package net.minecraft.pathfinding; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes; import; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import; import; public abstract class PathNavigate { protected EntityLiving theEntity; protected World worldObj; /** The PathEntity being followed. */ protected PathEntity currentPath; protected double speed; /** * The number of blocks (extra) +/- in each axis that get pulled out as cache for the pathfinder's search space */ private final IAttributeInstance pathSearchRange; /** Time, in number of ticks, following the current path */ private int totalTicks; /** * The time when the last position check was done (to detect successful movement) */ private int ticksAtLastPos; /** * Coordinates of the entity's position last time a check was done (part of monitoring getting 'stuck') */ private Vec3 lastPosCheck = new Vec3(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D); private float field_179682_i = 1.0F; private final PathFinder field_179681_j; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001627"; public PathNavigate(EntityLiving p_i1671_1_, World worldIn) { this.theEntity = p_i1671_1_; this.worldObj = worldIn; this.pathSearchRange = p_i1671_1_.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.followRange); this.field_179681_j = this.func_179679_a(); } protected abstract PathFinder func_179679_a(); /** * Sets the speed */ public void setSpeed(double p_75489_1_) { this.speed = p_75489_1_; } /** * Gets the maximum distance that the path finding will search in. */ public float getPathSearchRange() { return (float)this.pathSearchRange.getAttributeValue(); } /** * Returns the path to the given coordinates. Args : x, y, z */ public final PathEntity getPathToXYZ(double p_75488_1_, double p_75488_3_, double p_75488_5_) { return this.func_179680_a(new BlockPos(MathHelper.floor_double(p_75488_1_), (int)p_75488_3_, MathHelper.floor_double(p_75488_5_))); } public PathEntity func_179680_a(BlockPos p_179680_1_) { if (!this.canNavigate()) { return null; } else { float var2 = this.getPathSearchRange(); this.worldObj.theProfiler.startSection("pathfind"); BlockPos var3 = new BlockPos(this.theEntity); int var4 = (int)(var2 + 8.0F); ChunkCache var5 = new ChunkCache(this.worldObj, var3.add(-var4, -var4, -var4), var3.add(var4, var4, var4), 0); PathEntity var6 = this.field_179681_j.func_180782_a(var5, this.theEntity, p_179680_1_, var2); this.worldObj.theProfiler.endSection(); return var6; } } /** * Try to find and set a path to XYZ. Returns true if successful. Args : x, y, z, speed */ public boolean tryMoveToXYZ(double p_75492_1_, double p_75492_3_, double p_75492_5_, double p_75492_7_) { PathEntity var9 = this.getPathToXYZ((double)MathHelper.floor_double(p_75492_1_), (double)((int)p_75492_3_), (double)MathHelper.floor_double(p_75492_5_)); return this.setPath(var9, p_75492_7_); } public void func_179678_a(float p_179678_1_) { this.field_179682_i = p_179678_1_; } /** * Returns the path to the given EntityLiving. Args : entity */ public PathEntity getPathToEntityLiving(Entity p_75494_1_) { if (!this.canNavigate()) { return null; } else { float var2 = this.getPathSearchRange(); this.worldObj.theProfiler.startSection("pathfind"); BlockPos var3 = (new BlockPos(this.theEntity)).offsetUp(); int var4 = (int)(var2 + 16.0F); ChunkCache var5 = new ChunkCache(this.worldObj, var3.add(-var4, -var4, -var4), var3.add(var4, var4, var4), 0); PathEntity var6 = this.field_179681_j.func_176188_a(var5, this.theEntity, p_75494_1_, var2); this.worldObj.theProfiler.endSection(); return var6; } } /** * Try to find and set a path to EntityLiving. Returns true if successful. Args : entity, speed */ public boolean tryMoveToEntityLiving(Entity p_75497_1_, double p_75497_2_) { PathEntity var4 = this.getPathToEntityLiving(p_75497_1_); return var4 != null ? this.setPath(var4, p_75497_2_) : false; } /** * Sets a new path. If