package org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.FromMeta; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.integration.EllipticArcLength; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoQuadric3DPartInterface; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.GeoClass; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * Class for part of a quadric (e.g. side of a limited cone, cylinder, ...) * * @author mathieu * */ public class GeoQuadric3DPart extends GeoQuadric3D implements GeoNumberValue, FromMeta, GeoQuadric3DPartInterface, GeoQuadric3DLimitedOrPart { /** min value for limites */ private double min; /** max value for limites */ private double max; private double[] tmpDouble2bis = new double[2]; /** * constructor * * @param c * construction */ public GeoQuadric3DPart(Construction c) { super(c); } /** * Copy constructor * * @param quadric * original */ public GeoQuadric3DPart(GeoQuadric3DPart quadric) { super(quadric); } @Override public void set(GeoElementND geo) { super.set(geo); GeoQuadric3DPart quadric = (GeoQuadric3DPart) geo; setLimits(quadric.bottom,; area = quadric.getArea(); } /** * sets the min and max values for limits * * @param min * limit for bottom * @param max * limit for top */ @Override public void setLimits(double min, double max) { bottom = min; top = max; if (min < max) { this.min = min; this.max = max; } else { this.min = max; this.max = min; } } private double bottom, top; @Override public double getBottomParameter() { return bottom; } @Override public double getTopParameter() { return top; } @Override public double getMinParameter(int index) { if (index == 1) { return min; } return super.getMinParameter(index); } @Override public double getMaxParameter(int index) { if (index == 1) { return max; } return super.getMaxParameter(index); } @Override public void set(Coords origin, Coords direction, Coords eigen, double r, double r2) { switch (type) { default: case QUADRIC_CYLINDER: setCylinder(origin, direction, eigen, r, r2); break; case QUADRIC_HYPERBOLIC_CYLINDER: setHyperbolicCylinder(origin, direction, eigen, r, r2); break; case QUADRIC_PARABOLIC_CYLINDER: setParabolicCylinder(origin, direction, eigen, r2); break; case QUADRIC_CONE: setCone(origin, direction, eigen, r, r2); break; } } @Override public GeoClass getGeoClassType() { return GeoClass.QUADRIC_PART; } @Override public String toValueString(StringTemplate tpl) { switch (type) { case QUADRIC_CYLINDER: case QUADRIC_CONE: return kernel.format(area, tpl); default: Log.debug("todo-GeoQuadric3DPart"); return "?"; } } @Override protected StringBuilder buildValueString(StringTemplate tpl) { return new StringBuilder(toValueString(tpl)); } @Override public GeoElement copy() { return new GeoQuadric3DPart(this); } // //////////////////////// // REGION // //////////////////////// @Override protected void getNormalProjectionParameters(Coords coords, double[] parameters) { super.getNormalProjectionParameters(coords, parameters); if (parameters[1] < getMinParameter(1)) { parameters[1] = getMinParameter(1); } else if (parameters[1] > getMaxParameter(1)) { parameters[1] = getMaxParameter(1); } } @Override protected Coords[] getProjection(Coords willingCoords, Coords willingDirection, double t1, double t2) { if (Kernel.isGreater(t2, t1)) { return getProjectionSorted(willingCoords, willingDirection, t1, t2); } if (Kernel.isGreater(t1, t2)) { return getProjectionSorted(willingCoords, willingDirection, t2, t1); } return super.getProjection(willingCoords, willingDirection, t1, t2); } @Override protected boolean checkParameters(double[] parameters) { if (Kernel.isGreater(getMinParameter(1), parameters[1])) { parameters[1] = getMinParameter(1); return false; } if (Kernel.isGreater(parameters[1], getMaxParameter(1))) { parameters[1] = getMaxParameter(1); return false; } return super.checkParameters(parameters); } /** * try with t1, then with t2, assuming t1 < t2 * * @param willingCoords * willing coords * @param willingDirection * willing direction * @param t1 * first possible parameter * @param t2 * second possible parameter * @return closest point */ private Coords[] getProjectionSorted(Coords willingCoords, Coords willingDirection, double t1, double t2) { super.getNormalProjectionParameters( willingCoords.add(willingDirection.mul(t1)), tmpDouble2); // check if first parameters are inside if (Kernel.isGreater(getMinParameter(1), tmpDouble2[1])) { tmpDouble2[1] = getMinParameter(1); } else if (Kernel.isGreater(tmpDouble2[1], getMaxParameter(1))) { tmpDouble2[1] = getMaxParameter(1); } else { return new Coords[] { getPoint(tmpDouble2[0], tmpDouble2[1]), new Coords(tmpDouble2) }; // first // parameters // are // inside } // first parameters are outside, check second parameters super.getNormalProjectionParameters( willingCoords.add(willingDirection.mul(t2)), tmpDouble2bis); if (Kernel.isGreater(getMinParameter(1), tmpDouble2bis[1])) { tmpDouble2bis[1] = getMinParameter(1); } else if (Kernel.isGreater(tmpDouble2bis[1], getMaxParameter(1))) { tmpDouble2bis[1] = getMaxParameter(1); } else { return new Coords[] { getPoint(tmpDouble2bis[0], tmpDouble2bis[1]), new Coords(tmpDouble2bis) }; // first // parameters // are // inside } // first and second parameters are outside: check nearest limit point Coords l1 = getPoint(tmpDouble2[0], tmpDouble2[1]); Coords l2 = getPoint(tmpDouble2bis[0], tmpDouble2bis[1]); double d1 = l1.distLine(willingCoords, willingDirection); double d2 = l2.distLine(willingCoords, willingDirection); if (Kernel.isGreater(d1, d2)) { return new Coords[] { getPoint(tmpDouble2bis[0], tmpDouble2bis[1]), new Coords(tmpDouble2bis) }; } return new Coords[] { getPoint(tmpDouble2[0], tmpDouble2[1]), new Coords(tmpDouble2) }; } @Override public boolean isInRegion(Coords coords) { // check first if coords is in unlimited quadric if (!super.isInRegion(coords)) { return false; } // check if coords respect limits super.getNormalProjectionParameters(coords, tmpDouble2); if (tmpDouble2[1] < getMinParameter(1)) { return false; } if (tmpDouble2[1] > getMaxParameter(1)) { return false; } // all ok return true; } @Override protected Coords getPointInRegion(double u, double v) { double v0; if (v < getMinParameter(1)) { v0 = getMinParameter(1); } else if (v > getMaxParameter(1)) { v0 = getMaxParameter(1); } else { v0 = v; } return super.getPointInRegion(u, v0); } // //////////////////////// // AREA // //////////////////////// private double area; /** * Update the area */ public void calcArea() { // Application.debug("geo="+getLabel()+", half="+getHalfAxis(0)+", // min="+min+", max="+max+", type="+type); switch (type) { case QUADRIC_CYLINDER: if (!Kernel.isEqual(getHalfAxis(0), getHalfAxis(1))) { area = EllipticArcLength.getEllipseCircumference(getHalfAxis(0), getHalfAxis(1)) * (max - min); } else { area = 2 * getHalfAxis(0) * Math.PI * (max - min); } break; case QUADRIC_CONE: if (!Kernel.isEqual(getHalfAxis(0), getHalfAxis(1))) { double h = max - min; double a = getHalfAxis(0) * h; double b = getHalfAxis(1) * h; area = 0.5 * a * Math.sqrt( b * b + h * h) * EllipticArcLength.getEllipseCircumference(1, Math.sqrt(1 - (1 - b / a * b / a) / (1 + b / h * b / h))); return; } double r2 = getHalfAxis(0); r2 *= r2; double h2; if (min * max < 0) { // "double-cone" h2 = min * min + max * max; } else { // truncated cone h2 = Math.abs(max * max - min * min); } area = Math.PI * h2 * r2 * Math.sqrt(1 + 1 / r2); break; default: Log.debug("todo-area"); area = Double.NaN; } } /** * @return area of lateral surface */ public double getArea() { if (defined) { return area; } return Double.NaN; } // //////////////////////////////// // NumberValue // //////////////////////////////// @Override public MyDouble getNumber() { return new MyDouble(kernel, getDouble()); } @Override public double getDouble() { return getArea(); } @Override public boolean isNumberValue() { return true; } // ////////////////////////// // META // ////////////////////////// private GeoElement meta = null; @Override public int getMetasLength() { if (meta == null) { return 0; } return 1; } @Override public GeoElement[] getMetas() { return new GeoElement[] { meta }; } /** * @param quadric * cone/cylinder that created it */ public void setFromMeta(GeoElement quadric) { meta = quadric; } // ////////////////////// // DILATE // ////////////////////// @Override public void dilate(NumberValue rval, Coords S) { super.dilate(rval, S); double r = rval.getDouble(); area *= r * r; double rAbs = Math.abs(r); bottom *= rAbs; top *= rAbs; min *= rAbs; max *= rAbs; } @Override protected void getXMLtagsMatrix(StringBuilder sb) { // no matrix needed since it comes from an algo } @Override protected void classifyQuadric() { Log.warn("GeoQuadric3DPart should not need classification"); } @Override public String getTypeString() { return "Surface"; } /** * * @return GeoQuadric3D type string */ public String getQuadricTypeString() { return super.getTypeString(); } }