package org.dcache.pool.repository; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FileNotInCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.util.Formats; import dmg.util.command.Argument; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.DelayedCommand; import dmg.util.command.Option; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.util.ByteUnit; import org.dcache.util.Glob; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import static; import static org.dcache.util.ByteUnit.*; public class RepositoryInterpreter implements CellCommandListener { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RepositoryInterpreter.class); private static final Map<String,ByteUnit> STRING_TO_UNIT = ImmutableMap.of("k", KiB, "m", MiB, "g", GiB, "t", TiB); private Repository _repository; private final StatisticsListener _statisticsListener = new StatisticsListener(); public void setRepository(Repository repository) { _repository = repository; _repository.addListener(_statisticsListener); } @Command(name = "rep set sticky", hint = "change sticky flags", description = "Changes the sticky flags on one or more replicas. Sticky flags prevent sweeper " + "from garbage collecting files. A sticky flag has an owner (a name) and an expiration " + "date. The expiration date may be infinite, in which case the sticky flag never expires. " + "Each replica can have zero or more sticky flags.\n\n" + "The command may set or clear a sticky flag of a specific replica or for a set of " + "replicas matches the given filter cafeterias.") public class SetStickyCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = -2, required = false, usage = "Only change the replica with the given ID.") PnfsId pnfsId; @Argument(index = -1, valueSpec = "on|off", usage = "Whether to set or clear the sticky flag.") String state; @Option(name = "o", metaVar = "name", category = "Sticky properties", usage = "The owner is a name for the flag. A replica can only have one sticky flag per owner.") String owner = "system"; @Option(name = "l", metaVar = "millis", category = "Sticky properties", usage = "The lifetime in milliseconds from now. Once the lifetime expires, the sticky flag is " + "removed. If no other sticky flags are left and the replica is marked as a cache, sweeper " + "may garbage collect it. A sticky flag with a lifetime of -1 never expires.") Long lifetime; @Option(name = "al", category = "Filter options", values={"online", "nearline"}, usage = "Only change replicas with the given access latency.") AccessLatency al; @Option(name = "rp", category = "Filter options", values={"custodial", "replica", "output"}, usage = "Only change replicas with the given retention policy.") RetentionPolicy rp; @Option(name = "storage", metaVar = "class", category = "Filter options", usage = "Only change replicas with the given storage class.") String storage; @Option(name = "cache", metaVar = "class", category = "Filter options", usage ="Only change replicas with the given cache class. If set to the empty string, the condition " + "will match any replica that does not have a cache class.") String cache; @Option(name = "all", category = "Filter options", usage = "Allow using the command without any filter options and without a PNFS ID. This is a safe " + "guard against accidentally changing all replicas.") boolean all; @Override public String call() throws Exception { long expire; switch (state) { case "on": expire = (lifetime != null) ? Math.max(0, System.currentTimeMillis() + lifetime) : -1; break; case "off": expire = 0; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid sticky state : " + state); } if (pnfsId != null) { if (!matches(pnfsId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Replica does not match filter conditions."); } _repository.setSticky(pnfsId, owner, expire, true); return _repository.getEntry(pnfsId).getStickyRecords().stream() .filter(StickyRecord::isValid).map(Object::toString).collect(joining("\n")); } if (al == null && rp == null && storage == null && cache == null && !all) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Use -all to change sticky flag for all replicas."); } long cnt = 0; for (PnfsId id : _repository) { try { if (matches(id)) { _repository.setSticky(id, owner, expire, true); cnt++; } } catch (FileNotInCacheException ignored) { } } return cnt + " replicas updated."; } protected boolean matches(PnfsId id) throws CacheException, InterruptedException { CacheEntry