package com.github.tuserver.api.utils; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import; public enum ChatColors { BLACK('0'), DARK_BLUE('1'), DARK_GREEN('2'), DARK_AQUA('3'), DARK_RED('4'), DARK_PURPLE('5'), GOLD('6'), GRAY('7'), DARK_GRAY('8'), BLUE('9'), GREEN('a'), AQUA('b'), RED('c'), LIGHT_PURPLE('d'), YELLOW('e'), WHITE('f'), OBFUSCATED('k', true), BOLD('l', true), STRIKETHROUGH('m', true), UNDERLINE('n', true), ITALIC('o', true), RESET('r'); private final char formattingCode; private final boolean fancyStyling; private final String controlString; private final static Map<Character, ChatColors> BY_CHAR = Maps.newHashMap(); private ChatColors(char code) { this(code, false); } private ChatColors(char code, boolean fancyStyling) { this.formattingCode = code; this.fancyStyling = fancyStyling; this.controlString = "\u00a7" + code; } public char getFormattingCode() { return this.formattingCode; } public boolean isFancyStyling() { return this.fancyStyling; } public boolean isColor() { return !this.fancyStyling && this != RESET; } public String getFriendlyName() { return; } @Override public String toString() { return this.controlString; } public char getChar() { return formattingCode; } public static ChatColors getByChar(String code) { Validate.notNull(code, "Code cannot be null"); Validate.isTrue(code.length() > 0, "Code must have at least one char"); return BY_CHAR.get(code.charAt(0)); } public static String translateAlternateColorCodes(char altColorChar, String textToTranslate) { char[] b = textToTranslate.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < b.length - 1; i++) { if (b[i] == altColorChar && "0123456789AaBbCcDdEeFfKkLlMmNnOoRr".indexOf(b[i + 1]) > -1) { b[i] = '\u00A7'; b[i + 1] = Character.toLowerCase(b[i + 1]); } } return new String(b); } static { for (ChatColors color : values()) { BY_CHAR.put(color.getChar(), color); } } }