package; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; public class RangedAttribute extends BaseAttribute { private final double minimumValue; private final double maximumValue; private String description; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001568"; public RangedAttribute(IAttribute p_i45891_1_, String p_i45891_2_, double p_i45891_3_, double p_i45891_5_, double p_i45891_7_) { super(p_i45891_1_, p_i45891_2_, p_i45891_3_); this.minimumValue = p_i45891_5_; this.maximumValue = p_i45891_7_; if (p_i45891_5_ > p_i45891_7_) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum value cannot be bigger than maximum value!"); } else if (p_i45891_3_ < p_i45891_5_) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Default value cannot be lower than minimum value!"); } else if (p_i45891_3_ > p_i45891_7_) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Default value cannot be bigger than maximum value!"); } } public RangedAttribute setDescription(String p_111117_1_) { this.description = p_111117_1_; return this; } public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public double clampValue(double p_111109_1_) { p_111109_1_ = MathHelper.clamp_double(p_111109_1_, this.minimumValue, this.maximumValue); return p_111109_1_; } }