package; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import; import; import; import; public class WorldInfo { public static final EnumDifficulty DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY = EnumDifficulty.NORMAL; /** Holds the seed of the currently world. */ private long randomSeed; private WorldType terrainType; private String generatorOptions; /** The spawn zone position X coordinate. */ private int spawnX; /** The spawn zone position Y coordinate. */ private int spawnY; /** The spawn zone position Z coordinate. */ private int spawnZ; /** Total time for this world. */ private long totalTime; /** The current world time in ticks, ranging from 0 to 23999. */ private long worldTime; /** The last time the player was in this world. */ private long lastTimePlayed; /** The size of entire save of current world on the disk, isn't exactly. */ private long sizeOnDisk; private NBTTagCompound playerTag; private int dimension; /** The name of the save defined at world creation. */ private String levelName; /** Introduced in beta 1.3, is the save version for future control. */ private int saveVersion; private int cleanWeatherTime; /** True if it's raining, false otherwise. */ private boolean raining; /** Number of ticks until next rain. */ private int rainTime; /** Is thunderbolts failing now? */ private boolean thundering; /** Number of ticks untils next thunderbolt. */ private int thunderTime; /** The Game Type. */ private WorldSettings.GameType theGameType; /** * Whether the map features (e.g. strongholds) generation is enabled or disabled. */ private boolean mapFeaturesEnabled; /** Hardcore mode flag */ private boolean hardcore; private boolean allowCommands; private boolean initialized; private EnumDifficulty difficulty; private boolean difficultyLocked; private double borderCenterX; private double borderCenterZ; private double borderSize; private long borderSizeLerpTime; private double borderSizeLerpTarget; private double borderSafeZone; private double borderDamagePerBlock; private int borderWarningDistance; private int borderWarningTime; private GameRules theGameRules; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000587"; protected WorldInfo() { this.terrainType = WorldType.DEFAULT; this.generatorOptions = ""; this.borderCenterX = 0.0D; this.borderCenterZ = 0.0D; this.borderSize = 6.0E7D; this.borderSizeLerpTime = 0L; this.borderSizeLerpTarget = 0.0D; this.borderSafeZone = 5.0D; this.borderDamagePerBlock = 0.2D; this.borderWarningDistance = 5; this.borderWarningTime = 15; this.theGameRules = new GameRules(); } public WorldInfo(NBTTagCompound nbt) { this.terrainType = WorldType.DEFAULT; this.generatorOptions = ""; this.borderCenterX = 0.0D; this.borderCenterZ = 0.0D; this.borderSize = 6.0E7D; this.borderSizeLerpTime = 0L; this.borderSizeLerpTarget = 0.0D; this.borderSafeZone = 5.0D; this.borderDamagePerBlock = 0.2D; this.borderWarningDistance = 5; this.borderWarningTime = 15; this.theGameRules = new GameRules(); this.randomSeed = nbt.getLong("RandomSeed"); if (nbt.hasKey("generatorName", 8)) { String var2 = nbt.getString("generatorName"); this.terrainType = WorldType.parseWorldType(var2); if (this.terrainType == null) { this.terrainType = WorldType.DEFAULT; } else if (this.terrainType.isVersioned()) { int var3 = 0; if (nbt.hasKey("generatorVersion", 99)) { var3 = nbt.getInteger("generatorVersion"); } this.terrainType = this.terrainType.getWorldTypeForGeneratorVersion(var3); } if (nbt.hasKey("generatorOptions", 8)) { this.generatorOptions = nbt.getString("generatorOptions"); } } this.theGameType = WorldSettings.GameType.getByID(nbt.getInteger("GameType")); if (nbt.hasKey("MapFeatures", 99)) { this.mapFeaturesEnabled = nbt.getBoolean("MapFeatures"); } else { this.mapFeaturesEnabled = true; } this.spawnX = nbt.getInteger("SpawnX"); this.spawnY = nbt.getInteger("SpawnY"); this.spawnZ = nbt.getInteger("SpawnZ"); this.totalTime = nbt.getLong("Time"); if (nbt.hasKey("DayTime", 99)) { this.worldTime = nbt.getLong("DayTime"); } else { this.worldTime = this.totalTime; } this.lastTimePlayed = nbt.getLong("LastPlayed"); this.sizeOnDisk = nbt.getLong("SizeOnDisk"); this.levelName = nbt.getString("LevelName"); this.saveVersion = nbt.getInteger("version"); this.cleanWeatherTime = nbt.getInteger("clearWeatherTime"); this.rainTime = nbt.getInteger("rainTime"); this.raining = nbt.getBoolean("raining"); this.thunderTime = nbt.getInteger("thunderTime"); this.thundering = nbt.getBoolean("thundering"); this.hardcore = nbt.getBoolean("hardcore"); if (nbt.hasKey("initialized", 99)) { this.initialized = nbt.getBoolean("initialized"); } else { this.initialized = true; } if (nbt.hasKey("allowCommands", 99)) { this.allowCommands = nbt.getBoolean("allowCommands"); } else { this.allowCommands = this.theGameType == WorldSettings.GameType.CREATIVE; } if (nbt.hasKey("Player", 10)) { this.playerTag = nbt.getCompoundTag("Player"); this.dimension = this.playerTag.getInteger("Dimension"); } if (nbt.hasKey("GameRules", 10)) { this.theGameRules.readGameRulesFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("GameRules")); } if (nbt.hasKey("Difficulty", 99)) { this.difficulty = EnumDifficulty.getDifficultyEnum(nbt.getByte("Difficulty")); } if (nbt.hasKey("DifficultyLocked", 1)) { this.difficultyLocked = nbt.getBoolean("DifficultyLocked"); } if (nbt.hasKey("BorderCenterX", 99)) { this.borderCenterX = nbt.getDouble("BorderCenterX"); } if (nbt.hasKey("BorderCenterZ", 99)) { this.borderCenterZ = nbt.getDouble("BorderCenterZ"); } if (nbt.hasKey("BorderSize", 99)) { this.borderSize = nbt.getDouble("BorderSize"); } if (nbt.hasKey("BorderSizeLerpTime", 99)) { this.borderSizeLerpTime = nbt.getLong("BorderSizeLerpTime"); } if (nbt.hasKey("BorderSizeLerpTarget", 99)) { this.borderSizeLerpTarget = nbt.getDouble("BorderSizeLerpTarget"); } if (nbt.hasKey("BorderSafeZone", 99)) { this.borderSafeZone = nbt.getDouble("BorderSafeZone"); } if (nbt.hasKey("BorderDamagePerBlock", 99)) { this.borderDamagePerBlock = nbt.getDouble("BorderDamagePerBlock"); } if (nbt.hasKey("BorderWarningBlocks", 99)) { this.borderWarningDistance = nbt.getInteger("BorderWarningBlocks"); } if (nbt.hasKey("BorderWarningTime", 99)) { this.borderWarningTime = nbt.getInteger("BorderWarningTime"); } } public WorldInfo(WorldSettings settings, String name) { this.terrainType = WorldType.DEFAULT; this.generatorOptions = ""; this.borderCenterX = 0.0D; this.borderCenterZ = 0.0D; this.borderSize = 6.0E7D; this.borderSizeLerpTime = 0L; this.borderSizeLerpTarget = 0.0D; this.borderSafeZone = 5.0D; this.borderDamagePerBlock = 0.2D; this.borderWarningDistance = 5; this.borderWarningTime = 15; this.theGameRules = new GameRules(); this.populateFromWorldSettings(settings); this.levelName = name; this.difficulty = DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY; this.initialized = false; } public void populateFromWorldSettings(WorldSettings settings) { this.randomSeed = settings.getSeed(); this.theGameType = settings.getGameType(); this.mapFeaturesEnabled = settings.isMapFeaturesEnabled(); this.hardcore = settings.getHardcoreEnabled(); this.terrainType = settings.getTerrainType(); this.generatorOptions = settings.getWorldName(); this.allowCommands = settings.areCommandsAllowed(); } public WorldInfo(WorldInfo p_i2159_1_) { this.terrainType = WorldType.DEFAULT; this.generatorOptions = ""; this.borderCenterX = 0.0D; this.borderCenterZ = 0.0D; this.borderSize = 6.0E7D; this.borderSizeLerpTime = 0L; this.borderSizeLerpTarget = 0.0D; this.borderSafeZone = 5.0D; this.borderDamagePerBlock = 0.2D; this.borderWarningDistance = 5; this.borderWarningTime = 15; this.theGameRules = new GameRules(); this.randomSeed = p_i2159_1_.randomSeed; this.terrainType = p_i2159_1_.terrainType; this.generatorOptions = p_i2159_1_.generatorOptions; this.theGameType = p_i2159_1_.theGameType; this.mapFeaturesEnabled = p_i2159_1_.mapFeaturesEnabled; this.spawnX = p_i2159_1_.spawnX; this.spawnY = p_i2159_1_.spawnY; this.spawnZ = p_i2159_1_.spawnZ; this.totalTime = p_i2159_1_.totalTime; this.worldTime = p_i2159_1_.worldTime; this.lastTimePlayed = p_i2159_1_.lastTimePlayed; this.sizeOnDisk = p_i2159_1_.sizeOnDisk; this.playerTag = p_i2159_1_.playerTag; this.dimension = p_i2159_1_.dimension; this.levelName = p_i2159_1_.levelName; this.saveVersion = p_i2159_1_.saveVersion; this.rainTime = p_i2159_1_.rainTime; this.raining = p_i2159_1_.raining; this.thunderTime = p_i2159_1_.thunderTime; this.thundering = p_i2159_1_.thundering; this.hardcore = p_i2159_1_.hardcore; this.allowCommands = p_i2159_1_.allowCommands; this.initialized = p_i2159_1_.initialized; this.theGameRules = p_i2159_1_.theGameRules; this.difficulty = p_i2159_1_.difficulty; this.difficultyLocked = p_i2159_1_.difficultyLocked; this.borderCenterX = p_i2159_1_.borderCenterX; this.borderCenterZ = p_i2159_1_.borderCenterZ; this.borderSize = p_i2159_1_.borderSize; this.borderSizeLerpTime = p_i2159_1_.borderSizeLerpTime; this.borderSizeLerpTarget = p_i2159_1_.borderSizeLerpTarget; this.borderSafeZone = p_i2159_1_.borderSafeZone; this.borderDamagePerBlock = p_i2159_1_.borderDamagePerBlock; this.borderWarningTime = p_i2159_1_.borderWarningTime; this.borderWarningDistance = p_i2159_1_.borderWarningDistance; } /** * Gets the NBTTagCompound for the worldInfo */ public NBTTagCompound getNBTTagCompound() { NBTTagCompound var1 = new NBTTagCompound(); this.updateTagCompound(var1, this.playerTag); return var1; } /** * Creates a new NBTTagCompound for the world, with the given NBTTag as the "Player" */ public NBTTagCompound cloneNBTCompound(NBTTagCompound nbt) { NBTTagCompound var2 = new NBTTagCompound(); this.updateTagCompound(var2, nbt); return var2; } private void updateTagCompound(NBTTagCompound nbt, NBTTagCompound playerNbt) { nbt.setLong("RandomSeed", this.randomSeed); nbt.setString("generatorName", this.terrainType.getWorldTypeName()); nbt.setInteger("generatorVersion", this.terrainType.getGeneratorVersion()); nbt.setString("generatorOptions", this.generatorOptions); nbt.setInteger("GameType", this.theGameType.getID()); nbt.setBoolean("MapFeatures", this.mapFeaturesEnabled); nbt.setInteger("SpawnX", this.spawnX); nbt.setInteger("SpawnY", this.spawnY); nbt.setInteger("SpawnZ", this.spawnZ); nbt.setLong("Time", this.totalTime); nbt.setLong("DayTime", this.worldTime); nbt.setLong("SizeOnDisk", this.sizeOnDisk); nbt.setLong("LastPlayed", MinecraftServer.getCurrentTimeMillis()); nbt.setString("LevelName", this.levelName); nbt.setInteger("version", this.saveVersion); nbt.setInteger("clearWeatherTime", this.cleanWeatherTime); nbt.setInteger("rainTime", this.rainTime); nbt.setBoolean("raining", this.raining); nbt.setInteger("thunderTime", this.thunderTime); nbt.setBoolean("thundering", this.thundering); nbt.setBoolean("hardcore", this.hardcore); nbt.setBoolean("allowCommands", this.allowCommands); nbt.setBoolean("initialized", this.initialized); nbt.setDouble("BorderCenterX", this.borderCenterX); nbt.setDouble("BorderCenterZ", this.borderCenterZ); nbt.setDouble("BorderSize", this.borderSize); nbt.setLong("BorderSizeLerpTime", this.borderSizeLerpTime); nbt.setDouble("BorderSafeZone", this.borderSafeZone); nbt.setDouble("BorderDamagePerBlock", this.borderDamagePerBlock); nbt.setDouble("BorderSizeLerpTarget", this.borderSizeLerpTarget); nbt.setDouble("BorderWarningBlocks", (double)this.borderWarningDistance); nbt.setDouble("BorderWarningTime", (double)this.borderWarningTime); if (this.difficulty != null) { nbt.setByte("Difficulty", (byte)this.difficulty.getDifficultyId()); } nbt.setBoolean("DifficultyLocked", this.difficultyLocked); nbt.setTag("GameRules", this.theGameRules.writeGameRulesToNBT()); if (playerNbt != null) { nbt.setTag("Player", playerNbt); } } /** * Returns the seed of current world. */ public long getSeed() { return this.randomSeed; } /** * Returns the x spawn position */ public int getSpawnX() { return this.spawnX; } /** * Return the Y axis spawning point of the player. */ public int getSpawnY() { return this.spawnY; } /** * Returns the z spawn position */ public int getSpawnZ() { return this.spawnZ; } public long getWorldTotalTime() { return this.totalTime; } /** * Get current world time */ public long getWorldTime() { return this.worldTime; } /** * Returns the player's NBTTagCompound to be loaded */ public NBTTagCompound getPlayerNBTTagCompound() { return this.playerTag; } public void incrementTotalWorldTime(long p_82572_1_) { this.totalTime = p_82572_1_; } /** * Set current