package diskCacheV111.doors; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsHandler; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.TimeoutCacheException; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.CopyManagerMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DCapClientPortAvailableMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DCapClientProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DCapProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorTransferFinishedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.ProtocolInfo; import dmg.cells.nucleus.AbstractCellComponent; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restriction; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PoolManagerStub; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.RedirectedTransfer; import org.dcache.util.Transfer; import org.dcache.util.TransferRetryPolicies; import static; import static org.dcache.util.ByteUnit.KiB; public class CopyManager extends AbstractCellComponent implements CellMessageReceiver, CellCommandListener, CellInfoProvider { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CopyManager.class); private final Map<Long,CopyHandler> _activeTransfers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Queue<CellMessage> _queue = new ArrayDeque<>(); private InetSocketAddress _localAddr; private long _moverTimeout = 24; private TimeUnit _moverTimeoutUnit = TimeUnit.HOURS; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = KiB.toBytes(256); private static final int TCP_BUFFER_SIZE = KiB.toBytes(256); private int _maxTransfers = 30; private int _numTransfers; private PnfsHandler _pnfsHandler; private PoolManagerStub _poolManager; private CellStub _poolStub; public void init() throws Exception { _localAddr = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 0); } public static final String hh_set_max_transfers_internal = "<#max transfers>"; public String ac_set_max_transfers_internal_$_1(Args args) { int max = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(0)); if (max <= 0) { return "Error, max transfers number should be greater than 0"; } setMaxTransfers(max); return "set maximum number of active transfers to " + max; } public static final String hh_ls_internal = "[-l] [<#transferId>]"; public String ac_ls_internal_$_0_1(Args args) { boolean long_format = args.hasOption("l"); if (args.argc() > 0) { long id = Long.parseLong(args.argv(0)); CopyHandler handler = _activeTransfers.get(id); return id + ": " + (handler == null ? "no such ID" : handler.toString(long_format)); } if (_activeTransfers.isEmpty()) { return "No active transfers."; } return _activeTransfers.entrySet().stream() .map(e -> e.getKey() + ": " + e.getValue().toString(long_format)) .collect(joining("\n", "", "\n")); } private static void appendPaths(StringBuilder sb, CopyManagerMessage message) { sb.append(' ').append(message.getSrcPnfsPath()).append(" --> ").append(message.getDstPnfsPath()); } private static StringBuilder appendExtendedInfo(StringBuilder sb, CopyManagerMessage message) { sb.append(" Attempt: ").append(1+message.getNumberOfPerformedRetries()) .append(" of ").append(message.getNumberOfRetries()).append('\n'); sb.append(" User: ").append(Subjects.getDisplayName(message.getSubject())).append('\n'); sb.append(" Restriction: ").append(message.getRestriction()); return sb; } public static final String hh_queue = "[-l]"; public synchronized String ac_queue_$_0(Args args) { boolean longFormat = args.hasOption("l"); if (_queue.isEmpty()) { return "Queue is empty"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 1; for (CellMessage envelope: _queue) { sb.append("#").append(i++); CopyManagerMessage message = (CopyManagerMessage) envelope.getMessageObject(); appendPaths(sb, message); if (longFormat) { sb.append('\n'); appendExtendedInfo(sb, message).append('\n'); } } return sb.toString(); } @Override public synchronized void getInfo(PrintWriter pw) { pw.printf("Active transfers : %d\n", _numTransfers); pw.printf("Queued requests : %d\n", _queue.size()); pw.printf("Max active transfers : %d\n", getMaxTransfers()); pw.printf("Pool manager : %s\n", _poolManager); pw.printf("Mover timeout : %d seconds", _moverTimeoutUnit.toSeconds(_moverTimeout)); } public void messageArrived(DoorTransferFinishedMessage message) { CopyHandler handler = _activeTransfers.get(message.getId()); if (handler != null) { handler.messageNotify(message); } } public void messageArrived(DCapClientPortAvailableMessage message) { CopyHandler handler = _activeTransfers.get(message.getId()); if (handler != null) { handler.messageNotify(message); } } public void messageArrived(CellMessage envelope, CopyManagerMessage message) { if (newTransfer()) { new Thread(new CopyManager.CopyHandler(envelope)).start(); } else { putOnQueue(envelope); } } public void returnError(CellMessage envelope, String errormsg) { CopyManagerMessage request = (CopyManagerMessage) envelope.getMessageObject(); request.setReturnCode(1); request.setDescription(errormsg); envelope.revertDirection(); sendMessage(envelope); } private class CopyHandler implements Runnable { private CellMessage _envelope; private Transfer _source; private RedirectedTransfer<DCapClientPortAvailableMessage> _target; public synchronized void messageNotify(DoorTransferFinishedMessage message) { long id = message.getId(); if (_source != null && _source.getId() == id) { _source.finished(message); } else if (_target != null && _target.getId() == id) { _target.finished(message); } } public synchronized void messageNotify(DCapClientPortAvailableMessage message) { if (_target != null) { _target.redirect(message); } } public CopyHandler(CellMessage envelope) { _envelope = envelope; } private void appendTransfer(StringBuilder sb, Transfer transfer) { PnfsId id = transfer.getPnfsId(); String pool = transfer.getPool(); Integer mover = transfer.getMoverId(); sb.append(" PNFS-ID: ").append(id == null ? "Not yet known" : id).append('\n'); sb.append(" Pool: ").append(pool == null ? "Not yet selected" : pool); if (mover != null) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(" Mover: ").append(mover); } } public synchronized String toString(boolean isLongFormat) { CopyManagerMessage message = _envelope == null ? null : (CopyManagerMessage) _envelope.getMessageObject(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getTransferState()); if (message != null) { appendPaths(sb, message); } if (isLongFormat) { if (message != null) { sb.append('\n'); appendExtendedInfo(sb, message); } if (_source != null) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(" SOURCE\n"); appendTransfer(sb, _source); } if (_target != null) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(" TARGET\n"); appendTransfer(sb, _target); } } return sb.toString(); } private String statusOf(Transfer t) { if (t == null) { return "no transfer"; } else { String status = t.getStatus(); return status == null ? "idle" : status; } } private synchronized String getTransferState() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("source [").append(statusOf(_source)).append("] "); sb.append("target [").append(statusOf(_target)).append("]"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public void run() { while (_envelope != null) { boolean requeue = false; CopyManagerMessage message = (CopyManagerMessage) _envelope.getMessageObject(); try {"starting processing transfer message with id {}", message.getId()); copy(message.getSubject(), message.getRestriction(), FsPath.create(message.getSrcPnfsPath()), FsPath.create(message.getDstPnfsPath())); message.setReturnCode(0); message.setDescription("file "+ message.getDstPnfsPath() + " has been copied from " + message.getSrcPnfsPath()); } catch (CacheException e) { int retries = message.getNumberOfRetries() - 1; message.setNumberOfRetries(retries); if (retries > 0) { requeue = true; } else { message.setReturnCode(1); message.setDescription("copy failed:" + e.getMessage()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { message.setReturnCode(1); message.setDescription("copy was interrupted"); } finally { finishTransfer(); message.increaseNumberOfPerformedRetries(); if (requeue) {"putting on queue for retry: {}", _envelope); putOnQueue(_envelope); } else { try { _envelope.revertDirection(); sendMessage(_envelope); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.warn(e.toString(), e); } } } synchronized (this) { _envelope = nextFromQueue(); _source = null; _target = null; } } } private void copy(Subject subject, Restriction restriction, FsPath srcPnfsFilePath, FsPath dstPnfsFilePath) throws CacheException, InterruptedException { synchronized (this) { _target = new RedirectedTransfer<>(_pnfsHandler, subject, restriction, dstPnfsFilePath); _source = new