package diskCacheV111.poolManager ; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import; import; import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler; import; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.CheckStagePermission; import diskCacheV111.util.CostException; import diskCacheV111.util.DestinationCostException; import diskCacheV111.util.ExtendedRunnable; import diskCacheV111.util.FileNotInCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsHandler; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.SourceCostException; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DCapProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IpProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.Message; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.Pool2PoolTransferMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolFetchFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolHitInfoMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolStatusChangedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.ProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.RestoreHandlerInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.StorageInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.WarningPnfsFileInfoMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.AbstractCellComponent; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CDC; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAddressCore; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellSetupProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.NoRouteToCellException; import dmg.cells.nucleus.UOID; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.poolmanager.Partition; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PartitionManager; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PoolInfo; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PoolSelector; import org.dcache.poolmanager.SelectedPool; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.FireAndForgetTask; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; public class RequestContainerV5 extends AbstractCellComponent implements Runnable, CellCommandListener, CellMessageReceiver, CellSetupProvider, CellInfoProvider { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestContainerV5.class); public enum RequestState { ST_INIT, ST_DONE, ST_POOL_2_POOL, ST_STAGE, ST_WAITING, ST_WAITING_FOR_STAGING, ST_WAITING_FOR_POOL_2_POOL, ST_SUSPENDED } private static final String POOL_UNKNOWN_STRING = "<unknown>" ; private static final String STRING_NEVER = "never" ; private static final String STRING_BESTEFFORT = "besteffort" ; private static final String STRING_NOTCHECKED = "notchecked" ; /** value in milliseconds */ private static final int DEFAULT_TICKER_INTERVAL = 60000; private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_TIME_FORMAT = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM.dd HH:mm:ss"); private final Map<UOID, PoolRequestHandler> _messageHash = new HashMap<>() ; private final Map<String, PoolRequestHandler> _handlerHash = new HashMap<>() ; private CellStub _billing; private CellStub _poolStub; private long _retryTimer = 15 * 60 * 1000 ; private static final int MAX_REQUEST_CLUMPING = 20; private String _onError = "suspend" ; private int _maxRetries = 3 ; private int _maxRestore = -1 ; private CheckStagePermission _stagePolicyDecisionPoint; private boolean _sendHitInfo; private int _restoreExceeded; private boolean _suspendIncoming; private boolean _suspendStaging; private PoolSelectionUnit _selectionUnit; private PoolMonitorV5 _poolMonitor; private PnfsHandler _pnfsHandler; private Executor _executor; private final Map<PnfsId, CacheException> _selections = new HashMap<>() ; private PartitionManager _partitionManager ; private volatile long _checkFilePingTimer = 10 * 60 * 1000 ; /** value in milliseconds */ private final long _ticketInterval; private Thread _tickerThread; private PoolPingThread _poolPingThread; /** * Tape Protection. * allStates defines that all states are allowed. * allStatesExceptStage defines that all states except STAGE are allowed. */ public static final EnumSet<RequestState> allStates = EnumSet.allOf(RequestState.class); public static final EnumSet<RequestState> allStatesExceptStage = EnumSet.complementOf(EnumSet.of(RequestState.ST_STAGE)); public RequestContainerV5(long tickerInterval) { _ticketInterval = tickerInterval; } public RequestContainerV5() { this(DEFAULT_TICKER_INTERVAL); } public void start() { _tickerThread = new Thread(this, "Container-ticker"); _tickerThread.start(); _poolPingThread = new PoolPingThread(); _poolPingThread.start(); } public void shutdown() { if (_tickerThread != null) { _tickerThread.interrupt(); } if (_poolPingThread != null) { _poolPingThread.interrupt(); } } @Required public void setPoolSelectionUnit(PoolSelectionUnit selectionUnit) { _selectionUnit = selectionUnit; } @Required public void setPoolMonitor(PoolMonitorV5 poolMonitor) { _poolMonitor = poolMonitor; } @Required public void setPnfsHandler(PnfsHandler pnfsHandler) { _pnfsHandler = pnfsHandler; } @Required public void setPartitionManager(PartitionManager partitionManager) { _partitionManager = partitionManager; } @Required public void setExecutor(Executor executor) { _executor = executor; } public void setHitInfoMessages(boolean sendHitInfo) { _sendHitInfo = sendHitInfo; } @Required public void setBilling(CellStub billing) { _billing = billing; } @Required public void setPoolStub(CellStub poolStub) { _poolStub = poolStub; } public void messageArrived(CellMessage envelope, Object message) { UOID uoid = envelope.getLastUOID(); PoolRequestHandler handler; synchronized (_messageHash) { handler = _messageHash.remove(uoid); if (handler == null) { return; } } handler.mailForYou(message); } @Override public void run() { while (!Thread.interrupted()) { try { Thread.sleep(_ticketInterval) ; List<PoolRequestHandler> list; synchronized (_handlerHash) { list = new ArrayList<>(_handlerHash.values()); } for (PoolRequestHandler handler: list) { if (handler != null) { handler.alive(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } catch (Throwable t) { Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread(); UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh = thisThread.getUncaughtExceptionHandler(); ueh.uncaughtException(thisThread, t); } } _log.debug("Container-ticker done"); } public void poolStatusChanged(String poolName, int poolStatus) {"Restore Manager : got 'poolRestarted' for " + poolName); try { List<PoolRequestHandler> list; synchronized (_handlerHash) { list = new ArrayList<>(_handlerHash.values()); } for (PoolRequestHandler rph : list) { if (rph == null) { continue; } switch( poolStatus ) { case PoolStatusChangedMessage.UP: /* * if pool is up, re-try all request scheduled to this pool * and all requests, which do not have any pool candidates * * in this construction we will fall down to next case */ if (rph.getPoolCandidate().equals(POOL_UNKNOWN_STRING) ) {"Restore Manager : retrying : " + rph); rph.retry(); } case PoolStatusChangedMessage.DOWN: /* * if pool is down, re-try all request scheduled to this * pool */ if (rph.getPoolCandidate().equals(poolName) ) {"Restore Manager : retrying : " + rph); rph.retry(); } } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Problem retrying pool " + poolName, e); } } @Override public void getInfo(PrintWriter pw) { Partition def = _partitionManager.getDefaultPartition(); pw.println( " Retry Timeout : "+(_retryTimer/1000)+" seconds" ) ; pw.println( " Thread Controller : "+_executor ) ; pw.println( " Maximum Retries : "+_maxRetries ) ; pw.println( " Pool Ping Timer : "+(_checkFilePingTimer/1000) + " seconds" ) ; pw.println( " On Error : "+_onError ) ; pw.println( " Allow p2p : "+( def._p2pAllowed ? "on" : "off" )+ " oncost="+( def._p2pOnCost ? "on" : "off" )+ " fortransfer="+( def._p2pForTransfer ? "on" : "off" ) ); pw.println( " Allow staging : "+(def._hasHsmBackend ? "on":"off") ) ; pw.println( "Allow stage on cost : "+(def._stageOnCost ? "on":"off") ) ; pw.println( " Restore Limit : "+(_maxRestore<0?"unlimited":(String.valueOf(_maxRestore)))); pw.println( " Restore Exceeded : "+_restoreExceeded ) ; if( _suspendIncoming ) { pw.println(" Suspend Incoming : on (not persistent)"); } if( _suspendStaging ) { pw.println(" Suspend Staging : on (not persistent)"); } } @Override public void printSetup(PrintWriter pw) { pw.append("rc onerror ").println(_onError); pw.append("rc set max retries ").println(_maxRetries); pw.append("rc set retry ").println(_retryTimer/1000); pw.append("rc set poolpingtimer ").println(_checkFilePingTimer/1000); pw.append("rc set max restore ") .println(_maxRestore<0?"unlimited":(String.valueOf(_maxRestore))); } public static final String hh_rc_set_sameHostCopy = STRING_NEVER+"|"+STRING_BESTEFFORT+"|"+STRING_NOTCHECKED; public String ac_rc_set_sameHostCopy_$_1(Args args) { _partitionManager.setProperties("default", ImmutableMap.of("sameHostCopy", args.argv(0))); return ""; } public static final String hh_rc_set_sameHostRetry = STRING_NEVER+"|"+STRING_BESTEFFORT+"|"+STRING_NOTCHECKED; public String ac_rc_set_sameHostRetry_$_1(Args args) { _partitionManager.setProperties("default", ImmutableMap.of("sameHostRetry", args.argv(0))); return "" ; } public static final String fh_rc_set_max_restore = "Limit total number of concurrent restores. If the total number of\n" + "restores reaches this limit then any additional restores will fail;\n" + "when the total number of restores drops below limit then additional\n" + "restores will be accepted. Setting the limit to \"0\" will result in\n" + "all restores failing; setting the limit to \"unlimited\" will remove\n" + "the limit."; public static final String hh_rc_set_max_restore = "<maxNumberOfRestores>" ; @AffectsSetup public String ac_rc_set_max_restore_$_1( Args args ){ if( args.argv(0).equals("unlimited") ){ _maxRestore = -1 ; return "" ; } int n = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(0)); if( n < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must be >=0"); } _maxRestore = n ; return "" ; } public static final String hh_rc_select = "[<pnfsId> [<errorNumber> [<errorMessage>]] [-remove]]" ; public String ac_rc_select_$_0_3( Args args ){ synchronized( _selections ){ if( args.argc() == 0 ){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; for( Map.Entry<PnfsId, CacheException > entry: _selections.entrySet() ){ sb.append(entry.getKey().toString()). append(" "). append(entry.getValue().toString()). append("\n"); } return sb.toString() ; } boolean remove = args.hasOption("remove") ; PnfsId pnfsId = new PnfsId(args.argv(0)); if( remove ){ _selections.remove( pnfsId ) ; return "" ; } int errorNumber = args.argc() > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(args.argv(1)) : 1 ; String errorMessage = args.argc() > 2 ? args.argv(2) : ("Failed-"+errorNumber); _selections.put( pnfsId , new CacheException(errorNumber,errorMessage) ) ; } return "" ; } public static final String hh_rc_set_warning_path = " # obsolete"; public String ac_rc_set_warning_path_$_0_1( Args args ){ return ""; } public static final String fh_rc_set_poolpingtimer = " rc set poolpingtimer <timer/seconds> "+ ""+ " If set to a nonzero value, the restore handler will frequently"+ " check the pool whether the request is still pending, failed"+ " or has been successful" + ""; public static final String hh_rc_set_poolpingtimer = "<checkPoolFileTimer/seconds>" ; @AffectsSetup public String ac_rc_set_poolpingtimer_$_1(Args args ){ _checkFilePingTimer = 1000L * Long.parseLong(args.argv(0)); PoolPingThread poolPingThread = _poolPingThread; if (poolPingThread != null) { synchronized (poolPingThread) { poolPingThread.notify(); } } return "" ; } public static final String hh_rc_set_retry = "<retryTimer/seconds>" ; @AffectsSetup public String ac_rc_set_retry_$_1(Args args ){ _retryTimer = 1000L * Long.parseLong(args.argv(0)); return "" ; } public static final String hh_rc_set_max_retries = "<maxNumberOfRetries>" ; @AffectsSetup public String ac_rc_set_max_retries_$_1(Args args ){ _maxRetries = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(0)); return "" ; } public static final String hh_rc_suspend = "[on|off] -all" ; public String ac_rc_suspend_$_0_1( Args args ){ boolean all = args.hasOption("all") ; if( args.argc() == 0 ){ if(all) { _suspendIncoming = true; } _suspendStaging = true ; }else{ String mode = args.argv(0) ; switch (mode) { case "on": if (all) { _suspendIncoming = true; } _suspendStaging = true; break; case "off": if (all) { _suspendIncoming = false; } _suspendStaging = false; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage : rc suspend [on|off]"); } } return "" ; } public static final String hh_rc_onerror = "suspend|fail" ; @AffectsSetup public String ac_rc_onerror_$_1(Args args ){ String onerror = args.argv(0) ; if( ( ! onerror.equals("suspend") ) && ( ! onerror.equals("fail") ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage : rc onerror fail|suspend"); } _onError = onerror ; return "onerror "+_onError ; } public static final String fh_rc_retry = "NAME\n"+ " rc retry\n\n"+ "SYNOPSIS\n"+ " I) rc retry <pnfsId> [OPTIONS]\n"+ " II) rc retry * -force-all [OPTIONS]\n\n"+ "DESCRIPTION\n"+ " Forces a 'restore request' to be retried.\n"+ " While using syntax I, a single request is retried,\n"+ " syntax II retries all requests which reported an error.\n"+ " If the '-force-all' options is given, all requests are\n"+ " retried, regardless of their current status.