); cd.setDefaultPointSize(cd.getDefaultPointSize() + incr, cd.getDefaultDependentPointSize() + incr); cd.setDefaultAngleSize(cd.getDefaultAngleSize() + angleSizeIncr); // blackWhiteMode: set defaults for new GeoElements cd.setBlackWhiteMode(blackWhiteMode); // change application font size app.setFontSize(fontSize, true); if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().updateSpreadsheetColumnWidths(); } // apply styles to to selected or all geos Iterator<GeoElement> it = null; if (app.getSelectionManager().getSelectedGeos().size() == 0) { // change all geos it = app.getKernel().getConstruction().getGeoSetConstructionOrder() .iterator(); } else { // just change selected geos it = app.getSelectionManager().getSelectedGeos().iterator(); } while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; setGeoProperties(geo, incr, incr, angleSizeIncr, blackWhiteMode); } app.getKernel().updateConstruction(); app.setUnsaved(); app.storeUndoInfo(); app.setDefaultCursor(); return true; } private static int getPointSizeInc(int oldFontSize, int newFontSize) { if (oldFontSize == newFontSize) { return 0; } int step = newFontSize > oldFontSize ? 1 : -1; int left = Math.min(oldFontSize, newFontSize); int right = Math.max(oldFontSize, newFontSize); int[] borders = { 16, 22, 28 }; int incr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < borders.length; i++) { if (left < borders[i] && borders[i] <= right) { incr = incr + step; } } return incr * 2; } private static void setGeoProperties(GeoElement geo, int lineThicknessIncr, int pointSizeIncr, int angleSizeIncr, boolean blackWhiteMode) { if (!geo.isGeoText() && !geo.isGeoImage() && !geo.isGeoPolygon()) { // affects // bounding // box int geoLineThickness = geo.getLineThickness(); if (geoLineThickness != 0) { int lineThickness = Math.max(2, geoLineThickness + lineThicknessIncr); geo.setLineThickness(lineThickness); } } if (geo instanceof PointProperties) { PointProperties p = (PointProperties) geo; int pointSize = Math.max(2, p.getPointSize() + pointSizeIncr); p.setPointSize(pointSize); } if (geo.isGeoAngle()) { GeoAngle angle = (GeoAngle) geo; int angleSize = Math.max(2, angle.getArcSize() + angleSizeIncr); angle.setArcSize(angleSize); } if (blackWhiteMode) { geo.setAlphaValue(0f); geo.setObjColor(GColor.BLACK); } } /** * Handle pressed key for selected GeoElements * * @param key * key code * @param geos * selected geos * @param isShiftDown * whether shift is down * @param isControlDown * whether control is down * @param isAltDown * whether alt is down * @param fromSpreadsheet * whether this event comes from spreadsheet * * @return if key was consumed */ protected boolean handleSelectedGeosKeys(KeyCodes key, ArrayList<GeoElement> geos, boolean isShiftDown, boolean isControlDown, boolean isAltDown, boolean fromSpreadsheet) { // SPECIAL KEYS double changeValX = 0; // later: changeVal = base or -base double changeValY = 0; // later: changeVal = base or -base double changeValZ = 0; // later: changeVal = base or -base // Shift : base = 0.1 // Default : base = 1 // Ctrl : base = 10 // Alt : base = 100 double base = 1; if (isShiftDown) { base = 0.1; } if (isControlDown) { base = 10; } if (isAltDown) { base = 100; } // Log.debug("key pressed"); if (geos == null || geos.size() == 0) { // Get the EuclidianView which has the focus EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon ev = app.getActiveEuclidianView(); int width = ev.getWidth(); int height = ev.getHeight(); if (ev.hasFocus() && app.isShiftDragZoomEnabled()) { switch (key) { case PAGEUP: ev.rememberOrigins(); ev.pageUpDownTranslateCoordSystem((int) (height * base)); return true; case PAGEDOWN: ev.rememberOrigins(); ev.pageUpDownTranslateCoordSystem(-(int) (height * base)); return true; case INSERT: ev.rememberOrigins(); ev.translateCoordSystemInPixels((int) (height * base), 0, 0, EuclidianController.MOVE_VIEW); return true; case HOME: ev.rememberOrigins(); ev.translateCoordSystemInPixels(-(int) (height * base), 0, 0, EuclidianController.MOVE_VIEW); return true; case DOWN: if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null && app.getGuiManager().noMenusOpen()) { if (isShiftDown) { EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon view = app .getActiveEuclidianView(); if (!view.isLockedAxesRatio()) { view.setCoordSystem(view.getXZero(), view.getYZero(), view.getXscale(), view.getYscale() * 0.9); } } else { ev.rememberOrigins(); ev.translateCoordSystemInPixels(0, (int) (height / 100.0 * base), 0, EuclidianController.MOVE_VIEW); } return true; } break; case UP: if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null && app.getGuiManager().noMenusOpen()) { if (isShiftDown) { EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon view = app .getActiveEuclidianView(); if (!view.isLockedAxesRatio()) { view.setCoordSystem(view.getXZero(), view.getYZero(), view.getXscale(), view.getYscale() / 0.9); } } else { ev.rememberOrigins(); ev.translateCoordSystemInPixels(0, -(int) (height / 100.0 * base), 0, EuclidianController.MOVE_VIEW); } return true; } break; case LEFT: if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null && app.getGuiManager().noMenusOpen()) { if (isShiftDown) { EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon view = app .getActiveEuclidianView(); if (!view.isLockedAxesRatio()) { view.setCoordSystem(view.getXZero(), view.getYZero(), view.getXscale() * 0.9, view.getYscale()); } } else { ev.rememberOrigins(); ev.translateCoordSystemInPixels( -(int) (width / 100.0 * base), 0, 0, EuclidianController.MOVE_VIEW); } return true; } break; case RIGHT: if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null && app.getGuiManager().noMenusOpen()) { if (isShiftDown) { EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon view = app .getActiveEuclidianView(); if (!view.isLockedAxesRatio()) { view.setCoordSystem(view.getXZero(), view.getYZero(), view.getXscale() / 0.9, view.getYscale()); } } else { ev.rememberOrigins(); ev.translateCoordSystemInPixels( (int) (width / 100.0 * base), 0, 0, EuclidianController.MOVE_VIEW); } } return true; } } return false; } Iterator<GeoElement> it; // FUNCTION and DELETE keys switch (key) { case PAGEUP: // 3D handled later (move object up/down) if (!app.getActiveEuclidianView().isEuclidianView3D()) { it = geos.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; geo.setLayer(geo.getLayer() + 1); } } break; case PAGEDOWN: // 3D handled later (move object up/down) if (!app.getActiveEuclidianView().isEuclidianView3D()) { it = geos.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; geo.setLayer(geo.getLayer() - 1); } } break; case F3: // F3 key: copy definition to input field if (geos.size() == 1) { handleFunctionKeyForAlgebraInput(3, geos.get(0)); } else { // F3 key: copy definitions to input field as list copyDefinitionsToInputBarAsList(geos); break; } return true; case F1: app.getDialogManager().openToolHelp(); return true; case F4: // F4 key: copy value to input field handleFunctionKeyForAlgebraInput(4, geos.get(0)); return true; case F5: // F5 key: copy label to input field handleFunctionKeyForAlgebraInput(5, geos.get(0)); return true; case DELETE: // G.Sturr 2010-5-2: let the spreadsheet handle delete if (app.getGuiManager() != null && app.getGuiManager().hasSpreadsheetView() && app.getGuiManager().getSpreadsheetView().hasFocus()) { return false; } // DELETE selected objects if (!app.isApplet() || app.isRightClickEnabled()) { app.deleteSelectedObjects(false); return true; } case BACKSPACE: // G.Sturr 2010-5-2: let the spreadsheet handle delete if (app.getGuiManager() != null && app.getGuiManager().getSpreadsheetView().hasFocus()) { return false; } // DELETE selected objects // Note: ctrl-h generates a KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE event, so check // for ctrl too if (!isControlDown && (!app.isApplet() || app.isRightClickEnabled())) { app.deleteSelectedObjects(false); return true; } break; } // ignore key events coming from tables like the spreadsheet to // allow start editing, moving etc if (fromSpreadsheet || (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null && app.getGuiManager().hasSpreadsheetView() && app.getGuiManager().getSpreadsheetView().hasFocus())) { return false; } // check for arrow keys: try to move objects accordingly boolean moved = false; switch (key) { default: // do nothing break; case UP: // make sure arrow keys work in menus if (app.getGuiManager() != null && app.isUsingFullGui() && !app.getGuiManager().noMenusOpen()) { return