package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockHopper; import net.minecraft.block.BlockLiquid; import net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab; import net.minecraft.block.BlockSnow; import net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.command.IEntitySelector; import net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport; import net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.profiler.Profiler; import net.minecraft.scoreboard.Scoreboard; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.server.gui.IUpdatePlayerListBox; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumParticleTypes; import net.minecraft.util.IntHashMap; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import net.minecraft.util.ReportedException; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import net.minecraft.village.VillageCollection; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class World implements IBlockAccess { /** * boolean; if true updates scheduled by scheduleBlockUpdate happen immediately */ protected boolean scheduledUpdatesAreImmediate; /** A list of all Entities in all currently-loaded chunks */ public final List loadedEntityList = Lists.newArrayList(); protected final List unloadedEntityList = Lists.newArrayList(); /** A list of the loaded tile entities in the world */ public final List loadedTileEntityList = Lists.newArrayList(); public final List tickableTileEntities = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List addedTileEntityList = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List tileEntitiesToBeRemoved = Lists.newArrayList(); /** Array list of players in the world. */ public final List playerEntities = Lists.newArrayList(); /** a list of all the lightning entities */ public final List weatherEffects = Lists.newArrayList(); protected final IntHashMap entitiesById = new IntHashMap(); private long cloudColour = 16777215L; /** How much light is subtracted from full daylight */ private int skylightSubtracted; /** * Contains the current Linear Congruential Generator seed for block updates. Used with an A value of 3 and a C * value of 0x3c6ef35f, producing a highly planar series of values ill-suited for choosing random blocks in a * 16x128x16 field. */ protected int updateLCG = (new Random()).nextInt(); /** * magic number used to generate fast random numbers for 3d distribution within a chunk */ protected final int DIST_HASH_MAGIC = 1013904223; protected float prevRainingStrength; protected float rainingStrength; protected float prevThunderingStrength; protected float thunderingStrength; /** * Set to 2 whenever a lightning bolt is generated in SSP. Decrements if > 0 in updateWeather(). Value appears to be * unused. */ private int lastLightningBolt; /** RNG for World. */ public final Random rand = new Random(); /** The WorldProvider instance that World uses. */ public final WorldProvider provider; protected List worldAccesses = Lists.newArrayList(); /** Handles chunk operations and caching */ protected IChunkProvider chunkProvider; protected final ISaveHandler saveHandler; /** * holds information about a world (size on disk, time, spawn point, seed, ...) */ protected WorldInfo worldInfo; /** * if set, this flag forces a request to load a chunk to load the chunk rather than defaulting to the world's * chunkprovider's dummy if possible */ protected boolean findingSpawnPoint; protected MapStorage mapStorage; protected VillageCollection villageCollectionObj; public final Profiler theProfiler; private final Calendar theCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); protected Scoreboard worldScoreboard = new Scoreboard(); /** This is set to true for client worlds, and false for server worlds. */ public final boolean isRemote; /** populated by chunks that are within 9 chunks of any player */ protected Set activeChunkSet = Sets.newHashSet(); /** number of ticks until the next random ambients play */ private int ambientTickCountdown; /** indicates if enemies are spawned or not */ protected boolean spawnHostileMobs; /** A flag indicating whether we should spawn peaceful mobs. */ protected boolean spawnPeacefulMobs; private boolean processingLoadedTiles; private final WorldBorder worldBorder; /** * is a temporary list of blocks and light values used when updating light levels. Holds up to 32x32x32 blocks (the * maximum influence of a light source.) Every element is a packed bit value: 0000000000LLLLzzzzzzyyyyyyxxxxxx. The * 4-bit L is a light level used when darkening blocks. 6-bit numbers x, y and z represent the block's offset from * the original block, plus 32 (i.e. value of 31 would mean a -1 offset */ int[] lightUpdateBlockList; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000140"; protected World(ISaveHandler saveHandlerIn, WorldInfo info, WorldProvider providerIn, Profiler profilerIn, boolean client) { this.ambientTickCountdown = this.rand.nextInt(12000); this.spawnHostileMobs = true; this.spawnPeacefulMobs = true; this.lightUpdateBlockList = new int[32768]; this.saveHandler = saveHandlerIn; this.theProfiler = profilerIn; this.worldInfo = info; this.provider = providerIn; this.isRemote = client; this.worldBorder = providerIn.getWorldBorder(); } public World init() { return this; } public BiomeGenBase getBiomeGenForCoords(final BlockPos pos) { if (this.isBlockLoaded(pos)) { Chunk var2 = this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos); try { return var2.getBiome(pos, this.provider.getWorldChunkManager()); } catch (Throwable var6) { CrashReport var4 = CrashReport.makeCrashReport(var6, "Getting biome"); CrashReportCategory var5 = var4.makeCategory("Coordinates of biome request"); var5.addCrashSectionCallable("Location", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000141"; public String call() { return CrashReportCategory.getCoordinateInfo(pos); } }); throw new ReportedException(var4); } } else { return this.provider.getWorldChunkManager().func_180300_a(pos, BiomeGenBase.plains); } } public WorldChunkManager getWorldChunkManager() { return this.provider.getWorldChunkManager(); } /** * Creates the chunk provider for this world. Called in the constructor. Retrieves provider from worldProvider? */ protected abstract IChunkProvider createChunkProvider(); public void initialize(WorldSettings settings) { this.worldInfo.setServerInitialized(true); } public Block getGroundAboveSeaLevel(BlockPos pos) { BlockPos var2; for (var2 = new BlockPos(pos.getX(), 63, pos.getZ()); !this.isAirBlock(var2.offsetUp()); var2 = var2.offsetUp()) { ; } return this.getBlockState(var2).getBlock(); } /** * Check if the given BlockPos has valid coordinates */ private boolean isValid(BlockPos pos) { return pos.getX() >= -30000000 && pos.getZ() >= -30000000 && pos.getX() < 30000000 && pos.getZ() < 30000000 && pos.getY() >= 0 && pos.getY() < 256; } public boolean isAirBlock(BlockPos pos) { return this.getBlockState(pos).getBlock().getMaterial() == Material.air; } public boolean isBlockLoaded(BlockPos pos) { return this.isBlockLoaded(pos, true); } public boolean isBlockLoaded(BlockPos pos, boolean p_175668_2_) { return !this.isValid(pos) ? false : this.isChunkLoaded(pos.getX() >> 4, pos.getZ() >> 4, p_175668_2_); } public boolean isAreaLoaded(BlockPos p_175697_1_, int radius) { return this.isAreaLoaded(p_175697_1_, radius, true); } public boolean isAreaLoaded(BlockPos p_175648_1_, int radius, boolean p_175648_3_) { return this.isAreaLoaded(p_175648_1_.getX() - radius, p_175648_1_.getY() - radius, p_175648_1_.getZ() - radius, p_175648_1_.getX() + radius, p_175648_1_.getY() + radius, p_175648_1_.getZ() + radius, p_175648_3_); } public boolean isAreaLoaded(BlockPos p_175707_1_, BlockPos p_175707_2_) { return this.isAreaLoaded(p_175707_1_, p_175707_2_, true); } public boolean isAreaLoaded(BlockPos p_175706_1_, BlockPos p_175706_2_, boolean p_175706_3_) { return this.isAreaLoaded(p_175706_1_.getX(), p_175706_1_.getY(), p_175706_1_.getZ(), p_175706_2_.getX(), p_175706_2_.getY(), p_175706_2_.getZ(), p_175706_3_); } public boolean isAreaLoaded(StructureBoundingBox p_175711_1_) { return this.isAreaLoaded(p_175711_1_, true); } public boolean isAreaLoaded(StructureBoundingBox p_175639_1_, boolean p_175639_2_) { return this.isAreaLoaded(p_175639_1_.minX, p_175639_1_.minY, p_175639_1_.minZ, p_175639_1_.maxX, p_175639_1_.maxY, p_175639_1_.maxZ, p_175639_2_); } private boolean isAreaLoaded(int p_175663_1_, int p_175663_2_, int p_175663_3_, int p_175663_4_, int p_175663_5_, int p_175663_6_, boolean p_175663_7_) { if (p_175663_5_ >= 0 && p_175663_2_ < 256) { p_175663_1_ >>= 4; p_175663_3_ >>= 4; p_175663_4_ >>= 4; p_175663_6_ >>= 4; for (int var8 = p_175663_1_; var8 <= p_175663_4_; ++var8) { for (int var9 = p_175663_3_; var9 <= p_175663_6_; ++var9) { if (!this.isChunkLoaded(var8, var9, p_175663_7_)) { return false; } } } return true; } else { return false; } } protected boolean isChunkLoaded(int x, int z, boolean allowEmpty) { return this.chunkProvider.chunkExists(x, z) && (allowEmpty || !this.chunkProvider.provideChunk(x, z).isEmpty()); } public Chunk getChunkFromBlockCoords(BlockPos pos) { return this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(pos.getX() >> 4, pos.getZ() >> 4); } /** * Returns back a chunk looked up by chunk coordinates Args: x, y * * @param chunkX Chunk X Coordinate * @param chunkZ Chunk Z Coordinate */ public Chunk getChunkFromChunkCoords(int chunkX, int chunkZ) { return this.chunkProvider.provideChunk(chunkX, chunkZ); } public boolean setBlockState(BlockPos pos, IBlockState newState, int flags) { if (!this.isValid(pos)) { return false; } else if (!this.isRemote && this.worldInfo.getTerrainType() == WorldType.DEBUG_WORLD) { return false; } else { Chunk var4 = this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos); Block var5 = newState.getBlock(); IBlockState var6 = var4.setBlockState(pos, newState); if (var6 == null) { return false; } else { Block var7 = var6.getBlock(); if (var5.getLightOpacity() != var7.getLightOpacity() || var5.getLightValue() != var7.getLightValue()) { this.theProfiler.startSection("checkLight"); this.checkLight(pos); this.theProfiler.endSection(); } if ((flags & 2) != 0 && (!this.isRemote || (flags & 4) == 0) && var4.isPopulated()) { this.markBlockForUpdate(pos); } if (!this.isRemote && (flags & 1) != 0) { this.func_175722_b(pos, var6.getBlock()); if (var5.hasComparatorInputOverride()) { this.updateComparatorOutputLevel(pos, var5); } } return true; } } } public boolean setBlockToAir(BlockPos pos) { return this.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.air.getDefaultState(), 3); } public boolean destroyBlock(BlockPos pos, boolean dropBlock) { IBlockState var3 = this.getBlockState(pos); Block var4 = var3.getBlock(); if (var4.getMaterial() == Material.air) { return false; } else { this.playAuxSFX(2001, pos, Block.getStateId(var3)); if (dropBlock) { var4.dropBlockAsItem(this, pos, var3, 0); } return this.