package diskCacheV111.namespace; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.ChecksumFactory; import diskCacheV111.util.FileNotFoundCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import diskCacheV111.util.InvalidMessageCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.MissingResourceCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.NotDirCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorCancelledUploadNotificationMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.Message; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsAddCacheLocationMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsCancelUpload; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsClearCacheLocationMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsCommitUpload; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsCreateEntryMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsCreateUploadPath; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsDeleteEntryMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsFlagMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsGetParentMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsMapPathMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsRenameMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsSetChecksumMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolFileFlushedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.StorageInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.StorageInfos; import dmg.cells.nucleus.AbstractCellComponent; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CDC; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import dmg.cells.nucleus.NoRouteToCellException; import dmg.cells.nucleus.UOID; import dmg.util.command.Argument; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.CommandLine; import dmg.util.command.Option; import org.dcache.acl.enums.AccessMask; import org.dcache.acl.enums.AccessType; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.Activity; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restriction; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.chimera.UnixPermission; import org.dcache.commons.stats.RequestCounters; import org.dcache.commons.stats.RequestExecutionTimeGauges; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.namespace.FileType; import org.dcache.namespace.ListHandler; import org.dcache.namespace.PermissionHandler; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.Checksum; import org.dcache.util.ChecksumType; import org.dcache.util.MathUtils; import org.dcache.util.PrefixMap; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsCreateSymLinkMessage; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsGetFileAttributes; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsListDirectoryMessage; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsRemoveChecksumMessage; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsSetFileAttributes; import static; import static; import static org.dcache.acl.enums.AccessType.*; import static org.dcache.auth.Subjects.ROOT; import static org.dcache.auth.attributes.Activity.*; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute.*; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileType.DIR; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileType.REGULAR; public class PnfsManagerV3 extends AbstractCellComponent implements CellCommandListener, CellMessageReceiver, CellInfoProvider { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PnfsManagerV3.class); private static final int THRESHOLD_DISABLED = 0; private static final CellMessage SHUTDOWN_SENTINEL = new CellMessage(); private final Random _random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); private final RequestExecutionTimeGauges<Class<? extends PnfsMessage>> _gauges = new RequestExecutionTimeGauges<>("PnfsManagerV3"); private final RequestCounters<Class<?>> _foldedCounters = new RequestCounters<>("PnfsManagerV3.Folded"); /** * Cache of path prefix to database IDs mappings. */ private final PrefixMap<Integer> _pathToDBCache = new PrefixMap<>(); /** * These messages are subject to being discarded if their time to * live has been exceeded (or is expected to be exceeded). */ private final Class<?