package diskCacheV111.poolManager ; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import diskCacheV111.pools.PoolV2Mode; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAddressCore; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; public interface PoolSelectionUnit { /** * data flow direction. Supported modes are: * <pre> * READ - read cached file from a pool * WRITE - write a new file into a pool * CACHE - get a file from a tape * P2P - internal pool 2 pool transfer * ANY - any of above * </pre> */ enum DirectionType { READ, WRITE, CACHE, P2P, ANY, } interface SelectionEntity { String getName(); } interface SelectionLink extends SelectionEntity{ /** * Get a defensive copy of the pools defined accessible through this link. * @return collection of pools */ Collection<SelectionPool> getPools() ; String getTag() ; LinkReadWritePreferences getPreferences(); Collection<SelectionPoolGroup> getPoolGroupsPointingTo(); Collection<SelectionUnitGroup> getUnitGroupsTargetedBy(); } /** * Encapsulates information about a pool. The information is * updated periodically. Due to the distributed nature of dCache, * the information may be outdated. */ interface SelectionPool extends SelectionEntity { /** * Returns the time in milliseconds since the last heartbeat * from the pool. */ long getActive(); /** * Sets whether the pool is active or not. This is also used to * deliver a hearbeat, i.e. calling this method with an * argument of 'true' will reset the heartbeat counter. */ void setActive(boolean active); /** * Returns true if the pool has been marked as read-only in the * pool manager. Notice that this is not the same as whether * the pool can actually write, as there are other places that * a pool can be marked read-only. */ boolean isReadOnly(); /** * Sets the read-only flag. */ void setReadOnly(boolean rdOnly); /** * Returns true if the pool is enabled. This is the case if no * operations of the pool have been disabled. */ boolean isEnabled() ; /** * Sets the ID of the pool. Used to detect when a pool was * restarted. Returns true if and only if the serial ID was changed. */ boolean setSerialId(long serialId); long getSerialId(); /** * Returns true if the pool is marked as active. This is * normally the case if a heartbeat has been received within * the last five minutes. Notice that this is unrelated to * isEnabled(), e.g., a disabled pool can be active. */ boolean isActive(); /** * Sets the pool mode. The pool mode defines which operations * are enabled at the pool. */ void setPoolMode(PoolV2Mode mode); /** * Returns the pool mode. * * @see #setPoolMode */ PoolV2Mode getPoolMode(); /** * Returns whether the pool can perform read operations. */ boolean canRead(); /** * Returns whether the pool can perform write operations. */ boolean canWrite(); /** * Returns whether the pool can perform stage files from tape * operations. */ boolean canReadFromTape(); /** * Returns whether the pool can perform serve files for P2P * operations. */ boolean canReadForP2P(); /** Returns the names of attached HSM instances. */ Set<String> getHsmInstances(); /** Sets the set of names of attached HSM instances. */ void setHsmInstances(Set<String> hsmInstances); Collection<SelectionPoolGroup> getPoolGroupsMemberOf(); Collection<SelectionLink> getLinksTargetingPool(); CellAddressCore getAddress(); void setAddress(CellAddressCore address); } interface SelectionPoolGroup extends SelectionEntity { boolean isResilient(); } interface SelectionLinkGroup extends SelectionEntity{ void add(SelectionLink link); boolean remove(SelectionLink link); Collection<SelectionLink> getLinks(); void setCustodialAllowed(boolean isAllowed); void setOutputAllowed(boolean isAllowed); void setReplicaAllowed(boolean isAllowed); void setOnlineAllowed(boolean isAllowed); void setNearlineAllowed(boolean isAllowed); boolean isCustodialAllowed(); boolean isOutputAllowed(); boolean isReplicaAllowed(); boolean isOnlineAllowed(); boolean isNearlineAllowed(); } interface SelectionUnit extends SelectionEntity{ int getType(); String getUnitType(); Collection<SelectionUnitGroup> getMemberOfUnitGroups(); } interface SelectionUnitGroup extends SelectionEntity { Collection<SelectionUnit> getMemeberUnits(); Collection<SelectionLink> getLinksPointingTo(); } SelectionPool getPool(String poolName) ; boolean updatePool(String poolName, CellAddressCore address, long serialId, PoolV2Mode mode, Set<String> hsmInstances); SelectionLink getLinkByName(String linkName) throws NoSuchElementException ; PoolPreferenceLevel [] match(DirectionType type, String net, String protocol, FileAttributes fileAttributes, String linkGroup); String[] getActivePools() ; String[] getDefinedPools(boolean enabledOnly) ; String getVersion() ; String getNetIdentifier(String address) throws UnknownHostException; String getProtocolUnit(String protocolUnitName) ; StorageUnit getStorageUnit(String storageClass) ; SelectionLinkGroup getLinkGroupByName(String linkGroupName) throws NoSuchElementException ; Collection<SelectionPool> getPoolsByPoolGroup(String poolGroup) throws NoSuchElementException; Collection<SelectionPool> getAllDefinedPools(boolean enabledOnly) ; Collection<SelectionPoolGroup> getPoolGroupsOfPool(String PoolName); Collection<SelectionLink> getLinksPointingToPoolGroup(String poolGroup) throws NoSuchElementException; Map<String, SelectionLink> getLinks(); Map<String, SelectionPool> getPools(); Map<String, SelectionPoolGroup> getPoolGroups(); Map<String, SelectionLinkGroup> getLinkGroups(); Map<String, SelectionUnit> getSelectionUnits(); Map<String, SelectionUnitGroup> getUnitGroups(); boolean isEnabledRegex(); }