package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.util.IStringSerializable; public class PropertyEnum extends PropertyHelper { private final ImmutableSet allowedValues; /** Map of names to Enum values */ private final Map nameToValue = Maps.newHashMap(); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00002015"; protected PropertyEnum(String name, Class valueClass, Collection allowedValues) { super(name, valueClass); this.allowedValues = ImmutableSet.copyOf(allowedValues); Iterator var4 = allowedValues.iterator(); while (var4.hasNext()) { Enum var5 = (Enum); String var6 = ((IStringSerializable)var5).getName(); if (this.nameToValue.containsKey(var6)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple values have the same name \'" + var6 + "\'"); } this.nameToValue.put(var6, var5); } } public Collection getAllowedValues() { return this.allowedValues; } public String getName(Enum value) { return ((IStringSerializable)value).getName(); } /** * Create a new PropertyEnum with all Enum constants of the given class. */ public static PropertyEnum create(String name, Class clazz) { return create(name, clazz, Predicates.alwaysTrue()); } /** * Create a new PropertyEnum with all Enum constants of the given class that match the given Predicate. */ public static PropertyEnum create(String name, Class clazz, Predicate filter) { return create(name, clazz, Collections2.filter(Lists.newArrayList(clazz.getEnumConstants()), filter)); } /** * Create a new PropertyEnum with the specified values */ public static PropertyEnum create(String name, Class clazz, Enum ... values) { return create(name, clazz, Lists.newArrayList(values)); } /** * Create a new PropertyEnum with the specified values */ public static PropertyEnum create(String name, Class clazz, Collection values) { return new PropertyEnum(name, clazz, values); } /** * Get the name for the given value. */ public String getName(Comparable value) { return this.getName((Enum)value); } }