\n"; public static final String hh_rc_retry = "<pnfsId>|* -force-all"; public String ac_rc_retry_$_1( Args args ) { boolean forceAll = args.hasOption("force-all") ; if( args.argv(0).equals("*") ){ List<PoolRequestHandler> all; // // Remember : we are not allowed to call 'retry' as long // as we are holding the _handlerHash lock. // synchronized( _handlerHash ){ all = new ArrayList<>( _handlerHash.values() ) ; } for (PoolRequestHandler rph : all) { if( forceAll || ( rph._currentRc != 0 ) ) { rph.retry(); } } }else{ PoolRequestHandler rph; synchronized( _handlerHash ){ rph = _handlerHash.get(args.argv(0)); if( rph == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + args .argv(0)); } } rph.retry() ; } return ""; } public static final String hh_rc_failed = "<pnfsId> [<errorNumber> [<errorMessage>]]" ; public String ac_rc_failed_$_1_3( Args args ) { int errorNumber = args.argc() > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(args.argv(1)) : 1; String errorString = args.argc() > 2 ? args.argv(2) : "Operator Intervention" ; PoolRequestHandler rph; synchronized( _handlerHash ){ rph = _handlerHash.get(args.argv(0)); if( rph == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + args.argv(0)); } } rph.failed(errorNumber,errorString) ; return "" ; } public static final String hh_rc_ls = " [<regularExpression>] [-w] [-l] # lists pending requests" ; public String ac_rc_ls_$_0_1( Args args ){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; Pattern pattern = args.argc() > 0 ? Pattern.compile(args.argv(0)) : null ; boolean isLongListing = args.hasOption("l"); if( !args.hasOption("w") ){ List<PoolRequestHandler> allRequestHandlers; synchronized( _handlerHash ){ allRequestHandlers = new ArrayList<>( _handlerHash.values() ) ; } for( PoolRequestHandler h : allRequestHandlers ){ if( h == null ) { continue; } String line = h.toString() ; if( ( pattern == null ) || pattern.matcher(line).matches() ) { sb.append(line).append("\n"); if (isLongListing) { for(CellMessage m: h.getMessages()) { PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg request = (PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg) m.getMessageObject(); sb.append(" ").append(request.getProtocolInfo()).append('\n'); } } } } }else{ Map<UOID, PoolRequestHandler> allPendingRequestHandlers = new HashMap<>() ; synchronized(_messageHash){ allPendingRequestHandlers.putAll( _messageHash ) ; } for (Map.Entry<UOID, PoolRequestHandler> requestHandler : allPendingRequestHandlers.entrySet()) { UOID uoid = requestHandler.getKey(); PoolRequestHandler h = requestHandler.getValue(); if (h == null) { continue; } String line = uoid.toString() + " " + h.toString(); if ((pattern == null) || pattern.matcher(line).matches()) { sb.append(line).append("\n"); } } } return sb.toString(); } public static final String hh_xrc_ls = " # lists pending requests (binary)" ; public Object ac_xrc_ls( Args args ){ List<PoolRequestHandler> all; synchronized( _handlerHash ){ all = new ArrayList<>( _handlerHash.values() ) ; } List<RestoreHandlerInfo> list = new ArrayList<>() ; for( PoolRequestHandler h: all ){ if( h == null ) { continue; } list.add( h.getRestoreHandlerInfo() ) ; } return list.toArray( new RestoreHandlerInfo[list.size()] ) ; } public void messageArrived(CellMessage envelope, PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg request) throws PatternSyntaxException, IOException { boolean enforceP2P = false ; PnfsId pnfsId = request.getPnfsId() ; ProtocolInfo protocolInfo = request.getProtocolInfo() ; EnumSet<RequestState> allowedStates = request.getAllowedStates(); String hostName = protocolInfo instanceof IpProtocolInfo ? ((IpProtocolInfo)protocolInfo).getSocketAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress() : "NoSuchHost" ; String netName = _selectionUnit.getNetIdentifier(hostName); String protocolNameFromInfo = protocolInfo.getProtocol()+"/"+protocolInfo.getMajorVersion() ; String protocolName = _selectionUnit.getProtocolUnit( protocolNameFromInfo ) ; if( protocolName == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protocol not found : "+protocolNameFromInfo); } if( request instanceof PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg ){ if( request.isReply() ){ _log.warn("Unexpected PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg arrived (is a reply)"); return ; }else{ enforceP2P = true ; } } String canonicalName = pnfsId +"@"+netName+"-"+protocolName+(enforceP2P?"-p2p":"") ; // // PoolRequestHandler handler; "Adding request for : "+canonicalName ) ; synchronized( _handlerHash ){ handler = _handlerHash.computeIfAbsent(canonicalName, n -> new PoolRequestHandler(pnfsId, n, allowedStates)); handler.addRequest(envelope) ; } } // replicate a file public static final String hh_replicate = " <pnfsid> <client IP>"; public String ac_replicate_$_2(Args args) { String commandReply = "Replication initiated..."; try { FileAttributes fileAttributes = _pnfsHandler.getFileAttributes(new PnfsId(args.argv(0)), PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg.getRequiredAttributes()); // TODO: call p2p direct // send message to yourself PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg req = new PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg(fileAttributes, new DCapProtocolInfo("DCap", 3, 0, new InetSocketAddress(args.argv(1), 2222))); sendMessage( new CellMessage(new CellAddressCore("PoolManager"), req) ); } catch (CacheException e) { commandReply = "P2P failed : " + e.getMessage(); } return commandReply; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the read io request handler // private class PoolRequestHandler { protected final PnfsId _pnfsId; protected final List<CellMessage> _messages = new ArrayList<>() ; protected int _retryCounter; private final CDC _cdc = new CDC(); private UOID _waitingFor; private String _status = "[<idle>]"; private volatile RequestState _state = RequestState.ST_INIT; private final Collection<RequestState> _allowedStates; private boolean _stagingDenied; private int _currentRc; private String _currentRm = "" ; /** * The best pool found by askIfAvailable(). In contrast to * _poolCandidateInfo, _bestPool may be set even when * askIfAvailable() returns with an error. Eg when the best * pool is too expensive. */ private SelectedPool _bestPool; /** * The pool from which to read the file or the pool to which * to stage the file. Set by askIfAvailable() when it returns * RT_FOUND, by exercisePool2PoolReply() when it returns * RT_OK, and by askForStaging(). Also set in the * stateEngine() at various points. */ private volatile SelectedPool _poolCandidate; /** * The host name of the pool used for staging. * * Serves a critical role when retrying staging to avoid that * the same stage host is chosen twice in a row. */ private String _stageCandidateHost; /** * The name of the pool used for staging. * * Serves a critical role when retrying staging to avoid that * the same pool is chosen twice in a row. */ private String _stageCandidatePool; /** * The destination of a pool to pool transfer. Set by * askForPoolToPool() when it returns RT_FOUND. */ private volatile SelectedPool _p2pDestinationPool; /** * The source of a pool to pool transfer. Set by * askForPoolToPool() when it return RT_FOUND. */ private SelectedPool _p2pSourcePool; private final long _started = System.currentTimeMillis() ; private final String _name; private FileAttributes _fileAttributes; private StorageInfo _storageInfo; private ProtocolInfo _protocolInfo; private String _linkGroup; private String _billingPath; private String _transferPath; private boolean _enforceP2P; private int _destinationFileStatus = Pool2PoolTransferMsg.UNDETERMINED ; private PoolSelector _poolSelector; private Partition _parameter = _partitionManager.getDefaultPartition(); /** * Indicates the next time a TTL of a request message will be * exceeded. */ private long _nextTtlTimeout = Long.MAX_VALUE; public PoolRequestHandler(PnfsId pnfsId, String canonicalName, Collection<RequestState> allowedStates) { _pnfsId = pnfsId ; _name = canonicalName ; _allowedStates = allowedStates ; } //........................................................... // // the following methods can be called from outside // at any time. //........................................................... // // add request is assumed to be synchronized by a higher level. // public void addRequest( CellMessage message ){ _messages.add(message); _stagingDenied = false; long ttl = message.getTtl(); if (ttl < Long.MAX_VALUE) { long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + ttl; _nextTtlTimeout = Math.min(_nextTtlTimeout, timeout); } if (_poolSelector != null) { return; } PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg request = (PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg)message.getMessageObject() ; _linkGroup = request.getLinkGroup(); _protocolInfo = request.getProtocolInfo(); _fileAttributes = request.getFileAttributes(); _storageInfo = _fileAttributes.getStorageInfo(); _billingPath = request.getBillingPath(); _transferPath = request.getTransferPath(); _retryCounter = request.getContext().getRetryCounter(); _stageCandidateHost = request.getContext().getPreviousStageHost(); _stageCandidatePool = request.getContext().getPreviousStagePool(); if( request instanceof PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg ){ _enforceP2P = true ; _destinationFileStatus = ((PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg)request).getDestinationFileStatus() ; } _poolSelector = _poolMonitor.getPoolSelector(_fileAttributes, _protocolInfo, _linkGroup); // // // add(null) ; } public List<CellMessage> getMessages() { synchronized( _handlerHash ){ return new ArrayList<>(_messages); } } public String getPoolCandidate() { if (_poolCandidate != null) { return; } else if (_p2pDestinationPool != null) { return; } else { return POOL_UNKNOWN_STRING; } } private String getPoolCandidateState() { if (_poolCandidate != null) { return; } else if (_p2pDestinationPool != null) { return (_p2pSourcePool == null ? POOL_UNKNOWN_STRING : _p2pSourcePool) + "->" +; } else { return POOL_UNKNOWN_STRING; } } public RestoreHandlerInfo getRestoreHandlerInfo(){ return new RestoreHandlerInfo( _name, _messages.size(), _retryCounter , _started , getPoolCandidateState() , _status , _currentRc , _currentRm ) ; } @Override public String toString(){ return _name+" m="+_messages.size()+" r="+ _retryCounter+" ["+getPoolCandidateState()+"] ["+_status+"] "+ "{"+_currentRc+","+_currentRm+"}" ; } // // private void mailForYou( Object message ){ // // !!!!!!!!! remove this // //if( message instanceof PoolFetchFileMessage ){ //"mailForYou !!!!! reply ignored ") ; // return ; //} add( message ) ; } private void alive(){ Object [] command = new Object[1] ; command[0] = "alive" ; add( command ) ; } private void retry() { Object [] command = new Object[1]; command[0] = "retry" ; add(command); } private void failed( int errorNumber , String errorMessage ) { if( errorNumber > 0 ){ Object [] command = new Object[3] ; command[0] = "failed" ; command[1] = errorNumber; command[2] = errorMessage == null ? ( "Error-"+_currentRc ) : errorMessage ; add( command ) ; return ; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error number must be > 0"); } //................................................................... // // from now on, methods can only be called from within // the state mechanism. (which is thread save because // we only allow to run a single thread at a time. // private void clearSteering() { if (_waitingFor != null) { synchronized (_messageHash) { _messageHash.remove(_waitingFor); } _waitingFor = null; } } private void setError( int errorCode , String errorMessage ){ _currentRc = errorCode ; _currentRm = errorMessage ; } private boolean sendFetchRequest(SelectedPool pool) { // TODO: Include assumption in request CellMessage cellMessage = new CellMessage( new CellPath(pool.address()), new PoolFetchFileMessage(, _fileAttributes) ); synchronized (_messageHash) { if (_maxRestore >= 0 && _messageHash.size() >= _maxRestore) { return false; } if (_waitingFor != null) { _messageHash.remove(_waitingFor); } _waitingFor = cellMessage.getUOID(); _messageHash.put(_waitingFor, this); sendMessage(cellMessage); _status = "Staging " +; } return true; } private void sendPool2PoolRequest(SelectedPool sourcePool, SelectedPool destPool) { // TOOD: Include assumptions in request Pool2PoolTransferMsg pool2pool = new Pool2PoolTransferMsg(,, _fileAttributes); pool2pool.setDestinationFileStatus(_destinationFileStatus);"[p2p] Sending transfer request: " + pool2pool); CellMessage cellMessage = new CellMessage(new CellPath(destPool.address()), pool2pool); synchronized (_messageHash) { if (_waitingFor != null) { _messageHash.remove(_waitingFor); } _waitingFor = cellMessage.getUOID(); _messageHash.put(_waitingFor, this); sendMessage(cellMessage); _status = "[P2P " + + "]"; } } /** * Removes request messages who's time to live has been * exceeded. Messages are dropped; no reply is sent to the * requestor, as we assume it is no longer waiting for the * reply. */ private void expireRequests() { /* Access to _messages is controlled by a lock on * _handlerHash. */ synchronized (_handlerHash) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); _nextTtlTimeout = Long.MAX_VALUE; Iterator<CellMessage> i = _messages.