false; } if (!fromSpreadsheet && handleUpDownArrowsForDropdown(geos, false, true)) { return true; } changeValY = base; break; case DOWN: // make sure arrow keys work in menus if (app.getGuiManager() != null && app.isUsingFullGui() && !app.getGuiManager().noMenusOpen()) { return false; } if (!fromSpreadsheet && handleUpDownArrowsForDropdown(geos, true, true)) { return true; } changeValY = -base; break; case RIGHT: // make sure arrow keys work in menus if (app.getGuiManager() != null && app.isUsingFullGui() && !app.getGuiManager().noMenusOpen()) { return false; } if (!fromSpreadsheet && handleLeftRightArrowsForDropdown(geos, true, true)) { return true; } changeValX = base; break; case LEFT: // make sure arrow keys work in menus if (app.getGuiManager() != null && app.isUsingFullGui() && !app.getGuiManager().noMenusOpen()) { return false; } if (!fromSpreadsheet && handleLeftRightArrowsForDropdown(geos, false, true)) { return true; } changeValX = -base; break; case PAGEUP: changeValZ = base; break; case PAGEDOWN: changeValZ = -base; break; } if (changeValX != 0 || changeValY != 0 || changeValZ != 0) { moved = handleArrowKeyMovement(geos, changeValX, changeValY, changeValZ); } if (moved) { return true; } boolean vertical = true; double changeVal = 0; // F2, PLUS, MINUS keys switch (key) { default: // do nothing break; case F2: // handle F2 key to start editing first selected element if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().startEditing(geos.get(0)); return true; } break; case PLUS: case ADD: // can be own key on some keyboard case EQUALS: // same key as plus (on most keyboards) case UP: changeVal = base; vertical = true; break; case RIGHT: changeVal = base; vertical = false; break; case MINUS: case SUBTRACT: case DOWN: changeVal = -base; vertical = true; break; case LEFT: changeVal = -base; vertical = false; break; // case ESCAPE: // if (!fromSpreadsheet) { // handleEscForDropdown(); // } // break; } /* * if (changeVal == 0) { char keyChar = event.getKeyChar(); if (keyChar * == '+') changeVal = base; else if (keyChar == '-') changeVal = -base; * } */ // change all geoelements if (changeVal != 0) { boolean twoSliders = geos.size() == 2 && geos.get(0).isGeoNumeric() && geos.get(1).isGeoNumeric(); for (int i = geos.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo = geos.get(i); if (geo.isChangeable()) { // update number if (geo.isGeoNumeric() && (!twoSliders || ((vertical && i == 0) || (!vertical && i == 1)))) { GeoNumeric num = (GeoNumeric) geo; double newValue = num.getValue() + changeVal * num.getAnimationStep(); if (num.getAnimationStep() > Kernel.MIN_PRECISION) { // round to decimal fraction, e.g. 2.800000000001 to // 2.8 if (num.isGeoAngle()) { newValue = Kernel.PI_180 * Kernel.checkDecimalFraction( newValue * Kernel.CONST_180_PI, 1 / num.getAnimationStep()); } else { newValue = Kernel.checkDecimalFraction(newValue, 1 / num.getAnimationStep()); } } num.setValue(newValue); } // update point on path else if (geo.isGeoPoint() && !geo.isGeoElement3D()) { GeoPoint p = (GeoPoint) geo; if (p.isPointOnPath()) { p.addToPathParameter( changeVal * p.getAnimationStep()); } } } // update parent algo of dependent geo to update randomNumbers else if (!geo.isIndependent()) { // update labeled random number if (geo.isLabelSet() && geo.isGeoNumeric()) { GeoNumeric num = (GeoNumeric) geo; if (num.isRandomGeo()) { num.updateRandomGeo(); } } // update parent algorithm for unlabeled random numbers // and all other algorithms geo.getParentAlgorithm().update(); } } // update all geos together GeoElement.updateCascade(geos, getTempSet(), false); app.getKernel().notifyRepaint(); return true; } return false; } /** * Copies definitions of geos to input bar and wraps them in a list * * @param geos * list of geos */ protected abstract void copyDefinitionsToInputBarAsList( ArrayList<GeoElement> geos); /** * @return handles enter */ protected boolean handleEnter() { if (selection.getSelectedGeos().size() == 1) { GeoElement geo = selection.getSelectedGeos().get(0); if (geo.isGeoList()) { DrawDropDownList.asDrawable(app, geo).selectCurrentItem(); return true; } else if (geo.isGeoInputBox()) { app.getActiveEuclidianView() .focusAndShowTextField((GeoInputBox) geo); } } return false; } }