package; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import org.stringtemplate.v4.ST; import org.stringtemplate.v4.STGroup; import org.stringtemplate.v4.compiler.STException; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import diskCacheV111.cells.DateRenderer; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.InfoMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.MoverInfoMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsFileInfoMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.StorageInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.WarningPnfsFileInfoMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAddressCore; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfo; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import dmg.cells.nucleus.EnvironmentAware; import dmg.util.CommandThrowableException; import dmg.util.Formats; import dmg.util.Replaceable; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.Slf4jSTErrorListener; import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.*; /** * This class is responsible for the processing of messages from other * domains regarding transfers and pool usage. */ public final class BillingCell implements CellMessageReceiver, CellCommandListener, CellInfoProvider, EnvironmentAware { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BillingCell.class); private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); public static final String FORMAT_PREFIX = "billing.text.format."; private final SimpleDateFormat _formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("MM.dd HH:mm:ss"); private final SimpleDateFormat _fileNameFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd"); private final SimpleDateFormat _directoryNameFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy" + File.separator + "MM"); private final STGroup _templateGroup = new STGroup('$', '$'); private final Map<String,String> _formats = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String,int[]> _map = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map<String,long[]> _poolStatistics = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map<String,Map<String,long[]>> _poolStorageMap = Maps.newHashMap(); private int _requests; private int _failed; private Path _currentDbFile; /* * Injected */ private CellStub _poolManagerStub; private Path _logsDir; private boolean _enableText; private boolean _flatTextDir; public BillingCell() { _templateGroup.registerRenderer(Date.class, new DateRenderer()); _templateGroup.setListener(new Slf4jSTErrorListener(_log)); } @Override public void setEnvironment(final Map<String,Object> environment) { Replaceable replaceable = name -> { Object value = environment.get(name); return (value == null) ? null : value.toString().trim(); }; for (Map.Entry<String,Object> e: environment.entrySet()) { String key = e.getKey(); if (key.startsWith(FORMAT_PREFIX)) { String format = Formats.replaceKeywords(String.valueOf(e.getValue()), replaceable); String clazz =, key.substring(FORMAT_PREFIX.length())); _formats.put(clazz, format); } } } @Override public String toString() { return "Req=" + _requests + ";Err=" + _failed + ";"; } @Override public CellInfo getCellInfo(CellInfo info) { return info; } @Override public void getInfo(PrintWriter pw) { pw.format("%20s : %6d / %d\n", "Requests", _requests, _failed); for (Map.Entry<String,int[]> entry: _map.entrySet()) { int[] values = entry.getValue(); pw.format("%20s : %6d / %d\n", entry.getKey(), values[0], values[1]); } } @PostConstruct public void start() throws CommandThrowableException { if (_enableText) { String ext = getFilenameExtension(new Date()); appendHeaders(getBillingPath(ext)); appendHeaders(getErrorPath(ext)); } } protected void appendHeaders(Path path) throws CommandThrowableException { try { String headers = getFormatHeaders(); Files.write(path, headers.getBytes(UTF8), StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.WRITE); } catch (NoSuchFileException ignored) { } catch (IOException e) { throw new CommandThrowableException("Failed to write to billing file " + path + ": " + e, e); } } /** * The main cell routine. Depending on the type of cell message and the * option sets, it either processes the message for persistent storage or * logs the message to a text file (or both). */ public void messageArrived(InfoMessage info) { /* * currently we have to ignore 'check' */ if (info.getMessageType().equals("check")) { return; } updateMap(info); if (info.getCellType().equals("pool")) { doStatistics(info); } if (_enableText) { String output = getFormattedMessage(info); if (!output.isEmpty()) { String ext = getFilenameExtension(new Date(info.getTimestamp())); log(getBillingPath(ext), output); if (info.getResultCode() != 0) { log(getErrorPath(ext), output); } } } } public void messageArrived(Object msg) { Date now = new Date(); String output = _formatter.format(now) + " " + msg.toString();; /* * Removed writing these to the billing log. We only * want InfoMessages written there */ } private String getFormattedMessage(InfoMessage msg) { String format = _formats.get(msg.