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { CellMessage message =; long ttl = message.getTtl(); if (message.getLocalAge() >= ttl) {"Discarding request from " + message.getSourcePath().getCellName() + " because its time to live has been exceeded."); i.remove(); } else if (ttl < Long.MAX_VALUE) { _nextTtlTimeout = Math.min(_nextTtlTimeout, now + ttl); } } } } private boolean answerRequest(int count) { // // if there is an error we won't continue ; // if (_currentRc != 0) { count = 100000; } // Iterator<CellMessage> messages = _messages.iterator(); for (int i = 0; (i < count) && messages.hasNext(); i++) { CellMessage m =; PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg rpm = (PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg) m.getMessageObject(); rpm.setContext(_retryCounter + 1, _stageCandidateHost, _stageCandidatePool); if (_currentRc == 0) { rpm.setPoolName(; rpm.setPoolAddress(; rpm.setAssumption(_poolCandidate.assumption()); rpm.setSucceeded(); } else { rpm.setFailed(_currentRc, _currentRm); } m.revertDirection(); sendMessage(m); messages.remove(); } return messages.hasNext(); } // // and the heart ... // private static final int RT_OK = 1 ; private static final int RT_FOUND = 2 ; private static final int RT_NOT_FOUND = 3 ; private static final int RT_ERROR = 4 ; private static final int RT_OUT_OF_RESOURCES = 5 ; private static final int RT_COST_EXCEEDED = 7 ; private static final int RT_NOT_PERMITTED = 8 ; private static final int RT_S_COST_EXCEEDED = 9 ; private static final int RT_DELAY = 10 ; private static final int CONTINUE = 0 ; private static final int WAIT = 1 ; private final Deque<Object> _fifo = new LinkedList<>() ; private boolean _stateEngineActive; private boolean _forceContinue; private boolean _overwriteCost; public class RunEngine implements ExtendedRunnable { @Override public void run(){ try (CDC ignored = _cdc.restore()) { stateLoop() ; }finally{ synchronized( _fifo ){ _stateEngineActive = false ; } } } @Override public void runFailed(){ synchronized( _fifo ){ _stateEngineActive = false ; } } @Override public String toString() { return PoolRequestHandler.this.toString(); } } private void add( Object obj ){ synchronized( _fifo ){ "Adding Object : "+obj ) ; _fifo.addFirst(obj) ; if( _stateEngineActive ) { return; } "Starting Engine" ) ; _stateEngineActive = true ; try { _executor.execute(new FireAndForgetTask(new RunEngine())); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _stateEngineActive = false; throw e; } } } private void stateLoop(){ Object inputObject ; "ACTIVATING STATE ENGINE "+_pnfsId+" "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-_started)) ; while( ! Thread.interrupted() ){ if( ! _forceContinue ){ synchronized( _fifo ){ if(_fifo.isEmpty()){ _stateEngineActive = false ; return ; } inputObject = _fifo.removeLast() ; } }else{ inputObject = null ; } _forceContinue = false ; try{"StageEngine called in mode " + _state + " with object " + ( inputObject == null ? "(NULL)": ( inputObject instanceof Object [] ? ((Object[])inputObject)[0].toString() : inputObject.getClass().getName() ) ) ); stateEngine( inputObject ) ;"StageEngine left with: {} ({})", _state, (_forceContinue ? "Continue" : "Wait")); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Unexpected Exception in state loop for " + _pnfsId, e); } } } private boolean canStage() { /* If the result is cached or the door disabled staging, * then we don't check the permissions. */ if (_stagingDenied || !_allowedStates.contains(RequestState.ST_STAGE)) { return false; } /* Staging is allowed if just one of the requests has * permission to stage. */ for (CellMessage envelope: _messages) { try { PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg msg = (PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg) envelope.getMessageObject(); if (_stagePolicyDecisionPoint.canPerformStaging(msg.getSubject(), msg.getFileAttributes(), msg.getProtocolInfo())) { return true; } } catch (IOException | PatternSyntaxException e) { _log.error("Failed to verify stage permissions: " + e.getMessage()); } } /* None of the requests had the necessary credentials to * stage. This result is cached. */ _stagingDenied = true; return false; } private void nextStep(RequestState state, int shouldContinue ){ if (_currentRc == CacheException.NOT_IN_TRASH || _currentRc == CacheException.FILE_NOT_FOUND) { _state = RequestState.ST_DONE; _forceContinue = true; _status = "Failed"; sendInfoMessage( _currentRc , "Failed "+_currentRm); } else { if (state == RequestState.ST_STAGE && !canStage()) { _state = RequestState.ST_DONE; _forceContinue = true; _status = "Failed"; _log.debug("Subject is not authorized to stage"); _currentRc = CacheException.PERMISSION_DENIED; _currentRm = "File not online. Staging not allowed."; sendInfoMessage( _currentRc , "Permission denied." + _currentRm); } else if (!_allowedStates.contains(state)) { _state = RequestState.ST_DONE; _forceContinue = true; _status = "Failed"; _log.debug("No permission to perform {}", state); _currentRc = CacheException.PERMISSION_DENIED; _currentRm = "Permission denied."; sendInfoMessage(_currentRc, "Permission denied for " + state); } else { _state = state; _forceContinue = shouldContinue == CONTINUE ; if( _state != RequestState.ST_DONE ){ _currentRc = 0 ; _currentRm = "" ; } } } } // // askIfAvailable : // // default : (bestPool=set,overwriteCost=false) otherwise mentioned // // RT_FOUND : // // Because : file is on pool which is allowed and has reasonable cost. // // -> DONE // // RT_NOT_FOUND : // // Because : file is not in cache at all // // (bestPool=0) // // -> _hasHsmBackend : STAGE // else : Suspended (1010, pool unavailable) // // RT_NOT_PERMITTED : // // Because : file not in an permitted pool but somewhere else // // (bestPool=0,overwriteCost=true) // // -> _p2pAllowed || // ! _hasHsmBackend : P2P // else : STAGE // // RT_COST_EXCEEDED : // // Because : file is in permitted pools but cost is too high. // // -> _p2pOnCost : P2P // _hasHsmBackend && // _stageOnCost : STAGE // else : 127 , "Cost exceeded (st,p2p not allowed)" // // RT_ERROR : // // Because : - No entry in configuration Permission Matrix // - Code Exception // // (bestPool=0) // // -> STAGE // // // // askForPoolToPool( overwriteCost ) : // // RT_FOUND : // // Because : source and destination pool found and cost ok. // // -> DONE // // RT_NOT_PERMITTED : // // Because : - already too many copies (_maxPnfsFileCopies) // - file already everywhere (no destination found) // - SAME_HOST_NEVER : but no valid combination found // // -> DONE 'using bestPool' // // RT_S_COST_EXCEEDED (only if ! overwriteCost ) : // // Because : best source pool exceeds 'alert' cost. // // -> _hasHsmBackend && // _stageOnCost : STAGE // bestPool == 0 : 194,"File not present in any reasonable pool" // else : DONE 'using bestPool' // // RT_COST_EXCEEDED (only if ! overwriteCost ) : // // Because : file is in permitted pools but cost of // best