package org.geogebra.common.util; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Macro; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoMacro; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNodeEvaluator; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Inspecting; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Test; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * @author Christoph * */ public class GeoAssignment extends Assignment { /** * Possible values for CheckOperations */ public final static String[] CHECK_OPERATIONS = { "==", "AreEqual", "AreCongruent" }; private static final long TIMEOUT = (long) 1E4; private String checkOp; private Inspecting geoInspector; private Macro macro; private GeoElement[] solutionObjects; private int callsToEqual, callsToCheckTypes; private Test[] inputTypes; /** * The possible InputTypes for this Assignment */ HashSet<Test> uniqueInputTypes; private TreeSet<GeoElement> randomizeablePredecessors; private Construction cons; /** * @param macro * the macro (user defined tool) corresponding to the assignment */ public GeoAssignment(Macro macro) { super(macro.getKernel()); cons = kernel.getConstruction(); this.macro = macro; inputTypes = macro.getInputTypes(); uniqueInputTypes = new HashSet<Test>(Arrays.asList(inputTypes)); randomizeablePredecessors = new TreeSet<GeoElement>(); checkOp = "AreEqual"; geoInspector = new Inspecting() { @Override public boolean check(ExpressionValue v) { return ((GeoElement) v).isLabelSet() && uniqueInputTypes.contains(Test.getSpecificTest(v)); } }; } @Override public Result checkAssignment() { res = Result.UNKNOWN; if (isValid()) { callsToEqual = 0; callsToCheckTypes = 0; boolean oldSilentMode = cons.getKernel().isSilentMode(); cons.getKernel().setSilentMode(true); TreeSet<GeoElement> possibleOutputGeos = new TreeSet<GeoElement>( Collections.reverseOrder()); // find all possible inputgeos and all outputgeos that match the // type of // the macro TreeSet<GeoElement> sortedSet = cons .getGeoSetNameDescriptionOrder(); Iterator<GeoElement> it = sortedSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; TreeSet<GeoElement> allPredecessors = geo.getAllPredecessors(); if (!allPredecessors.isEmpty()) { for (GeoElement macroOut : macro.getMacroOutput()) { if (macroOut.getClass().equals(geo.getClass())) { possibleOutputGeos.add(geo); } } } } if (macro.getMacroOutput().length > possibleOutputGeos.size()) { res = Result.WRONG_OUTPUT_TYPE; } else { checkCorrectness(possibleOutputGeos); } Log.debug("Checking on " + macro.getToolName() + " completed. Comparisons of Objects: " + callsToEqual); Log.debug("Checking on " + macro.getToolName() + " completed. Checked types of Objects: " + callsToCheckTypes); cons.getKernel().setSilentMode(oldSilentMode); } return res; } private void checkCorrectness(TreeSet<GeoElement> possibleOutputGeos) { PermutationOfGeOElementsUtil outputPermutationUtil = new PermutationOfGeOElementsUtil( possibleOutputGeos.toArray(new GeoElement[0]), macro.getMacroOutput().length); GeoElement[] possibleOutputPermutation =; TreeSet<Result> partRes = new TreeSet<Result>(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double macroCons = 0; while (possibleOutputPermutation != null && res != Result.CORRECT && System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + TIMEOUT) { if (!areOutputTypesOK(possibleOutputPermutation, macro.getMacroOutput())) { possibleOutputPermutation =; continue; } TreeSet<GeoElement> possibleInputGeos = getAllPredecessors( possibleOutputPermutation, geoInspector); if (possibleInputGeos.size() < macro.getInputTypes().length) { res = Result.NOT_ENOUGH_INPUTS; } else { macroCons += checkPermutationsOfInputs( possibleOutputPermutation, partRes, possibleInputGeos); } possibleOutputPermutation =; } Log.debug(macro.getCommandName() + ":" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "," + macroCons); } private static boolean areOutputTypesOK( GeoElement[] possibleOutputPermutation, GeoElement[] macroOutput) { if (possibleOutputPermutation.length != macroOutput.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < possibleOutputPermutation.length; i++) { if (!Test.canSet(possibleOutputPermutation[i], macroOutput[i])) { return false; } } return true; } private double checkPermutationsOfInputs( GeoElement[] possibleOutputPermutation, TreeSet<Result> partRes, TreeSet<GeoElement> possibleInputGeos) { boolean isTypeCheckNeeded = uniqueInputTypes.size() > 1; GeoElement[] input; PermutationOfGeOElementsUtil inputPermutationUtil = new PermutationOfGeOElementsUtil( possibleInputGeos.toArray(new GeoElement[0]), macro.getInputTypes().length); input =; boolean solutionFound = false; double ret = 0; while (input != null && !solutionFound) { partRes.clear(); if (!isTypeCheckNeeded || areTypesOK(input)) { double d = macro.getKernel().getApplication() .getMillisecondTime(); AlgoMacro algoMacro = new AlgoMacro(cons, null, macro, input, false); ret += macro.getKernel().getApplication() .getMillisecondTime() - d; GeoElement[] macroOutput = algoMacro.getOutput(); for (int i = 0; i < possibleOutputPermutation.length && (!partRes.contains(Result.WRONG)); i++) { checkEqualityOfGeos(input, macroOutput[i], possibleOutputPermutation, i, partRes); } algoMacro.remove(); solutionFound = !partRes.contains(Result.WRONG) && !partRes.contains(Result.WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE) && partRes.contains(Result.CORRECT); } else if (res != Result.WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE && res != Result.WRONG) { res = Result.WRONG_INPUT_TYPES; } if (partRes.contains(Result.WRONG) && res != Result.WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE) { res = Result.WRONG; } else if (partRes.contains(Result.WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE)) { res = Result.WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE; Log.debug("Objects wrong after Randomize: " + toString(possibleOutputPermutation)); Log.debug("Objects used as inputs: " + toString(input)); } else if (partRes.contains(Result.CORRECT)) { res = Result.CORRECT; solutionObjects = possibleOutputPermutation; Log.debug("Objects found to be the Solution: " + toString(solutionObjects)); Log.debug("Objects used as inputs: " + toString(input)); } input =; } return ret; } private void checkEqualityOfGeos(GeoElement[] input, GeoElement macroOutput, GeoElement possibleOutput[], int i, TreeSet<Result> partRes) { // TODO Check if we really need to call adjustMoveableOutputs with all // possibleOutputs ie.the array boolean mayAdjustMoveableOutputs = adjustMoveableOutputs(macroOutput, possibleOutput); if ("AreEqual".equals(checkOp)) { // GeoElement root = new AlgoAreEqual(cons, macroOutput, // possibleOutput[i]).getOutput()[0]; // // AlgoProve algoProve = new AlgoProve(cons, null, root); partRes.add(macroOutput.isEqual(possibleOutput[i]) ? Result.CORRECT : Result.WRONG); // partRes.add(algoProve.getGeoBoolean().getBoolean() ? // Result.CORRECT // : Result.WRONG); } else if ("==".equals(checkOp)) { partRes.add(ExpressionNodeEvaluator.evalEquals(macro.getKernel(), macroOutput, possibleOutput[i]).getBoolean() ? Result.CORRECT : Result.WRONG); } else if ("AreCongruent".equals(checkOp)) { partRes.add((macroOutput.isCongruent(possibleOutput[i]).boolVal()) ? Result.CORRECT : Result.WRONG); } callsToEqual++; int j = 0; if (partRes.contains(Result.CORRECT)) { Log.debug("randomizing..."); while (j < input.length && !partRes.contains(Result.WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE)) { if (input[j].isRandomizable()) { mayAdjustMoveableOutputs = doProbabilisticChecking(input[j], macroOutput, possibleOutput, i, partRes, mayAdjustMoveableOutputs); } else { input[j].addRandomizablePredecessorsToSet( randomizeablePredecessors); for (int k = 0; k < randomizeablePredecessors.size() && !partRes.contains( Result.WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE); k++) { mayAdjustMoveableOutputs = doProbabilisticChecking( randomizeablePredecessors.pollFirst(), macroOutput, possibleOutput, i, partRes, mayAdjustMoveableOutputs); } } j++; } } } private boolean doProbabilisticChecking(GeoElement geoToRandomize, GeoElement macroOutput, GeoElement[] possibleOutput, int i, TreeSet<Result> partRes, boolean mayAdjustMoveableOutputs) { boolean mayAdjustMoveableOutputsL = mayAdjustMoveableOutputs; GeoElement saveInput; saveInput = geoToRandomize.copy(); geoToRandomize.randomizeForProbabilisticChecking(); geoToRandomize.updateCascade(); if (mayAdjustMoveableOutputs) { mayAdjustMoveableOutputsL = adjustMoveableOutputs(macroOutput, possibleOutput); } if ("AreEqual".equals(checkOp)) { partRes.add(macroOutput.isEqual(possibleOutput[i]) ? Result.CORRECT : Result.WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE); } else if ("==".equals(checkOp)) { partRes.add(ExpressionNodeEvaluator.evalEquals(macro.getKernel(), macroOutput, possibleOutput[i]).getBoolean() ? Result.CORRECT : Result.WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE); } else if ("AreCongruent".equals(checkOp)) { partRes.add((macroOutput.isCongruent(possibleOutput[i]).boolVal()) ? Result.CORRECT : Result.WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE); } callsToEqual++; geoToRandomize.set(saveInput); geoToRandomize.updateCascade(); return mayAdjustMoveableOutputsL; } /** * If some macro outputs are moveable (eg. point on path), push them close * to the corresponding possible outputs (within given path/region * constraint) * * @param macroOutput * sample macro output * @param possibleOutput * possible outputs * @return whether an output was changeable */ private static boolean adjustMoveableOutputs(GeoElement macroOutput, GeoElement[] possibleOutput) { boolean