>[] DISCARD_EARLY = { PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage.class, PnfsMapPathMessage.class, PnfsGetParentMessage.class, PnfsCreateEntryMessage.class, PnfsCreateUploadPath.class, PnfsGetFileAttributes.class, PnfsListDirectoryMessage.class }; private int _threads; private int _threadGroups; private int _directoryListLimit; private int _queueMaxSize; private int _listThreads; private long _logSlowThreshold; /** * Whether to use folding. */ private boolean _canFold; /** * Queues for list operations. There is one queue per thread * group. */ private BlockingQueue<CellMessage>[] _listQueues; /** * Tasks queues used for messages that do not operate on cache * locations. */ private BlockingQueue<CellMessage>[] _fifos; /** * Executor for ProcessThread instances. */ private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("proc-%d").build()); private CellPath _cacheModificationRelay; private PermissionHandler _permissionHandler; private NameSpaceProvider _nameSpaceProvider; /** * A value of difference in seconds which controls file's access time * updates. */ private long _atimeGap; private CellStub _stub; private List<String> _flushNotificationTargets; private List<String> _cancelUploadNotificationTargets = Collections.emptyList(); private void populateRequestMap() { _gauges.addGauge(PnfsAddCacheLocationMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsClearCacheLocationMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsCreateEntryMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsDeleteEntryMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsMapPathMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsRenameMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsFlagMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsSetChecksumMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PoolFileFlushedMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsGetParentMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsSetFileAttributes.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsGetFileAttributes.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsListDirectoryMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsRemoveChecksumMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsCreateSymLinkMessage.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsCreateUploadPath.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsCommitUpload.class); _gauges.addGauge(PnfsCancelUpload.class); } public PnfsManagerV3() { populateRequestMap(); } @Required public void setThreads(int threads) { _threads = threads; } @Required public void setListThreads(int threads) { _listThreads = threads; } @Required public void setThreadGroups(int threadGroups) { _threadGroups = threadGroups; } @Required public void setCacheModificationRelay(String path) { _cacheModificationRelay = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(path) ? null : new CellPath(path);"CacheModificationRelay = {}", (_cacheModificationRelay == null) ? "NONE" : _cacheModificationRelay.toString()); } @Required public void setLogSlowThreshold(long threshold) { _logSlowThreshold = threshold;"logSlowThreshold {}", (_logSlowThreshold == THRESHOLD_DISABLED) ? "NONE" : String.valueOf(_logSlowThreshold)); } @Required public void setPermissionHandler(PermissionHandler handler) { _permissionHandler = handler; } @Required public void setNameSpaceProvider(NameSpaceProvider provider) { _nameSpaceProvider = provider; } public NameSpaceProvider getNameSpaceProvider() { return _nameSpaceProvider; } @Required public void setQueueMaxSize(int maxSize) { _queueMaxSize = maxSize; } @Required public void setFolding(boolean folding) { _canFold = folding; } @Required public void setDirectoryListLimit(int limit) { _directoryListLimit = limit; } @Required public void setAtimeGap(long gap) { if (gap < 0) { _atimeGap = -1; } else { _atimeGap = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(gap); } } @Required public void setFlushNotificationTarget(String target) { _flushNotificationTargets = Splitter.on(",").omitEmptyStrings().splitToList(target); } @Required public void setCancelUploadNotificationTarget(String target) { _cancelUploadNotificationTargets = Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().splitToList(target); } public void init() { _stub = new CellStub(getCellEndpoint()); _fifos = new BlockingQueue[_threads * _threadGroups];"Starting {} threads", _fifos.length); for (int i = 0; i < _fifos.length; i++) { if (_queueMaxSize > 0) { _fifos[i] = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(_queueMaxSize); } else { _fifos[i] = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); } executor.execute(new ProcessThread(_fifos[i])); } /* Start list-threads threads per thread group for list * processing. We use a shared queue per thread group, as * list operations are read only and thus there is no need * to serialize the operations. */ _listQueues = new BlockingQueue[_threadGroups]; for (int i = 0; i < _threadGroups; i++) { _listQueues[i] = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); for (int j = 0; j < _listThreads; j++) { executor.execute(new ProcessThread(_listQueues[i])); } } } public void shutdown() throws InterruptedException { drainQueues(_fifos); drainQueues(_listQueues); MoreExecutors.shutdownAndAwaitTermination(executor, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } private