package; import; import; import; import; import; public class WorldProviderHell extends WorldProvider { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000387"; /** * creates a new world chunk manager for WorldProvider */ public void registerWorldChunkManager() { this.worldChunkMgr = new WorldChunkManagerHell(BiomeGenBase.hell, 0.0F); this.isHellWorld = true; this.hasNoSky = true; this.dimensionId = -1; } /** * Creates the light to brightness table */ protected void generateLightBrightnessTable() { float var1 = 0.1F; for (int var2 = 0; var2 <= 15; ++var2) { float var3 = 1.0F - (float)var2 / 15.0F; this.lightBrightnessTable[var2] = (1.0F - var3) / (var3 * 3.0F + 1.0F) * (1.0F - var1) + var1; } } /** * Returns a new chunk provider which generates chunks for this world */ public IChunkProvider createChunkGenerator() { return new ChunkProviderHell(this.worldObj, this.worldObj.getWorldInfo().isMapFeaturesEnabled(), this.worldObj.getSeed()); } /** * Returns 'true' if in the "main surface world", but 'false' if in the Nether or End dimensions. */ public boolean isSurfaceWorld() { return false; } /** * Will check if the x, z position specified is alright to be set as the map spawn point */ public boolean canCoordinateBeSpawn(int x, int z) { return false; } /** * Calculates the angle of sun and moon in the sky relative to a specified time (usually worldTime) */ public float calculateCelestialAngle(long p_76563_1_, float p_76563_3_) { return 0.5F; } /** * True if the player can respawn in this dimension (true = overworld, false = nether). */ public boolean canRespawnHere() { return false; } /** * Returns the dimension's name, e.g. "The End", "Nether", or "Overworld". */ public String getDimensionName() { return "Nether"; } public String getInternalNameSuffix() { return "_nether"; } public WorldBorder getWorldBorder() { return new WorldBorder() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00002008"; public double getCenterX() { return super.getCenterX() / 8.0D; } public double getCenterZ() { return super.getCenterZ() / 8.0D; } }; } }