destination pool exceeds cost of best // source pool (resp. slope * source). // // -> _bestPool == 0 : 192,"File not present in any reasonable pool" // else : DONE 'using bestPool' // // RT_ERROR : // // Because : - no source pool (code problem) // - Code Exception // // -> 132,"PANIC : Tried to do p2p, but source was empty" // or exception text. // // askForStaging : // // RT_FOUND : // // Because : destination pool found and cost ok. // // -> DONE // // RT_NOT_FOUND : // // -> 149 , "No pool candidates available or configured for 'staging'" // -> 150 , "No cheap candidates available for 'staging'" // // RT_ERROR : // // Because : - Code Exception // private void stateEngine( Object inputObject ) { int rc; switch( _state ){ case ST_INIT : _log.debug( "stateEngine: case ST_INIT"); synchronized( _selections ){ CacheException ce = _selections.get(_pnfsId) ; if( ce != null ){ setError(ce.getRc(),ce.getMessage()); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; return ; } } if( inputObject == null ){ if( _suspendIncoming ){ setError(1005, "Suspend enforced"); suspend("Suspended (forced)"); return ; } // // if( _enforceP2P ){ setError(0,""); nextStep(RequestState.ST_POOL_2_POOL , CONTINUE) ; return ; } if( ( rc = askIfAvailable() ) == RT_FOUND ){ setError(0,""); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ;"AskIfAvailable found the object"); if (_sendHitInfo) { sendHitMsg(, true); } }else if( rc == RT_NOT_FOUND ){ // // _log.debug(" stateEngine: RT_NOT_FOUND "); if( _parameter._hasHsmBackend && _storageInfo.isStored()){ _log.debug(" stateEngine: parameter has HSM backend and the file is stored on tape "); nextStep(RequestState.ST_STAGE , CONTINUE ) ; }else{ _log.debug(" stateEngine: case 1: parameter has NO HSM backend or case 2: the HSM backend exists but the file isn't stored on it."); _poolCandidate = null ; setError(1010, "Pool unavailable"); suspendIfEnabled("Suspended (pool unavailable)"); } if (_sendHitInfo && _poolCandidate == null) { sendHitMsg(, false); //VP } // }else if( rc == RT_NOT_PERMITTED ){ // // if we can't read the file because 'read is prohibited' // we at least must give dCache the chance to copy it // to another pool (not regarding the cost). // _overwriteCost = true ; // // if we don't have an hsm we overwrite the p2pAllowed // nextStep( _parameter._p2pAllowed || ! _parameter._hasHsmBackend ? RequestState.ST_POOL_2_POOL : RequestState.ST_STAGE , CONTINUE ) ; }else if( rc == RT_COST_EXCEEDED ){ if( _parameter._p2pOnCost ){ nextStep(RequestState.ST_POOL_2_POOL , CONTINUE ) ; }else if( _parameter._hasHsmBackend && _parameter._stageOnCost ){ nextStep(RequestState.ST_STAGE , CONTINUE ) ; }else{ setError( 127 , "Cost exceeded (st,p2p not allowed)" ) ; nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; } }else if( rc == RT_ERROR ){ _log.debug( " stateEngine: RT_ERROR"); nextStep(RequestState.ST_STAGE , CONTINUE ) ;"AskIfAvailable returned an error, will continue with Staging"); } }else if( inputObject instanceof Object [] ){ handleCommandObject( (Object [] ) inputObject ) ; } break ; case ST_POOL_2_POOL : { _log.debug( "stateEngine: case ST_POOL_2_POOL"); if( inputObject == null ){ if( ( rc = askForPoolToPool( _overwriteCost ) ) == RT_FOUND ){ nextStep(RequestState.ST_WAITING_FOR_POOL_2_POOL , WAIT ) ; _status = "Pool2Pool "+; setError(0, ""); if (_sendHitInfo) { sendHitMsg(, true); //VP } }else if( rc == RT_NOT_PERMITTED ){ if( _bestPool == null) { if( _enforceP2P ){ nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; }else if( _parameter._hasHsmBackend && _storageInfo.isStored() ){"ST_POOL_2_POOL : Pool to pool not permitted, trying to stage the file"); nextStep(RequestState.ST_STAGE , CONTINUE ) ; }else{ setError(265, "Pool to pool not permitted"); suspendIfEnabled("Suspended"); } }else{ _poolCandidate = _bestPool;"ST_POOL_2_POOL : Choosing high cost pool "; setError(0,""); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; } }else if( rc == RT_S_COST_EXCEEDED ){"ST_POOL_2_POOL : RT_S_COST_EXCEEDED"); if( _parameter._hasHsmBackend && _parameter._stageOnCost && _storageInfo.isStored() ){ if( _enforceP2P ){ nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; }else{"ST_POOL_2_POOL : staging"); nextStep(RequestState.ST_STAGE , CONTINUE ) ; } }else{ if( _bestPool != null ){ _poolCandidate = _bestPool;"ST_POOL_2_POOL : Choosing high cost pool "; setError(0,""); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; }else{ // // this can't possibly happen // setError(194,"PANIC : File not present in any reasonable pool"); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; } } }else if( rc == RT_COST_EXCEEDED ){ // // if( _bestPool == null ){ // // this can't possibly happen // if( _enforceP2P ){ nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; }else{ setError(192,"PANIC : File not present in any reasonable pool"); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; } }else{ _poolCandidate = _bestPool;" found high cost object"); setError(0,""); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; } }else{ if( _enforceP2P ){ nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; }else if( _parameter._hasHsmBackend && _storageInfo.isStored() ){ nextStep(RequestState.ST_STAGE , CONTINUE ) ; }else{ suspendIfEnabled("Suspended"); } } } } break ; case ST_STAGE : _log.debug("stateEngine: case ST_STAGE"); if( inputObject == null ){ if( _suspendStaging ){ setError(1005, "Suspend enforced"); suspend("Suspended Stage (forced)"); return ; } if( ( rc = askForStaging() ) == RT_FOUND ){ nextStep(RequestState.ST_WAITING_FOR_STAGING , WAIT ) ; _status = "Staging "+; setError(0, ""); }else if( rc == RT_OUT_OF_RESOURCES ){ _restoreExceeded ++ ; outOfResources("Restore") ; }else{ // // we couldn't find a pool for staging // errorHandler() ; } } break ; case ST_WAITING_FOR_POOL_2_POOL : _log.debug( "stateEngine: case ST_WAITING_FOR_POOL_2_POOL"); if( inputObject instanceof Message ){ if( ( rc = exercisePool2PoolReply((Message)inputObject) ) == RT_OK ){ if (_parameter._p2pForTransfer && ! _enforceP2P) { setError(CacheException.OUT_OF_DATE, "Pool locations changed due to p2p transfer"); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE, CONTINUE); } else { nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE, CONTINUE); } }else{"ST_POOL_2_POOL : Pool to pool reported a problem"); if( _parameter._hasHsmBackend && _storageInfo.isStored() ){"ST_POOL_2_POOL : trying to stage the file"); nextStep(RequestState.ST_STAGE , CONTINUE ) ; }else{ errorHandler() ; } } }else if( inputObject instanceof Object [] ){ handleCommandObject( (Object []) inputObject ) ; } else if (inputObject instanceof PingFailure && _p2pDestinationPool.address().equals(((PingFailure) inputObject).getPool())) {"Ping reported that request