package net.minecraft.scoreboard; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting; public class Scoreboard { /** Map of objective names to ScoreObjective objects. */ private final Map scoreObjectives = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map scoreObjectiveCriterias = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map field_96544_c = Maps.newHashMap(); /** Index 0 is tab menu, 1 is sidebar, and 2 is below name */ private final ScoreObjective[] objectiveDisplaySlots = new ScoreObjective[19]; /** Map of teamnames to ScorePlayerTeam instances */ private final Map teams = Maps.newHashMap(); /** Map of usernames to ScorePlayerTeam objects. */ private final Map teamMemberships = Maps.newHashMap(); private static String[] field_178823_g = null; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000619"; /** * Returns a ScoreObjective for the objective name */ public ScoreObjective getObjective(String p_96518_1_) { return (ScoreObjective)this.scoreObjectives.get(p_96518_1_); } public ScoreObjective addScoreObjective(String p_96535_1_, IScoreObjectiveCriteria p_96535_2_) { ScoreObjective var3 = this.getObjective(p_96535_1_); if (var3 != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("An objective with the name \'" + p_96535_1_ + "\' already exists!"); } else { var3 = new ScoreObjective(this, p_96535_1_, p_96535_2_); Object var4 = (List)this.scoreObjectiveCriterias.get(p_96535_2_); if (var4 == null) { var4 = Lists.newArrayList(); this.scoreObjectiveCriterias.put(p_96535_2_, var4); } ((List)var4).add(var3); this.scoreObjectives.put(p_96535_1_, var3); this.func_96522_a(var3); return var3; } } public Collection func_96520_a(IScoreObjectiveCriteria p_96520_1_) { Collection var2 = (Collection)this.scoreObjectiveCriterias.get(p_96520_1_); return var2 == null ? Lists.newArrayList() : Lists.newArrayList(var2); } public boolean func_178819_b(String p_178819_1_, ScoreObjective p_178819_2_) { Map var3 = (Map)this.field_96544_c.get(p_178819_1_); if (var3 == null) { return false; } else { Score var4 = (Score)var3.get(p_178819_2_); return var4 != null; } } public Score getValueFromObjective(String p_96529_1_, ScoreObjective p_96529_2_) { Object var3 = (Map)this.field_96544_c.get(p_96529_1_); if (var3 == null) { var3 = Maps.newHashMap(); this.field_96544_c.put(p_96529_1_, var3); } Score var4 = (Score)((Map)var3).get(p_96529_2_); if (var4 == null) { var4 = new Score(this, p_96529_2_, p_96529_1_); ((Map)var3).put(p_96529_2_, var4); } return var4; } /** * Returns an array of Score objects, sorting by Score.getScorePoints() */ public Collection getSortedScores(ScoreObjective p_96534_1_) { ArrayList var2 = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterator var3 = this.field_96544_c.values().iterator(); while (var3.hasNext()) { Map var4 = (Map); Score var5 = (Score)var4.get(p_96534_1_); if (var5 != null) { var2.add(var5); } } Collections.sort(var2, Score.scoreComparator); return var2; } public Collection getScoreObjectives() { return this.scoreObjectives.values(); } public Collection getObjectiveNames() { return this.field_96544_c.keySet(); } public void func_178822_d(String p_178822_1_, ScoreObjective p_178822_2_) { Map var3; if (p_178822_2_ == null) { var3 = (Map)this.field_96544_c.remove(p_178822_1_); if (var3 != null) { this.func_96516_a(p_178822_1_); } } else { var3 = (Map)this.field_96544_c.get(p_178822_1_); if (var3 != null) { Score var4 = (Score)var3.remove(p_178822_2_); if (var3.size() < 1) { Map var5 = (Map)this.field_96544_c.remove(p_178822_1_); if (var5 != null) { this.func_96516_a(p_178822_1_); } } else if (var4 != null) { this.func_178820_a(p_178822_1_, p_178822_2_); } } } } public Collection func_96528_e() { Collection var1 = this.field_96544_c.values(); ArrayList var2 = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterator var3 = var1.iterator(); while (var3.hasNext()) { Map var4 = (Map); var2.addAll(var4.values()); } return var2; } public Map func_96510_d(String p_96510_1_) { Object var2 = (Map)this.field_96544_c.get(p_96510_1_); if (var2 == null) { var2 = Maps.newHashMap(); } return (Map)var2; } public void func_96519_k(ScoreObjective p_96519_1_) { this.scoreObjectives.remove(p_96519_1_.getName()); for (int var2 = 0; var2 < 19; ++var2) { if (this.getObjectiveInDisplaySlot(var2) == p_96519_1_) { this.setObjectiveInDisplaySlot(var2, (ScoreObjective)null); } } List var5 = (List)this.scoreObjectiveCriterias.get(p_96519_1_.getCriteria()); if (var5 != null) { var5.remove(p_96519_1_); } Iterator var3 = this.field_96544_c.values().iterator(); while (var3.hasNext()) { Map var4 = (Map); var4.remove(p_96519_1_); } this.func_96533_c(p_96519_1_); } /** * 0 is tab menu, 1 is sidebar, 2 is below name */ public void setObjectiveInDisplaySlot(int p_96530_1_, ScoreObjective p_96530_2_) { this.objectiveDisplaySlots[p_96530_1_] = p_96530_2_; } /** * 0 is tab menu, 1 is sidebar, 2 is below name */ public ScoreObjective getObjectiveInDisplaySlot(int p_96539_1_) { return this.objectiveDisplaySlots[p_96539_1_]; } /** * Retrieve the ScorePlayerTeam instance identified by the passed team name */ public ScorePlayerTeam getTeam(String p_96508_1_) { return (ScorePlayerTeam)this.teams.get(p_96508_1_); } public ScorePlayerTeam createTeam(String p_96527_1_) { ScorePlayerTeam var2 = this.getTeam(p_96527_1_); if (var2 != