package; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GDimension; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPoint; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GRectangle; import org.geogebra.common.factories.AwtFactory; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; /** * A storage container with all information which need to be stored for a * DockPanel. * * @author Florian Sonner */ final public class DockPanelData { private int viewId; private boolean isVisible; private boolean openInFrame; private boolean showStyleBar; private GRectangle frameBounds; // see for an explanation of this, eg "1,1,1" private String embeddedDef; private String toolbarString; private int embeddedSize; private String plane; /** * @param viewId * The view ID. * @param toolbar * The toolbar string of this panel or null. * @param isVisible * If this view is visible at the moment. * @param openInFrame * If this view should be opened in a separate frame. * @param showStyleBar * If the style bar is visible * @param windowRect * The rectangle which defines the location and size of the * window for this view. * @param embeddedDef * The definition string for the location of the view in the main * window. * @param embeddedSize * The size of the view in the main window. * @param plane * Plane that created the view (for EuclidianViewForPlane) */ public DockPanelData(int viewId, String toolbar, boolean isVisible, boolean openInFrame, boolean showStyleBar, GRectangle windowRect, String embeddedDef, int embeddedSize, String plane) { this.viewId = viewId; this.toolbarString = toolbar; this.isVisible = isVisible; this.openInFrame = openInFrame; this.showStyleBar = showStyleBar; this.frameBounds = windowRect; this.embeddedDef = embeddedDef; this.embeddedSize = embeddedSize; this.plane = plane; } /** * @param viewId * The view ID. * @param toolbar * The toolbar string of this panel or null. * @param isVisible * If this view is visible at the moment. * @param openInFrame * If this view should be opened in a separate frame. * @param showStyleBar * If the style bar is visible * @param windowRect * The rectangle which defines the location and size of the * window for this view. * @param embeddedDef * The definition string for the location of the view in the main * window. * @param embeddedSize * The size of the view in the main window. */ public DockPanelData(int viewId, String toolbar, boolean isVisible, boolean openInFrame, boolean showStyleBar, GRectangle windowRect, String embeddedDef, int embeddedSize) { this(viewId, toolbar, isVisible, openInFrame, showStyleBar, windowRect, embeddedDef, embeddedSize, null); } /** * @param viewId * The view ID. * @param toolbar * The toolbar string of this view or null. * @param isVisible * If this view is visible at the moment. * @param inFrame * If this view is in an separate window at the moment. * @param showStyleBar * If the style bar is visible * @param windowX * The x location of the window. * @param windowY * The y location of the window. * @param windowWidth * The width of the window. * @param windowHeight * The height of the window. * @param embeddedDef * The definition string for the location of the view in the main * window. * @param embeddedSize * The size of the view in the main window. */ public DockPanelData(int viewId, String toolbar, boolean isVisible, boolean inFrame, boolean showStyleBar, int windowX, int windowY, int windowWidth, int windowHeight, String embeddedDef, int embeddedSize) { this(viewId, toolbar, isVisible, inFrame, showStyleBar, AwtFactory.getPrototype().newRectangle(windowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight), embeddedDef, embeddedSize, null); } /** * @param viewId * The view ID. * @param toolbar * The toolbar string of this view or null. * @param isVisible * If this view is visible at the moment. * @param inFrame * If this view is in an separate window at the moment. * @param showStyleBar * If the style bar is visible * @param windowLoc * The location of the window. * @param windowSize * The size of the window. * @param embeddedDef * The definition string for the location of the view in the main * window. * @param embeddedSize * The size of the view in the main window. */ public DockPanelData(int viewId, String toolbar, boolean isVisible, boolean inFrame, boolean showStyleBar, GPoint windowLoc, GDimension windowSize, String embeddedDef, int embeddedSize) { this(viewId, toolbar, isVisible, inFrame, showStyleBar, AwtFactory.getPrototype().newRectangle(windowLoc.getX(), windowLoc.getY(), windowSize.getWidth(), windowSize.getHeight()), embeddedDef, embeddedSize, null); } /** * @return The view ID. */ public int getViewId() { return viewId; } /** * set the view id * * @param id * id */ public void setViewId(int id) { viewId = id; } /** * @return The toolbar string of this view (or an empty string). */ public String getToolbarString() { return toolbarString; } /** * Set the toolbar string of this view (or an empty string). * * @param toolbar * toolbar string */ public void setToolbarString(String toolbar) { toolbarString = toolbar; } /** * @return If this view is visible at the moment. */ public boolean isVisible() { return isVisible; } /** * @return If the DockPanel was shown in a frame the last time it was * visible. */ public boolean isOpenInFrame() { return openInFrame; } /** * @return If the style bar is visible */ public boolean showStyleBar() { return showStyleBar; } /** * @return the frameBounds */ public GRectangle getFrameBounds() { return frameBounds; } /** * @return the embeddedDef */ public String getEmbeddedDef() { return embeddedDef; } /** * @return the embeddedSize */ public int getEmbeddedSize() { return embeddedSize; } /** * * @return the plane creator */ public String getPlane() { return plane; } /** * * @return view id for XML */ private int getViewIdForXML() { return plane == null ? getViewId() : App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN_FOR_PLANE_START; } /** * @return string builder with tag name and basic parameters */ private final StringBuilder getStartXml() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<view id=\""); sb.append(getViewIdForXML()); if (getToolbarString() != null) { sb.append("\" toolbar=\""); sb.append(getToolbarString()); } sb.append("\" visible=\""); sb.append(isVisible()); sb.append("\" inframe=\""); sb.append(isOpenInFrame()); sb.append("\" stylebar=\""); sb.append(showStyleBar()); sb.append("\" location=\""); sb.append(getEmbeddedDef()); sb.append("\" size=\""); sb.append(getEmbeddedSize()); sb.append("\" window=\""); sb.append((int) getFrameBounds().getX()); sb.append(","); sb.append((int) getFrameBounds().getY()); sb.append(","); sb.append((int) getFrameBounds().getWidth()); sb.append(","); sb.append((int) getFrameBounds().getHeight()); return sb; } /** * @return An XML representation of the data stored in this class. */ public String getXml() { StringBuilder sb = getStartXml(); if (plane != null) { sb.append("\" plane=\""); sb.append(getPlane()); } sb.append("\" />\n"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Maybe false for non-visible views from plane * * @return true if will be stored in XML */ public boolean storeXml() { return plane == null || isVisible(); } /** * Clone this object. Required as dock panels would change the loaded * perspective automatically otherwise. * * @return clone */ final public DockPanelData duplicate() { return new DockPanelData(viewId, toolbarString, isVisible, openInFrame, showStyleBar, frameBounds, embeddedDef, embeddedSize, plane); } /** * @param visible * whether this panel should be visible */ public void setVisible(boolean visible) { isVisible = visible; } /** * @param s * comma separated list of left/right/top/bottom a.k.a. 1,2,3,4 */ public void setLocation(String s) { this.embeddedDef = s; } }