died."); setError(CacheException.TIMEOUT, "Replication timed out"); errorHandler(); } break ; case ST_WAITING_FOR_STAGING : _log.debug( "stateEngine: case ST_WAITING_FOR_STAGING" ); if( inputObject instanceof Message ){ if( ( rc = exerciseStageReply( (Message)inputObject ) ) == RT_OK ){ if (_parameter._p2pForTransfer) { setError(CacheException.OUT_OF_DATE, "Pool locations changed due to stage"); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE, CONTINUE); } else { nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE, CONTINUE); } }else if( rc == RT_DELAY ){ suspend("Suspended By HSM request"); }else{ errorHandler() ; } }else if( inputObject instanceof Object [] ){ handleCommandObject( (Object []) inputObject ) ; } else if (inputObject instanceof PingFailure && _poolCandidate.address().equals(((PingFailure) inputObject).getPool())) {"Ping reported that request died."); setError(CacheException.TIMEOUT, "Staging timed out"); errorHandler(); } break; case ST_SUSPENDED: _log.debug("stateEngine: case ST_SUSPENDED"); if (inputObject instanceof Object[]) { handleCommandObject( (Object []) inputObject ) ; } return ; case ST_DONE : _log.debug( "stateEngine: case ST_DONE" ); if( inputObject == null ){ clearSteering(); // // it is essential that we are not within any other // lock when trying to get the handlerHash lock. // synchronized (_handlerHash) { _handlerHash.remove(_name); } while (answerRequest(MAX_REQUEST_CLUMPING)) { setError(CacheException.OUT_OF_DATE, "Request clumping limit reached"); } } } } private void handleCommandObject( Object [] c ){ String command = c[0].toString() ; switch (command) { case "failed": clearSteering(); setError((Integer) c[1], c[2].toString()); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE, CONTINUE); break; case "retry": _status = "Retry enforced"; _retryCounter = -1; clearSteering(); setError(CacheException.OUT_OF_DATE, "Operator asked for retry"); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE, CONTINUE); break; case "alive": long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now > _nextTtlTimeout) { expireRequests(); } break; } } private void outOfResources( String detail ){ clearSteering(); setError(5,"Resource temporarily unavailable : "+detail); nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE , CONTINUE ) ; _status = "Failed" ; sendInfoMessage( _currentRc , "Failed "+_currentRm ); } private void fail() { if (_currentRc == 0) { _log.error("Error handler called without an error"); setError(CacheException.DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE, "Pool selection failed"); } nextStep(RequestState.ST_DONE, CONTINUE); } private void suspend(String status) { _log.debug(" stateEngine: SUSPENDED/WAIT "); _status = status + " " +; nextStep(RequestState.ST_SUSPENDED, WAIT); sendInfoMessage( _currentRc, "Suspended (" + _currentRm + ")"); } private void suspendIfEnabled(String status) { if (_onError.equals("suspend")) { suspend(status); } else { fail(); } } private void errorHandler() { if (_retryCounter >= _maxRetries) { suspendIfEnabled("Suspended"); } else { fail(); } } private int exerciseStageReply( Message messageArrived ){ try{ if( messageArrived instanceof PoolFetchFileMessage ){ PoolFetchFileMessage reply = (PoolFetchFileMessage)messageArrived ; int rc; _currentRc = reply.getReturnCode(); switch(_currentRc) { case 0: // best candidate is the right one rc = RT_OK; break; case CacheException.HSM_DELAY_ERROR: _currentRm = "Suspend by HSM request : " + reply.getErrorObject() == null ? "No info" : reply.getErrorObject().toString() ; rc = RT_DELAY; break; default: _currentRm = reply.getErrorObject() == null ? ( "Error="+_currentRc ) : reply.getErrorObject().toString() ; rc = RT_ERROR ; } return rc; }else{ throw new CacheException(204,"Invalid message arrived : "+ messageArrived.getClass().getName()); } } catch (CacheException e) { _currentRc = e.getRc(); _currentRm = e.getMessage(); _log.warn("exerciseStageReply: {} ", e.toString()); return RT_ERROR; } catch (RuntimeException e) { _currentRc = 102; _currentRm = e.getMessage(); _log.error("exerciseStageReply", e) ; return RT_ERROR; } } private int exercisePool2PoolReply( Message messageArrived ){ try{ if( messageArrived instanceof Pool2PoolTransferMsg ){ Pool2PoolTransferMsg reply = (Pool2PoolTransferMsg)messageArrived ;"Pool2PoolTransferMsg replied with : "+reply); if( ( _currentRc = reply.getReturnCode() ) == 0 ){ _poolCandidate = _p2pDestinationPool; return RT_OK ; }else{ _currentRm = reply.getErrorObject() == null ? ( "Error="+_currentRc ) : reply.getErrorObject().toString() ; return RT_ERROR ; } }else{ throw new CacheException(205,"Invalid message arrived : "+ messageArrived.getClass().getName()); } } catch (CacheException e) { _currentRc = e.getRc(); _currentRm = e.getMessage(); _log.warn("exercisePool2PoolReply: {}", e.toString()); return RT_ERROR; } catch (RuntimeException e) { _currentRc = 102; _currentRm = e.getMessage(); _log.error("exercisePool2PoolReply", e); return RT_ERROR; } } // // calculate : // matrix = list of list of active // pools with file available (sorted) // // if empty : // bestPool = 0 , return NOT_FOUND // // else // determine best pool by // // if allowFallback : // first row for which cost < costCut or // if not found, pool with lowest cost. // else // leftmost pool of first nonzero row // // if bestPool > costCut : // return COST_EXCEEDED // // chose best pool from row selected above by : // if ( minCostCut > 0 ) : // take all pools of the selected row // with cost < minCostCut and make hash selection. // else // take leftmost pool. // // return FOUND // // RESULT : // RT_FOUND : // file is on pool which is allowed and has reasonable cost. // RT_NOT_FOUND : // file is not in cache at all // RT_NOT_PERMITTED : // file not in an permitted pool but somewhere else // RT_COST_EXCEEDED : // file is in permitted pools but cost is too high. // RT_ERROR : // - No entry in configuration Permission Matrix // - Code Exception // private int askIfAvailable() { try { _bestPool = _poolSelector.selectReadPool(); _parameter = _poolSelector.getCurrentPartition(); } catch (FileNotInCacheException e) {"[read] {}", e.getMessage()); return RT_NOT_FOUND; } catch (PermissionDeniedCacheException e) {"[read] {}", e.getMessage()); return RT_NOT_PERMITTED; } catch (CostException e) { if (e.getPool() == null) {"[read] {}", e.getMessage()); setError(125, e.getMessage()); return RT_ERROR; } _bestPool = e.getPool(); _parameter = _poolSelector.getCurrentPartition(); if (e.shouldTryAlternatives()) {"[read] {} ({})", e.getMessage(),; return RT_COST_EXCEEDED; } } catch (CacheException e) { String err = "Read pool selection failed: " + e.getMessage(); _log.warn(err); setError(130, err); return RT_ERROR; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { String err = "Read pool selection failed:" + e.getMessage(); _log.error(err); setError(130, err); return RT_ERROR; } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Read pool selection failed", e); setError(130, "Read pool selection failed: " + e.toString()); return RT_ERROR; } finally {"[read] Took {} ms", (System.currentTimeMillis() - _started)); } _poolCandidate = _bestPool; setError(0,""); return RT_FOUND; } // // Result : // FOUND : // valid source/destination pair found fitting all constraints. // NOT_PERMITTED : // - already too many copies (_maxPnfsFileCopies) // - file already everywhere (no destination found) // - SAME_HOST_NEVER : but no valid combination found // COST_EXCEEDED : // - slope == 0 : all destination pools > costCut (p2p) // else : (best destination) > ( slope * source ) // S_COST_EXCEEDED : // - all source pools > alert // ERROR // - no source pool (code problem) // private int askForPoolToPool(boolean overwriteCost) { try { Partition.P2pPair pools = _poolSelector.selectPool2Pool(overwriteCost); _p2pSourcePool = pools.source; _p2pDestinationPool = pools.destination;"[p2p] source={};dest={}", _p2pSourcePool, _p2pDestinationPool); sendPool2PoolRequest(_p2pSourcePool, _p2pDestinationPool); return RT_FOUND; } catch (PermissionDeniedCacheException e) { setError(e.getRc(), e.getMessage());"[p2p] {}", e.toString()); return RT_NOT_PERMITTED; } catch (SourceCostException e) { setError(e.getRc(), e.getMessage());"[p2p] {}", e.getMessage()); return RT_S_COST_EXCEEDED; } catch (DestinationCostException e) { setError(e.getRc(), e.getMessage());"[p2p] {}", e.getMessage()); return RT_COST_EXCEEDED; } catch (CacheException e) { setError(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); _log.warn("[p2p] {}", e.getMessage()); return RT_ERROR; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { setError(128, e.getMessage()); _log.error("[p2p] {}", e.getMessage()); return RT_ERROR; } catch (RuntimeException e) { setError(128, e.getMessage()); _log.error("[p2p] contact", e); return RT_ERROR; } finally {"[p2p] Selection took {} ms", (System.currentTimeMillis() - _started)); } } // // FOUND : // - pool candidate found // NOT_FOUND : // - no pools configured // - pools configured but not active // - no pools left after subtracting primary candidate. // OUT_OF_RESOURCES : // - too many requests queued // private int askForStaging() { try { SelectedPool pool = _poolSelector.selectStagePool(_stageCandidatePool, _stageCandidateHost); _poolCandidate = pool; _stageCandidatePool =; _stageCandidateHost = pool.hostName();"[staging] poolCandidate -> {}",; if (!sendFetchRequest(_poolCandidate)) { return RT_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } setError(0,""); return RT_FOUND; } catch (CostException e) { if (e.getPool() != null) { _poolCandidate = e.getPool(); _stageCandidatePool = e.getPool().name(); _stageCandidateHost = e.getPool().hostName(); return RT_FOUND; }"[stage] {}", e.getMessage()); setError(125, e.getMessage()); return RT_ERROR; } catch (CacheException e) { setError(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); _log.warn("[stage] {}", e.getMessage()); return RT_NOT_FOUND; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { setError(128, e.getMessage()); _log.error("[stage] {}", e.getMessage()); return RT_ERROR; } catch (RuntimeException e) { setError(128, e.getMessage()); _log.error("[stage] contact", e); return RT_ERROR; } finally {"[stage] Selection took {} ms", (System.currentTimeMillis() - _started)); } } private void sendInfoMessage(int rc, String infoMessage) { WarningPnfsFileInfoMessage info = new WarningPnfsFileInfoMessage("PoolManager", getCellAddress(), _pnfsId, rc, infoMessage); info.setStorageInfo(_fileAttributes.getStorageInfo()); info.setFileSize(_fileAttributes.getSize()); info.setBillingPath(_billingPath); info.setTransferPath(_transferPath); _billing.notify(info); } private void sendHitMsg(PoolInfo pool, boolean cached) { PoolHitInfoMessage msg = new PoolHitInfoMessage(pool == null ? null : pool.getAddress(), _pnfsId); msg.setBillingPath(_billingPath); msg.setTransferPath(_transferPath); msg.setFileCached(cached); msg.setStorageInfo(_fileAttributes.getStorageInfo()); msg.setFileSize(_fileAttributes.getSize()); msg.setProtocolInfo(_protocolInfo); _billing.notify(msg); } } public void setStageConfigurationFile(String path) { _stagePolicyDecisionPoint = new CheckStagePermission(path); } private class PoolPingThread extends Thread { private PoolPingThread() { super("Container-ping"); } public void run() { try { while (!Thread.interrupted()) { try { synchronized (this) { wait(_checkFilePingTimer); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Determine which pools to query List<PoolRequestHandler> list; synchronized (_handlerHash) { list = new ArrayList<>(_handlerHash.values()); } Multimap<CellAddressCore, PoolRequestHandler> p2pRequests = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Multimap<CellAddressCore, PoolRequestHandler> stageRequests = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (PoolRequestHandler handler : list) { if (handler._started < now - _checkFilePingTimer) { SelectedPool pool; switch (handler._state) { case ST_WAITING_FOR_POOL_2_POOL: pool = handler._p2pDestinationPool; if (pool != null) { p2pRequests.put(pool.address(), handler); } break; case ST_WAITING_FOR_STAGING: pool = handler._poolCandidate; if (pool != null) { stageRequests.put(pool.address(), handler); } break; } } } // Send query to all pools Map<CellAddressCore, ListenableFuture<String>> futures = new HashMap<>(); for (CellAddressCore pool : p2pRequests.keySet()) { futures.put(pool, _poolStub.send(new CellPath(pool), "pp ls", String.class)); } for (CellAddressCore pool : stageRequests.keySet()) { futures.put(pool, _poolStub.send(new CellPath(pool), "rh ls", String.class)); } // Collect replies for (Map.Entry<CellAddressCore, ListenableFuture<String>> entry : futures.entrySet()) { String reply; try { reply = CellStub.get(entry.getValue()); } catch (NoRouteToCellException | CacheException ignored) { reply = ""; } CellAddressCore address = entry.getKey(); for (PoolRequestHandler handler : p2pRequests.get(address)) { if (!reply.contains(handler._pnfsId.toString())) { handler.add(new PingFailure(address)); } } for (PoolRequestHandler handler : stageRequests.get(address)) { if (!reply.contains(handler._pnfsId.toString())) { handler.add(new PingFailure(address)); } } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Pool ping failed", e); } } } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } } } private static class PingFailure { private final CellAddressCore pool; private PingFailure(CellAddressCore pool) { this.pool = pool; } public CellAddressCore getPool() { return pool; } } }