Transfer(_pnfsHandler, subject, restriction, srcPnfsFilePath); } _source.setPoolManagerStub(_poolManager); _source.setPoolStub(_poolStub); _source.setCellAddress(getCellAddress()); _source.setIoQueue("p2p"); // _source.setClientAddress(); // _source.setBillingStub(); // _source.setCheckStagePermission(); _target.setPoolManagerStub(_poolManager); _target.setPoolStub(_poolStub); _target.setCellAddress(getCellAddress()); _target.setIoQueue("pp"); // _target.setClientAddress(); // _target.setBillingStub(); boolean success = false; String explanation = "copy failed"; _activeTransfers.put(_target.getId(), this); _activeTransfers.put(_source.getId(), this); long timeout = _moverTimeoutUnit.toMillis(_moverTimeout); try { _source.readNameSpaceEntry(false); _target.createNameSpaceEntry(); _target.setProtocolInfo(createTargetProtocolInfo(_target)); _target.setLength(_source.getLength()); _target.selectPoolAndStartMover(TransferRetryPolicies.tryOncePolicy()); _target.waitForRedirect(timeout); _source.setProtocolInfo(createSourceProtocolInfo(_target.getRedirect(), _target.getId())); _source.selectPoolAndStartMover(TransferRetryPolicies.tryOncePolicy()); if (!_source.waitForMover(timeout)) { throw new TimeoutCacheException("copy: wait for DoorTransferFinishedMessage expired"); } if (!_target.waitForMover(timeout)) { throw new TimeoutCacheException("copy: wait for DoorTransferFinishedMessage expired"); }"transfer finished successfully"); success = true; } catch (CacheException e) { _source.setStatus("Failed: " + e.toString()); _log.warn(e.toString()); explanation = "copy failed: " + e.getMessage(); throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { _source.setStatus("Failed: " + e.toString()); explanation = "interrupted"; throw e; } finally { if (!success) { String status = _source.getStatus(); _source.killMover(0, "killed by CopyManager: " + explanation); _target.killMover(1000, "killed by CopyManager: " + explanation); _target.deleteNameSpaceEntry(); _source.setStatus(status); } else { _source.setStatus("Success"); } _activeTransfers.remove(_target.getId()); _activeTransfers.remove(_source.getId()); } } private ProtocolInfo createTargetProtocolInfo(RedirectedTransfer<DCapClientPortAvailableMessage> target) { return new DCapClientProtocolInfo("DCapClient", 1, 1, _localAddr, getCellName(), getCellDomainName(), target.getId(), BUFFER_SIZE, TCP_BUFFER_SIZE); } private ProtocolInfo createSourceProtocolInfo(DCapClientPortAvailableMessage redirect, long id) { DCapProtocolInfo info = new DCapProtocolInfo("DCap", 3, 0, new InetSocketAddress(redirect.getHost(), redirect.getPort())); /* Casting to int will wrap the session id; however at the * moment the target mover doesn't care about the session * id anyway. */ info.setSessionId((int) id); return info; } } /** Getter for property max_transfers. * @return Value of property max_transfers. */ public synchronized int getMaxTransfers() { return _maxTransfers; } /** Setter for property max_transfers. * @param maxTransfers New value of property max_transfers. */ public synchronized void setMaxTransfers(int maxTransfers) { _maxTransfers = maxTransfers; while (!_queue.isEmpty() && newTransfer()) { CellMessage nextMessage = _queue.remove(); new Thread(new CopyManager.CopyHandler(nextMessage)).start(); } } private synchronized boolean newTransfer() { _log.debug("newTransfer() numTransfers = {} maxTransfers = {}", _numTransfers, _maxTransfers); if (_numTransfers == _maxTransfers) { _log.debug("newTransfer() returns false"); return false; } _log.debug("newTransfer() INCREMENT and return true"); _numTransfers++; return true; } private synchronized void finishTransfer() { _log.debug("finishTransfer() numTransfers = {} DECREMENT", _numTransfers); _numTransfers--; } private synchronized void putOnQueue(CellMessage request) { _queue.add(request); } private synchronized CellMessage nextFromQueue() { if (!_queue.isEmpty()) { if (newTransfer()) { return _queue.remove(); } } return null; } public void setPoolManager(PoolManagerStub poolManager) { _poolManager = poolManager; } public void setPnfsHandler(PnfsHandler pnfsHandler) { _pnfsHandler = pnfsHandler; } public void setPool(CellStub pool) { _poolStub = pool; } public void setMoverTimeout(long moverTimeout) { _moverTimeout = moverTimeout; } public void setMoverTimeoutUnit(TimeUnit moverTimeoutUnit) { _moverTimeoutUnit = moverTimeoutUnit; } }