entry = _repository.getEntry(id); FileAttributes attributes = entry.getFileAttributes(); return (al == null || attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.ACCESS_LATENCY) && attributes.getAccessLatency().equals(al)) && (rp == null || attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.RETENTION_POLICY) && attributes.getRetentionPolicy().equals(rp)) && (storage == null || attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.STORAGECLASS) && Objects.equals(attributes.getStorageClass(), storage)) && (cache == null || attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.CACHECLASS) && Objects.equals(attributes.getCacheClass(), Strings.emptyToNull(cache))); } } @Command(name = "rep sticky ls", hint = "list sticky flags", description = "List sticky flags of a replica.") public class ListStickyCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument PnfsId pnfsId; @Override public String call() throws CacheException, InterruptedException { CacheEntry entry = _repository.getEntry(pnfsId); return entry.getStickyRecords().stream() .filter(StickyRecord::isValid).map(Object::toString).collect(joining("\n")); } } @Command(name = "rep ls", hint = "list replicas", description = "List the replicas in this pool.\n\n" + "Each line has the following format:\n\n" + " PNFSID <STATE> <SIZE> <STORAGE CLASS>\n\n"+ "STATE is a sequence of fields:\n"+ " field 1 is \"C\"\n" + " if entry is cached and \"-\" otherwise.\n"+ " field 2 is \"P\"\n" + " if entry is precious and \"-\" otherwise.\n"+ " field 3 is \"C\"\n" + " if entry is being transferred \"from client\" and \"-\" otherwise.\n" + " field 4 is \"S\"\n" + " if entry is being transferred \"from store\" and \"-\" otherwise.\n" + " field 5 is unused.\n" + " field 6 is unused.\n" + " field 7 is \"R\"\n" + " if entry is removed but still open and \"-\" otherwise.\n"+ " field 8 is \"D\"\n" + " if entry is removed and \"-\" otherwise.\n"+ " field 9 is \"X\"\n" + " if entry is sticky and \"-\" otherwise.\n"+ " field 10 is \"E\"\n" + " if entry is in error state and \"-\" otherwise.\n"+ " field 11 is unused.\n"+ " field 12 is \"L(0)(n)\"\n" + " where is the link count.") public class ListCommand extends DelayedCommand<Serializable> { @Argument(usage = "Limit to these replicas.", required = false) PnfsId[] pnfsIds; @Option(name = "l", valueSpec = "[s|p|l|u|nc|e...]", usage = "Limit to replicas with these flags: \n" + " s : sticky\n"+ " p : precious\n"+ " l : locked\n"+ " u : in use\n"+ " nc : not cached\n" + " e : error") String format; @Option(name = "storage", metaVar = "GLOB", usage = "Limit to replicas with matching storage class.") Glob si; @Option(name = "s", valueSpec = "[k|m|g|t]", values = { "k", "m", "g", "t", "" }, usage = "Output per storage class statistics instead. Optionally use KiB, MiB, " + "GiB, or TiB.") String stat; @Option(name = "sum", usage = "Include totals for all storage classes when used with -s or -binary.") boolean sum; @Option(name = "binary", usage = "Return statistics in binary format instead.") boolean binary; @Override public Serializable execute() throws CacheException, InterruptedException { if (pnfsIds != null) { return listById(pnfsIds); } else if (binary) { return listBinary(); } else if (stat != null) { return listStatistics(STRING_TO_UNIT.getOrDefault(stat, BYTES)); } else { return listAll(); } } private Serializable listAll() throws CacheException, InterruptedException { String format = Strings.nullToEmpty(this.format); boolean notcached = format.contains("nc"); boolean precious = format.indexOf('p') > -1; boolean sticky = format.indexOf('s') > -1; boolean used = format.indexOf('u') > -1; boolean broken = format.indexOf('e') > -1; boolean cached = format.replace("nc", "").indexOf('c') > -1; Pattern siFilter = (si == null) ? null : si.toPattern(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (PnfsId id: _repository) { try { CacheEntry entry = _repository.getEntry(id); ReplicaState state = entry.getState(); if (siFilter != null) { FileAttributes attributes = entry.getFileAttributes(); String siValue = attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.STORAGECLASS) ? attributes.getStorageClass() : "<unknown>"; if (!siFilter.matcher(siValue).matches()) { continue; } } if (format.isEmpty() || (notcached && state != ReplicaState.CACHED) || (precious && state == ReplicaState.PRECIOUS) || (sticky && entry.isSticky()) || (broken && state == ReplicaState.BROKEN) || (cached && state == ReplicaState.CACHED) || (used && entry.getLinkCount() > 0)) { sb.append(entry).append('\n'); } } catch (FileNotInCacheException e) { // Entry was deleted; no problem } } return sb.toString(); } private Object[] listBinary() { return getStatistics(sum).entrySet().stream() .map(e -> new Object[] { e.getKey(), e.getValue() }) .toArray(Object[]::new); } private Serializable listStatistics(ByteUnit unit) { Map<String, long[]> stats = getStatistics(sum); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); stats.forEach((sc, counter) -> { sb.append(Formats.field(sc, 24, Formats.LEFT)). append(" "). append(Formats.field(String.valueOf(unit.convert(counter[0], BYTES)), 10, Formats.RIGHT)). append(" "). append(Formats.field(String.valueOf(counter[1]), 8, Formats.RIGHT)). append(" "). append(Formats.field(String.valueOf(unit.convert(counter[2], BYTES)), 10, Formats.RIGHT)). append(" "). append(Formats.field(String.valueOf(counter[3]), 8, Formats.RIGHT)). append(" "). append(Formats.field(String.valueOf(unit.convert(counter[4], BYTES)), 10, Formats.RIGHT)). append(" "). append(Formats.field(String.valueOf(counter[5]), 8, Formats.RIGHT)). append(" "). append(Formats.field(String.valueOf(unit.convert(counter[6], BYTES)), 10, Formats.RIGHT)). append(" "). append(Formats.field(String.valueOf(counter[7]), 8, Formats.RIGHT)). append("\n"); }); return sb.toString(); } private Serializable listById(PnfsId[] pnfsIds) throws CacheException, InterruptedException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder exceptionMessages = new StringBuilder(); for (PnfsId pnfsId : pnfsIds) { try { sb.append(_repository.getEntry(pnfsId)); sb.append("\n"); } catch (FileNotInCacheException fnice) { exceptionMessages.append(fnice.getMessage()).append("\n"); } } sb.append(exceptionMessages.toString()); return sb.toString(); } } @Command(name = "rep rmclass", hint = "remove replicas by storage class", description = "Removed all replicas of this pool that belong to a given storage class. " + "WARNING: This is a dangerous command and may result in data loss if misused.") public class RemoveClassCommand extends DelayedCommand<String> { @Argument(usage = "A storage class.") String storageClassName; @Override public String execute() { int cnt = 0; for (PnfsId id: _repository) { try { CacheEntry entry = _repository.getEntry(id); FileAttributes fileAttributes = entry.getFileAttributes(); if (fileAttributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.STORAGECLASS)) { String sc = fileAttributes.getStorageClass(); if (sc.equals(storageClassName)) { _repository.setState(id, ReplicaState.REMOVED); cnt++; } } } catch (FileNotInCacheException ignored) { // File was deleted - no problem } catch (IllegalTransitionException ignored) { // File is transient - no problem } catch (CacheException e) { _log.error("Failed to delete {}: {}", id, e.getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { _log.warn("File removal was interrupted."); break; } }"'rep rmclass {}' removed {} files.", storageClassName, cnt); return cnt + " files removed."; } } @Command(name = "rep rm", hint = "remove replica", description = "Removes a replica from the pool. The replica is only "+ "removed if it is CACHED and not STICKY.") public class RemoveCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(usage = "PNFS ID of replica to remove.") PnfsId pnfsId; @Option(name = "force", usage = "Removes replica even if it is not garbage collectable. WARNING: This is " + "a dangerous option and may result in data loss if misused.") boolean isForced; @Override public String call() throws Exception { CacheEntry entry = _repository.getEntry(pnfsId); if (isForced || entry.getState() == ReplicaState.CACHED && !entry.isSticky()) { _log.warn("rep rm: removing {}", pnfsId); _repository.setState(pnfsId, ReplicaState.REMOVED); return "Removed " + pnfsId; } else { return "File is not removable; use -force to override"; } } } @Command(name = "rep set precious", hint = "set replica precious", description = "Marks a replica as precious. On tape connected pools, precious " + "replicas are flushed to tape.") public class SetPreciousCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(usage = "PNFS ID of replica to make precious.") PnfsId pnfsId; @Override public String call() throws Exception { _repository.setState(pnfsId, ReplicaState.PRECIOUS); return ""; } } @Command(name = "rep set cached", hint = "set replica cached", description = "Marks a