world time */ public void setWorldTime(long p_76068_1_) { this.worldTime = p_76068_1_; } public void setSpawn(BlockPos spawnPoint) { this.spawnX = spawnPoint.getX(); this.spawnY = spawnPoint.getY(); this.spawnZ = spawnPoint.getZ(); } /** * Get current world name */ public String getWorldName() { return this.levelName; } public void setWorldName(String p_76062_1_) { this.levelName = p_76062_1_; } /** * Returns the save version of this world */ public int getSaveVersion() { return this.saveVersion; } /** * Sets the save version of the world */ public void setSaveVersion(int p_76078_1_) { this.saveVersion = p_76078_1_; } public int func_176133_A() { return this.cleanWeatherTime; } public void func_176142_i(int p_176142_1_) { this.cleanWeatherTime = p_176142_1_; } /** * Returns true if it is thundering, false otherwise. */ public boolean isThundering() { return this.thundering; } /** * Sets whether it is thundering or not. */ public void setThundering(boolean p_76069_1_) { this.thundering = p_76069_1_; } /** * Returns the number of ticks until next thunderbolt. */ public int getThunderTime() { return this.thunderTime; } /** * Defines the number of ticks until next thunderbolt. */ public void setThunderTime(int p_76090_1_) { this.thunderTime = p_76090_1_; } /** * Returns true if it is raining, false otherwise. */ public boolean isRaining() { return this.raining; } /** * Sets whether it is raining or not. */ public void setRaining(boolean p_76084_1_) { this.raining = p_76084_1_; } /** * Return the number of ticks until rain. */ public int getRainTime() { return this.rainTime; } /** * Sets the number of ticks until rain. */ public void setRainTime(int p_76080_1_) { this.rainTime = p_76080_1_; } /** * Gets the GameType. */ public WorldSettings.GameType getGameType() { return this.theGameType; } /** * Get whether the map features (e.g. strongholds) generation is enabled or disabled. */ public boolean isMapFeaturesEnabled() { return this.mapFeaturesEnabled; } public void setMapFeaturesEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.mapFeaturesEnabled = enabled; } /** * Sets the GameType. */ public void setGameType(WorldSettings.GameType type) { this.theGameType = type; } /** * Returns true if hardcore mode is enabled, otherwise false */ public boolean isHardcoreModeEnabled() { return this.hardcore; } public void setHardcore(boolean hardcoreIn) { this.hardcore = hardcoreIn; } public WorldType getTerrainType() { return this.terrainType; } public void setTerrainType(WorldType p_76085_1_) { this.terrainType = p_76085_1_; } public String getGeneratorOptions() { return this.generatorOptions; } /** * Returns true if commands are allowed on this World. */ public boolean areCommandsAllowed() { return this.allowCommands; } public void setAllowCommands(boolean allow) { this.allowCommands = allow; } /** * Returns true if the World is initialized. */ public boolean isInitialized() { return this.initialized; } /** * Sets the initialization status of the World. */ public void setServerInitialized(boolean initializedIn) { this.initialized = initializedIn; } /** * Gets the GameRules class Instance. */ public GameRules getGameRulesInstance() { return this.theGameRules; } public double func_176120_C() { return this.borderCenterX; } public double func_176126_D() { return this.borderCenterZ; } public double func_176137_E() { return this.borderSize; } public void func_176145_a(double p_176145_1_) { this.borderSize = p_176145_1_; } public long func_176134_F() { return this.borderSizeLerpTime; } public void func_176135_e(long p_176135_1_) { this.borderSizeLerpTime = p_176135_1_; } public double func_176132_G() { return this.borderSizeLerpTarget; } public void func_176118_b(double p_176118_1_) { this.borderSizeLerpTarget = p_176118_1_; } public void func_176141_c(double p_176141_1_) { this.borderCenterZ = p_176141_1_; } public void func_176124_d(double p_176124_1_) { this.borderCenterX = p_176124_1_; } public double func_176138_H() { return this.borderSafeZone; } public void func_176129_e(double p_176129_1_) { this.borderSafeZone = p_176129_1_; } public double func_176140_I() { return