it's diferent from the old path. Checks to adjust path for sun avoiding, and stores start * coords. Args : path, speed */ public boolean setPath(PathEntity p_75484_1_, double p_75484_2_) { if (p_75484_1_ == null) { this.currentPath = null; return false; } else { if (!p_75484_1_.isSamePath(this.currentPath)) { this.currentPath = p_75484_1_; } this.removeSunnyPath(); if (this.currentPath.getCurrentPathLength() == 0) { return false; } else { this.speed = p_75484_2_; Vec3 var4 = this.getEntityPosition(); this.ticksAtLastPos = this.totalTicks; this.lastPosCheck = var4; return true; } } } /** * gets the actively used PathEntity */ public PathEntity getPath() { return this.currentPath; } public void onUpdateNavigation() { ++this.totalTicks; if (!this.noPath()) { Vec3 var1; if (this.canNavigate()) { this.pathFollow(); } else if (this.currentPath != null && this.currentPath.getCurrentPathIndex() < this.currentPath.getCurrentPathLength()) { var1 = this.getEntityPosition(); Vec3 var2 = this.currentPath.getVectorFromIndex(this.theEntity, this.currentPath.getCurrentPathIndex()); if (var1.yCoord > var2.yCoord && !this.theEntity.onGround && MathHelper.floor_double(var1.xCoord) == MathHelper.floor_double(var2.xCoord) && MathHelper.floor_double(var1.zCoord) == MathHelper.floor_double(var2.zCoord)) { this.currentPath.setCurrentPathIndex(this.currentPath.getCurrentPathIndex() + 1); } } if (!this.noPath()) { var1 = this.currentPath.getPosition(this.theEntity); if (var1 != null) { this.theEntity.getMoveHelper().setMoveTo(var1.xCoord, var1.yCoord, var1.zCoord, this.speed); } } } } protected void pathFollow() { Vec3 var1 = this.getEntityPosition(); int var2 = this.currentPath.getCurrentPathLength(); for (int var3 = this.currentPath.getCurrentPathIndex(); var3 < this.currentPath.getCurrentPathLength(); ++var3) { if (this.currentPath.getPathPointFromIndex(var3).yCoord != (int)var1.yCoord) { var2 = var3; break; } } float var8 = this.theEntity.width * this.theEntity.width * this.field_179682_i; int var4; for (var4 = this.currentPath.getCurrentPathIndex(); var4 < var2; ++var4) { Vec3 var5 = this.currentPath.getVectorFromIndex(this.theEntity, var4); if (var1.squareDistanceTo(var5) < (double)var8) { this.currentPath.setCurrentPathIndex(var4 + 1); } } var4 = MathHelper.ceiling_float_int(this.theEntity.width); int var9 = (int)this.theEntity.height + 1; int var6 = var4; for (int var7 = var2 - 1; var7 >= this.currentPath.getCurrentPathIndex(); --var7) { if (this.isDirectPathBetweenPoints(var1, this.currentPath.getVectorFromIndex(this.theEntity, var7), var4, var9, var6)) { this.currentPath.setCurrentPathIndex(var7); break; } } this.func_179677_a(var1); } protected void func_179677_a(Vec3 p_179677_1_) { if (this.totalTicks - this.ticksAtLastPos > 100) { if (p_179677_1_.squareDistanceTo(this.lastPosCheck) < 2.25D) { this.clearPathEntity(); } this.ticksAtLastPos = this.totalTicks; this.lastPosCheck = p_179677_1_; } } /** * If null path or reached the end */ public boolean noPath() { return this.currentPath == null || this.currentPath.isFinished(); } /** * sets active PathEntity to null */ public void clearPathEntity() { this.currentPath = null; } protected abstract Vec3 getEntityPosition(); /** * If on ground or swimming and can swim */ protected abstract boolean canNavigate(); /** * Returns true if the entity is in water or lava, false otherwise */ protected boolean isInLiquid() { return this.theEntity.isInWater() || this.theEntity.func_180799_ab(); } /** * Trims path data from the end to the first sun covered block */ protected void removeSunnyPath() {} /** * Returns true when an entity of specified size could safely walk in a straight line between the two points. Args: * pos1, pos2, entityXSize, entityYSize, entityZSize */ protected abstract boolean isDirectPathBetweenPoints(Vec3 p_75493_1_, Vec3 p_75493_2_, int p_75493_3_, int p_75493_4_, int p_75493_5_); }