package net.minecraft.enchantment; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureAttribute; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; public abstract class Enchantment { private static final Enchantment[] field_180311_a = new Enchantment[256]; public static final Enchantment[] enchantmentsList; private static final Map field_180307_E = Maps.newHashMap(); public static final Enchantment field_180310_c = new EnchantmentProtection(0, new ResourceLocation("protection"), 10, 0); /** Protection against fire */ public static final Enchantment fireProtection = new EnchantmentProtection(1, new ResourceLocation("fire_protection"), 5, 1); public static final Enchantment field_180309_e = new EnchantmentProtection(2, new ResourceLocation("feather_falling"), 5, 2); /** Protection against explosions */ public static final Enchantment blastProtection = new EnchantmentProtection(3, new ResourceLocation("blast_protection"), 2, 3); public static final Enchantment field_180308_g = new EnchantmentProtection(4, new ResourceLocation("projectile_protection"), 5, 4); public static final Enchantment field_180317_h = new EnchantmentOxygen(5, new ResourceLocation("respiration"), 2); /** Increases underwater mining rate */ public static final Enchantment aquaAffinity = new EnchantmentWaterWorker(6, new ResourceLocation("aqua_affinity"), 2); public static final Enchantment thorns = new EnchantmentThorns(7, new ResourceLocation("thorns"), 1); public static final Enchantment field_180316_k = new EnchantmentWaterWalker(8, new ResourceLocation("depth_strider"), 2); public static final Enchantment field_180314_l = new EnchantmentDamage(16, new ResourceLocation("sharpness"), 10, 0); public static final Enchantment field_180315_m = new EnchantmentDamage(17, new ResourceLocation("smite"), 5, 1); public static final Enchantment field_180312_n = new EnchantmentDamage(18, new ResourceLocation("bane_of_arthropods"), 5, 2); public static final Enchantment field_180313_o = new EnchantmentKnockback(19, new ResourceLocation("knockback"), 5); /** Lights mobs on fire */ public static final Enchantment fireAspect = new EnchantmentFireAspect(20, new ResourceLocation("fire_aspect"), 2); /** Mobs have a chance to drop more loot */ public static final Enchantment looting = new EnchantmentLootBonus(21, new ResourceLocation("looting"), 2, EnumEnchantmentType.WEAPON); /** Faster resource gathering while in use */ public static final Enchantment efficiency = new EnchantmentDigging(32, new ResourceLocation("efficiency"), 10); /** * Blocks mined will drop themselves, even if it should drop something else (e.g. stone will drop stone, not * cobblestone) */ public static final Enchantment silkTouch = new EnchantmentUntouching(33, new ResourceLocation("silk_touch"), 1); /** * Sometimes, the tool's durability will not be spent when the tool is used */ public static final Enchantment unbreaking = new EnchantmentDurability(34, new ResourceLocation("unbreaking"), 5); /** Can multiply the drop rate of items from blocks */ public static final Enchantment fortune = new EnchantmentLootBonus(35, new ResourceLocation("fortune"), 2, EnumEnchantmentType.DIGGER); /** Power enchantment for bows, add's extra damage to arrows. */ public static final Enchantment power = new EnchantmentArrowDamage(48, new ResourceLocation("power"), 10); /** * Knockback enchantments for bows, the arrows will knockback the target when hit. */ public static final Enchantment punch = new EnchantmentArrowKnockback(49, new ResourceLocation("punch"), 2); /** * Flame enchantment for bows. Arrows fired by the bow will be on fire. Any target hit will also set on fire. */ public static final Enchantment flame = new EnchantmentArrowFire(50, new ResourceLocation("flame"), 2); /** * Infinity enchantment for bows. The bow will not consume arrows anymore, but will still required at least one * arrow on inventory