package org.dcache.srm.request; import; import org.apache.axis.types.UnsignedLong; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import diskCacheV111.srm.RequestFileStatus; import org.dcache.srm.FileMetaData; import org.dcache.srm.SRM; import org.dcache.srm.SRMAuthorizationException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMInvalidPathException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMInvalidRequestException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMTooManyResultsException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMUser; import org.dcache.srm.scheduler.IllegalStateTransition; import org.dcache.srm.scheduler.State; import org.dcache.srm.util.Permissions; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.ArrayOfString; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.ArrayOfTMetaDataPathDetail; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TAccessLatency; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TFileStorageType; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TFileType; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TGroupPermission; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TMetaDataPathDetail; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TPermissionMode; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TRetentionPolicy; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TRetentionPolicyInfo; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TReturnStatus; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TStatusCode; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TUserPermission; public final class LsFileRequest extends FileRequest<LsRequest> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LsFileRequest.class); private static final String SFN_STRING="SFN="; private final URI surl; private TMetaDataPathDetail metaDataPathDetail; private static final Comparator<FileMetaData> DIRECTORY_LAST_ORDER = (f1, f2) -> { if (f1.isDirectory&&f2.isRegular) { return 1; } if (f1.isRegular&&f2.isDirectory) { return -1; } return 0; }; public LsFileRequest(long requestId, URI surl, long lifetime) { super(requestId, lifetime); this.surl = surl; } public LsFileRequest( long id, Long nextJobId, long creationTime, long lifetime, int stateId, String scheduelerId, long schedulerTimeStamp, int numberOfRetries, long lastStateTransitionTime, JobHistory[] jobHistoryArray, long requestId, String statusCodeString, String SURL) { super(id, nextJobId, creationTime, lifetime, stateId, scheduelerId, schedulerTimeStamp, numberOfRetries, lastStateTransitionTime, jobHistoryArray, requestId, statusCodeString); this.surl = URI.create(SURL); } public String getPath(URI uri) { String path = uri.getPath(); String query = uri.getQuery(); if (query != null) { int i = query.indexOf(SFN_STRING); if (i != -1) { path = query.substring(i + SFN_STRING.length()).replaceAll("//*", "/"); } } return path; } public URI getSurl() { return surl; } public String getSurlString() { return surl.toString(); } @Override public synchronized void run() throws IllegalStateTransition { logger.trace("run"); if (!getState().isFinal()) { try { LsRequest parent = getContainerRequest(); long t0 = 0; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } String fileId = SRM.getSRM().getUploadFileId(surl); TMetaDataPathDetail detail; if (fileId != null) { // [SRM 2.2, 4.4.3] // // SRM_FILE_BUSY // // client requests for a file which there is an active // srmPrepareToPut (no srmPutDone is yet called) request for. try { FileMetaData fmd = getStorage().getFileMetaData(getUser(), surl, fileId); detail = convertFileMetaDataToTMetaDataPathDetail(surl, fmd, parent.getLongFormat()); } catch (SRMInvalidPathException e) { detail = new TMetaDataPathDetail(); detail.setType(TFileType.FILE); } detail.setPath(getPath(surl)); detail.setStatus(new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_FILE_BUSY, "The requested SURL is locked by an upload.")); } else { detail = getMetaDataPathDetail(surl, 0, parent.getOffset(), parent.getCount(), parent.getNumOfLevels(), parent.getLongFormat()); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(", TOOK " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)); } try { getContainerRequest().resetRetryDeltaTime(); } catch (SRMInvalidRequestException ire) { logger.error(ire.toString()); } wlock(); try { metaDataPathDetail = detail; if (!getState().isFinal()) { setState(State.DONE, State.DONE.toString()); } } finally { wunlock(); } } catch (SRMException e) { fail(e.getStatusCode(), e.getMessage()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { fail(TStatusCode.SRM_FAILURE, e.getMessage()); } catch (DataAccessException | IllegalStateTransition e) { logger.error(e.toString(), e); fail(TStatusCode.SRM_INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } } } private void fail(TStatusCode statusCode, String msg) { wlock(); try { if (!getState().isFinal()) { metaDataPathDetail = new TMetaDataPathDetail(); metaDataPathDetail.setPath(getPath(surl)); metaDataPathDetail.setStatus(new TReturnStatus(statusCode, msg)); setStatusCode(statusCode); setState(State.FAILED, msg); } } catch (IllegalStateTransition e) { logger.error("Illegal State Transition : {}", e.getMessage()); } finally { wunlock(); } } @Override protected void stateChanged(State oldState) { logger.debug("State changed from "+oldState+" to "+getState()); super.stateChanged(oldState); } @Override public boolean isTouchingSurl(URI surl) { return surl.equals(getSurl()); } @Override public TReturnStatus getReturnStatus() { String description = getLastJobChange().getDescription(); TStatusCode statusCode = getStatusCode(); if(statusCode != null) { return new TReturnStatus(statusCode, description); } switch (getState()) { case DONE: case READY: return new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_SUCCESS, null); case FAILED: return new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_FAILURE, description); case CANCELED: return new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_ABORTED, description); case INPROGRESS: case RQUEUED: return new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_REQUEST_INPROGRESS, description); default: return new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_REQUEST_QUEUED, description); } } @Override public long extendLifetime(long newLifetime) throws SRMException { long remainingLifetime = getRemainingLifetime(); if(remainingLifetime >= newLifetime) { return remainingLifetime; } return getContainerRequest().extendLifetimeMillis(newLifetime); } public TMetaDataPathDetail getMetaDataPathDetail() throws SRMInvalidRequestException { rlock(); try { if (metaDataPathDetail != null) { return metaDataPathDetail; } if (getState() == State.DONE) { /* If the request has been processed yet metaDataPathDetail * is null then the information is no longer known. This * can happen if the information has been delivered to the * client, this Request has been garbage collected, and the * request was fetched back from the database to process a * StatusOfLsRequest request. */ throw new SRMInvalidRequestException("Response no longer available."); } TMetaDataPathDetail detail = new TMetaDataPathDetail(); detail.setPath(getPath(surl)); detail.setStatus(getReturnStatus()); return detail; } finally { runlock(); } } public final TMetaDataPathDetail getMetaDataPathDetail(URI surl, int depth, long offset, long count, int recursionDepth, boolean longFormat) throws SRMException, URISyntaxException { FileMetaData fmd = getStorage().getFileMetaData(getUser(), surl, false); TMetaDataPathDetail aMetaDataPathDetail= convertFileMetaDataToTMetaDataPathDetail(surl, fmd, longFormat); if(!getContainerRequest().increaseResultsNumAndContinue()) { return aMetaDataPathDetail; } if (fmd.isDirectory && depth< recursionDepth) { if (recursionDepth==1) { // // for simplicity break up code into two blocks - one block // works for the simple case recursionDepth=1, the other // block works for recursionDepth>1 // there is a bit of code duplication, but code is // relatively straightforward this way // getMetaDataPathDetail(aMetaDataPathDetail, offset, count, longFormat); } else { getRecursiveMetaDataPathDetail(aMetaDataPathDetail, fmd, depth, offset, count, recursionDepth, longFormat); } } return aMetaDataPathDetail; } private void getMetaDataPathDetail(TMetaDataPathDetail metaDataPathDetail, long offset, long count, boolean longFormat) throws SRMException, URISyntaxException { List<FileMetaData> directoryList; // // simplify things for the most common case when people perform // ls on directory w/o specifying recursionDepth // URI surl = new URI(null, null, metaDataPathDetail.getPath(), null); directoryList = getStorage().listDirectory(getUser(), surl, longFormat, (int) offset, (int) count); getContainerRequest().setCounter(offset); List<TMetaDataPathDetail> metadataPathDetailList = new LinkedList<>(); for (FileMetaData md : directoryList) { URI subpath = new URI(null, null, md.SURL, null); TMetaDataPathDetail dirMetaDataPathDetail= convertFileMetaDataToTMetaDataPathDetail(subpath, md, longFormat); if (!getContainerRequest().shouldSkipThisRecord()) { metadataPathDetailList.add(dirMetaDataPathDetail); try { if(!getContainerRequest().increaseResultsNumAndContinue()) { break; } } catch (SRMTooManyResultsException e) { metaDataPathDetail.setStatus(new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_FAILURE, e.getMessage())); break; } } // // increment global entries counter // getContainerRequest().incrementGlobalEntryCounter(); } metaDataPathDetail.setArrayOfSubPaths(new ArrayOfTMetaDataPathDetail(metadataPathDetailList .toArray(new TMetaDataPathDetail[metadataPathDetailList .size()]))); } private void getRecursiveMetaDataPathDetail(TMetaDataPathDetail metaDataPathDetail, FileMetaData fmd, int depth, long offset, long count, int recursionDepth, boolean longFormat) throws SRMException, URISyntaxException { if (!fmd.isDirectory || depth >= recursionDepth) { return; } List<FileMetaData> directoryList; URI surl = new URI(null, null, metaDataPathDetail.getPath(), null); // // cannot use offset or count in this case since // we are trying to flatten tree structure. // rely on our own counting if (offset==0) { // // if offset=0, trivial case, just grab information w/ verbosity level // provided by the user // directoryList = getStorage().listDirectory(getUser(), surl, longFormat, 0, (int) count); } else { // // if offset!=0, we loop over direntries in non-verbose mode until // we hit offset, then start getting information with verbosity // level specified by the user by calling getStorage().getFileMetaData on // each entry // directoryList = getStorage().listDirectory(getUser(), surl, false, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } // // sort list such that directories are at the end of the list after // sorting. The intent is to leave the recursion calls at the // end of the tree, so we have less chance to even get there // Collections.sort(directoryList, DIRECTORY_LAST_ORDER); List<TMetaDataPathDetail> metadataPathDetailList = new LinkedList<>(); for (FileMetaData md : directoryList) { URI subpath = new URI(null, null, md.SURL, null); TMetaDataPathDetail dirMetaDataPathDetail; if (offset==0) { dirMetaDataPathDetail= convertFileMetaDataToTMetaDataPathDetail(subpath, md, longFormat); } else { FileMetaData fileMetaData=md; if (!getContainerRequest().shouldSkipThisRecord()) { if (longFormat) { fileMetaData = getStorage().getFileMetaData(getUser(), subpath, false); } dirMetaDataPathDetail=convertFileMetaDataToTMetaDataPathDetail(subpath, fileMetaData, longFormat); } else { // // skip this record - meaning count it, and request only minimal details, do not store it // dirMetaDataPathDetail=convertFileMetaDataToTMetaDataPathDetail(subpath, fileMetaData, false); } } if (!getContainerRequest().shouldSkipThisRecord()) { metadataPathDetailList.add(dirMetaDataPathDetail); try { if(!getContainerRequest().increaseResultsNumAndContinue()) { break; } } catch (SRMTooManyResultsException e) { metaDataPathDetail.setStatus(new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_FAILURE, e.getMessage())); break; } } // // increment global entries counter // getContainerRequest().incrementGlobalEntryCounter(); if (md.isDirectory) { try { getRecursiveMetaDataPathDetail(dirMetaDataPathDetail, md, depth+1, offset, count, recursionDepth, longFormat); } catch (SRMException e) { String msg = e.getMessage(); if (e instanceof SRMAuthorizationException) { dirMetaDataPathDetail.setStatus(new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE, msg)); } else if (e instanceof SRMInvalidPathException) { dirMetaDataPathDetail.setStatus(new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_INVALID_PATH, msg)); } else { dirMetaDataPathDetail.setStatus(new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_FAILURE, msg)); } } } } metaDataPathDetail.setArrayOfSubPaths(new ArrayOfTMetaDataPathDetail(metadataPathDetailList .toArray(new