package net.minecraft.util; import; public class Vec3i implements Comparable { /** The Null vector constant (0, 0, 0) */ public static final Vec3i NULL_VECTOR = new Vec3i(0, 0, 0); /** X coordinate */ private final int x; /** Y coordinate */ private final int y; /** Z coordinate */ private final int z; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00002315"; public Vec3i(int p_i46007_1_, int p_i46007_2_, int p_i46007_3_) { this.x = p_i46007_1_; this.y = p_i46007_2_; this.z = p_i46007_3_; } public Vec3i(double p_i46008_1_, double p_i46008_3_, double p_i46008_5_) { this(MathHelper.floor_double(p_i46008_1_), MathHelper.floor_double(p_i46008_3_), MathHelper.floor_double(p_i46008_5_)); } public boolean equals(Object p_equals_1_) { if (this == p_equals_1_) { return true; } else if (!(p_equals_1_ instanceof Vec3i)) { return false; } else { Vec3i var2 = (Vec3i)p_equals_1_; return this.getX() != var2.getX() ? false : (this.getY() != var2.getY() ? false : this.getZ() == var2.getZ()); } } public int hashCode() { return (this.getY() + this.getZ() * 31) * 31 + this.getX(); } public int compareTo(Vec3i p_177953_1_) { return this.getY() == p_177953_1_.getY() ? (this.getZ() == p_177953_1_.getZ() ? this.getX() - p_177953_1_.getX() : this.getZ() - p_177953_1_.getZ()) : this.getY() - p_177953_1_.getY(); } /** * Get the X coordinate */ public int getX() { return this.x; } /** * Get the Y coordinate */ public int getY() { return this.y; } /** * Get the Z coordinate */ public int getZ() { return this.z; } /** * Calculate the cross product of this and the given Vector */ public Vec3i crossProduct(Vec3i vec) { return new Vec3i(this.getY() * vec.getZ() - this.getZ() * vec.getY(), this.getZ() * vec.getX() - this.getX() * vec.getZ(), this.getX() * vec.getY() - this.getY() * vec.getX()); } /** * Calculate squared distance to the given coordinates * * @param toX X Coordinate * @param toY Y Coordinate * @param toZ Z Coordinate */ public double distanceSq(double toX, double toY, double toZ) { double var7 = (double)this.getX() - toX; double var9 = (double)this.getY() - toY; double var11 = (double)this.getZ() - toZ; return var7 * var7 + var9 * var9 + var11 * var11; } /** * Compute square of distance from point x, y, z to center of this Block */ public double distanceSqToCenter(double p_177957_1_, double p_177957_3_, double p_177957_5_) { double var7 = (double)this.getX() + 0.5D - p_177957_1_; double var9 = (double)this.getY() + 0.5D - p_177957_3_; double var11 = (double)this.getZ() + 0.5D - p_177957_5_; return var7 * var7 + var9 * var9 + var11 * var11; } /** * Calculate squared distance to the given Vector */ public double distanceSq(Vec3i to) { return this.distanceSq((double)to.getX(), (double)to.getY(), (double)to.getZ()); } public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(this).add("x", this.getX()).add("y", this.getY()).add("z", this.getZ()).toString(); } public int compareTo(Object p_compareTo_1_) { return this.compareTo((Vec3i)p_compareTo_1_); } }