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A team with the name \'" + p_96527_1_ + "\' already exists!"); } else { var2 = new ScorePlayerTeam(this, p_96527_1_); this.teams.put(p_96527_1_, var2); this.broadcastTeamCreated(var2); return var2; } } /** * Removes the team from the scoreboard, updates all player memberships and broadcasts the deletion to all players */ public void removeTeam(ScorePlayerTeam p_96511_1_) { this.teams.remove(p_96511_1_.getRegisteredName()); Iterator var2 = p_96511_1_.getMembershipCollection().iterator(); while (var2.hasNext()) { String var3 = (String); this.teamMemberships.remove(var3); } this.func_96513_c(p_96511_1_); } public boolean func_151392_a(String p_151392_1_, String p_151392_2_) { if (!this.teams.containsKey(p_151392_2_)) { return false; } else { ScorePlayerTeam var3 = this.getTeam(p_151392_2_); if (this.getPlayersTeam(p_151392_1_) != null) { this.removePlayerFromTeams(p_151392_1_); } this.teamMemberships.put(p_151392_1_, var3); var3.getMembershipCollection().add(p_151392_1_); return true; } } public boolean removePlayerFromTeams(String p_96524_1_) { ScorePlayerTeam var2 = this.getPlayersTeam(p_96524_1_); if (var2 != null) { this.removePlayerFromTeam(p_96524_1_, var2); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Removes the given username from the given ScorePlayerTeam. If the player is not on the team then an * IllegalStateException is thrown. */ public void removePlayerFromTeam(String p_96512_1_, ScorePlayerTeam p_96512_2_) { if (this.getPlayersTeam(p_96512_1_) != p_96512_2_) { throw new IllegalStateException("Player is either on another team or not on any team. Cannot remove from team \'" + p_96512_2_.getRegisteredName() + "\'."); } else { this.teamMemberships.remove(p_96512_1_); p_96512_2_.getMembershipCollection().remove(p_96512_1_); } } /** * Retrieve all registered ScorePlayerTeam names */ public Collection getTeamNames() { return this.teams.keySet(); } /** * Retrieve all registered ScorePlayerTeam instances */ public Collection getTeams() { return this.teams.values(); } /** * Gets the ScorePlayerTeam object for the given username. */ public ScorePlayerTeam getPlayersTeam(String p_96509_1_) { return (ScorePlayerTeam)this.teamMemberships.get(p_96509_1_); } public void func_96522_a(ScoreObjective p_96522_1_) {} public void func_96532_b(ScoreObjective p_96532_1_) {} public void func_96533_c(ScoreObjective p_96533_1_) {} public void func_96536_a(Score p_96536_1_) {} public void func_96516_a(String p_96516_1_) {} public void func_178820_a(String p_178820_1_, ScoreObjective p_178820_2_) {} /** * This packet will notify the players that this team is created, and that will register it on the client */ public void broadcastTeamCreated(ScorePlayerTeam p_96523_1_) {} /** * This packet will notify the players that this team is removed */ public void broadcastTeamRemoved(ScorePlayerTeam p_96538_1_) {} public void func_96513_c(ScorePlayerTeam p_96513_1_) {} /** * Returns 'list' for 0, 'sidebar' for 1, 'belowName for 2, otherwise null. */ public static String getObjectiveDisplaySlot(int p_96517_0_) { switch (p_96517_0_) { case 0: return "list"; case 1: return "sidebar"; case 2: return "belowName"; default: if (p_96517_0_ >= 3 && p_96517_0_ <= 18) { EnumChatFormatting var1 = EnumChatFormatting.func_175744_a(p_96517_0_ - 3); if (var1 != null && var1 != EnumChatFormatting.RESET) { return "" + var1.getFriendlyName(); } } return null; } } /** * Returns 0 for (case-insensitive) 'list', 1 for 'sidebar', 2 for 'belowName', otherwise -1. */ public static int getObjectiveDisplaySlotNumber(String p_96537_0_) { if (p_96537_0_.equalsIgnoreCase("list")) { return 0; } else if (p_96537_0_.equalsIgnoreCase("sidebar")) { return 1; } else if (p_96537_0_.equalsIgnoreCase("belowName")) { return 2; } else { if (p_96537_0_.startsWith("")) { String var1 = p_96537_0_.substring("".length()); EnumChatFormatting var2 = EnumChatFormatting.getValueByName(var1); if (var2 != null && var2.func_175746_b() >= 0) { return var2.func_175746_b() + 3; } } return -1; } } public static String[] func_178821_h() { if (field_178823_g == null) { field_178823_g = new String[19]; for (int var0 = 0; var0 < 19; ++var0) { field_178823_g[var0] = getObjectiveDisplaySlot(var0); } } return field_178823_g; } }