TMetaDataPathDetail[metadataPathDetailList .size()]))); } public boolean canRead(SRMUser user, FileMetaData fmd) { int uid = Integer.parseInt(fmd.owner); int gid = Integer.parseInt(; int permissions = fmd.permMode; if(permissions == 0 ) { return false; } if(Permissions.worldCanRead(permissions)) { return true; } if(uid == -1 || gid == -1) { return false; } if(user == null ) { return false; } if(fmd.isGroupMember(user) && Permissions.groupCanRead(permissions)) { return true; } return fmd.isOwner(user) && Permissions.userCanRead(permissions); } public TPermissionMode maskToTPermissionMode(int permMask) { switch(permMask) { case 0: return TPermissionMode.NONE; case 1: return TPermissionMode.X; case 2: return TPermissionMode.W; case 3: return TPermissionMode.WX; case 4: return TPermissionMode.R; case 5: return TPermissionMode.RX; case 6: return TPermissionMode.RW; case 7: return TPermissionMode.RWX; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal perm mask: "+permMask); } } @Override public void toString(StringBuilder sb, String padding, boolean longformat) { sb.append(padding); if (padding.isEmpty()) { sb.append("Ls "); } sb.append("file id:").append(getId()); State state = getState(); sb.append(" state:").append(state); if(longformat) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(padding).append(" SURL: ").append(getSurl()).append('\n'); TStatusCode status = getStatusCode(); if (status != null) { sb.append(padding).append(" Status:").append(status).append('\n'); } sb.append(padding).append(" History:\n"); sb.append(getHistory(padding + " ")); } } private TMetaDataPathDetail convertFileMetaDataToTMetaDataPathDetail(final URI path, final FileMetaData fmd, final boolean verbose) throws SRMException { TMetaDataPathDetail metaDataPathDetail = new TMetaDataPathDetail(); metaDataPathDetail.setPath(getPath(path)); metaDataPathDetail.setLifetimeAssigned(-1); metaDataPathDetail.setLifetimeLeft(-1); metaDataPathDetail.setSize(new UnsignedLong(fmd.size)); if(fmd.isDirectory) { metaDataPathDetail.setType(TFileType.DIRECTORY); } else if(fmd.isLink) { metaDataPathDetail.setType(TFileType.LINK); } else if(fmd.isRegular) { metaDataPathDetail.setType(TFileType.FILE); } else { logger.debug("file type is Unknown"); } if(verbose) { // TODO: this needs to be rewritten to // take the ACLs into account. TUserPermission userPermission = new TUserPermission(); userPermission.setUserID(fmd.owner); int userPerm = (fmd.permMode >> 6) & 7; userPermission.setMode(maskToTPermissionMode(userPerm)); metaDataPathDetail.setOwnerPermission(userPermission); TGroupPermission groupPermission = new TGroupPermission(); groupPermission.setGroupID(; int groupPerm = (fmd.permMode >> 3) & 7; groupPermission.setMode(maskToTPermissionMode(groupPerm)); metaDataPathDetail.setGroupPermission(groupPermission); metaDataPathDetail.setOtherPermission(maskToTPermissionMode(fmd.permMode&7)); GregorianCalendar td = new GregorianCalendar(); td.setTimeInMillis(fmd.creationTime); metaDataPathDetail.setCreatedAtTime(td); td = new GregorianCalendar(); td.setTimeInMillis(fmd.lastModificationTime); metaDataPathDetail.setLastModificationTime(td); if(fmd.checksumType != null && fmd.checksumValue != null ) { metaDataPathDetail.setCheckSumType(fmd.checksumType); metaDataPathDetail.setCheckSumValue(fmd.checksumValue); } metaDataPathDetail.setFileStorageType(TFileStorageType.PERMANENT); if (!fmd.isPermanent) { if (fmd.isPinned) { metaDataPathDetail.setFileStorageType(TFileStorageType.DURABLE); } else { metaDataPathDetail.setFileStorageType(TFileStorageType.VOLATILE); } } metaDataPathDetail.setFileLocality(fmd.locality); if (fmd.retentionPolicyInfo!=null) { TAccessLatency al = fmd.retentionPolicyInfo.getAccessLatency(); TRetentionPolicy rp = fmd.retentionPolicyInfo.getRetentionPolicy(); metaDataPathDetail.setRetentionPolicyInfo(new TRetentionPolicyInfo(rp,al)); } if (fmd.spaceTokens!=null) { if (fmd.spaceTokens.length > 0) { ArrayOfString arrayOfSpaceTokens = new ArrayOfString(new String[fmd.spaceTokens.length]); for (int st=0;st<fmd.spaceTokens.length;st++) { arrayOfSpaceTokens.setStringArray(st, String.valueOf(fmd.spaceTokens[st])); } metaDataPathDetail.setArrayOfSpaceTokens(arrayOfSpaceTokens); } } } metaDataPathDetail.setStatus(new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_SUCCESS, null)); return metaDataPathDetail; } }