package com.github.tuserver.api.inv; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public interface ItemStack { // from ItemStack public boolean isItemDamaged(); public boolean isItemEnchantable(); public boolean isItemEnchanted(); public boolean isItemStackDamageable(); public boolean isOnItemFrame(); public boolean isStackable(); public boolean hasDisplayName(); public String getDisplayName(); public int getItemDamage(); public int getItemDamageForDisplay(); public int getMaxDamage(); public int getMaxItemUseDuration(); public int getMaxStackSize(); public int getRepairCost(); public void setDisplayName(String name); public void setItemDamage(int dmg); public void setRapiarCost(int cost); public boolean isRepairable(); //public void setNoRepair(); public boolean isUnbreakable(); public void setUnbreakable(boolean flag); /** * Attempts to damage the ItemStack with par1 amount of damage, If the * ItemStack has the Unbreaking enchantment there is a chance for each point * of damage to be negated. Returns true if it takes more damage than * getMaxDamage(). Returns false otherwise or if the ItemStack can't be * damaged or if all points of damage are negated. */ public boolean attemptDamageItem(int p_96631_1_, Random p_96631_2_); /** * Returns true if the ItemStack has an NBTTagCompound. Currently used to * store enchantments. */ public boolean hasTagCompound(); // public NBTTagListWrapper getEnchantmentTagList(); // ** // * Adds an enchantment with a desired level on the ItemStack. // */ // public void addEnchantment(Enchantment p_77966_1_, int p_77966_2_) public void setLore(List<String> list); public List<String> getLore(); public void setFakeEnchants(); public int getItemId(); }