this.borderDamagePerBlock; } public void func_176125_f(double p_176125_1_) { this.borderDamagePerBlock = p_176125_1_; } public int func_176131_J() { return this.borderWarningDistance; } public int func_176139_K() { return this.borderWarningTime; } public void func_176122_j(int p_176122_1_) { this.borderWarningDistance = p_176122_1_; } public void func_176136_k(int p_176136_1_) { this.borderWarningTime = p_176136_1_; } public EnumDifficulty getDifficulty() { return this.difficulty; } public void setDifficulty(EnumDifficulty newDifficulty) { this.difficulty = newDifficulty; } public boolean isDifficultyLocked() { return this.difficultyLocked; } public void setDifficultyLocked(boolean locked) { this.difficultyLocked = locked; } /** * Adds this WorldInfo instance to the crash report. */ public void addToCrashReport(CrashReportCategory category) { category.addCrashSectionCallable("Level seed", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000588"; public String call() { return String.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.getSeed()); } }); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Level generator", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000589"; public String call() { return String.format("ID %02d - %s, ver %d. Features enabled: %b", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.terrainType.getWorldTypeID()), WorldInfo.this.terrainType.getWorldTypeName(), Integer.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.terrainType.getGeneratorVersion()), Boolean.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.mapFeaturesEnabled)}); } }); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Level generator options", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000590"; public String call() { return WorldInfo.this.generatorOptions; } }); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Level spawn location", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000591"; public String call() { return CrashReportCategory.getCoordinateInfo((double)WorldInfo.this.spawnX, (double)WorldInfo.this.spawnY, (double)WorldInfo.this.spawnZ); } }); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Level time", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000592"; public String call() { return String.format("%d game time, %d day time", new Object[] {Long.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.totalTime), Long.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.worldTime)}); } }); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Level dimension", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000593"; public String call() { return String.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.dimension); } }); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Level storage version", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000594"; public String call() { String var1 = "Unknown?"; try { switch (WorldInfo.this.saveVersion) { case 19132: var1 = "McRegion"; break; case 19133: var1 = "Anvil"; } } catch (Throwable var3) { ; } return String.format("0x%05X - %s", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.saveVersion), var1}); } }); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Level weather", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000595"; public String call() { return String.format("Rain time: %d (now: %b), thunder time: %d (now: %b)", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.rainTime), Boolean.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.raining), Integer.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.thunderTime), Boolean.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.thundering)}); } }); category.addCrashSectionCallable("Level game mode", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000597"; public String call() { return String.format("Game mode: %s (ID %d). Hardcore: %b. Cheats: %b", new Object[] {WorldInfo.this.theGameType.getName(), Integer.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.theGameType.getID()), Boolean.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.hardcore), Boolean.valueOf(WorldInfo.this.allowCommands)}); } }); } }