package; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; public class ChunkCoordIntPair { /** The X position of this Chunk Coordinate Pair */ public final int chunkXPos; /** The Z position of this Chunk Coordinate Pair */ public final int chunkZPos; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000133"; public ChunkCoordIntPair(int x, int z) { this.chunkXPos = x; this.chunkZPos = z; } /** * converts a chunk coordinate pair to an integer (suitable for hashing) */ public static long chunkXZ2Int(int x, int z) { return (long)x & 4294967295L | ((long)z & 4294967295L) << 32; } public int hashCode() { int var1 = 1664525 * this.chunkXPos + 1013904223; int var2 = 1664525 * (this.chunkZPos ^ -559038737) + 1013904223; return var1 ^ var2; } public boolean equals(Object p_equals_1_) { if (this == p_equals_1_) { return true; } else if (!(p_equals_1_ instanceof ChunkCoordIntPair)) { return false; } else { ChunkCoordIntPair var2 = (ChunkCoordIntPair)p_equals_1_; return this.chunkXPos == var2.chunkXPos && this.chunkZPos == var2.chunkZPos; } } public int getCenterXPos() { return (this.chunkXPos << 4) + 8; } public int getCenterZPosition() { return (this.chunkZPos << 4) + 8; } /** * Get the first world X coordinate that belongs to this Chunk */ public int getXStart() { return this.chunkXPos << 4; } /** * Get the first world Z coordinate that belongs to this Chunk */ public int getZStart() { return this.chunkZPos << 4; } /** * Get the last world X coordinate that belongs to this Chunk */ public int getXEnd() { return (this.chunkXPos << 4) + 15; } /** * Get the last world Z coordinate that belongs to this Chunk */ public int getZEnd() { return (this.chunkZPos << 4) + 15; } /** * Get the World coordinates of the Block with the given Chunk coordinates relative to this chunk * * @param x X coordinate of the Block in this chunk (0-15) * @param y Y coordinate of the Block * @param z Z coordinate of the Block in this chunk (0-15) */ public BlockPos getBlock(int x, int y, int z) { return new BlockPos((this.chunkXPos << 4) + x, y, (this.chunkZPos << 4) + z); } /** * Get the coordinates of the Block in the center of this chunk with the given Y coordinate * * @param y Y coordinate */ public BlockPos getCenterBlock(int y) { return new BlockPos(this.getCenterXPos(), y, this.getCenterZPosition()); } public String toString() { return "[" + this.chunkXPos + ", " + this.chunkZPos + "]"; } }