package; public class NibbleArray { /** * Byte array of data stored in this holder. Possibly a light map or some chunk data. Data is accessed in 4-bit * pieces. */ private final byte[] data; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000371"; public NibbleArray() { = new byte[2048]; } public NibbleArray(byte[] storageArray) { = storageArray; if (storageArray.length != 2048) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ChunkNibbleArrays should be 2048 bytes not: " + storageArray.length); } } /** * Returns the nibble of data corresponding to the passed in x, y, z. y is at most 6 bits, z is at most 4. */ public int get(int x, int y, int z) { return this.getFromIndex(this.getCoordinateIndex(x, y, z)); } /** * Arguments are x, y, z, val. Sets the nibble of data at x << 11 | z << 7 | y to val. */ public void set(int x, int y, int z, int value) { this.setIndex(this.getCoordinateIndex(x, y, z), value); } private int getCoordinateIndex(int x, int y, int z) { return y << 8 | z << 4 | x; } public int getFromIndex(int index) { int var2 = this.func_177478_c(index); return this.func_177479_b(index) ?[var2] & 15 :[var2] >> 4 & 15; } public void setIndex(int index, int value) { int var3 = this.func_177478_c(index); if (this.func_177479_b(index)) {[var3] = (byte)([var3] & 240 | value & 15); } else {[var3] = (byte)([var3] & 15 | (value & 15) << 4); } } private boolean func_177479_b(int p_177479_1_) { return (p_177479_1_ & 1) == 0; } private int func_177478_c(int p_177478_1_) { return p_177478_1_ >> 1; } public byte[] getData() { return; } }