package; import; import; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.command.IEntitySelector; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature; import net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathEntity; import net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathNavigate; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; public class EntityAIAvoidEntity extends EntityAIBase { public final Predicate field_179509_a = new Predicate() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001575"; public boolean func_180419_a(Entity p_180419_1_) { return p_180419_1_.isEntityAlive() && EntityAIAvoidEntity.this.theEntity.getEntitySenses().canSee(p_180419_1_); } public boolean apply(Object p_apply_1_) { return this.func_180419_a((Entity)p_apply_1_); } }; /** The entity we are attached to */ protected EntityCreature theEntity; private double farSpeed; private double nearSpeed; protected Entity closestLivingEntity; private float field_179508_f; /** The PathEntity of our entity */ private PathEntity entityPathEntity; /** The PathNavigate of our entity */ private PathNavigate entityPathNavigate; private Predicate field_179510_i; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001574"; public EntityAIAvoidEntity(EntityCreature p_i45890_1_, Predicate p_i45890_2_, float p_i45890_3_, double p_i45890_4_, double p_i45890_6_) { this.theEntity = p_i45890_1_; this.field_179510_i = p_i45890_2_; this.field_179508_f = p_i45890_3_; this.farSpeed = p_i45890_4_; this.nearSpeed = p_i45890_6_; this.entityPathNavigate = p_i45890_1_.getNavigator(); this.setMutexBits(1); } /** * Returns whether the EntityAIBase should begin execution. */ public boolean shouldExecute() { List var1 = this.theEntity.worldObj.func_175674_a(this.theEntity, this.theEntity.getEntityBoundingBox().expand((double)this.field_179508_f, 3.0D, (double)this.field_179508_f), Predicates.and(new Predicate[] {IEntitySelector.field_180132_d, this.field_179509_a, this.field_179510_i})); if (var1.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { this.closestLivingEntity = (Entity)var1.get(0); Vec3 var2 = RandomPositionGenerator.findRandomTargetBlockAwayFrom(this.theEntity, 16, 7, new Vec3(this.closestLivingEntity.posX, this.closestLivingEntity.posY, this.closestLivingEntity.posZ)); if (var2 == null) { return false; } else if (this.closestLivingEntity.getDistanceSq(var2.xCoord, var2.yCoord, var2.zCoord) < this.closestLivingEntity.getDistanceSqToEntity(this.theEntity)) { return false; } else { this.entityPathEntity = this.entityPathNavigate.getPathToXYZ(var2.xCoord, var2.yCoord, var2.zCoord); return this.entityPathEntity == null ? false : this.entityPathEntity.isDestinationSame(var2); } } } /** * Returns whether an in-progress EntityAIBase should continue executing */ public boolean continueExecuting() { return !this.entityPathNavigate.noPath(); } /** * Execute a one shot task or start executing a continuous task */ public void startExecuting() { this.entityPathNavigate.setPath(this.entityPathEntity, this.farSpeed); } /** * Resets the task */ public void resetTask() { this.closestLivingEntity = null; } /** * Updates the task */ public void updateTask() { if (this.theEntity.getDistanceSqToEntity(this.closestLivingEntity) < 49.0D) { this.theEntity.getNavigator().setSpeed(this.nearSpeed); } else { this.theEntity.getNavigator().setSpeed(this.farSpeed); } } }