package; import; import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile; import; import java.util.Iterator; public class UserListBans extends UserList { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001873"; public UserListBans(File bansFile) { super(bansFile); } protected UserListEntry createEntry(JsonObject entryData) { return new UserListBansEntry(entryData); } public boolean isBanned(GameProfile profile) { return this.hasEntry(profile); } public String[] getKeys() { String[] var1 = new String[this.getValues().size()]; int var2 = 0; UserListBansEntry var4; for (Iterator var3 = this.getValues().values().iterator(); var3.hasNext(); var1[var2++] = ((GameProfile)var4.getValue()).getName()) { var4 = (UserListBansEntry); } return var1; } protected String getProfileId(GameProfile profile) { return profile.getId().toString(); } public GameProfile isUsernameBanned(String username) { Iterator var2 = this.getValues().values().iterator(); UserListBansEntry var3; do { if (!var2.hasNext()) { return null; } var3 = (UserListBansEntry); } while (!username.equalsIgnoreCase(((GameProfile)var3.getValue()).getName())); return (GameProfile)var3.getValue(); } /** * Gets the key value for the given object */ protected String getObjectKey(Object obj) { return this.getProfileId((GameProfile)obj); } }