package org.geogebra.common.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Macro; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoBoolean; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; /** * An exercise containing the assignments * * @author Christoph * */ public class Exercise { private ArrayList<Assignment> assignments; private Kernel kernel; private App app; /** * Create a new Exercise * * @param app * application */ public Exercise(App app) { = app; kernel = app.getKernel(); assignments = new ArrayList<Assignment>(); } /** * Resets the Exercise to contain no user defined tools. */ public void reset() { assignments = new ArrayList<Assignment>(); } /** * Resets the Exercise and adds all user defined tools to the Exercise. */ public void initStandardExercise() { reset(); if (app.getKernel().hasMacros()) { ArrayList<Macro> macros = app.getKernel().getAllMacros(); for (Macro macro : macros) { addAssignment(macro); } } } /** * Checks all Assignments in this exercise. * * Use getResult() and getHints */ public void checkExercise() { if (assignments.isEmpty()) { initStandardExercise(); } // ArrayList<String> addListeners = app.getScriptManager() // .getAddListeners(); // ArrayList<String> tmpListeners = new ArrayList<String>(); // for (String addListener : addListeners) { // tmpListeners.add(addListener); // app.getScriptManager().unregisterAddListener(addListener); // } app.getScriptManager().disableListeners(); for (Assignment assignment : assignments) { // if (assignment.isValid()) { assignment.checkAssignment(); // } } app.getScriptManager().enableListeners(); // for (String addListener : tmpListeners) { // app.getScriptManager().registerAddListener(addListener); // } } /** * The overall fraction of the Exercise * * If one Assignment has 100%, the overall fraction will be 1 minus the sum * of the fractions of the Assignments having negative Fractions.<br> * Otherwise the overall fraction will be the sum of all positive fractions * capped at 1 minus all negative fractions and then capped at 0. * * @return the sum of fractions for all assignments */ public double getFraction() { double fractionsumplus = 0; double fractionsumminus = 0; Assignment singleCorrect = null; double stdPrecision = Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION; for (Assignment assignment : assignments) { double assignmenFraction = assignment.getFraction(); if (assignmenFraction >= 0) { if (assignmenFraction >= 1 - stdPrecision) { singleCorrect = assignment; } fractionsumplus += assignmenFraction; } else { fractionsumminus += assignmenFraction; } } double fraction = 0; if (singleCorrect != null || fractionsumplus >= 1 - stdPrecision) { fraction = 1; } else { fraction = fractionsumplus; } fraction += fractionsumminus; return fraction < 0 + stdPrecision ? 0 : fraction; } /** * Creates a new Assignment and adds it to the Exercise. * * @param macro * the user defined Tool corresponding to the Assignment * @return the newly created Assignment */ public GeoAssignment addAssignment(Macro macro) { GeoAssignment a = getAssignment(macro); if (a == null) { a = new GeoAssignment(macro); addAssignment(a); } return a; } /** * Creates a new Assignment and adds it to the Exercise. * * @param geo * the GeoBoolean which should be used for the check * @return the newly created Assignment */ public BoolAssignment addAssignment(GeoBoolean geo) { BoolAssignment a = getAssignment(geo); if (a == null) { a = new BoolAssignment(geo, app.getKernel()); addAssignment(a); } return a; } /** * Creates a new Assignment and adds it to the Exercise. * * @param geoBooleanLabel * the label of the geoBoolean which should be used for the check * @return the newly created Assignment */ public BoolAssignment addAssignment(String geoBooleanLabel) { BoolAssignment a = new BoolAssignment(geoBooleanLabel, app.getKernel()); assignments.add(a); return a; } /** * @return all assignments contained in the exercise */ public ArrayList<Assignment> getParts() { return assignments; } /** * Check if a macro is already used by this exercise * * @param macro * the user defined tool * @return true if this exercise uses the macro */ public boolean usesMacro(Macro macro) { boolean uses = false; for (Assignment assignment : assignments) { if (assignment instanceof GeoAssignment) { uses = uses || ((GeoAssignment) assignment).getTool().equals(macro); } } return uses; } /** * Check if a macro is already used by this exercise * * @param macroID * the id of the user defined tool * @return {@link #usesMacro(Macro)} */ public boolean usesMacro(int macroID) { return usesMacro(kernel.getMacro(macroID)); } /** * @param geo * the GeoBoolean to check for * @return true if the GeoBoolean is used by the Exercise */ public boolean usesBoolean(GeoBoolean geo) { boolean uses = false; for (Assignment assignment : assignments) { if (assignment instanceof BoolAssignment) { uses = uses || ((BoolAssignment) assignment).usesGeoBoolean(geo); } } return uses; } /** * @return false if there are no Macros or any change to the standard * behavior has been made with the ExerciseBuilder <br /> * true if there are Macros which can be used for checking * */ private boolean isStandardExercise() { boolean res = true; if (assignments.size() > 0) { res = false; } for (int i = 0; i < assignments.size() && res; i++) { if (assignments.get(i) instanceof GeoAssignment) { res = ((GeoAssignment) assignments.get(i)).getTool() .equals(app.getKernel().getAllMacros().get(i)) && !(assignments.get(i).hasHint() || assignments.get(i).hasFraction() || !((GeoAssignment) assignments.get(i)) .getCheckOperation() .equals("AreEqual")); } else { res = false; } } return res; } /** * @return XML describing the Exercise. Will be empty if no changes to the * Exercise were made (i.e. if isStandardExercise).