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.air.getDefaultState(), 3); } } /** * Convenience method to update the block on both the client and server */ public boolean setBlockState(BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { return this.setBlockState(pos, state, 3); } public void markBlockForUpdate(BlockPos pos) { for (int var2 = 0; var2 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var2) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var2)).markBlockForUpdate(pos); } } public void func_175722_b(BlockPos pos, Block blockType) { if (this.worldInfo.getTerrainType() != WorldType.DEBUG_WORLD) { this.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(pos, blockType); } } /** * marks a vertical line of blocks as dirty */ public void markBlocksDirtyVertical(int x1, int z1, int x2, int z2) { int var5; if (x2 > z2) { var5 = z2; z2 = x2; x2 = var5; } if (!this.provider.getHasNoSky()) { for (var5 = x2; var5 <= z2; ++var5) { this.checkLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.SKY, new BlockPos(x1, var5, z1)); } } this.markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(x1, x2, z1, x1, z2, z1); } public void markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(BlockPos rangeMin, BlockPos rangeMax) { this.markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(rangeMin.getX(), rangeMin.getY(), rangeMin.getZ(), rangeMax.getX(), rangeMax.getY(), rangeMax.getZ()); } public void markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2) { for (int var7 = 0; var7 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var7) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var7)).markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); } } public void notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(BlockPos pos, Block blockType) { this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetWest(), blockType); this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetEast(), blockType); this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetDown(), blockType); this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetUp(), blockType); this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetNorth(), blockType); this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetSouth(), blockType); } public void notifyNeighborsOfStateExcept(BlockPos pos, Block blockType, EnumFacing skipSide) { if (skipSide != EnumFacing.WEST) { this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetWest(), blockType); } if (skipSide != EnumFacing.EAST) { this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetEast(), blockType); } if (skipSide != EnumFacing.DOWN) { this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetDown(), blockType); } if (skipSide != EnumFacing.UP) { this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetUp(), blockType); } if (skipSide != EnumFacing.NORTH) { this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetNorth(), blockType); } if (skipSide != EnumFacing.SOUTH) { this.notifyBlockOfStateChange(pos.offsetSouth(), blockType); } } public void notifyBlockOfStateChange(BlockPos pos, final Block blockIn) { if (!this.isRemote) { IBlockState var3 = this.getBlockState(pos); try { var3.getBlock().onNeighborBlockChange(this, pos, var3, blockIn); } catch (Throwable var7) { CrashReport var5 = CrashReport.makeCrashReport(var7, "Exception while updating neighbours"); CrashReportCategory var6 = var5.makeCategory("Block being updated"); var6.addCrashSectionCallable("Source block type", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000142"; public String call() { try { return String.format("ID #%d (%s // %s)", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(Block.getIdFromBlock(blockIn)), blockIn.getUnlocalizedName(), blockIn.getClass().getCanonicalName()}); } catch (Throwable var2) { return "ID #" + Block.getIdFromBlock(blockIn); } } }); CrashReportCategory.addBlockInfo(var6, pos, var3); throw new ReportedException(var5); } } } public boolean isBlockTickPending(BlockPos pos, Block blockType) { return false; } public boolean isAgainstSky(BlockPos pos) { return this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos).canSeeSky(pos); } public boolean canBlockSeeSky(BlockPos pos) { if (pos.getY() >= 63) { return this.isAgainstSky(pos); } else { BlockPos var2 = new BlockPos(pos.getX(), 63, pos.getZ()); if (!this.isAgainstSky(var2)) { return false; } else { for (var2 = var2.offsetDown(); var2.getY() > pos.getY(); var2 = var2.offsetDown()) { Block var3 = this.getBlockState(var2).getBlock(); if (var3.getLightOpacity() > 0 && !var3.getMaterial().isLiquid()) { return false; } } return true; } } } public int getLight(BlockPos pos) { if (pos.getY() < 0) { return 0; } else { if (pos.getY() >= 256) { pos = new BlockPos(pos.getX(), 255, pos.getZ()); } return this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos).setLight(pos, 0); } } public int getLightFromNeighbors(BlockPos pos) { return this.getLight(pos, true); } public int getLight(BlockPos pos, boolean checkNeighbors) { if (pos.getX() >= -30000000 && pos.getZ() >= -30000000 && pos.getX() < 30000000 && pos.getZ() < 30000000) { if (checkNeighbors && this.getBlockState(pos).getBlock().getUseNeighborBrightness()) { int var8 = this.getLight(pos.offsetUp(), false); int var4 = this.getLight(pos.offsetEast(), false); int var5 = this.getLight(pos.offsetWest(), false); int var6 = this.getLight(pos.offsetSouth(), false); int var7 = this.getLight(pos.offsetNorth(), false); if (var4 > var8) { var8 = var4; } if (var5 > var8) { var8 = var5; } if (var6 > var8) { var8 = var6; } if (var7 > var8) { var8 = var7; } return var8; } else if (pos.getY() < 0) { return 0; } else { if (pos.getY() >= 256) { pos = new BlockPos(pos.getX(), 255, pos.getZ()); } Chunk var3 = this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos); return var3.setLight(pos, this.skylightSubtracted); } } else { return 15; } } public BlockPos getHorizon(BlockPos pos) { int var2; if (pos.getX() >= -30000000 && pos.getZ() >= -30000000 && pos.getX() < 30000000 && pos.getZ() < 30000000) { if (this.isChunkLoaded(pos.getX() >> 4, pos.getZ() >> 4, true)) { var2 = this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(pos.getX() >> 4, pos.getZ() >> 4).getHeight(pos.getX() & 15, pos.getZ() & 15); } else { var2 = 0; } } else { var2 = 64; } return new BlockPos(pos.getX(), var2, pos.getZ()); } /** * Gets the lowest height of the chunk where sunlight directly reaches */ public int getChunksLowestHorizon(int x, int z) { if (x >= -30000000 && z >= -30000000 && x < 30000000 && z < 30000000) { if (!this.isChunkLoaded(x >> 4, z >> 4, true)) { return 0; } else { Chunk var3 = this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x >> 4, z >> 4); return var3.getLowestHeight(); } } else { return 64; } } public int getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock type, BlockPos pos) { if (pos.getY() < 0) { pos = new BlockPos(pos.getX(), 0, pos.getZ()); } if (!this.isValid(pos)) { return type.defaultLightValue; } else if (!this.isBlockLoaded(pos)) { return type.defaultLightValue; } else { Chunk var3 = this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos); return var3.getLightFor(type, pos); } } public void setLightFor(EnumSkyBlock type, BlockPos pos, int lightValue) { if (this.isValid(pos)) { if (this.isBlockLoaded(pos)) { Chunk var4 = this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos); var4.setLightFor(type, pos, lightValue); this.notifyLightSet(pos); } } } public void notifyLightSet(BlockPos pos) { for (int var2 = 0; var2 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var2) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var2)).notifyLightSet(pos); } } public float getLightBrightness(BlockPos pos) { return this.provider.getLightBrightnessTable()[this.getLightFromNeighbors(pos)]; } public IBlockState getBlockState(BlockPos pos) { if (!this.isValid(pos)) { return Blocks.air.getDefaultState(); } else { Chunk var2 = this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos); return var2.getBlockState(pos); } } /** * Checks whether its daytime by seeing if the light subtracted from the skylight is less than 4 */ public boolean isDaytime() { return this.skylightSubtracted < 4; } /** * ray traces all blocks, including non-collideable ones */ public MovingObjectPosition rayTraceBlocks(Vec3 p_72933_1_, Vec3 p_72933_2_) { return this.rayTraceBlocks(p_72933_1_, p_72933_2_, false, false, false); } public MovingObjectPosition rayTraceBlocks(Vec3 p_72901_1_, Vec3 p_72901_2_, boolean p_72901_3_) { return this.rayTraceBlocks(p_72901_1_, p_72901_2_, p_72901_3_, false, false); } /** * Performs a raycast against all blocks in the world. Args : Vec1, Vec2, stopOnLiquid, * ignoreBlockWithoutBoundingBox, returnLastUncollidableBlock */ public MovingObjectPosition rayTraceBlocks(Vec3 p_147447_1_, Vec3 p_147447_2_, boolean p_147447_3_, boolean p_147447_4_, boolean p_147447_5_) { if (!Double.isNaN(p_147447_1_.xCoord) && !Double.isNaN(p_147447_1_.yCoord) && !Double.isNaN(p_147447_1_.zCoord)) { if (!Double.isNaN(p_147447_2_.xCoord) && !Double.isNaN(p_147447_2_.yCoord) && !Double.isNaN(p_147447_2_.zCoord)) { int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147447_2_.xCoord); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147447_2_.yCoord); int var8 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147447_2_.zCoord); int var9 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147447_1_.xCoord); int var10 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147447_1_.yCoord); int var11 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147447_1_.zCoord); BlockPos var12 = new BlockPos(var9, var10, var11); new BlockPos(var6, var7, var8); IBlockState var14 = this.getBlockState(var12); Block var15 = var14.getBlock(); if ((!p_147447_4_ || var15.getCollisionBoundingBox(this, var12, var14) != null) && var15.canCollideCheck(var14, p_147447_3_)) { MovingObjectPosition var16 = var15.collisionRayTrace(this, var12, p_147447_1_, p_147447_2_); if (var16 != null) { return var16; } } MovingObjectPosition var41 = null; int var42 = 200; while (var42-- >= 0) { if (Double.isNaN(p_147447_1_.xCoord) || Double.isNaN(p_147447_1_.yCoord) || Double.isNaN(p_147447_1_.zCoord)) { return null; } if (var9 == var6 && var10 == var7 && var11 == var8) { return p_147447_5_ ? var41 : null; } boolean var43 = true; boolean var17 = true; boolean var18 = true; double var19 = 999.0D; double var21 = 999.0D; double var23 = 999.0D; if (var6 > var9) { var19 = (double)var9 + 1.0D; } else if (var6 < var9) { var19 = (double)var9 + 0.0D; } else { var43 = false; } if (var7 > var10) { var21 = (double)var10 + 1.0D; } else if (var7 < var10) { var21 = (double)var10 + 0.0D; } else { var17 = false; } if (var8 > var11) { var23 = (double)var11 + 1.0D; } else if (var8 < var11) { var23 = (double)var11 + 0.0D; } else { var18 = false; } double var25 = 999.0D; double var27 = 999.0D; double var29 = 999.0D; double var31 = p_147447_2_.xCoord - p_147447_1_.xCoord; double var33 = p_147447_2_.yCoord - p_147447_1_.yCoord; double var35 = p_147447_2_.zCoord - p_147447_1_.zCoord; if (var43) { var25 = (var19 - p_147447_1_.xCoord) / var31; } if (var17) { var27 = (var21 - p_147447_1_.yCoord) / var33; } if (var18) { var29 = (var23 - p_147447_1_.zCoord) / var35; } if (var25 == -0.0D) { var25 = -1.0E-4D; } if (var27 == -0.0D) { var27 = -1.0E-4D; } if (var29 == -0.0D) { var29 = -1.0E-4D; } EnumFacing var37; if (var25 < var27 && var25 < var29) { var37 = var6 > var9 ? EnumFacing.WEST : EnumFacing.EAST; p_147447_1_ = new Vec3(var19, p_147447_1_.yCoord + var33 * var25, p_147447_1_.zCoord + var35 * var25); } else if (var27 < var29) { var37 = var7 > var10 ? EnumFacing.DOWN : EnumFacing.UP; p_147447_1_ = new Vec3(p_147447_1_.xCoord + var31 * var27, var21, p_147447_1_.zCoord + var35 * var27); } else { var37 = var8 > var11 ? EnumFacing.NORTH : EnumFacing.SOUTH; p_147447_1_ = new Vec3(p_147447_1_.xCoord + var31 * var29, p_147447_1_.yCoord + var33 * var29, var23); } var9 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147447_1_.xCoord) - (var37 == EnumFacing.EAST ? 