void drainQueues(BlockingQueue<CellMessage>[] queues) { String error = "Name space is shutting down."; for (BlockingQueue<CellMessage> queue : queues) { ArrayList<CellMessage> drained = new ArrayList<>(); queue.drainTo(drained); for (CellMessage envelope : drained) { Message msg = (Message) envelope.getMessageObject(); if (msg.getReplyRequired()) { envelope.setMessageObject(new NoRouteToCellException(envelope, error)); envelope.revertDirection(); sendMessage(envelope); } } queue.offer(SHUTDOWN_SENTINEL); } } @Override public void getInfo( PrintWriter pw ){ pw.print("atime precision: "); if (_atimeGap < 0 ) { pw.println("Disabled"); } else { pw.println(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(_atimeGap)); } pw.println(); pw.println("List queues (" + _listQueues.length + ")"); for (int i = 0; i < _listQueues.length; i++) { pw.println(" [" + i + "] " + _listQueues[i].size()); } pw.println(); pw.println("Threads (" + _fifos.length + ") Queue"); for (int i = 0; i < _fifos.length; i++) { pw.println( " ["+i+"] "+_fifos[i].size() ) ; } pw.println(); pw.println("Thread groups (" + _threadGroups + ")"); for (int i = 0; i < _threadGroups; i++) { int total = 0; for (int j = 0; j < _threads; j++) { total += _fifos[i * _threads + j].size(); } pw.println(" [" + i + "] " + total); } pw.println(); pw.println( "Statistics:" ) ; pw.println(_gauges.toString()); pw.println(_foldedCounters.toString()); } @Command(name = "pnfsidof", hint = "find the Pnfs-Id of a file", description = "Print the Pnfs-Id of a file given by its absolute path.") public class PnfsidofCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(usage = "The absolute path of the file.") String path; @Override public String call() throws CacheException { return pathToPnfsid(ROOT, path, false).toString(); } } public static final String hh_cacheinfoof = "<pnfsid>|<globalPath>" ; public String ac_cacheinfoof_$_1( Args args ) { PnfsId pnfsId; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { try{ pnfsId = new PnfsId( args.argv(0) ) ; }catch(Exception ee ){ pnfsId = pathToPnfsid(ROOT, args.argv(0), true ); } List<String> locations = _nameSpaceProvider.getCacheLocation(ROOT, pnfsId); for ( String location: locations ) { sb.append(" ").append(location); } sb.append("\n"); }catch(Exception e) { sb.append("cacheinfoof failed: ").append(e.getMessage()); } return sb.toString(); } @Command(name = "pathfinder", hint = "find the path of a file", description = "Print the absolute path of the specified Pnfs-Id of a file.") public class PathfinderCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(usage = "The Pnfs-Id of the file.") PnfsId pnfsId; @Override public String call() throws CacheException { return _nameSpaceProvider.pnfsidToPath(ROOT, pnfsId); } } @Command(name = "set meta", hint = "set the meta-data of a file", description = "Set the meta-data including: new owner, group, and permissions. " + "Returns 'OK' if the meta-data has been set successfully.") public class SetMetaCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, valueSpec = "PNFSID|PATH", usage = "Pnfs-Id or absolute path of the file.") String pnfsidOrPath; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "The user id of the new owner of the file.") int uid; @Argument(index = 2, usage = "The new group id of the file.") int gid; @Argument(index = 3, usage = "The file access permissions mode."+ "Only in decimal mode for example: set meta <pnfsid> <uid> <gid> 644(rw-r--r--).") String perm; @Override public String call() throws CacheException { PnfsId pnfsId; if (PnfsId.isValid(pnfsidOrPath)) { pnfsId = new PnfsId(pnfsidOrPath); } else { pnfsId = pathToPnfsid(ROOT, pnfsidOrPath, true); } FileAttributes attributes = FileAttributes.of() .uid(uid) .gid(gid) .mode(Integer.parseInt(perm, 8)) .build(); _nameSpaceProvider.setFileAttributes(ROOT, pnfsId, attributes, EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); return "Ok"; } } @Command(name = "storageinfoof", hint = "Print the storage info of a file", description = "Display the storage information of a file including the following:\n" + "\t size: \tSize of the file in bytes\n" + "\t new: \tFalse if file already in the dCache\n" + "\t stored: \tTrue if file already stored in the HSM (Hierarchical Storage\n" + "\t \tManager)\n" + "\t sClass: \tHSM depended. Used by the PoolManager for pool attraction\n" + "\t hsm: \tStorage Manager name (enstore/osm)\n" + "\t \tCan be overwritten by parent directory tag (hsmType)\n\n"+ "\t accessLatency: \tfile's access latency (e.g. ONLINE/NEARLINE)\n" + "\t retentionPolicy: \tfile's retention policy (e.g. CUSTODIAL/REPLICA).\n\n" + "The next returned information is HSM specific. For OSM the following storage information" + " is displayed:\n" + "\t store: \tOSM store (e.g. zeus,h1, ...)\n" + "\t group: \tOSM Storage Group (e.g. h1raw99, ...)