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(format)) { try { ST template = new ST(_templateGroup, format); msg.accept(new StringTemplateInfoMessageVisitor(template)); return template.render(); } catch (STException e) { _log.error("Unable to render format '{}'.", format); } } return ""; } public Object[][] ac_get_billing_info(Args args) { return _map.entrySet().stream() .map(e -> new Object[]{e.getKey(), Arrays.copyOf(e.getValue(), 2)}) .toArray(Object[][]::new); } public static final String hh_get_pool_statistics = "[<poolName>]"; public Map<String,long[]> ac_get_pool_statistics_$_0_1(Args args) { if (args.argc() == 0) { return _poolStatistics; } Map<String,long[]> map = _poolStorageMap.get(args.argv(0)); if (map != null) { return map; } return Maps.newHashMap(); } public static final String hh_clear_pool_statistics = ""; public String ac_clear_pool_statistics(Args args) { _poolStatistics.clear(); _poolStorageMap.clear(); return ""; } public static final String hh_dump_pool_statistics = "[<fileName>]"; public String ac_dump_pool_statistics_$_0_1(Args args) throws IOException { dumpPoolStatistics((args.argc() == 0) ? null : args.argv(0)); return ""; } public static final String hh_get_poolstatus = "[<fileName>]"; public String ac_get_poolstatus_$_0_1(Args args) { String name; if (args.argc() == 0) { name = "poolStatus-" + _fileNameFormat.format(new Date()); } else { name = args.argv(0); } Path file = _logsDir.resolve(name); PoolStatusCollector collector = new PoolStatusCollector(_poolManagerStub, file); collector.setName(name); collector.start(); return file.toString(); } private void dumpPoolStatistics(String name) throws IOException { if (name == null) { name = "poolFlow-" + _fileNameFormat.format(new Date()); } Path report = _logsDir.resolve(name); try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(Files.newBufferedWriter(report, UTF8))) { Set<Map.Entry<String, Map<String, long[]>>> pools = _poolStorageMap.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, long[]>> poolEntry : pools) { String poolName = poolEntry.getKey(); Map<String, long[]> map = poolEntry.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<String, long[]> entry : map.entrySet()) { String className = entry.getKey(); long[] counters = entry.getValue(); pw.print(poolName); pw.print(" "); pw.print(className); for (long counter : counters) { pw.print(" " + counter); } pw.println(""); } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.warn("Exception in dumpPoolStatistics : {}", e); try { Files.delete(report); } catch (IOException f) { e.addSuppressed(f); } throw e; } } private void updateMap(InfoMessage info) { String key = info.getMessageType() + ":" + info.getCellType(); int[] values = _map.get(key); if (values == null) { values = new int[2]; _map.put(key, values); } values[0]++; _requests++; if (info.getResultCode() != 0) { _failed++; values[1]++; } } private String getFilenameExtension(Date dateOfEvent) { if (_flatTextDir) { _currentDbFile = _logsDir; return _fileNameFormat.format(dateOfEvent); } else { Date now = new Date(); _currentDbFile = _logsDir.resolve(_directoryNameFormat.format(now)); try { Files.createDirectories(_currentDbFile); } catch (IOException e) { _log.error("Failed to create directory {}: {}", _currentDbFile, e.toString()); } return _fileNameFormat.format(now); } } private void log(Path path, String output) { byte[] outputBytes = (output + "\n").getBytes(UTF8); try { try { Files.write(path, outputBytes, WRITE, APPEND); } catch (NoSuchFileException f) { String outputWithHeader = getFormatHeaders() + output + '\n'; try { Files.write(path, outputWithHeader.getBytes(UTF8), WRITE, CREATE_NEW); } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) { // Lost the race, so try appending again Files.write(path, outputBytes, WRITE, APPEND); } } } catch (IOException e) { _log.warn("Can't write billing [{}] : {}", path, e.toString()); } } private String getFormatHeaders() { return _formats.entrySet().stream() .map(e -> "## " +, e.getKey()) + ' ' + e.getValue() + '\n') .collect(Collectors.joining()); } protected Path getBillingPath(String ext) { return _currentDbFile.resolve("billing-" + ext); } private Path getErrorPath(String ext) { return _currentDbFile.resolve("billing-error-" + ext); } private void doStatistics(InfoMessage info) { if (info instanceof WarningPnfsFileInfoMessage) { return; } CellAddressCore address = info.getCellAddress(); String cellName = address == null ? "<UNKNOWN>" : address.getCellName(); String transactionType = info.getMessageType(); long[] counters = _poolStatistics.get(cellName); if (counters == null) { counters = new long[4]; _poolStatistics.put(cellName, counters); } if (info.getResultCode() != 0) { counters[3]++; } else if (transactionType.equals("transfer")) { counters[0]++; } else if (transactionType.equals("restore")) { counters[1]++; } else if (transactionType.equals("store")) { counters[2]++; } if (info instanceof PnfsFileInfoMessage) { PnfsFileInfoMessage pnfsInfo = (PnfsFileInfoMessage) info; StorageInfo sinfo = (pnfsInfo).getStorageInfo(); if (sinfo != null) { Map<String,long[]> map = _poolStorageMap.get(cellName); if (map == null) { map = Maps.newHashMap(); _poolStorageMap.put(cellName, map); } String key = sinfo.getStorageClass() + "@" + sinfo.getHsm(); counters = map.get(key); if (counters == null) { counters = new long[8]; map.put(key, counters); } if (info.getResultCode() != 0) { counters[3]++; } else if (transactionType.equals("transfer")) { counters[0]++; MoverInfoMessage mim = (MoverInfoMessage) info; counters[mim.isFileCreated() ? 4 : 5] += mim.getDataTransferred(); } else if (transactionType.equals("restore")) { counters[1]++; counters[6] += pnfsInfo.getFileSize(); } else if (transactionType.equals("store")) { counters[2]++; counters[7] += pnfsInfo.getFileSize(); } } } } @Required public void setPoolManagerStub(CellStub poolManagerStub) { _poolManagerStub = poolManagerStub; } @Required public void setLogsDir(File dir) { if (!dir.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such directory: " + dir); } if (!dir.canWrite()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Directory not writable: " + dir); } _logsDir = dir.toPath(); } public void setFlatTextDir(boolean flatTextDir) { _flatTextDir = flatTextDir; } @Required public void setEnableTxt(boolean enableText) { _enableText = enableText; } }