1 : 0); var10 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147447_1_.yCoord) - (var37 == EnumFacing.UP ? 1 : 0); var11 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147447_1_.zCoord) - (var37 == EnumFacing.SOUTH ? 1 : 0); var12 = new BlockPos(var9, var10, var11); IBlockState var38 = this.getBlockState(var12); Block var39 = var38.getBlock(); if (!p_147447_4_ || var39.getCollisionBoundingBox(this, var12, var38) != null) { if (var39.canCollideCheck(var38, p_147447_3_)) { MovingObjectPosition var40 = var39.collisionRayTrace(this, var12, p_147447_1_, p_147447_2_); if (var40 != null) { return var40; } } else { var41 = new MovingObjectPosition(MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.MISS, p_147447_1_, var37, var12); } } } return p_147447_5_ ? var41 : null; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * Plays a sound at the entity's position. Args: entity, sound, volume (relative to 1.0), and frequency (or pitch, * also relative to 1.0). */ public void playSoundAtEntity(Entity p_72956_1_, String p_72956_2_, float p_72956_3_, float p_72956_4_) { for (int var5 = 0; var5 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var5) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var5)).playSound(p_72956_2_, p_72956_1_.posX, p_72956_1_.posY, p_72956_1_.posZ, p_72956_3_, p_72956_4_); } } /** * Plays sound to all near players except the player reference given */ public void playSoundToNearExcept(EntityPlayer p_85173_1_, String p_85173_2_, float p_85173_3_, float p_85173_4_) { for (int var5 = 0; var5 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var5) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var5)).playSoundToNearExcept(p_85173_1_, p_85173_2_, p_85173_1_.posX, p_85173_1_.posY, p_85173_1_.posZ, p_85173_3_, p_85173_4_); } } /** * Play a sound effect. Many many parameters for this function. Not sure what they do, but a classic call is : * (double)i + 0.5D, (double)j + 0.5D, (double)k + 0.5D, 'random.door_open', 1.0F, world.rand.nextFloat() * 0.1F + * 0.9F with i,j,k position of the block. */ public void playSoundEffect(double x, double y, double z, String soundName, float volume, float pitch) { for (int var10 = 0; var10 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var10) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var10)).playSound(soundName, x, y, z, volume, pitch); } } /** * par8 is loudness, all pars passed to minecraftInstance.sndManager.playSound */ public void playSound(double x, double y, double z, String soundName, float volume, float pitch, boolean distanceDelay) {} public void func_175717_a(BlockPos p_175717_1_, String p_175717_2_) { for (int var3 = 0; var3 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var3) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var3)).func_174961_a(p_175717_2_, p_175717_1_); } } public void spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes p_175688_1_, double p_175688_2_, double p_175688_4_, double p_175688_6_, double p_175688_8_, double p_175688_10_, double p_175688_12_, int ... p_175688_14_) { this.spawnParticle(p_175688_1_.func_179348_c(), p_175688_1_.func_179344_e(), p_175688_2_, p_175688_4_, p_175688_6_, p_175688_8_, p_175688_10_, p_175688_12_, p_175688_14_); } private void spawnParticle(int p_175720_1_, boolean p_175720_2_, double p_175720_3_, double p_175720_5_, double p_175720_7_, double p_175720_9_, double p_175720_11_, double p_175720_13_, int ... p_175720_15_) { for (int var16 = 0; var16 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var16) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var16)).func_180442_a(p_175720_1_, p_175720_2_, p_175720_3_, p_175720_5_, p_175720_7_, p_175720_9_, p_175720_11_, p_175720_13_, p_175720_15_); } } /** * adds a lightning bolt to the list of lightning bolts in this world. */ public boolean addWeatherEffect(Entity p_72942_1_) { this.weatherEffects.add(p_72942_1_); return true; } /** * Called when an entity is spawned in the world. This includes players. */ public boolean spawnEntityInWorld(Entity p_72838_1_) { int var2 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72838_1_.posX / 16.0D); int var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72838_1_.posZ / 16.0D); boolean var4 = p_72838_1_.forceSpawn; if (p_72838_1_ instanceof EntityPlayer) { var4 = true; } if (!var4 && !this.isChunkLoaded(var2, var3, true)) { return false; } else { if (p_72838_1_ instanceof EntityPlayer) { EntityPlayer var5 = (EntityPlayer)p_72838_1_; this.playerEntities.add(var5); this.updateAllPlayersSleepingFlag(); } this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(var2, var3).addEntity(p_72838_1_); this.loadedEntityList.add(p_72838_1_); this.onEntityAdded(p_72838_1_); return true; } } protected void onEntityAdded(Entity p_72923_1_) { for (int var2 = 0; var2 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var2) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var2)).onEntityAdded(p_72923_1_); } } protected void onEntityRemoved(Entity p_72847_1_) { for (int var2 = 0; var2 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var2) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var2)).onEntityRemoved(p_72847_1_); } } /** * Schedule the entity for removal during the next tick. Marks the entity dead in anticipation. */ public void removeEntity(Entity p_72900_1_) { if (p_72900_1_.riddenByEntity != null) { p_72900_1_.riddenByEntity.mountEntity((Entity)null); } if (p_72900_1_.ridingEntity != null) { p_72900_1_.mountEntity((Entity)null); } p_72900_1_.setDead(); if (p_72900_1_ instanceof EntityPlayer) { this.playerEntities.remove(p_72900_1_); this.updateAllPlayersSleepingFlag(); this.onEntityRemoved(p_72900_1_); } } /** * Do NOT use this method to remove normal entities- use normal removeEntity */ public void removePlayerEntityDangerously(Entity p_72973_1_) { p_72973_1_.setDead(); if (p_72973_1_ instanceof EntityPlayer) { this.playerEntities.remove(p_72973_1_); this.updateAllPlayersSleepingFlag(); } int var2 = p_72973_1_.chunkCoordX; int var3 = p_72973_1_.chunkCoordZ; if (p_72973_1_.addedToChunk && this.isChunkLoaded(var2, var3, true)) { this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(var2, var3).removeEntity(p_72973_1_); } this.loadedEntityList.remove(p_72973_1_); this.onEntityRemoved(p_72973_1_); } /** * Adds a IWorldAccess to the list of worldAccesses */ public void addWorldAccess(IWorldAccess p_72954_1_) { this.worldAccesses.add(p_72954_1_); } /** * Returns a list of bounding boxes that collide with aabb excluding the passed in entity's collision. Args: entity, * aabb */ public List getCollidingBoundingBoxes(Entity p_72945_1_, AxisAlignedBB p_72945_2_) { ArrayList var3 = Lists.newArrayList(); int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72945_2_.minX); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72945_2_.maxX + 1.0D); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72945_2_.minY); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72945_2_.maxY + 1.0D); int var8 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72945_2_.minZ); int var9 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72945_2_.maxZ + 1.0D); for (int var10 = var4; var10 < var5; ++var10) { for (int var11 = var8; var11 < var9; ++var11) { if (this.isBlockLoaded(new BlockPos(var10, 64, var11))) { for (int var12 = var6 - 1; var12 < var7; ++var12) { BlockPos var13 = new BlockPos(var10, var12, var11); boolean var14 = p_72945_1_.isOutsideBorder(); boolean var15 = this.isInsideBorder(this.getWorldBorder(), p_72945_1_); if (var14 && var15) { p_72945_1_.setOutsideBorder(false); } else if (!var14 && !var15) { p_72945_1_.setOutsideBorder(true); } IBlockState var16; if (!this.getWorldBorder().contains(var13) && var15) { var16 = Blocks.stone.getDefaultState(); } else { var16 = this.getBlockState(var13); } var16.getBlock().addCollisionBoxesToList(this, var13, var16, p_72945_2_, var3, p_72945_1_); } } } } double var17 = 0.25D; List var18 = this.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(p_72945_1_, p_72945_2_.expand(var17, var17, var17)); for (int var19 = 0; var19 < var18.size(); ++var19) { if (p_72945_1_.riddenByEntity != var18 && p_72945_1_.ridingEntity != var18) { AxisAlignedBB var20 = ((Entity)var18.get(var19)).getBoundingBox(); if (var20 != null && var20.intersectsWith(p_72945_2_)) { var3.add(var20); } var20 = p_72945_1_.getCollisionBox((Entity)var18.get(var19)); if (var20 != null && var20.intersectsWith(p_72945_2_)) { var3.add(var20); } } } return var3; } public boolean isInsideBorder(WorldBorder p_175673_1_, Entity p_175673_2_) { double var3 = p_175673_1_.minX(); double var5 = p_175673_1_.minZ(); double var7 = p_175673_1_.maxX(); double var9 = p_175673_1_.maxZ(); if (p_175673_2_.isOutsideBorder()) { ++var3; ++var5; --var7; --var9; } else { --var3; --var5; ++var7; ++var9; } return p_175673_2_.posX > var3 && p_175673_2_.posX < var7 && p_175673_2_.posZ > var5 && p_175673_2_.posZ < var9; } public List func_147461_a(AxisAlignedBB p_147461_1_) { ArrayList var2 = Lists.newArrayList(); int var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147461_1_.minX); int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147461_1_.maxX + 1.0D); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147461_1_.minY); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147461_1_.maxY + 1.0D); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147461_1_.minZ); int var8 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147461_1_.maxZ + 1.0D); for (int var9 = var3; var9 < var4; ++var9) { for (int var10 = var7; var10 < var8; ++var10) { if (this.isBlockLoaded(new BlockPos(var9, 64, var10))) { for (int var11 = var5 - 