package; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathEntity; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import; public class EntityAIAttackOnCollide extends EntityAIBase { World worldObj; protected EntityCreature attacker; /** * An amount of decrementing ticks that allows the entity to attack once the tick reaches 0. */ int attackTick; /** The speed with which the mob will approach the target */ double speedTowardsTarget; /** * When true, the mob will continue chasing its target, even if it can't find a path to them right now. */ boolean longMemory; /** The PathEntity of our entity. */ PathEntity entityPathEntity; Class classTarget; private int field_75445_i; private double field_151497_i; private double field_151495_j; private double field_151496_k; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001595"; public EntityAIAttackOnCollide(EntityCreature p_i1635_1_, Class p_i1635_2_, double p_i1635_3_, boolean p_i1635_5_) { this(p_i1635_1_, p_i1635_3_, p_i1635_5_); this.classTarget = p_i1635_2_; } public EntityAIAttackOnCollide(EntityCreature p_i1636_1_, double p_i1636_2_, boolean p_i1636_4_) { this.attacker = p_i1636_1_; this.worldObj = p_i1636_1_.worldObj; this.speedTowardsTarget = p_i1636_2_; this.longMemory = p_i1636_4_; this.setMutexBits(3); } /** * Returns whether the EntityAIBase should begin execution. */ public boolean shouldExecute() { EntityLivingBase var1 = this.attacker.getAttackTarget(); if (var1 == null) { return false; } else if (!var1.isEntityAlive()) { return false; } else if (this.classTarget != null && !this.classTarget.isAssignableFrom(var1.getClass())) { return false; } else { this.entityPathEntity = this.attacker.getNavigator().getPathToEntityLiving(var1); return this.entityPathEntity != null; } } /** * Returns whether an in-progress EntityAIBase should continue executing */ public boolean continueExecuting() { EntityLivingBase var1 = this.attacker.getAttackTarget(); return var1 == null ? false : (!var1.isEntityAlive() ? false : (!this.longMemory ? !this.attacker.getNavigator().noPath() : this.attacker.func_180485_d(new BlockPos(var1)))); } /** * Execute a one shot task or start executing a continuous task */ public void startExecuting() { this.attacker.getNavigator().setPath(this.entityPathEntity, this.speedTowardsTarget); this.field_75445_i = 0; } /** * Resets the task */ public void resetTask() { this.attacker.getNavigator().clearPathEntity(); } /** * Updates the task */ public void updateTask() { EntityLivingBase var1 = this.attacker.getAttackTarget(); this.attacker.getLookHelper().setLookPositionWithEntity(var1, 30.0F, 30.0F); double var2 = this.attacker.getDistanceSq(var1.posX, var1.getEntityBoundingBox().minY, var1.posZ); double var4 = this.func_179512_a(var1); --this.field_75445_i; if ((this.longMemory || this.attacker.getEntitySenses().canSee(var1)) && this.field_75445_i <= 0 && (this.field_151497_i == 0.0D && this.field_151495_j == 0.0D && this.field_151496_k == 0.0D || var1.getDistanceSq(this.field_151497_i, this.field_151495_j, this.field_151496_k) >= 1.0D || this.attacker.getRNG().nextFloat() < 0.05F)) { this.field_151497_i = var1.posX; this.field_151495_j = var1.getEntityBoundingBox().minY; this.field_151496_k = var1.posZ; this.field_75445_i = 4 + this.attacker.getRNG().nextInt(7); if (var2 > 1024.0D) { this.field_75445_i += 10; } else if (var2 > 256.0D) { this.field_75445_i += 5; } if (!this.attacker.getNavigator().tryMoveToEntityLiving(var1, this.speedTowardsTarget)) { this.field_75445_i += 15; } } this.attackTick = Math.max(this.attackTick - 1, 0); if (var2 <= var4 && this.attackTick <= 0) { this.attackTick = 20; if (this.attacker.getHeldItem() != null) { this.attacker.swingItem(); } this.attacker.attackEntityAsMob(var1); } } protected double func_179512_a(EntityLivingBase p_179512_1_) { return (double)(this.attacker.width * 2.0F * this.attacker.width * 2.0F + p_179512_1_.width); } }