package net.minecraft.block; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumParticleTypes; import; public class BlockRedstoneOre extends Block { private final boolean isOn; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000294"; public BlockRedstoneOre(boolean p_i45420_1_) { super(Material.rock); if (p_i45420_1_) { this.setTickRandomly(true); } this.isOn = p_i45420_1_; } /** * How many world ticks before ticking */ public int tickRate(World worldIn) { return 30; } public void onBlockClicked(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer playerIn) { this.setOn(worldIn, pos); super.onBlockClicked(worldIn, pos, playerIn); } /** * Triggered whenever an entity collides with this block (enters into the block) */ public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Entity entityIn) { this.setOn(worldIn, pos); super.onEntityCollidedWithBlock(worldIn, pos, entityIn); } public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumFacing side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) { this.setOn(worldIn, pos); return super.onBlockActivated(worldIn, pos, state, playerIn, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ); } private void setOn(World worldIn, BlockPos p_176352_2_) { this.spawnRedstoneParticles(worldIn, p_176352_2_); if (this == Blocks.redstone_ore) { worldIn.setBlockState(p_176352_2_, Blocks.lit_redstone_ore.getDefaultState()); } } public void updateTick(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Random rand) { if (this == Blocks.lit_redstone_ore) { worldIn.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.redstone_ore.getDefaultState()); } } /** * Get the Item that this Block should drop when harvested. * * @param fortune the level of the Fortune enchantment on the player's tool */ public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState state, Random rand, int fortune) { return; } /** * Get the quantity dropped based on the given fortune level */ public int quantityDroppedWithBonus(int fortune, Random random) { return this.quantityDropped(random) + random.nextInt(fortune + 1); } /** * Returns the quantity of items to drop on block destruction. */ public int quantityDropped(Random random) { return 4 + random.nextInt(2); } /** * Spawns this Block's drops into the World as EntityItems. * * @param chance The chance that each Item is actually spawned (1.0 = always, 0.0 = never) * @param fortune The player's fortune level */ public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, float chance, int fortune) { super.dropBlockAsItemWithChance(worldIn, pos, state, chance, fortune); if (this.getItemDropped(state, worldIn.rand, fortune) != Item.getItemFromBlock(this)) { int var6 = 1 + worldIn.rand.nextInt(5); this.dropXpOnBlockBreak(worldIn, pos, var6); } } private void spawnRedstoneParticles(World worldIn, BlockPos p_180691_2_) { Random var3 = worldIn.rand; double var4 = 0.0625D; for (int var6 = 0; var6 < 6; ++var6) { double var7 = (double)((float)p_180691_2_.getX() + var3.nextFloat()); double var9 = (double)((float)p_180691_2_.getY() + var3.nextFloat()); double var11 = (double)((float)p_180691_2_.getZ() + var3.nextFloat()); if (var6 == 0 && !worldIn.getBlockState(p_180691_2_.offsetUp()).getBlock().isOpaqueCube()) { var9 = (double)p_180691_2_.getY() + var4 + 1.0D; } if (var6 == 1 && !worldIn.getBlockState(p_180691_2_.offsetDown()).getBlock().isOpaqueCube()) { var9 = (double)p_180691_2_.getY() - var4; } if (var6 == 2 && !worldIn.getBlockState(p_180691_2_.offsetSouth()).getBlock().isOpaqueCube()) { var11 = (double)p_180691_2_.getZ() + var4 + 1.0D; } if (var6 == 3 && !worldIn.getBlockState(p_180691_2_.offsetNorth()).getBlock().isOpaqueCube()) { var11 = (double)p_180691_2_.getZ() - var4; } if (var6 == 4 && !worldIn.getBlockState(p_180691_2_.offsetEast()).getBlock().isOpaqueCube()) { var7 = (double)p_180691_2_.getX() + var4 + 1.0D; } if (var6 == 5 && !worldIn.getBlockState(p_180691_2_.offsetWest()).getBlock().isOpaqueCube()) { var7 = (double)p_180691_2_.getX() - var4; } if (var7 < (double)p_180691_2_.getX() || var7 > (double)(p_180691_2_.getX() + 1) || var9 < 0.0D || var9 > (double)(p_180691_2_.getY() + 1) || var11 < (double)p_180691_2_.getZ() || var11 > (double)(p_180691_2_.getZ() + 1)) { worldIn.spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.REDSTONE, var7, var9, var11, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, new int[0]); } } } protected ItemStack createStackedBlock(IBlockState state) { return new ItemStack(Blocks.redstone_ore); } }