1; var11 < var6; ++var11) { BlockPos var13 = new BlockPos(var9, var11, var10); IBlockState var12; if (var9 >= -30000000 && var9 < 30000000 && var10 >= -30000000 && var10 < 30000000) { var12 = this.getBlockState(var13); } else { var12 = Blocks.bedrock.getDefaultState(); } var12.getBlock().addCollisionBoxesToList(this, var13, var12, p_147461_1_, var2, (Entity)null); } } } } return var2; } /** * Returns the amount of skylight subtracted for the current time */ public int calculateSkylightSubtracted(float p_72967_1_) { float var2 = this.getCelestialAngle(p_72967_1_); float var3 = 1.0F - (MathHelper.cos(var2 * (float)Math.PI * 2.0F) * 2.0F + 0.5F); var3 = MathHelper.clamp_float(var3, 0.0F, 1.0F); var3 = 1.0F - var3; var3 = (float)((double)var3 * (1.0D - (double)(this.getRainStrength(p_72967_1_) * 5.0F) / 16.0D)); var3 = (float)((double)var3 * (1.0D - (double)(this.getWeightedThunderStrength(p_72967_1_) * 5.0F) / 16.0D)); var3 = 1.0F - var3; return (int)(var3 * 11.0F); } /** * calls calculateCelestialAngle */ public float getCelestialAngle(float p_72826_1_) { return this.provider.calculateCelestialAngle(this.worldInfo.getWorldTime(), p_72826_1_); } /** * gets the current fullness of the moon expressed as a float between 1.0 and 0.0, in steps of .25 */ public float getCurrentMoonPhaseFactor() { return WorldProvider.moonPhaseFactors[this.provider.getMoonPhase(this.worldInfo.getWorldTime())]; } /** * Return getCelestialAngle()*2*PI */ public float getCelestialAngleRadians(float p_72929_1_) { float var2 = this.getCelestialAngle(p_72929_1_); return var2 * (float)Math.PI * 2.0F; } public BlockPos func_175725_q(BlockPos p_175725_1_) { return this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(p_175725_1_).func_177440_h(p_175725_1_); } public BlockPos func_175672_r(BlockPos p_175672_1_) { Chunk var2 = this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(p_175672_1_); BlockPos var3; BlockPos var4; for (var3 = new BlockPos(p_175672_1_.getX(), var2.getTopFilledSegment() + 16, p_175672_1_.getZ()); var3.getY() >= 0; var3 = var4) { var4 = var3.offsetDown(); Material var5 = var2.getBlock(var4).getMaterial(); if (var5.blocksMovement() && var5 != Material.leaves) { break; } } return var3; } public void scheduleUpdate(BlockPos pos, Block blockIn, int delay) {} public void func_175654_a(BlockPos p_175654_1_, Block p_175654_2_, int p_175654_3_, int p_175654_4_) {} public void func_180497_b(BlockPos p_180497_1_, Block p_180497_2_, int p_180497_3_, int p_180497_4_) {} /** * Updates (and cleans up) entities and tile entities */ public void updateEntities() { this.theProfiler.startSection("entities"); this.theProfiler.startSection("global"); int var1; Entity var2; CrashReport var4; CrashReportCategory var5; for (var1 = 0; var1 < this.weatherEffects.size(); ++var1) { var2 = (Entity)this.weatherEffects.get(var1); try { ++var2.ticksExisted; var2.onUpdate(); } catch (Throwable var9) { var4 = CrashReport.makeCrashReport(var9, "Ticking entity"); var5 = var4.makeCategory("Entity being ticked"); if (var2 == null) { var5.addCrashSection("Entity", "~~NULL~~"); } else { var2.addEntityCrashInfo(var5); } throw new ReportedException(var4); } if (var2.isDead) { this.weatherEffects.remove(var1--); } } this.theProfiler.endStartSection("remove"); this.loadedEntityList.removeAll(this.unloadedEntityList); int var3; int var15; for (var1 = 0; var1 < this.unloadedEntityList.size(); ++var1) { var2 = (Entity)this.unloadedEntityList.get(var1); var3 = var2.chunkCoordX; var15 = var2.chunkCoordZ; if (var2.addedToChunk && this.isChunkLoaded(var3, var15, true)) { this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(var3, var15).removeEntity(var2); } } for (var1 = 0; var1 < this.unloadedEntityList.size(); ++var1) { this.onEntityRemoved((Entity)this.unloadedEntityList.get(var1)); } this.unloadedEntityList.clear(); this.theProfiler.endStartSection("regular"); for (var1 = 0; var1 < this.loadedEntityList.size(); ++var1) { var2 = (Entity)this.loadedEntityList.get(var1); if (var2.ridingEntity != null) { if (!var2.ridingEntity.isDead && var2.ridingEntity.riddenByEntity == var2) { continue; } var2.ridingEntity.riddenByEntity = null; var2.ridingEntity = null; } this.theProfiler.startSection("tick"); if (!var2.isDead) { try { this.updateEntity(var2); } catch (Throwable var8) { var4 = CrashReport.makeCrashReport(var8, "Ticking entity"); var5 = var4.makeCategory("Entity being ticked"); var2.addEntityCrashInfo(var5); throw new ReportedException(var4); } } this.theProfiler.endSection(); this.theProfiler.startSection("remove"); if (var2.isDead) { var3 = var2.chunkCoordX; var15 = var2.chunkCoordZ; if (var2.addedToChunk && this.isChunkLoaded(var3, var15, true)) { this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(var3, var15).removeEntity(var2); } this.loadedEntityList.remove(var1--); this.onEntityRemoved(var2); } this.theProfiler.endSection(); } this.theProfiler.endStartSection("blockEntities"); this.processingLoadedTiles = true; Iterator var10 = this.tickableTileEntities.iterator(); while (var10.hasNext()) { TileEntity var11 = (TileEntity); if (!var11.isInvalid() && var11.hasWorldObj()) { BlockPos var13 = var11.getPos(); if (this.isBlockLoaded(var13) && this.worldBorder.contains(var13)) { try { ((IUpdatePlayerListBox)var11).update(); } catch (Throwable var7) { CrashReport var16 = CrashReport.makeCrashReport(var7, "Ticking block entity"); CrashReportCategory var6 = var16.makeCategory("Block entity being ticked"); var11.addInfoToCrashReport(var6); throw new ReportedException(var16); } } } if (var11.isInvalid()) { var10.remove(); this.loadedTileEntityList.remove(var11); if (this.isBlockLoaded(var11.getPos())) { this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(var11.getPos()).removeTileEntity(var11.getPos()); } } } this.processingLoadedTiles = false; if (!this.tileEntitiesToBeRemoved.isEmpty()) { this.tickableTileEntities.removeAll(this.tileEntitiesToBeRemoved); this.loadedTileEntityList.removeAll(this.tileEntitiesToBeRemoved); this.tileEntitiesToBeRemoved.clear(); } this.theProfiler.endStartSection("pendingBlockEntities"); if (!this.addedTileEntityList.isEmpty()) { for (int var12 = 0; var12 < this.addedTileEntityList.size(); ++var12) { TileEntity var14 = (TileEntity)this.addedTileEntityList.get(var12); if (!var14.isInvalid()) { if (!this.loadedTileEntityList.contains(var14)) { this.addTileEntity(var14); } if (this.isBlockLoaded(var14.getPos())) { this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(var14.getPos()).addTileEntity(var14.getPos(), var14); } this.markBlockForUpdate(var14.getPos()); } } this.addedTileEntityList.clear(); } this.theProfiler.endSection(); this.theProfiler.endSection(); } public boolean addTileEntity(TileEntity tile) { boolean var2 = this.loadedTileEntityList.add(tile); if (var2 && tile instanceof IUpdatePlayerListBox) { this.tickableTileEntities.add(tile); } return var2; } public void addTileEntities(Collection tileEntityCollection) { if (this.processingLoadedTiles) { this.addedTileEntityList.addAll(tileEntityCollection); } else { Iterator var2 = tileEntityCollection.iterator(); while (var2.hasNext()) { TileEntity var3 = (TileEntity); this.loadedTileEntityList.add(var3); if (var3 instanceof IUpdatePlayerListBox) { this.tickableTileEntities.add(var3); } } } } /** * Will update the entity in the world if the chunk the entity is in is currently loaded. Args: entity */ public void updateEntity(Entity ent) { this.updateEntityWithOptionalForce(ent, true); } /** * Will update the entity in the world if the chunk the entity is in is currently loaded or its forced to update. * Args: entity, forceUpdate */ public void updateEntityWithOptionalForce(Entity p_72866_1_, boolean p_72866_2_) { int var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72866_1_.posX); int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72866_1_.posZ); byte var5 = 32; if (!p_72866_2_ || this.isAreaLoaded(var3 - var5, 0, var4 - var5, var3 + var5, 0, var4 + var5, true)) { p_72866_1_.lastTickPosX = p_72866_1_.posX; p_72866_1_.lastTickPosY = p_72866_1_.posY; p_72866_1_.lastTickPosZ = p_72866_1_.posZ; p_72866_1_.prevRotationYaw = p_72866_1_.rotationYaw; p_72866_1_.prevRotationPitch = p_72866_1_.rotationPitch; if (p_72866_2_ && p_72866_1_.addedToChunk) { ++p_72866_1_.ticksExisted; if (p_72866_1_.ridingEntity != null) { p_72866_1_.updateRidden(); } else { p_72866_1_.onUpdate(); } } this.theProfiler.startSection("chunkCheck"); if (Double.isNaN(p_72866_1_.posX) || Double.isInfinite(p_72866_1_.posX)) { p_72866_1_.posX = p_72866_1_.lastTickPosX; } if (Double.isNaN(p_72866_1_.posY) || Double.isInfinite(p_72866_1_.posY)) { p_72866_1_.posY = p_72866_1_.lastTickPosY; } if (Double.isNaN(p_72866_1_.posZ) || Double.isInfinite(p_72866_1_.posZ)) { p_72866_1_.posZ = p_72866_1_.lastTickPosZ; } if (Double.isNaN((double)p_72866_1_.rotationPitch) || Double.isInfinite((double)p_72866_1_.rotationPitch)) { p_72866_1_.rotationPitch = p_72866_1_.prevRotationPitch; } if (Double.isNaN((double)p_72866_1_.rotationYaw) || Double.isInfinite((double)p_72866_1_.rotationYaw)) { p_72866_1_.rotationYaw = p_72866_1_.prevRotationYaw; } int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72866_1_.posX / 16.0D); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72866_1_.posY / 16.0D); int var8 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72866_1_.posZ / 16.0D); if (!p_72866_1_.addedToChunk || p_72866_1_.chunkCoordX != var6 || p_72866_1_.chunkCoordY != var7 || p_72866_1_.chunkCoordZ != var8) { if (p_72866_1_.addedToChunk && this.isChunkLoaded(p_72866_1_.chunkCoordX, p_72866_1_.chunkCoordZ, true)) { this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(p_72866_1_.chunkCoordX, p_72866_1_.chunkCoordZ).removeEntityAtIndex(p_72866_1_, p_72866_1_.chunkCoordY); } if (this.isChunkLoaded(var6, var8, true)) { p_72866_1_.addedToChunk = true; this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(var6, var8).addEntity(p_72866_1_); } else { p_72866_1_.addedToChunk = false; } } this.theProfiler.endSection(); if (p_72866_2_ && p_72866_1_.addedToChunk && p_72866_1_.riddenByEntity != null) { if (!p_72866_1_.riddenByEntity.isDead && p_72866_1_.riddenByEntity.ridingEntity == p_72866_1_) { this.updateEntity(p_72866_1_.riddenByEntity); } else { p_72866_1_.riddenByEntity.ridingEntity = null; p_72866_1_.riddenByEntity = null; } } } } /** * Returns true if there are no solid, live entities in the specified AxisAlignedBB */ public boolean checkNoEntityCollision(AxisAlignedBB p_72855_1_) { return this.checkNoEntityCollision(p_72855_1_, (Entity)null); } /** * Returns true if there are no solid, live entities in the specified AxisAlignedBB, excluding the given entity */ public boolean checkNoEntityCollision(AxisAlignedBB p_72917_1_, Entity p_72917_2_) { List var3 = this.