<br /> * Only Elements and Properties which are set or not standard will * be included. * * <pre> * {@code * <assignment toolName="Tool2"> * <result name="CORRECT" hint="Great, that's correct!" /> * <result name="WRONG" hint="Try again!" /> * <result name="NOT_ENOUGH_INPUTS" hint="You should at least have {inputs} in your construction!" /> * <result name="WRONG_INPUT_TYPES" hint="We were not able to find {inputs}, although it seems you have drawn a triangle!" /> * <result name="WRONG_OUTPUT_TYPE" hint="We couldn't find a triangle in the construction!" /> * <result name="WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE" hint="Should never happen in this construction! Contact your teacher!" fraction="0.5" /> * <result name="UNKNOWN" hint="Something went wrong - ask your teacher!" /> * </assignment> * } * </pre> */ public String getExerciseXML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!isStandardExercise()) { for (Assignment a : assignments) { sb.append(a.getAssignmentXML()); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Check if the Exercise has assignments * * @return true if there are no assignments in this Exercise */ public boolean isEmpty() { return assignments.isEmpty(); } /** * Remove an assignment from this Exercise * * @param assignment * the assignment to be removed from the Exercise */ public void remove(Assignment assignment) { assignments.remove(assignment); } /** * Should be used if Macro is deleted * * @param macro * the macro being used by the assignment which should be removed */ public void removeAssignment(Macro macro) { Assignment assignmentToRemove = null; for (Assignment assignment : assignments) { if (assignment instanceof GeoAssignment) { if (((GeoAssignment) assignment).getTool().equals(macro)) { assignmentToRemove = assignment; } } } if (assignmentToRemove != null) { remove(assignmentToRemove); } } /** * Removes all Assignments from the Exercise */ public void removeAllAssignments() { reset(); } /** * @param macro * the macro being used by the assignment which should be * retrieved * @return the assignment being used by the macro or null if macro isn't * used by the Exercise */ public GeoAssignment getAssignment(Macro macro) { GeoAssignment assignmentToReturn = null; for (Assignment assignment : assignments) { if (assignment instanceof GeoAssignment) { if (((GeoAssignment) assignment).getTool().equals(macro)) { assignmentToReturn = (GeoAssignment) assignment; } } } return assignmentToReturn; } /** * @param geo * the GeoBoolean being used by the assignment which should be * retrieved * @return the assignment which uses the geo or null if not used */ public BoolAssignment getAssignment(GeoBoolean geo) { BoolAssignment assignmentToReturn = null; for (Assignment assignment : assignments) { if (assignment instanceof BoolAssignment) { if (((BoolAssignment) assignment).usesGeoBoolean(geo)) { assignmentToReturn = (BoolAssignment) assignment; } } } return assignmentToReturn; } /** * Adds an assignment to the exercise * * @param assignment * the assignment to add to the Exercise */ public void addAssignment(Assignment assignment) { addAssignment(assignments.size(), assignment); } private boolean isValid(Assignment assignment) { return !assignments.contains(assignment) && assignment.isValid(); } /** * Adds an assignment to the exercise at specified index * * @param assignmentIndex * the index to be used for the assignment, shifts all Elments => * assignmentIndex to the right * @param assignment * the assignment to add to the Exercise */ public void addAssignment(int assignmentIndex, Assignment assignment) { if (isValid(assignment)) { assignments.add(assignmentIndex, assignment); } } /** * After a student started the Exercise in an CMS/LMS, values on which the * solution depends should not get changed anymore, when reopening the file. * If the exercise gets saved so that the teacher can review it or the * student can work on it later again, the teacher as well as the student * should see the same values the student saw on the first time. <br> * If it doesn't get saved, this doesn't do any harm since the Assignment * will be randomized again on next try.<br> * The current values for displaying in CMS/LMS are also returned, so that * the CMS/LMS can display the values and not cluttering up the applet with * text, which can be shown more pretty in the CMS/LMS (most of the times). * * @return all random geos of type GeoNumeric on which a BoolAssignment is * dependent and stops randomizing all of these values. */ public ArrayList<GeoNumeric> stopRandomizeAndGetValuesForBoolAssignments() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub ArrayList<GeoNumeric> geos = new ArrayList<GeoNumeric>(); TreeSet<GeoElement> predecessorsOfUsedBooleans = new TreeSet<GeoElement>(); for (Assignment assignment : assignments) { if (assignment instanceof BoolAssignment) { predecessorsOfUsedBooleans.addAll(((BoolAssignment) assignment) .getGeoBoolean().getAllPredecessors()); } } for (GeoElement geo : predecessorsOfUsedBooleans) { if (geo instanceof GeoNumeric && geo.isLabelSet()) { geos.add((GeoNumeric) geo); if (geo.isRandomGeo()) { ((GeoNumeric) geo).setRandom(false); } } // If we also want to stop randomizing other values which were // randomized by some AlgoRandom the user would have to specify the // variables used by the assignment. I think this is not necessary // since if we only stop randomization of // sliders I think it's easier to use for the teacher. } return geos; } /** * If undo happens we have to update the Exercise to the new GeoElements. * Also used to remove invalid assignments before showing * Exercisebuilderdialog */ public void notifyUpdate() { for (Assignment assignment : assignments) { if (assignment instanceof BoolAssignment) { if (!((BoolAssignment) assignment).update()) { assignments.remove(assignment); } } } } }