package net.minecraft.tileentity; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockChest; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.Container; import net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryLargeChest; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.server.gui.IUpdatePlayerListBox; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; public class TileEntityChest extends TileEntityLockable implements IUpdatePlayerListBox, IInventory { private ItemStack[] chestContents = new ItemStack[27]; /** Determines if the check for adjacent chests has taken place. */ public boolean adjacentChestChecked; /** Contains the chest tile located adjacent to this one (if any) */ public TileEntityChest adjacentChestZNeg; /** Contains the chest tile located adjacent to this one (if any) */ public TileEntityChest adjacentChestXPos; /** Contains the chest tile located adjacent to this one (if any) */ public TileEntityChest adjacentChestXNeg; /** Contains the chest tile located adjacent to this one (if any) */ public TileEntityChest adjacentChestZPos; /** The current angle of the lid (between 0 and 1) */ public float lidAngle; /** The angle of the lid last tick */ public float prevLidAngle; /** The number of players currently using this chest */ public int numPlayersUsing; /** Server sync counter (once per 20 ticks) */ private int ticksSinceSync; private int cachedChestType = -1; private String customName; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000346"; /** * Returns the number of slots in the inventory. */ public int getSizeInventory() { return 27; } /** * Returns the stack in slot i */ public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int slotIn) { return this.chestContents[slotIn]; } /** * Removes from an inventory slot (first arg) up to a specified number (second arg) of items and returns them in a * new stack. */ public ItemStack decrStackSize(int index, int count) { if (this.chestContents[index] != null) { ItemStack var3; if (this.chestContents[index].stackSize <= count) { var3 = this.chestContents[index]; this.chestContents[index] = null; this.markDirty(); return var3; } else { var3 = this.chestContents[index].splitStack(count); if (this.chestContents[index].stackSize == 0) { this.chestContents[index] = null; } this.markDirty(); return var3; } } else { return null; } } /** * When some containers are closed they call this on each slot, then drop whatever it returns as an EntityItem - * like when you close a workbench GUI. */ public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int index) { if (this.chestContents[index] != null) { ItemStack var2 = this.chestContents[index]; this.chestContents[index] = null; return var2; } else { return null; } } /** * Sets the given item stack to the specified slot in the inventory (can be crafting or armor sections). */ public void setInventorySlotContents(int index, ItemStack stack) { this.chestContents[index] = stack; if (stack != null && stack.stackSize > this.getInventoryStackLimit()) { stack.stackSize = this.getInventoryStackLimit(); } this.markDirty(); } /** * Gets the name of this command sender (usually username, but possibly "Rcon") */ public String getName() { return this.hasCustomName() ? this.customName : "container.chest"; } /** * Returns true if this thing is named */ public boolean hasCustomName() { return this.customName != null && this.customName.length() > 0; } public void setCustomName(String p_145976_1_) { this.customName = p_145976_1_; } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { super.readFromNBT(compound); NBTTagList var2 = compound.getTagList("Items", 10); this.chestContents = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()]; if (compound.hasKey("CustomName", 8)) { this.customName = compound.getString("CustomName"); } for (int var3 = 0; var3 < var2.tagCount(); ++var3) { NBTTagCompound var4 = var2.getCompoundTagAt(var3); int var5 = var4.getByte("Slot") & 255; if (var5 >= 0 && var5 < this.chestContents.length) { this.chestContents[var5] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(var4); } } } public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { super.writeToNBT(compound); NBTTagList var2 = new NBTTagList(); for (int var3 = 0; var3 < this.chestContents.length; ++var3) { if (this.chestContents[var3] != null) { NBTTagCompound var4 = new NBTTagCompound(); var4.setByte("Slot", (byte)var3); this.chestContents[var3].writeToNBT(var4); var2.appendTag(var4); } } compound.setTag("Items", var2); if (this.hasCustomName()) { compound.setString("CustomName", this.customName); } } /** * Returns the maximum stack size for a inventory slot. Seems to always be 64, possibly will be extended. *Isn't * this more of a set than a get?* */ public int getInventoryStackLimit() { return 64; } /** * Do not make give this method the name canInteractWith because it clashes with Container */ public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer playerIn) { return this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.pos) != this ? false : playerIn.getDistanceSq((double)this.pos.getX() + 0.5D, (double)this.pos.getY() + 0.5D, (double)this.pos.getZ() + 0.5D) <= 64.0D; } public void updateContainingBlockInfo() { super.updateContainingBlockInfo(); this.adjacentChestChecked = false; } private void func_174910_a(TileEntityChest p_174910_1_, EnumFacing p_174910_2_) { if (p_174910_1_.isInvalid()) { this.adjacentChestChecked = false; } else if (this.adjacentChestChecked) { switch (TileEntityChest.SwitchEnumFacing.field_177366_a[p_174910_2_.ordinal()]) { case 1: if (this.adjacentChestZNeg != p_174910_1_) { this.adjacentChestChecked = false; } break; case 2: if (this.adjacentChestZPos != p_174910_1_) { this.adjacentChestChecked = false; } break; case 3: if (this.adjacentChestXPos != p_174910_1_) { this.adjacentChestChecked = false; } break; case 4: if (this.adjacentChestXNeg != p_174910_1_) { this.adjacentChestChecked = false; } } } } /** * Performs the check for adjacent chests to determine if this chest is double or not. */ public void checkForAdjacentChests() { if (!this.adjacentChestChecked) { this.adjacentChestChecked = true; this.adjacentChestXNeg = this.func_174911_a(EnumFacing.WEST); this.adjacentChestXPos = this.func_174911_a(EnumFacing.EAST); this.adjacentChestZNeg = this.func_174911_a(EnumFacing.NORTH); this.adjacentChestZPos = this.func_174911_a(EnumFacing.SOUTH); } } protected TileEntityChest func_174911_a(EnumFacing p_174911_1_) { BlockPos var2 = this.pos.offset(p_174911_1_); if (this.func_174912_b(var2)) { TileEntity var3 = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(var2); if (var3 instanceof TileEntityChest) { TileEntityChest var4 = (TileEntityChest)var3; var4.func_174910_a(this, p_174911_1_.getOpposite()); return var4; } } return null; } private boolean func_174912_b(BlockPos p_174912_1_) { if (this.worldObj == null) { return false; } else { Block var2 = this.worldObj.getBlockState(p_174912_1_).getBlock(); return var2 instanceof BlockChest && ((BlockChest)var2).chestType == this.getChestType(); } } /** * Updates the JList with a new model. */ public void update() { this.checkForAdjacentChests(); int var1 = this.pos.getX(); int var2 = this.pos.getY(); int var3 = this.pos.getZ(); ++this.ticksSinceSync; float var4; if (!this.worldObj.isRemote && this.numPlayersUsing != 0 && (this.ticksSinceSync + var1 + var2 + var3) % 200 == 0) { this.numPlayersUsing = 0; var4 = 5.0F; List var5 = this.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityPlayer.class, new AxisAlignedBB((double)((float)var1 - var4), (double)((float)var2 - var4), (double)((float)var3 - var4), (double)((float)(var1 + 1) + var4), (double)((float)(var2 + 1) + var4), (double)((float)(var3 + 1) + var4))); Iterator var6 = var5.iterator(); while (var6.hasNext()) { EntityPlayer var7 = (EntityPlayer); if (var7.openContainer instanceof ContainerChest) { IInventory var8 = ((ContainerChest)var7.openContainer).getLowerChestInventory(); if (var8 == this || var8 instanceof InventoryLargeChest && ((InventoryLargeChest)var8).isPartOfLargeChest(this)) { ++this.numPlayersUsing; } } } } this.prevLidAngle = this.lidAngle; var4 = 0.1F; double var14; if (this.numPlayersUsing > 0 && this.lidAngle == 0.0F && this.adjacentChestZNeg == null && this.adjacentChestXNeg == null) { double var11 = (double)var1 + 0.5D; var14 = (double)var3 + 0.5D; if (this.adjacentChestZPos != null) { var14 += 0.5D; } if (this.adjacentChestXPos != null) { var11 += 0.5D; } this.worldObj.playSoundEffect(var11, (double)var2 + 0.5D, var14, "random.chestopen", 0.5F, this.worldObj.rand.nextFloat() * 0.1F + 0.9F); } if (this.numPlayersUsing == 0 && this.lidAngle > 0.0F || this.numPlayersUsing > 0 && this.lidAngle < 1.0F) { float var12 = this.lidAngle; if (this.numPlayersUsing > 0) { this.lidAngle += var4; } else { this.lidAngle -= var4; } if (this.lidAngle > 1.0F) { this.lidAngle = 1.0F; } float var13 = 0.5F; if (this.lidAngle < var13 && var12 >= var13 && this.adjacentChestZNeg == null && this.adjacentChestXNeg == null) { var14 = (double)var1 + 0.5D; double var9 = (double)var3 + 0.5D; if (this.adjacentChestZPos != null) { var9 += 0.5D; } if (this.adjacentChestXPos != null) { var14 += 0.5D; } this.worldObj.playSoundEffect(var14, (double)var2 + 0.5D, var9, "random.chestclosed", 0.5F, this.worldObj.rand.nextFloat() * 0.1F + 0.9F); } if (this.lidAngle < 0.0F) { this.lidAngle = 0.0F; } } } public boolean receiveClientEvent(int id, int type) { if (id == 1) { this.numPlayersUsing = type; return true; } else { return super.receiveClientEvent(id, type); } } public void openInventory(EntityPlayer playerIn) { if (!playerIn.func_175149_v()) { if (this.numPlayersUsing < 0) { this.numPlayersUsing = 0; } ++this.numPlayersUsing; this.worldObj.addBlockEvent(this.pos, this.getBlockType(), 1, this.numPlayersUsing); this.worldObj.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(this.pos, this.getBlockType()); this.worldObj.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(this.pos.offsetDown(), this.getBlockType()); } } public void closeInventory(EntityPlayer playerIn) { if (!playerIn.func_175149_v() && this.getBlockType() instanceof BlockChest) { --this.numPlayersUsing; this.worldObj.addBlockEvent(this.pos, this.getBlockType(), 1, this.numPlayersUsing); this.worldObj.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(this.pos, this.getBlockType()); this.worldObj.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(this.pos.offsetDown(), this.getBlockType()); } } /** * Returns true if automation is allowed to insert the given stack (ignoring stack size) into the given slot. */ public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int index, ItemStack stack) { return true; } /** * invalidates a tile entity */ public void invalidate() { super.invalidate(); this.updateContainingBlockInfo(); this.checkForAdjacentChests(); } public int getChestType() { if (this.cachedChestType == -1) { if (this.worldObj == null || !(this.getBlockType() instanceof BlockChest)) { return 0; } this.cachedChestType = ((BlockChest)this.getBlockType()).chestType; } return this.cachedChestType; } public String getGuiID() { return "minecraft:chest"; } public Container createContainer(InventoryPlayer playerInventory, EntityPlayer playerIn) { return new ContainerChest(playerInventory, this, playerIn); } public int getField(int id) { return 0; } public void setField(int id, int value) {} public int getFieldCount() { return 0; } public void clearInventory() { for (int var1 = 0; var1 < this.chestContents.length; ++var1) { this.chestContents[var1] = null; } } static final class SwitchEnumFacing { static final int[] field_177366_a = new int[EnumFacing.values().length]; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00002041"; static { try { field_177366_a[EnumFacing.NORTH.ordinal()] = 1; } catch (NoSuchFieldError var4) { ; } try { field_177366_a[EnumFacing.SOUTH.ordinal()] = 2; } catch (NoSuchFieldError var3) { ; } try { field_177366_a[EnumFacing.EAST.ordinal()] = 3; } catch (NoSuchFieldError var2) { ; } try { field_177366_a[EnumFacing.WEST.ordinal()] = 4; } catch (NoSuchFieldError var1) { ; } } } }