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity((Entity)null, p_72917_1_); for (int var4 = 0; var4 < var3.size(); ++var4) { Entity var5 = (Entity)var3.get(var4); if (!var5.isDead && var5.preventEntitySpawning && var5 != p_72917_2_ && (p_72917_2_ == null || p_72917_2_.ridingEntity != var5 && p_72917_2_.riddenByEntity != var5)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns true if there are any blocks in the region constrained by an AxisAlignedBB */ public boolean checkBlockCollision(AxisAlignedBB p_72829_1_) { int var2 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72829_1_.minX); int var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72829_1_.maxX); int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72829_1_.minY); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72829_1_.maxY); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72829_1_.minZ); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72829_1_.maxZ); for (int var8 = var2; var8 <= var3; ++var8) { for (int var9 = var4; var9 <= var5; ++var9) { for (int var10 = var6; var10 <= var7; ++var10) { Block var11 = this.getBlockState(new BlockPos(var8, var9, var10)).getBlock(); if (var11.getMaterial() != Material.air) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Returns if any of the blocks within the aabb are liquids. Args: aabb */ public boolean isAnyLiquid(AxisAlignedBB p_72953_1_) { int var2 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72953_1_.minX); int var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72953_1_.maxX); int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72953_1_.minY); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72953_1_.maxY); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72953_1_.minZ); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72953_1_.maxZ); for (int var8 = var2; var8 <= var3; ++var8) { for (int var9 = var4; var9 <= var5; ++var9) { for (int var10 = var6; var10 <= var7; ++var10) { Block var11 = this.getBlockState(new BlockPos(var8, var9, var10)).getBlock(); if (var11.getMaterial().isLiquid()) { return true; } } } } return false; } public boolean func_147470_e(AxisAlignedBB p_147470_1_) { int var2 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147470_1_.minX); int var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147470_1_.maxX + 1.0D); int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147470_1_.minY); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147470_1_.maxY + 1.0D); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147470_1_.minZ); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_147470_1_.maxZ + 1.0D); if (this.isAreaLoaded(var2, var4, var6, var3, var5, var7, true)) { for (int var8 = var2; var8 < var3; ++var8) { for (int var9 = var4; var9 < var5; ++var9) { for (int var10 = var6; var10 < var7; ++var10) { Block var11 = this.getBlockState(new BlockPos(var8, var9, var10)).getBlock(); if (var11 == || var11 == Blocks.flowing_lava || var11 == Blocks.lava) { return true; } } } } } return false; } /** * handles the acceleration of an object whilst in water. Not sure if it is used elsewhere. */ public boolean handleMaterialAcceleration(AxisAlignedBB p_72918_1_, Material p_72918_2_, Entity p_72918_3_) { int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72918_1_.minX); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72918_1_.maxX + 1.0D); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72918_1_.minY); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72918_1_.maxY + 1.0D); int var8 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72918_1_.minZ); int var9 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72918_1_.maxZ + 1.0D); if (!this.isAreaLoaded(var4, var6, var8, var5, var7, var9, true)) { return false; } else { boolean var10 = false; Vec3 var11 = new Vec3(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D); for (int var12 = var4; var12 < var5; ++var12) { for (int var13 = var6; var13 < var7; ++var13) { for (int var14 = var8; var14 < var9; ++var14) { BlockPos var15 = new BlockPos(var12, var13, var14); IBlockState var16 = this.getBlockState(var15); Block var17 = var16.getBlock(); if (var17.getMaterial() == p_72918_2_) { double var18 = (double)((float)(var13 + 1) - BlockLiquid.getLiquidHeightPercent(((Integer)var16.getValue(BlockLiquid.LEVEL)).intValue())); if ((double)var7 >= var18) { var10 = true; var11 = var17.modifyAcceleration(this, var15, p_72918_3_, var11); } } } } } if (var11.lengthVector() > 0.0D && p_72918_3_.isPushedByWater()) { var11 = var11.normalize(); double var20 = 0.014D; p_72918_3_.motionX += var11.xCoord * var20; p_72918_3_.motionY += var11.yCoord * var20; p_72918_3_.motionZ += var11.zCoord * var20; } return var10; } } /** * Returns true if the given bounding box contains the given material */ public boolean isMaterialInBB(AxisAlignedBB p_72875_1_, Material p_72875_2_) { int var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72875_1_.minX); int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72875_1_.maxX + 1.0D); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72875_1_.minY); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72875_1_.maxY + 1.0D); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72875_1_.minZ); int var8 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72875_1_.maxZ + 1.0D); for (int var9 = var3; var9 < var4; ++var9) { for (int var10 = var5; var10 < var6; ++var10) { for (int var11 = var7; var11 < var8; ++var11) { if (this.getBlockState(new BlockPos(var9, var10, var11)).getBlock().getMaterial() == p_72875_2_) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * checks if the given AABB is in the material given. Used while swimming. */ public boolean isAABBInMaterial(AxisAlignedBB p_72830_1_, Material p_72830_2_) { int var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72830_1_.minX); int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72830_1_.maxX + 1.0D); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72830_1_.minY); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72830_1_.maxY + 1.0D); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72830_1_.minZ); int var8 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_72830_1_.maxZ + 1.0D); for (int var9 = var3; var9 < var4; ++var9) { for (int var10 = var5; var10 < var6; ++var10) { for (int var11 = var7; var11 < var8; ++var11) { BlockPos var12 = new BlockPos(var9, var10, var11); IBlockState var13 = this.getBlockState(var12); Block var14 = var13.getBlock(); if (var14.getMaterial() == p_72830_2_) { int var15 = ((Integer)var13.getValue(BlockLiquid.LEVEL)).intValue(); double var16 = (double)(var10 + 1); if (var15 < 8) { var16 = (double)(var10 + 1) - (double)var15 / 8.0D; } if (var16 >= p_72830_1_.minY) { return true; } } } } } return false; } /** * Creates an explosion. Args: entity, x, y, z, strength */ public Explosion createExplosion(Entity p_72876_1_, double p_72876_2_, double p_72876_4_, double p_72876_6_, float p_72876_8_, boolean p_72876_9_) { return this.newExplosion(p_72876_1_, p_72876_2_, p_72876_4_, p_72876_6_, p_72876_8_, false, p_72876_9_); } /** * returns a new explosion. Does initiation (at time of writing Explosion is not finished) */ public Explosion newExplosion(Entity p_72885_1_, double p_72885_2_, double p_72885_4_, double p_72885_6_, float p_72885_8_, boolean p_72885_9_, boolean p_72885_10_) { Explosion var11 = new Explosion(this, p_72885_1_, p_72885_2_, p_72885_4_, p_72885_6_, p_72885_8_, p_72885_9_, p_72885_10_); var11.doExplosionA(); var11.doExplosionB(true); return var11; } /** * Gets the percentage of real blocks within within a bounding box, along a specified vector. */ public float getBlockDensity(Vec3 p_72842_1_, AxisAlignedBB p_72842_2_) { double var3 = 1.0D / ((p_72842_2_.maxX - p_72842_2_.minX) * 2.0D + 1.0D); double var5 = 1.0D / ((p_72842_2_.maxY - p_72842_2_.minY) * 2.0D + 1.0D); double var7 = 1.0D / ((p_72842_2_.maxZ - p_72842_2_.minZ) * 2.0D + 1.0D); if (var3 >= 0.0D && var5 >= 0.0D && var7 >= 0.0D) { int var9 = 0; int var10 = 0; for (float var11 = 0.0F; var11 <= 1.0F; var11 = (float)((double)var11 + var3)) { for (float var12 = 0.0F; var12 <= 1.0F; var12 = (float)((double)var12 + var5)) { for (float var13 = 0.0F; var13 <= 1.0F; var13 = (float)((double)var13 + var7)) { double var14 = p_72842_2_.minX + (p_72842_2_.maxX - p_72842_2_.minX) * (double)var11; double var16 = p_72842_2_.minY + (p_72842_2_.maxY - p_72842_2_.minY) * (double)var12; double var18 = p_72842_2_.minZ + (p_72842_2_.maxZ - p_72842_2_.minZ) * (double)var13; if (this.rayTraceBlocks(new Vec3(var14, var16, var18), p_72842_1_) == null) { ++var9; } ++var10; } } } return (float)var9 / (float)var10; } else { return 0.0F; } } public boolean func_175719_a(EntityPlayer p_175719_1_, BlockPos p_175719_2_, EnumFacing p_175719_3_) { p_175719_2_ = p_175719_2_.offset(p_175719_3_); if (this.getBlockState(p_175719_2_).getBlock() == { this.playAuxSFXAtEntity(p_175719_1_, 1004, p_175719_2_, 0); this.setBlockToAir(p_175719_2_); return true; } else { return false; } } public TileEntity getTileEntity(BlockPos pos) { if (!this.isValid(pos)) { return null; } else { TileEntity var2 = null; int var3; TileEntity var4; if (this.processingLoadedTiles) { for (var3 = 0; var3 < this.addedTileEntityList.size(); ++var3) { var4 = (TileEntity)this.addedTileEntityList.get(var3); if (!var4.isInvalid() && var4.getPos().equals(pos)) { var2 = var4; break; } } } if (var2 == null) { var2 = this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos).func_177424_a(pos, Chunk.EnumCreateEntityType.IMMEDIATE); } if (var2 == null) { for (var3 = 0; var3 < this.addedTileEntityList.size(); ++var3) { var4 = (TileEntity)this.addedTileEntityList.get(var3); if (!var4.isInvalid() && var4.getPos().equals(pos)) { var2 = var4; break; } } } return var2; } } public void setTileEntity(BlockPos p_175690_1_, TileEntity p_175690_2_) { if (p_175690_2_ != null && !p_175690_2_.isInvalid()) { if (this.processingLoadedTiles) { p_175690_2_.setPos(p_175690_1_); Iterator var3 = this.addedTileEntityList.iterator(); while (var3.hasNext()) { TileEntity var4 = (TileEntity); if (var4.getPos().equals(p_175690_1_)) { var4.invalidate(); var3.remove(); } } this.addedTileEntityList.add(p_175690_2_); } else { this.addTileEntity(p_175690_2_); this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(p_175690_1_).addTileEntity(p_175690_1_, p_175690_2_); } } } public void removeTileEntity(BlockPos pos) { TileEntity var2 = this.getTileEntity(pos); if (var2 != null && this.processingLoadedTiles) { var2.invalidate(); this.addedTileEntityList.remove(var2); } else { if (var2 != null) { this.addedTileEntityList.remove(var2); this.loadedTileEntityList.remove(var2); this.tickableTileEntities.remove(var2); } this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos).removeTileEntity(pos); } } /** * Adds the specified TileEntity to the pending removal list. */ public void markTileEntityForRemoval(TileEntity tileEntityIn) { this.tileEntitiesToBeRemoved.add(tileEntityIn); } public