ret = false; AlgoMacro algo = (AlgoMacro) macroOutput.getParentAlgorithm(); int size = algo.getOutputLength(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (algo.isChangeable(algo.getOutput(i)) && possibleOutput[i] instanceof GeoPoint) { GeoPoint pt = (GeoPoint) possibleOutput[i]; algo.setCoords((GeoPoint) algo.getOutput(i), pt.getX(), pt.getY(), pt.getZ()); ret = true; } } return ret; } private static TreeSet<GeoElement> getAllPredecessors( GeoElement[] possibleOutputPermutation, Inspecting geoInspector) { TreeSet<GeoElement> possibleInputGeos = new TreeSet<GeoElement>(); for (int i = 0; i < possibleOutputPermutation.length; i++) { possibleOutputPermutation[i].addPredecessorsToSet(possibleInputGeos, geoInspector); } for (int i = 0; i < possibleOutputPermutation.length; i++) { possibleInputGeos.remove(possibleOutputPermutation[i]); } return possibleInputGeos; } private boolean areTypesOK(GeoElement[] input) { boolean typesOK = true; // we assume that types are OK int k = 0; while (k < input.length && typesOK) { callsToCheckTypes++; if (inputTypes[k].check(input[k])) { typesOK = true; } else { typesOK = false; } k++; } return typesOK; } private static String toString(GeoElement[] elements) { StringBuilder solObj = new StringBuilder(); for (GeoElement g : elements) { if (solObj.length() > 0) { solObj.append(", "); } solObj.append(g.toString(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); } return solObj.toString(); } /** * @return the icon file name of the user defined tool corresponding to this * assignment */ @Override public String getIconFileName() { return macro.getIconFileName(); } /** * @return the Name of the Tool corresponding to this Assignment */ public String getToolName() { return macro.getToolName(); } /** * @return the user defined tool corresponding to the assignment */ public Macro getTool() { return macro; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.geogebra.common.util.Assignment#getAssignmentXML() */ @Override public String getAssignmentXML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\t<assignment toolName=\""); StringUtil.encodeXML(sb, macro.getToolName()); sb.append("\" commandName=\""); StringUtil.encodeXML(sb, macro.getCommandName()); sb.append("\" checkOperation=\""); StringUtil.encodeXML(sb, getCheckOperation()); sb.append("\">\n"); getAssignmentXML(sb); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param newTool * the Macro which should be used to checking */ public void setMacro(Macro newTool) { macro = newTool; } /** * @return a String representing the operator/method used by this assignment * to check correctness. One of "==", "AreEqual", "AreCongruent" */ public String getCheckOperation() { return checkOp; } /** * @param checkOp * The operator/method which should be used for checking this * Assignment. One of { "==", "AreEqual", "AreCongruent" } */ public void setCheckOperation(String checkOp) { this.checkOp = checkOp; } @Override public Result[] possibleResults() { return Result.values(); } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return getToolName(); } @Override public boolean isValid() { return kernel.getMacro(getTool().getCommandName()) != null; } } // Eyal Schneider // /** * Utility Class to permute the array of GeoElements * * @author Eyal Schneider, * @author Adaption: Christoph Stadlbauer */ class PermutationOfGeOElementsUtil { private GeoElement[] arr; private int[] permSwappings; /** * @param arr * the Array with the Elements to be permuted */ public PermutationOfGeOElementsUtil(GeoElement[] arr) { this(arr, arr.length); } /** * @param arr * the Array with the Elements to be permuted * @param permSize * the Elements k < arr.length of the array you need to permute */ public PermutationOfGeOElementsUtil(GeoElement[] arr, int permSize) { // this.arr = arr.clone(); this.arr = new GeoElement[arr.length]; System.arraycopy(arr, 0, this.arr, 0, arr.length); this.permSwappings = new int[permSize]; for (int i = 0; i < permSwappings.length; i++) { permSwappings[i] = i; } } /** * @return the next permutation of the array if exists, null otherwise */ public GeoElement[] next() { if (arr == null) { return null; } GeoElement[] res = new GeoElement[permSwappings.length]; System.arraycopy(arr, 0, res, 0, permSwappings.length); // GeoElement[] res = Arrays.copyOf(arr, permSwappings.length); // Prepare next int i = permSwappings.length - 1; while (i >= 0 && permSwappings[i] == arr.length - 1) { swap(i, permSwappings[i]); // Undo the swap represented by // permSwappings[i] permSwappings[i] = i; i--; } if (i < 0) { arr = null; } else { int prev = permSwappings[i]; swap(i, prev); int next = prev + 1; permSwappings[i] = next; swap(i, next); } return res; } private void swap(int i, int j) { GeoElement tmp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[j]; arr[j] = tmp; } }