use the bow. */ public static final Enchantment infinity = new EnchantmentArrowInfinite(51, new ResourceLocation("infinity"), 1); public static final Enchantment luckOfTheSea = new EnchantmentLootBonus(61, new ResourceLocation("luck_of_the_sea"), 2, EnumEnchantmentType.FISHING_ROD); public static final Enchantment lure = new EnchantmentFishingSpeed(62, new ResourceLocation("lure"), 2, EnumEnchantmentType.FISHING_ROD); public final int effectId; private final int weight; /** The EnumEnchantmentType given to this Enchantment. */ public EnumEnchantmentType type; /** Used in localisation and stats. */ protected String name; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000105"; public static Enchantment func_180306_c(int p_180306_0_) { return p_180306_0_ >= 0 && p_180306_0_ < field_180311_a.length ? field_180311_a[p_180306_0_] : null; } protected Enchantment(int p_i45771_1_, ResourceLocation p_i45771_2_, int p_i45771_3_, EnumEnchantmentType p_i45771_4_) { this.effectId = p_i45771_1_; this.weight = p_i45771_3_; this.type = p_i45771_4_; if (field_180311_a[p_i45771_1_] != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate enchantment id!"); } else { field_180311_a[p_i45771_1_] = this; field_180307_E.put(p_i45771_2_, this); } } public static Enchantment func_180305_b(String p_180305_0_) { return (Enchantment)field_180307_E.get(new ResourceLocation(p_180305_0_)); } public static String[] func_180304_c() { String[] var0 = new String[field_180307_E.size()]; int var1 = 0; ResourceLocation var3; for (Iterator var2 = field_180307_E.keySet().iterator(); var2.hasNext(); var0[var1++] = var3.toString()) { var3 = (ResourceLocation); } return var0; } public int getWeight() { return this.weight; } /** * Returns the minimum level that the enchantment can have. */ public int getMinLevel() { return 1; } /** * Returns the maximum level that the enchantment can have. */ public int getMaxLevel() { return 1; } /** * Returns the minimal value of enchantability needed on the enchantment level passed. */ public int getMinEnchantability(int p_77321_1_) { return 1 + p_77321_1_ * 10; } /** * Returns the maximum value of enchantability nedded on the enchantment level passed. */ public int getMaxEnchantability(int p_77317_1_) { return this.getMinEnchantability(p_77317_1_) + 5; } /** * Calculates de damage protection of the enchantment based on level and damage source passed. */ public int calcModifierDamage(int p_77318_1_, DamageSource p_77318_2_) { return 0; } public float func_152376_a(int p_152376_1_, EnumCreatureAttribute p_152376_2_) { return 0.0F; } /** * Determines if the enchantment passed can be applyied together with this enchantment. */ public boolean canApplyTogether(Enchantment p_77326_1_) { return this != p_77326_1_; } /** * Sets the enchantment name */ public Enchantment setName(String p_77322_1_) { = p_77322_1_; return this; } /** * Return the name of key in translation table of this enchantment. */ public String getName() { return "enchantment." +; } /** * Returns the correct traslated name of the enchantment and the level in roman numbers. */ public String getTranslatedName(int p_77316_1_) { String var2 = StatCollector.translateToLocal(this.getName()); return var2 + " " + StatCollector.translateToLocal("enchantment.level." + p_77316_1_); } public boolean canApply(ItemStack p_92089_1_) { return this.type.canEnchantItem(p_92089_1_.getItem()); } public void func_151368_a(EntityLivingBase p_151368_1_, Entity p_151368_2_, int p_151368_3_) {} public void func_151367_b(EntityLivingBase p_151367_1_, Entity p_151367_2_, int p_151367_3_) {} static { ArrayList var0 = Lists.newArrayList(); Enchantment[] var1 = field_180311_a; int var2 = var1.length; for (int var3 = 0; var3 < var2; ++var3) { Enchantment var4 = var1[var3]; if (var4 != null) { var0.add(var4); } } enchantmentsList = (Enchantment[])var0.toArray(new Enchantment[var0.size()]); } }