boolean func_175665_u(BlockPos p_175665_1_) { IBlockState var2 = this.getBlockState(p_175665_1_); AxisAlignedBB var3 = var2.getBlock().getCollisionBoundingBox(this, p_175665_1_, var2); return var3 != null && var3.getAverageEdgeLength() >= 1.0D; } public static boolean doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(IBlockAccess p_175683_0_, BlockPos p_175683_1_) { IBlockState var2 = p_175683_0_.getBlockState(p_175683_1_); Block var3 = var2.getBlock(); return var3.getMaterial().isOpaque() && var3.isFullCube() ? true : (var3 instanceof BlockStairs ? var2.getValue(BlockStairs.HALF) == BlockStairs.EnumHalf.TOP : (var3 instanceof BlockSlab ? var2.getValue(BlockSlab.HALF_PROP) == BlockSlab.EnumBlockHalf.TOP : (var3 instanceof BlockHopper ? true : (var3 instanceof BlockSnow ? ((Integer)var2.getValue(BlockSnow.LAYERS_PROP)).intValue() == 7 : false)))); } public boolean func_175677_d(BlockPos p_175677_1_, boolean p_175677_2_) { if (!this.isValid(p_175677_1_)) { return p_175677_2_; } else { Chunk var3 = this.chunkProvider.func_177459_a(p_175677_1_); if (var3.isEmpty()) { return p_175677_2_; } else { Block var4 = this.getBlockState(p_175677_1_).getBlock(); return var4.getMaterial().isOpaque() && var4.isFullCube(); } } } /** * Called on construction of the World class to setup the initial skylight values */ public void calculateInitialSkylight() { int var1 = this.calculateSkylightSubtracted(1.0F); if (var1 != this.skylightSubtracted) { this.skylightSubtracted = var1; } } /** * first boolean for hostile mobs and second for peaceful mobs */ public void setAllowedSpawnTypes(boolean hostile, boolean peaceful) { this.spawnHostileMobs = hostile; this.spawnPeacefulMobs = peaceful; } /** * Runs a single tick for the world */ public void tick() { this.updateWeather(); } /** * Called from World constructor to set rainingStrength and thunderingStrength */ protected void calculateInitialWeather() { if (this.worldInfo.isRaining()) { this.rainingStrength = 1.0F; if (this.worldInfo.isThundering()) { this.thunderingStrength = 1.0F; } } } /** * Updates all weather states. */ protected void updateWeather() { if (!this.provider.getHasNoSky()) { if (!this.isRemote) { int var1 = this.worldInfo.func_176133_A(); if (var1 > 0) { --var1; this.worldInfo.func_176142_i(var1); this.worldInfo.setThunderTime(this.worldInfo.isThundering() ? 1 : 2); this.worldInfo.setRainTime(this.worldInfo.isRaining() ? 1 : 2); } int var2 = this.worldInfo.getThunderTime(); if (var2 <= 0) { if (this.worldInfo.isThundering()) { this.worldInfo.setThunderTime(this.rand.nextInt(12000) + 3600); } else { this.worldInfo.setThunderTime(this.rand.nextInt(168000) + 12000); } } else { --var2; this.worldInfo.setThunderTime(var2); if (var2 <= 0) { this.worldInfo.setThundering(!this.worldInfo.isThundering()); } } this.prevThunderingStrength = this.thunderingStrength; if (this.worldInfo.isThundering()) { this.thunderingStrength = (float)((double)this.thunderingStrength + 0.01D); } else { this.thunderingStrength = (float)((double)this.thunderingStrength - 0.01D); } this.thunderingStrength = MathHelper.clamp_float(this.thunderingStrength, 0.0F, 1.0F); int var3 = this.worldInfo.getRainTime(); if (var3 <= 0) { if (this.worldInfo.isRaining()) { this.worldInfo.setRainTime(this.rand.nextInt(12000) + 12000); } else { this.worldInfo.setRainTime(this.rand.nextInt(168000) + 12000); } } else { --var3; this.worldInfo.setRainTime(var3); if (var3 <= 0) { this.worldInfo.setRaining(!this.worldInfo.isRaining()); } } this.prevRainingStrength = this.rainingStrength; if (this.worldInfo.isRaining()) { this.rainingStrength = (float)((double)this.rainingStrength + 0.01D); } else { this.rainingStrength = (float)((double)this.rainingStrength - 0.01D); } this.rainingStrength = MathHelper.clamp_float(this.rainingStrength, 0.0F, 1.0F); } } } protected void setActivePlayerChunksAndCheckLight() { this.activeChunkSet.clear(); this.theProfiler.startSection("buildList"); int var1; EntityPlayer var2; int var3; int var4; int var5; for (var1 = 0; var1 < this.playerEntities.size(); ++var1) { var2 = (EntityPlayer)this.playerEntities.get(var1); var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(var2.posX / 16.0D); var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(var2.posZ / 16.0D); var5 = this.getRenderDistanceChunks(); for (int var6 = -var5; var6 <= var5; ++var6) { for (int var7 = -var5; var7 <= var5; ++var7) { this.activeChunkSet.add(new ChunkCoordIntPair(var6 + var3, var7 + var4)); } } } this.theProfiler.endSection(); if (this.ambientTickCountdown > 0) { --this.ambientTickCountdown; } this.theProfiler.startSection("playerCheckLight"); if (!this.playerEntities.isEmpty()) { var1 = this.rand.nextInt(this.playerEntities.size()); var2 = (EntityPlayer)this.playerEntities.get(var1); var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(var2.posX) + this.rand.nextInt(11) - 5; var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(var2.posY) + this.rand.nextInt(11) - 5; var5 = MathHelper.floor_double(var2.posZ) + this.rand.nextInt(11) - 5; this.checkLight(new BlockPos(var3, var4, var5)); } this.theProfiler.endSection(); } protected abstract int getRenderDistanceChunks(); protected void func_147467_a(int p_147467_1_, int p_147467_2_, Chunk p_147467_3_) { this.theProfiler.endStartSection("moodSound"); if (this.ambientTickCountdown == 0 && !this.isRemote) { this.updateLCG = this.updateLCG * 3 + 1013904223; int var4 = this.updateLCG >> 2; int var5 = var4 & 15; int var6 = var4 >> 8 & 15; int var7 = var4 >> 16 & 255; BlockPos var8 = new BlockPos(var5, var7, var6); Block var9 = p_147467_3_.getBlock(var8); var5 += p_147467_1_; var6 += p_147467_2_; if (var9.getMaterial() == Material.air && this.getLight(var8) <= this.rand.nextInt(8) && this.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.SKY, var8) <= 0) { EntityPlayer var10 = this.getClosestPlayer((double)var5 + 0.5D, (double)var7 + 0.5D, (double)var6 + 0.5D, 8.0D); if (var10 != null && var10.getDistanceSq((double)var5 + 0.5D, (double)var7 + 0.5D, (double)var6 + 0.5D) > 4.0D) { this.playSoundEffect((double)var5 + 0.5D, (double)var7 + 0.5D, (double)var6 + 0.5D, "ambient.cave.cave", 0.7F, 0.8F + this.rand.nextFloat() * 0.2F); this.ambientTickCountdown = this.rand.nextInt(12000) + 6000; } } } this.theProfiler.endStartSection("checkLight"); p_147467_3_.enqueueRelightChecks(); } protected void func_147456_g() { this.setActivePlayerChunksAndCheckLight(); } public void func_175637_a(Block p_175637_1_, BlockPos p_175637_2_, Random p_175637_3_) { this.scheduledUpdatesAreImmediate = true; p_175637_1_.updateTick(this, p_175637_2_, this.getBlockState(p_175637_2_), p_175637_3_); this.scheduledUpdatesAreImmediate = false; } public boolean func_175675_v(BlockPos p_175675_1_) { return this.func_175670_e(p_175675_1_, false); } public boolean func_175662_w(BlockPos p_175662_1_) { return this.func_175670_e(p_175662_1_, true); } public boolean func_175670_e(BlockPos p_175670_1_, boolean p_175670_2_) { BiomeGenBase var3 = this.getBiomeGenForCoords(p_175670_1_); float var4 = var3.func_180626_a(p_175670_1_); if (var4 > 0.15F) { return false; } else { if (p_175670_1_.getY() >= 0 && p_175670_1_.getY() < 256 && this.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, p_175670_1_) < 10) { IBlockState var5 = this.getBlockState(p_175670_1_); Block var6 = var5.getBlock(); if ((var6 == Blocks.water || var6 == Blocks.flowing_water) && ((Integer)var5.getValue(BlockLiquid.LEVEL)).intValue() == 0) { if (!p_175670_2_) { return true; } boolean var7 = this.func_175696_F(p_175670_1_.offsetWest()) && this.func_175696_F(p_175670_1_.offsetEast()) && this.func_175696_F(p_175670_1_.offsetNorth()) && this.func_175696_F(p_175670_1_.offsetSouth()); if (!var7) { return true; } } } return false; } } private boolean func_175696_F(BlockPos p_175696_1_) { return this.getBlockState(p_175696_1_).getBlock().getMaterial() == Material.water; } public boolean func_175708_f(BlockPos p_175708_1_, boolean p_175708_2_) { BiomeGenBase var3 = this.getBiomeGenForCoords(p_175708_1_); float var4 = var3.func_180626_a(p_175708_1_); if (var4 > 0.15F) { return false; } else if (!p_175708_2_) { return true; } else { if (p_175708_1_.getY() >= 0 && p_175708_1_.getY() < 256 && this.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, p_175708_1_) < 10) { Block var5 = this.getBlockState(p_175708_1_).getBlock(); if (var5.getMaterial() == Material.air && Blocks.snow_layer.canPlaceBlockAt(this, p_175708_1_)) { return true; } } return false; } } public boolean checkLight(BlockPos p_175664_1_) { boolean var2 = false; if (!this.provider.getHasNoSky()) { var2 |= this.checkLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.SKY, p_175664_1_); } var2 |= this.checkLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, p_175664_1_); return var2; } private int func_175638_a(BlockPos p_175638_1_, EnumSkyBlock p_175638_2_) { if (p_175638_2_ == EnumSkyBlock.SKY && this.isAgainstSky(p_175638_1_)) { return 15; } else { Block var3 = this.getBlockState(p_175638_1_).getBlock(); int var4 = p_175638_2_ == EnumSkyBlock.SKY ? 0 : var3.getLightValue(); int var5 = var3.getLightOpacity(); if (var5 >= 15 && var3.getLightValue() > 0) { var5 = 1; } if (var5 < 1) { var5 = 1; } if (var5 >= 15) { return 0; } else if (var4 >= 14) { return var4; } else { EnumFacing[] var6 = EnumFacing.values(); int var7 = var6.length; for (int var8 = 0; var8 < var7; ++var8) { EnumFacing var9 = var6[var8]; BlockPos var10 = p_175638_1_.offset(var9); int var11 = this.getLightFor(p_175638_2_, var10) - var5; if (var11 > var4) { var4 = var11; } if (var4 >= 14) { return var4; } } return var4; } } } public boolean checkLightFor(EnumSkyBlock p_180500_1_, BlockPos p_180500_2_) { if (!this.isAreaLoaded(p_180500_2_, 17, false)) { return false; } else { int var3 = 0; int var4 = 0; this.theProfiler.startSection("getBrightness"); int var5 = this.getLightFor(p_180500_1_, p_180500_2_); int var6 = this.func_175638_a(p_180500_2_, p_180500_1_); int var7 = p_180500_2_.getX(); int var8 = p_180500_2_.getY(); int var9 = p_180500_2_.getZ(); int var10; int var11; int var12; int var13; int var16; int var17; int var18; int var19; if (var6 > var5) { this.lightUpdateBlockList[var4++] = 133152; } else if (var6 < var5) { this.lightUpdateBlockList[var4++] = 133152 | var5 << 18; while (var3 < var4) { var10 = this.lightUpdateBlockList[var3++]; var11 = (var10 & 63) - 32 + var7; var12 = (var10 >> 6 & 63) - 32 + var8; var13 = (var10 >> 12 & 63) - 32 + var9; int var14 = var10 >> 18 & 15; BlockPos var15 = new BlockPos(var11, var12, var13); var16 = this.getLightFor(p_180500_1_, var15); if (var16 == var14) { this.setLightFor(p_180500_1_, var15, 0); if (var14 > 0) { var17 = MathHelper.abs_int(var11 - var7); var18 = MathHelper.abs_int(var12 - var8); var19 = MathHelper.abs_int(var13 - var9); if (var17 + var18 + var19 < 17) { EnumFacing[] var20 = EnumFacing.values(); int var21 = var20.length; for (int var22 = 0; var22 < var21; ++var22) { EnumFacing var23 = var20[var22]; int var24 = var11 + var23.getFrontOffsetX(); int var25 = var12 + var23.getFrontOffsetY(); int var26 = var13 + var23.getFrontOffsetZ(); BlockPos var27 = new BlockPos(var24, var25, var26); int var28 = Math.max(1, this.getBlockState(var27).getBlock().getLightOpacity()); var16 = this.getLightFor(p_180500_1_, var27); if (var16 == var14 - var28 && var4 < this.lightUpdateBlockList.length) { this.lightUpdateBlockList[var4++] = var24 - var7 + 32 | var25 - var8 + 32 << 6 | var26 - var9 + 32 << 12 | var14 - var28 << 18; } } } } } } var3 = 0; } this.theProfiler.endSection(); this.theProfiler.startSection("checkedPosition < toCheckCount"); while (var3 < var4) { var10 = this.lightUpdateBlockList[var3++]; var11 = (var10 & 63) - 32 + var7; var12 = (var10 >> 6 & 63) - 32 + var8; var13 = (var10 >> 12 & 63) - 32 + var9; BlockPos var29 = new BlockPos(var11, var12, var13); int var30 = this.getLightFor(p_180500_1_, var29); var16 = this.func_175638_a(var29, p_180500_1_); if (var16 != var30) { this.setLightFor(p_180500_1_, var29, var16); if (var16 > var30) { var17 = Math.abs(var11 - var7); var18 = Math.abs(var12 - var8); var19 = Math.abs(var13 - var9); boolean var31 = var4 < this.lightUpdateBlockList.length - 6; if (var17 + var18 + var19 < 17 && var31) { if (this.getLightFor(p_180500_1_, var29.offsetWest()) < var16) { this.lightUpdateBlockList[var4++] = var11 - 1 - var7 + 32 + (var12 - var8 + 32 << 6) + (var13 - var9 + 32 << 12); } if (this.getLightFor(p_180500_1_, var29.offsetEast()) < var16) { this.lightUpdateBlockList[var4++] = var11 + 1 - var7 + 32 + (var12 - var8 + 32 << 6) + (var13 - var9 + 32 << 12); } if (this.getLightFor(p_180500_1_, var29.offsetDown()) < var16) { this.lightUpdateBlockList[var4++] = var11 - var7 + 32 + (var12 - 1 - var8 + 32 << 6) + (var13 - var9 + 32 << 12); } if (this.getLightFor(p_180500_1_, var29.offsetUp()) < var16) { this.lightUpdateBlockList[var4++] = var11 - var7 + 32 + (var12 + 1 - var8 + 32 << 6) + (var13 - var9 + 32 << 12); } if (this.getLightFor(p_180500_1_, var29.offsetNorth()) < var16) { this.lightUpdateBlockList[var4++] = var11 - var7 + 32 + (var12 - var8 + 32 << 6) + (var13 - 1 - var9 + 32 << 12); } if (this.getLightFor(p_180500_1_, var29.offsetSouth()) < var16) { this.lightUpdateBlockList[var4++] = var11 - var7 + 32 + (var12 - var8 + 32 << 6) + (var13 + 1 - var9 + 32 << 12); } } } } } this.theProfiler.endSection(); return true; } } /** * Runs through the list of updates to run and ticks them */ public boolean tickUpdates(boolean p_72955_1_) { return false; } public List getPendingBlockUpdates(Chunk p_72920_1_, boolean p_72920_2_) { return null; } public List func_175712_a(StructureBoundingBox p_175712_1_, boolean p_175712_2_) { return null; } /** * Will get all entities within the specified AABB excluding the one passed into it. Args: entityToExclude, aabb */ public List getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(Entity p_72839_1_, AxisAlignedBB p_72839_2_) { return this.func_175674_a(p_72839_1_, p_72839_2_, IEntitySelector.field_180132_d); } public List func_175674_a(Entity p_175674_1_, AxisAlignedBB p_175674_2_, Predicate p_175674_3_) { ArrayList var4 = Lists.newArrayList(); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_double((p_175674_2_.minX - 2.0D) / 16.0D); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double((p_175674_2_.maxX + 2.0D) / 16.0D); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double((p_175674_2_.minZ - 2.0D) / 16.0D); int var8 = MathHelper.floor_double((p_175674_2_.maxZ + 2.0D) / 16.0D); for (int var9 = var5; var9 <= var6; ++var9) { for (int var10 = var7; var10 <= var8; ++var10) { if (this.isChunkLoaded(var9, var10, true)) { this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(var9, var10).func_177414_a(p_175674_1_, p_175674_2_, var4, p_175674_3_); } } } return var4; } public List func_175644_a(Class p_175644_1_, Predicate p_175644_2_) { ArrayList var3 = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterator var4 = this.loadedEntityList.iterator(); while (var4.hasNext()) { Entity var5 = (Entity); if (p_175644_1_.isAssignableFrom(var5.getClass()) && p_175644_2_.apply(var5)) { var3.add(var5); } } return var3; } public List func_175661_b(Class p_175661_1_, Predicate p_175661_2_) { ArrayList var3 = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterator var4 = this.playerEntities.iterator(); while (var4.hasNext()) { Entity var5 = (Entity); if (p_175661_1_.isAssignableFrom(var5.getClass()) && p_175661_2_.apply(var5)) { var3.add(var5); } } return var3; } /** * Returns all entities of the specified class type which intersect with the AABB. Args: entityClass, aabb */ public List getEntitiesWithinAABB(Class p_72872_1_, AxisAlignedBB p_72872_2_) { return this.func_175647_a(p_72872_1_, p_72872_2_, IEntitySelector.field_180132_d); } public List func_175647_a(Class p_175647_1_, AxisAlignedBB p_175647_2_, Predicate p_175647_3_) { int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double((p_175647_2_.minX - 2.0D) / 16.0D); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_double((p_175647_2_.maxX + 2.0D) / 16.0D); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double((p_175647_2_.minZ - 2.0D) / 16.0D); int var7 = MathHelper.floor_double((p_175647_2_.maxZ + 2.0D) / 16.0D); ArrayList var8 = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int var9 = var4; var9 <= var5; ++var9) { for (int var10 = var6; var10 <= var7; ++var10) { if (this.isChunkLoaded(var9, var10, true)) { this.getChunkFromChunkCoords(var9, var10).func_177430_a(p_175647_1_, p_175647_2_, var8, p_175647_3_); } } } return var8; } public Entity findNearestEntityWithinAABB(Class p_72857_1_, AxisAlignedBB p_72857_2_, Entity p_72857_3_) { List var4 = this.getEntitiesWithinAABB(p_72857_1_, p_72857_2_); Entity var5 = null; double var6 = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int var8 = 0; var8 < var4.size(); ++var8) { Entity var9 = (Entity)var4.get(var8); if (var9 != p_72857_3_ && IEntitySelector.field_180132_d.apply(var9)) { double var10 = p_72857_3_.getDistanceSqToEntity(var9); if (var10 <= var6) { var5 = var9; var6 = var10; } } } return var5; } /** * Returns the Entity with the given ID, or null if it doesn't exist in this World. */ public Entity getEntityByID(int p_73045_1_) { return (Entity)this.entitiesById.lookup(p_73045_1_); } public void func_175646_b(BlockPos p_175646_1_, TileEntity p_175646_2_) { if (this.isBlockLoaded(p_175646_1_)) { this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(p_175646_1_).setChunkModified(); } } /** * Counts how many entities of an entity class exist in the world. Args: entityClass */ public int countEntities(Class entityType) { int var2 = 0; Iterator var3 = this.loadedEntityList.iterator(); while (var3.hasNext()) { Entity var4 = (Entity); if ((!(var4 instanceof EntityLiving) || !((EntityLiving)var4).isNoDespawnRequired()) && entityType.isAssignableFrom(var4.getClass())) { ++var2; } } return var2; } public void loadEntities(Collection entityCollection) { this.loadedEntityList.addAll(entityCollection); Iterator var2 = entityCollection.iterator(); while (var2.hasNext()) { Entity var3 = (Entity); this.onEntityAdded(var3); } } public void unloadEntities(Collection entityCollection) { this.unloadedEntityList.addAll(entityCollection); } public boolean canBlockBePlaced(Block p_175716_1_, BlockPos p_175716_2_, boolean p_175716_3_, EnumFacing p_175716_4_, Entity p_175716_5_, ItemStack p_175716_6_) { Block var7 = this.getBlockState(p_175716_2_).getBlock(); AxisAlignedBB var8 = p_175716_3_ ? null : p_175716_1_.getCollisionBoundingBox(this, p_175716_2_, p_175716_1_.getDefaultState()); return var8 != null && !this.checkNoEntityCollision(var8, p_175716_5_) ? false : (var7.getMaterial() == Material.circuits && p_175716_1_ == Blocks.anvil ? true : var7.getMaterial().isReplaceable() && p_175716_1_.canReplace(this, p_175716_2_, p_175716_4_, p_175716_6_)); } public int getStrongPower(BlockPos pos, EnumFacing direction) { IBlockState var3 = this.getBlockState(pos); return var3.getBlock().isProvidingStrongPower(this, pos, var3, direction); } public WorldType getWorldType() { return this.worldInfo.getTerrainType(); } public int getStrongPower(BlockPos pos) { byte var2 = 0; int var3 = Math.max(var2, this.getStrongPower(pos.offsetDown(), EnumFacing.DOWN)); if (var3 >= 15) { return var3; } else { var3 = Math.max(var3, this.getStrongPower(pos.offsetUp(), EnumFacing.UP)); if (var3 >= 15) { return var3; } else { var3 = Math.max(var3, this.getStrongPower(pos.offsetNorth(), EnumFacing.NORTH)); if (var3 >= 15) { return var3; } else { var3 = Math.max(var3, this.getStrongPower(pos.offsetSouth(), EnumFacing.SOUTH)); if (var3 >= 15) { return var3; } else { var3 = Math.max(var3, this.getStrongPower(pos.offsetWest(), EnumFacing.WEST)); if (var3 >= 15) { return var3; } else { var3 = Math.max(var3, this.getStrongPower(pos.offsetEast(), EnumFacing.EAST)); return var3 >= 15 ? var3 : var3; } } } } } } public boolean func_175709_b(BlockPos p_175709_1_, EnumFacing p_175709_2_) { return this.getRedstonePower(p_175709_1_, p_175709_2_) > 0; } public int getRedstonePower(BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing) { IBlockState var3 = this.getBlockState(pos); Block var4 = var3.getBlock(); return var4.isNormalCube() ? this.getStrongPower(pos) : var4.isProvidingWeakPower(this, pos, var3, facing); } public boolean isBlockPowered(BlockPos pos) { return this.getRedstonePower(pos.offsetDown(), EnumFacing.DOWN) > 0 ? true : (this.getRedstonePower(pos.offsetUp(), EnumFacing.UP) > 0 ? true : (this.getRedstonePower(pos.offsetNorth(), EnumFacing.NORTH) > 0 ? true : (this.getRedstonePower(pos.offsetSouth(), EnumFacing.SOUTH) > 0 ? true : (this.getRedstonePower(pos.offsetWest(), EnumFacing.WEST) > 0 ? true : this.getRedstonePower(pos.offsetEast(), EnumFacing.EAST) > 0)))); } public int func_175687_A(BlockPos p_175687_1_) { int var2 = 0; EnumFacing[] var3 = EnumFacing.values(); int var4 = var3.length; for (int var5 = 0; var5 < var4; ++var5) { EnumFacing var6 = var3[var5]; int var7 = this.getRedstonePower(p_175687_1_.offset(var6), var6); if (var7 >= 15) { return 15; } if (var7 > var2) { var2 = var7; } } return var2; } /** * Gets the closest player to the entity within the specified distance (if distance is less than 0 then ignored). * Args: entity, dist */ public EntityPlayer getClosestPlayerToEntity(Entity entityIn, double distance) { return this.getClosestPlayer(entityIn.posX, entityIn.posY, entityIn.posZ, distance); } /** * Gets the closest player to the point within the specified distance (distance can be set to less than 0 to not * limit the distance). Args: x, y, z, dist */ public EntityPlayer getClosestPlayer(double x, double y, double z, double distance) { double var9 = -1.0D; EntityPlayer var11 = null; for (int var12 = 0; var12 < this.playerEntities.size(); ++var12) { EntityPlayer