package net.minecraft.util; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; public class RegistryNamespaced extends RegistrySimple implements IObjectIntIterable { /** The backing store that maps Integers to objects. */ protected final ObjectIntIdentityMap underlyingIntegerMap = new ObjectIntIdentityMap(); protected final Map field_148758_b; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001206"; public RegistryNamespaced() { this.field_148758_b = ((BiMap)this.registryObjects).inverse(); } public void register(int p_177775_1_, Object p_177775_2_, Object p_177775_3_) { this.underlyingIntegerMap.put(p_177775_3_, p_177775_1_); this.putObject(p_177775_2_, p_177775_3_); } /** * Creates the Map we will use to map keys to their registered values. */ protected Map createUnderlyingMap() { return HashBiMap.create(); } public Object getObject(Object p_82594_1_) { return super.getObject(p_82594_1_); } /** * Gets the name we use to identify the given object. */ public Object getNameForObject(Object p_177774_1_) { return this.field_148758_b.get(p_177774_1_); } /** * Does this registry contain an entry for the given key? */ public boolean containsKey(Object p_148741_1_) { return super.containsKey(p_148741_1_); } /** * Gets the integer ID we use to identify the given object. */ public int getIDForObject(Object p_148757_1_) { return this.underlyingIntegerMap.get(p_148757_1_); } /** * Gets the object identified by the given ID. */ public Object getObjectById(int p_148754_1_) { return this.underlyingIntegerMap.getByValue(p_148754_1_); } public Iterator iterator() { return this.underlyingIntegerMap.iterator(); } }