package net.minecraft.enchantment; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; public class EnchantmentArrowKnockback extends Enchantment { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000101"; public EnchantmentArrowKnockback(int p_i45775_1_, ResourceLocation p_i45775_2_, int p_i45775_3_) { super(p_i45775_1_, p_i45775_2_, p_i45775_3_, EnumEnchantmentType.BOW); this.setName("arrowKnockback"); } /** * Returns the minimal value of enchantability needed on the enchantment level passed. */ public int getMinEnchantability(int p_77321_1_) { return 12 + (p_77321_1_ - 1) * 20; } /** * Returns the maximum value of enchantability nedded on the enchantment level passed. */ public int getMaxEnchantability(int p_77317_1_) { return this.getMinEnchantability(p_77317_1_) + 25; } /** * Returns the maximum level that the enchantment can have. */ public int getMaxLevel() { return 2; } }