var13 = (EntityPlayer)this.playerEntities.get(var12); if (IEntitySelector.field_180132_d.apply(var13)) { double var14 = var13.getDistanceSq(x, y, z); if ((distance < 0.0D || var14 < distance * distance) && (var9 == -1.0D || var14 < var9)) { var9 = var14; var11 = var13; } } } return var11; } public boolean func_175636_b(double p_175636_1_, double p_175636_3_, double p_175636_5_, double p_175636_7_) { for (int var9 = 0; var9 < this.playerEntities.size(); ++var9) { EntityPlayer var10 = (EntityPlayer)this.playerEntities.get(var9); if (IEntitySelector.field_180132_d.apply(var10)) { double var11 = var10.getDistanceSq(p_175636_1_, p_175636_3_, p_175636_5_); if (p_175636_7_ < 0.0D || var11 < p_175636_7_ * p_175636_7_) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Find a player by name in this world. */ public EntityPlayer getPlayerEntityByName(String name) { for (int var2 = 0; var2 < this.playerEntities.size(); ++var2) { EntityPlayer var3 = (EntityPlayer)this.playerEntities.get(var2); if (name.equals(var3.getName())) { return var3; } } return null; } public EntityPlayer getPlayerEntityByUUID(UUID uuid) { for (int var2 = 0; var2 < this.playerEntities.size(); ++var2) { EntityPlayer var3 = (EntityPlayer)this.playerEntities.get(var2); if (uuid.equals(var3.getUniqueID())) { return var3; } } return null; } /** * Checks whether the session lock file was modified by another process */ public void checkSessionLock() throws MinecraftException { this.saveHandler.checkSessionLock(); } /** * gets the random world seed */ public long getSeed() { return this.worldInfo.getSeed(); } public long getTotalWorldTime() { return this.worldInfo.getWorldTotalTime(); } public long getWorldTime() { return this.worldInfo.getWorldTime(); } /** * Sets the world time. */ public void setWorldTime(long time) { this.worldInfo.setWorldTime(time); } public BlockPos getSpawnPoint() { BlockPos var1 = new BlockPos(this.worldInfo.getSpawnX(), this.worldInfo.getSpawnY(), this.worldInfo.getSpawnZ()); if (!this.getWorldBorder().contains(var1)) { var1 = this.getHorizon(new BlockPos(this.getWorldBorder().getCenterX(), 0.0D, this.getWorldBorder().getCenterZ())); } return var1; } public void setSpawnLocation(BlockPos p_175652_1_) { this.worldInfo.setSpawn(p_175652_1_); } public boolean isBlockModifiable(EntityPlayer p_175660_1_, BlockPos p_175660_2_) { return true; } /** * sends a Packet 38 (Entity Status) to all tracked players of that entity */ public void setEntityState(Entity entityIn, byte p_72960_2_) {} /** * gets the world's chunk provider */ public IChunkProvider getChunkProvider() { return this.chunkProvider; } public void addBlockEvent(BlockPos pos, Block blockIn, int eventID, int eventParam) { blockIn.onBlockEventReceived(this, pos, this.getBlockState(pos), eventID, eventParam); } /** * Returns this world's current save handler */ public ISaveHandler getSaveHandler() { return this.saveHandler; } /** * Returns the world's WorldInfo object */ public WorldInfo getWorldInfo() { return this.worldInfo; } /** * Gets the GameRules instance. */ public GameRules getGameRules() { return this.worldInfo.getGameRulesInstance(); } /** * Updates the flag that indicates whether or not all players in the world are sleeping. */ public void updateAllPlayersSleepingFlag() {} public float getWeightedThunderStrength(float p_72819_1_) { return (this.prevThunderingStrength + (this.thunderingStrength - this.prevThunderingStrength) * p_72819_1_) * this.getRainStrength(p_72819_1_); } /** * Returns rain strength. */ public float getRainStrength(float p_72867_1_) { return this.prevRainingStrength + (this.rainingStrength - this.prevRainingStrength) * p_72867_1_; } /** * Returns true if the current thunder strength (weighted with the rain strength) is greater than 0.9 */ public boolean isThundering() { return (double)this.getWeightedThunderStrength(1.0F) > 0.9D; } /** * Returns true if the current rain strength is greater than 0.2 */ public boolean isRaining() { return (double)this.getRainStrength(1.0F) > 0.2D; } public boolean func_175727_C(BlockPos p_175727_1_) { if (!this.isRaining()) { return false; } else if (!this.isAgainstSky(p_175727_1_)) { return false; } else if (this.func_175725_q(p_175727_1_).getY() > p_175727_1_.getY()) { return false; } else { BiomeGenBase var2 = this.getBiomeGenForCoords(p_175727_1_); return var2.getEnableSnow() ? false : (this.func_175708_f(p_175727_1_, false) ? false : var2.canSpawnLightningBolt()); } } public boolean func_180502_D(BlockPos p_180502_1_) { BiomeGenBase var2 = this.getBiomeGenForCoords(p_180502_1_); return var2.isHighHumidity(); } public MapStorage func_175693_T() { return this.mapStorage; } /** * Assigns the given String id to the given MapDataBase using the MapStorage, removing any existing ones of the same * id. */ public void setItemData(String p_72823_1_, WorldSavedData p_72823_2_) { this.mapStorage.setData(p_72823_1_, p_72823_2_); } /** * Loads an existing MapDataBase corresponding to the given String id from disk using the MapStorage, instantiating * the given Class, or returns null if none such file exists. args: Class to instantiate, String dataid */ public WorldSavedData loadItemData(Class p_72943_1_, String p_72943_2_) { return this.mapStorage.loadData(p_72943_1_, p_72943_2_); } /** * Returns an unique new data id from the MapStorage for the given prefix and saves the idCounts map to the * 'idcounts' file. */ public int getUniqueDataId(String p_72841_1_) { return this.mapStorage.getUniqueDataId(p_72841_1_); } public void func_175669_a(int p_175669_1_, BlockPos p_175669_2_, int p_175669_3_) { for (int var4 = 0; var4 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var4) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var4)).func_180440_a(p_175669_1_, p_175669_2_, p_175669_3_); } } public void playAuxSFX(int p_175718_1_, BlockPos p_175718_2_, int p_175718_3_) { this.playAuxSFXAtEntity((EntityPlayer)null, p_175718_1_, p_175718_2_, p_175718_3_); } public void playAuxSFXAtEntity(EntityPlayer p_180498_1_, int p_180498_2_, BlockPos p_180498_3_, int p_180498_4_) { try { for (int var5 = 0; var5 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var5) { ((IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var5)).func_180439_a(p_180498_1_, p_180498_2_, p_180498_3_, p_180498_4_); } } catch (Throwable var8) { CrashReport var6 = CrashReport.makeCrashReport(var8, "Playing level event"); CrashReportCategory var7 = var6.makeCategory("Level event being played"); var7.addCrashSection("Block coordinates", CrashReportCategory.getCoordinateInfo(p_180498_3_)); var7.addCrashSection("Event source", p_180498_1_); var7.addCrashSection("Event type", Integer.valueOf(p_180498_2_)); var7.addCrashSection("Event data", Integer.valueOf(p_180498_4_)); throw new ReportedException(var6); } } /** * Returns maximum world height. */ public int getHeight() { return 256; } /** * Returns current world height. */ public int getActualHeight() { return this.provider.getHasNoSky() ? 128 : 256; } /** * puts the World Random seed to a specific state dependant on the inputs */ public Random setRandomSeed(int p_72843_1_, int p_72843_2_, int p_72843_3_) { long var4 = (long)p_72843_1_ * 341873128712L + (long)p_72843_2_ * 132897987541L + this.getWorldInfo().getSeed() + (long)p_72843_3_; this.rand.setSeed(var4); return this.rand; } public BlockPos func_180499_a(String p_180499_1_, BlockPos p_180499_2_) { return this.getChunkProvider().func_180513_a(this, p_180499_1_, p_180499_2_); } /** * Adds some basic stats of the world to the given crash report. */ public CrashReportCategory addWorldInfoToCrashReport(CrashReport report) { CrashReportCategory var2 = report.makeCategoryDepth("Affected level", 1); var2.addCrashSection("Level name", this.worldInfo == null ? "????" : this.worldInfo.getWorldName()); var2.addCrashSectionCallable("All players", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000143"; public String call() { return World.this.playerEntities.size() + " total; " + World.this.playerEntities.toString(); } }); var2.addCrashSectionCallable("Chunk stats", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000144"; public String call() { return World.this.chunkProvider.makeString(); } }); try { this.worldInfo.addToCrashReport(var2); } catch (Throwable var4) { var2.addCrashSectionThrowable("Level Data Unobtainable", var4); } return var2; } public void sendBlockBreakProgress(int breakerId, BlockPos pos, int progress) { for (int var4 = 0; var4 < this.worldAccesses.size(); ++var4) { IWorldAccess var5 = (IWorldAccess)this.worldAccesses.get(var4); var5.sendBlockBreakProgress(breakerId, pos, progress); } } /** * returns a calendar object containing the current date */ public Calendar getCurrentDate() { if (this.getTotalWorldTime() % 600L == 0L) { this.theCalendar.setTimeInMillis(MinecraftServer.getCurrentTimeMillis()); } return this.theCalendar; } public Scoreboard getScoreboard() { return this.worldScoreboard; } public void updateComparatorOutputLevel(BlockPos pos, Block blockIn) { Iterator var3 = EnumFacing.Plane.HORIZONTAL.iterator(); while (var3.hasNext()) { EnumFacing var4 = (EnumFacing); BlockPos var5 = pos.offset(var4); if (this.isBlockLoaded(var5)) { IBlockState var6 = this.getBlockState(var5); if (Blocks.unpowered_comparator.func_149907_e(var6.getBlock())) { var6.getBlock().onNeighborBlockChange(this, var5, var6, blockIn); } else if (var6.getBlock().isNormalCube()) { var5 = var5.offset(var4); var6 = this.getBlockState(var5); if (Blocks.unpowered_comparator.func_149907_e(var6.getBlock())) { var6.getBlock().onNeighborBlockChange(this, var5, var6, blockIn); } } } } } public DifficultyInstance getDifficultyForLocation(BlockPos pos) { long var2 = 0L; float var4 = 0.0F; if (this.isBlockLoaded(pos)) { var4 = this.getCurrentMoonPhaseFactor(); var2 = this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos).getInhabitedTime(); } return new DifficultyInstance(this.getDifficulty(), this.getWorldTime(), var2, var4); } public EnumDifficulty getDifficulty() { return this.getWorldInfo().getDifficulty(); } public int getSkylightSubtracted() { return this.skylightSubtracted; } public void setSkylightSubtracted(int newSkylightSubtracted) { this.skylightSubtracted = newSkylightSubtracted; } public void setLastLightningBolt(int lastLightningBoltIn) { this.lastLightningBolt = lastLightningBoltIn; } public boolean isFindingSpawnPoint() { return this.findingSpawnPoint; } public VillageCollection getVillageCollection() { return this.villageCollectionObj; } public WorldBorder getWorldBorder() { return this.worldBorder; } /** * Returns whether a chunk exists at chunk coordinates x, y */ public boolean chunkExists(int x, int z) { BlockPos var3 = this.getSpawnPoint(); int var4 = x * 16 + 8 - var3.getX(); int var5 = z * 16 + 8 - var3.getZ(); short var6 = 128; return var4 >= -var6 && var4 <= var6 && var5 >= -var6 && var5 <= var6; } }