package org.dcache.util.cli; import; import; import; import jline.console.ConsoleReader; import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import dmg.util.CommandException; import dmg.util.CommandExitException; import dmg.util.CommandPanicException; import dmg.util.CommandSyntaxException; import dmg.util.CommandThrowableException; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.HelpFormat; import org.dcache.util.Args; import static; import static org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.Color.RED; /** * A simple framework for providing a CLI Shell. A basic application has as * main method like: * {@code * public static void main(String[] arguments) throws Throwable * { * try (BasicShell shell = new BasicShell()) { * shell.start(new Args(arguments)); * } * } * } */ public abstract class ShellApplication implements Closeable { protected final ConsoleReader console = new ConsoleReader() { @Override public void print(CharSequence s) throws IOException { /* See */ getOutput().append(s); } }; private final CommandInterpreter commandInterpreter; private final boolean isAnsiSupported; private final boolean hasConsole; public ShellApplication() throws Exception { commandInterpreter = new CommandInterpreter(); commandInterpreter.addCommandScanner(new AnnotatedCommandScanner()); commandInterpreter.addCommandListener( HelpCommands()); commandInterpreter.addCommandListener(this); hasConsole = System.console() != null; isAnsiSupported = console.getTerminal().isAnsiSupported() && hasConsole; } /** * Start processing the command(s), based on the supplied arguments. */ protected void start(Args args) throws Throwable { if (args.hasOption("h")) { System.out.println("Usage: " + getCommandName() + " [-e] [-f=<file>]|[-]|[COMMAND]"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Use '" + getCommandName() + " help' for an overview of available commands."); System.exit(0); } Ansi.setEnabled(isAnsiSupported); if (args.hasOption("f")) { try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(args.getOption("f"))) { execute(new BufferedInputStream(in), System.out, args.hasOption("e")); } } else if (args.argc() == 1 && args.argv(0).equals("-")) { execute(, System.out, args.hasOption("e")); } else if (args.argc() > 0) { execute(args); } else if (!hasConsole) { execute(, System.out, args.hasOption("e")); } else { console(); } } /** Provide the command name, as typed in by the user. */ protected abstract String getCommandName(); /** * Execute multiple commands where each command is read as a line from * the supplied InputStream and the commands' output is sent to the supplied * PrintStream, optionally prefixed by the command. */ public void execute(InputStream in, final PrintStream out, final boolean echo) throws IOException { CharStreams.readLines( new InputStreamReader(in, Charsets.US_ASCII), new LineProcessor<Object>() { @Override public boolean processLine(String line) throws IOException { try { if (echo) { out.println(line); } Args args = new Args(line); if (args.argc() == 0) { return true; } String s = Objects.toString(commandInterpreter.command(args), null); if (!isNullOrEmpty(s)) { out.println(s); } return true; } catch (CommandException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } @Override public Object getResult() { return null; } }); } /** * Executes a single command with the output being printed to the console. */ public void execute(Args args) throws Throwable { if (args.argc() == 0) { return; } String out; try { if (isAnsiSupported && args.argc() > 0) { if (args.argv(0).equals("help")) { args.shift(); args = new Args("help -format=" + HelpFormat.ANSI + " " + args.toString()); } } try { out = Objects.toString(commandInterpreter.command(args), null); } catch (CommandThrowableException e) { throw e.getCause(); } } catch (CommandSyntaxException e) { Ansi sb = Ansi.ansi(); sb.fg(RED).a("Syntax error: " + e.getMessage() + "\n").reset(); String help = e.getHelpText(); if (help != null) { sb.a(help); } out = sb.toString(); } catch (CommandExitException e) { throw e; } catch (CommandPanicException e) { Ansi sb = Ansi.ansi(); sb.fg(RED).a("Bug detected! ").reset().a("Please email the following details to <>:\n"); Throwable t = e.getCause() == null ? e : e.getCause(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); out = sb.a(sw.toString()).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { out = Ansi.ansi().fg(RED).a(e.getMessage()).reset().toString(); } if (!isNullOrEmpty(out)) { console.print(out); if (out.charAt(out.length() - 1) != '\n') { console.println(); } } console.flush(); } /** * Start an interactive session. The user is supplied a prompt and * their input is executed as a command. This repeats until they indicate * that they wish to exit the session. */ public void console() throws Throwable { onInteractiveStart(); try { while (true) { String prompt = Ansi.ansi().bold().a(getPrompt()).boldOff().toString(); String str = console.readLine(prompt); if (str == null) { console.println(); break; } execute(new Args(str)); } } catch (CommandExitException ignored) { } } /** * Method called exactly once when starting an interactive session. */ protected void onInteractiveStart() throws IOException { console.println("Type 'help' for help on commands."); console.println("Type 'exit' or Ctrl+D to exit."); } /** * The prompt that will be supplied to the user. It is recommended that * the prompt end with a space. The returned text should not be wrapped in * ANSI escape sequences. */ protected String getPrompt() { return "# "; } /** * This method allows for a clean shutdown on exit. */ @Override public void close() throws IOException { // not needed for the abstract case. } @Command(name = "exit", hint = "exit the shell") public class ExitComamnd implements Callable<Serializable> { @Override public Serializable call() throws CommandExitException { throw new CommandExitException(); } } }