package net.minecraft.pathfinding; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import; import; public class PathNavigateSwimmer extends PathNavigate { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00002244"; public PathNavigateSwimmer(EntityLiving p_i45873_1_, World worldIn) { super(p_i45873_1_, worldIn); } protected PathFinder func_179679_a() { return new PathFinder(new SwimNodeProcessor()); } /** * If on ground or swimming and can swim */ protected boolean canNavigate() { return this.isInLiquid(); } protected Vec3 getEntityPosition() { return new Vec3(this.theEntity.posX, this.theEntity.posY + (double)this.theEntity.height * 0.5D, this.theEntity.posZ); } protected void pathFollow() { Vec3 var1 = this.getEntityPosition(); float var2 = this.theEntity.width * this.theEntity.width; byte var3 = 6; if (var1.squareDistanceTo(this.currentPath.getVectorFromIndex(this.theEntity, this.currentPath.getCurrentPathIndex())) < (double)var2) { this.currentPath.incrementPathIndex(); } for (int var4 = Math.min(this.currentPath.getCurrentPathIndex() + var3, this.currentPath.getCurrentPathLength() - 1); var4 > this.currentPath.getCurrentPathIndex(); --var4) { Vec3 var5 = this.currentPath.getVectorFromIndex(this.theEntity, var4); if (var5.squareDistanceTo(var1) <= 36.0D && this.isDirectPathBetweenPoints(var1, var5, 0, 0, 0)) { this.currentPath.setCurrentPathIndex(var4); break; } } this.func_179677_a(var1); } /** * Trims path data from the end to the first sun covered block */ protected void removeSunnyPath() { super.removeSunnyPath(); } /** * Returns true when an entity of specified size could safely walk in a straight line between the two points. Args: * pos1, pos2, entityXSize, entityYSize, entityZSize */ protected boolean isDirectPathBetweenPoints(Vec3 p_75493_1_, Vec3 p_75493_2_, int p_75493_3_, int p_75493_4_, int p_75493_5_) { MovingObjectPosition var6 = this.worldObj.rayTraceBlocks(p_75493_1_, new Vec3(p_75493_2_.xCoord, p_75493_2_.yCoord + (double)this.theEntity.height * 0.5D, p_75493_2_.zCoord), false, true, false); return var6 == null || var6.typeOfHit == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.MISS; } }