replica as cached. Unless also marked sticky, cached files " + "can be garbage collected. WARNING: This is a dangerous command and may " + "result in data loss if misused.") public class SetCachedCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(usage = "PNFS ID of replica to make cached.") PnfsId pnfsId; @Override public String call() throws Exception { _repository.setState(pnfsId, ReplicaState.CACHED); return ""; } } @Command(name = "rep set broken", hint = "set replica broken", description = "Marks a replica as broken. Broken replicas are not served to clients. Such " + "replicas are subject to an automatic error recovery upon pool restart.") public class SetBrokenommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(usage = "PNFS ID of replica to mark as broken.") PnfsId pnfsId; @Override public String call() throws Exception { _repository.setState(pnfsId, ReplicaState.BROKEN); return ""; } } private Map<String, long[]> getStatistics(boolean isSumIncluded) { Map<String,long[]> map = _statisticsListener.toMap(); if (isSumIncluded) { long[] counter = new long[10]; map.put("total", counter); SpaceRecord record = _repository.getSpaceRecord(); counter[0] = record.getTotalSpace(); counter[1] = record.getFreeSpace(); counter[2] = _statisticsListener.getOtherBytes(); } return map; } private static class Statistics { long bytes; int entries; long preciousBytes; int preciousEntries; long stickyBytes; int stickyEntries; long otherBytes; int otherEntries; long[] toArray() { return new long[] { bytes, entries, preciousBytes, preciousEntries, stickyBytes, stickyEntries, otherBytes, otherEntries }; } } private static class StatisticsListener implements StateChangeListener { private final Map<String, Statistics> statistics = new HashMap<>(); @Override public void stateChanged(StateChangeEvent event) { updateStatistics(event, event.getOldState(), event.getNewState()); } @Override public void accessTimeChanged(EntryChangeEvent event) { } @Override public void stickyChanged(StickyChangeEvent event) { updateStatistics(event, event.getOldEntry().getState(), event.getNewEntry().getState()); } private boolean isPrecious(CacheEntry entry) { return entry.getState() == ReplicaState.PRECIOUS; } private boolean isSticky(CacheEntry entry) { return entry.isSticky(); } private boolean isOther(CacheEntry entry) { return !isPrecious(entry) && !isSticky(entry); } private Statistics getStatistics(FileAttributes fileAttributes) { String store = fileAttributes.getStorageClass() + "@" + fileAttributes.getHsm(); return statistics.computeIfAbsent(store, s -> new Statistics()); } private void removeStatistics(FileAttributes fileAttributes) { String store = fileAttributes.getStorageClass() + "@" + fileAttributes.getHsm(); statistics.remove(store); } private synchronized void updateStatistics(EntryChangeEvent event, ReplicaState oldState, ReplicaState newState) { if (oldState == ReplicaState.CACHED || oldState == ReplicaState.PRECIOUS) { CacheEntry oldEntry = event.getOldEntry(); Statistics stats = getStatistics(oldEntry.getFileAttributes()); stats.bytes -= oldEntry.getReplicaSize(); stats.entries--; if (isPrecious(oldEntry)) { stats.preciousBytes -= oldEntry.getReplicaSize(); stats.preciousEntries--; } if (isSticky(oldEntry)) { stats.stickyBytes -= oldEntry.getReplicaSize(); stats.stickyEntries--; } if (isOther(oldEntry)) { stats.otherBytes -= oldEntry.getReplicaSize(); stats.otherEntries--; } if (stats.entries == 0) { removeStatistics(oldEntry.getFileAttributes()); } } if (newState == ReplicaState.CACHED || newState == ReplicaState.PRECIOUS) { CacheEntry newEntry = event.getNewEntry(); Statistics stats = getStatistics(newEntry.getFileAttributes()); stats.bytes += newEntry.getReplicaSize(); stats.entries++; if (isPrecious(newEntry)) { stats.preciousBytes += newEntry.getReplicaSize(); stats.preciousEntries++; } if (isSticky(newEntry)) { stats.stickyBytes += newEntry.getReplicaSize(); stats.stickyEntries++; } if (isOther(newEntry)) { stats.otherBytes += newEntry.getReplicaSize(); stats.otherEntries++; } } } public synchronized Map<String,long[]> toMap() { Map<String,long[]> map = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Statistics> entry : statistics.entrySet()) { map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toArray()); } return map; } public synchronized long getOtherBytes() { long sum = 0; for (Statistics stats : statistics.values()) { sum += stats.otherBytes; } return sum; } } }