\n" + "\t bfid: \tBitfile Id (GET only) (e.g. 000451243.2542452542.25424524).\n\n" + "For Enstore the following information is returned:\n" + "\t group: \tStorage Group (e.g. cdf,cms ...)\n" + "\t family: \tFile family (e.g. sgi2test,h6nxl8, ...)\n" + "\t bfid: \tBitfile Id (GET only) (e.g. B0MS105746894100000)\n" + "\t volume: \tTape Volume (GET only) (e.g. IA6912)\n" + "\t location: \tLocation on tape (GET only)\n" + "\t \t(e.g. : 0000_000000000_0000117).") public class StorageinfoofCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(valueSpec = "PNFSID|PATH", usage = "The Pnfs-Id or the absolute path of the file.") String pnfsidOrPath; @Option(name = "v", usage = "Get additional information about the file. If file path" + " is specified, the return information contains: the path " + "of the file, Pnfs-Id, path and the storage info of the file. " + "If the Pnfs-Id is specified instead, the return info is just" + " the Pnfs-Id and the storage info of the file.") boolean verbose; @Option(name = "n", usage = "Don't resolve links.") boolean noLinks; @Override public String call() throws CacheException { PnfsId pnfsId; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; if (PnfsId.isValid(pnfsidOrPath)) { pnfsId = new PnfsId(pnfsidOrPath); if (verbose) { sb.append("PnfsId : ").append(pnfsId).append("\n"); } }else { pnfsId = pathToPnfsid(ROOT, pnfsidOrPath, noLinks ); if (verbose) { sb.append(" Path : ").append(pnfsidOrPath) .append("\n"); sb.append(" PnfsId : ").append(pnfsId).append("\n"); sb.append(" Meta Data : "); } } FileAttributes attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.getFileAttributes(ROOT, pnfsId, EnumSet.of(FileAttribute.STORAGEINFO, FileAttribute.ACCESS_LATENCY, FileAttribute.RETENTION_POLICY, FileAttribute.SIZE)); StorageInfo info = StorageInfos.extractFrom(attributes); if(verbose) { sb.append(" Storage Info : ").append(info).append("\n") ; }else{ sb.append(info).append("\n"); } return sb.toString() ; } } @Command(name = "metadataof", hint = "get the meta-data of a file", description = "Print the metadata of a file. This metadata contains the " + "following information:\n"+ "\t\tThe owner id to whom file belongs.\n" + "\t\tThe group id to which file belongs.\n" + "\t\tc : creation time.\n" + "\t\tm : last modification time.\n" + "\t\ta : access time.") public class MetadataofCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(valueSpec = "PNFSID|PATH", usage = "Pnfs-Id or absolute path of the file.") String pnfsidOrPath; @Option(name = "v", usage = "Get additional information about the file. If file path is specified, " + "the return information contains: the path of the file, Pnfs-Id and the metadata of the file. " + "If the Pnfs-Id is specified instead, the return info is just the Pnfs-Id and the metadata " + "of the file.") boolean verbose; @Option(name = "n", usage = "Don't resolve links.") boolean noLinks; @Override public String call() throws CacheException { PnfsId pnfsId; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; if (PnfsId.isValid(pnfsidOrPath)) { pnfsId = new PnfsId( pnfsidOrPath ); if (verbose) { sb.append("PnfsId : ").append(pnfsId).append("\n"); } } else { pnfsId = pathToPnfsid(ROOT, pnfsidOrPath, noLinks ); if (verbose) { sb.append(" Path : ").append(pnfsidOrPath) .append("\n"); sb.append(" PnfsId : ").append(pnfsId).append("\n"); sb.append(" Meta Data : "); } } FileAttributes fileAttributes = _nameSpaceProvider .getFileAttributes(ROOT, pnfsId, EnumSet.of(OWNER, OWNER_GROUP, MODE, TYPE, CREATION_TIME, ACCESS_TIME, MODIFICATION_TIME)); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX"); switch (fileAttributes.getFileType()) { case DIR: sb.append("d"); break; case LINK: sb.append("l"); break; case REGULAR: sb.append("-"); break; default: sb.append("x"); break; } sb.append(new UnixPermission(fileAttributes.getMode()).toString().substring(1)); sb.append(";").append(fileAttributes.getOwner()); sb.append(";").append(fileAttributes.getGroup()); sb.append("[c=").append(formatter.format(fileAttributes.getCreationTime())); sb.append(";m=").append(formatter.format(fileAttributes.getModificationTime())); sb.append(";a=").append(formatter.format(fileAttributes.getAccessTime())).append("]"); sb.append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } } @Command(name = "flags set", hint = "set flags", description = "Files in dCache can be associated with arbitrary key-value pairs called " + "flags. This command allows one or more flags to be set on a file.") class FlagsSetCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(valueSpec = "PATH|PNFSID") PnfsIdOrPath file; @CommandLine(allowAnyOption = true, usage = "Flags to modify.") Args args; @Override public String call() throws CacheException { _nameSpaceProvider.setFileAttributes(ROOT, file.toPnfsId(_nameSpaceProvider), FileAttributes.ofFlags(args.optionsAsMap()), EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); return ""; } } @Command(name = "flags remove", hint = "clear flags", description = "Files in dCache can be associated with arbitrary key-value pairs called " + "flags. This command allows one or more flags to be cleared on a file.") class FlagsRemoveCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(valueSpec = "PATH|PNFSID") PnfsIdOrPath file; @CommandLine(allowAnyOption = true, valueSpec = "-KEY ...", usage = "Flags to clear.") Args args; @Override public String call() throws CacheException { PnfsId pnfsId = file.toPnfsId(_nameSpaceProvider); for (String flag : args.options().keySet()) { _nameSpaceProvider.removeFileAttribute(ROOT, pnfsId, flag); } return ""; } } @Command(name = "flags ls", hint = "list flags", description = "Files in dCache can be associated with arbitrary key-value pairs called " + "flags. This command lists the flags of a file.") class FlagsListCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(valueSpec = "PATH|PNFSID") PnfsIdOrPath file; @Override public String call() throws Exception { FileAttributes attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.getFileAttributes(ROOT, file.toPnfsId(_nameSpaceProvider), EnumSet.of(FileAttribute.FLAGS)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String,String> e: attributes.getFlags().entrySet()) { sb.append("-").append(e.getKey()).append("=").append(e.getValue()).append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } } public static final String fh_dumpthreadqueues = " dumpthreadqueues [<threadId>]\n" + " dumthreadqueus prints the context of\n" + " thread[s] queue[s] into the error log file"; public static final String hh_dumpthreadqueues = "[<threadId>]"; public String ac_dumpthreadqueues_$_0_1(Args args) { if (args.argc() > 0) { int threadId = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(0)); dumpThreadQueue(threadId); return "dumped"; } for (int threadId = 0; threadId < _fifos.length; ++threadId) { dumpThreadQueue(threadId); } return "dumped"; } @Command(name = "set file size", hint = "changes registered file size", description = "Updates the file's size in the namespace. This command has no effect on\n" + "the data stored on pools or on tape.") public class SetFileSizeCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, usage = "The unique identifier of the file within dCache.") PnfsId pnfsId; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "If the value does not match the size of the stored data" + "then the file may become unavailable. Use with caution!") String newsize; @Override public String call() throws CacheException { _nameSpaceProvider.setFileAttributes(ROOT, pnfsId, FileAttributes.ofSize(Long.parseLong(newsize)), EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); return ""; } } public static final String hh_add_file_cache_location = "<pnfsid> <pool name>"; public String ac_add_file_cache_location_$_2(Args args) throws Exception { PnfsId pnfsId = new PnfsId( args.argv(0)); String cacheLocation = args.argv(1); /* At this point, the file is no longer new and should really * have level 2 set. Otherwise we would not be able to detect * when the file is deleted. Unfortunately, the only way to * ensure that level 2 exists (without changing the * interface), is to remove a non-existing attribute. * * If the cache location provider happens to be the same as * the name space provider, then is unnecessary, as setting * the cache location will set level 2. * * NOTE: Temporarily uncommented, as file leakage is not * fixed in the pool anyway. * if (_nameSpaceProvider != _cacheLocationProvider) { _nameSpaceProvider.removeFileAttribute(pnfsId, "_this_entry_doesn't_exist_"); } */ _nameSpaceProvider.addCacheLocation(ROOT, pnfsId, cacheLocation); return ""; } public static final String hh_clear_file_cache_location = "<pnfsid> <pool name>"; public String ac_clear_file_cache_location_$_2(Args args) throws Exception { PnfsId pnfsId = new PnfsId( args.argv(0)); String cacheLocation = args.argv(1); _nameSpaceProvider.clearCacheLocation(ROOT, pnfsId, cacheLocation, false); return ""; } @Command(name = "add file checksum", hint = "adds new checksum to the file", description = "Adds checksum value storage for the specific file and " + "checksum type. If the file already has a checksum corresponding " + "to the specified type it should be cleared, otherwise 'Checksum " + "mismatch' error is raised. Only one checksum with the " + "corresponding type could be added.") public class AddFileChecksumCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, usage = "The unique identifier of the file within dCache system.") PnfsId pnfsId; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "The checksums type of the file. The following checksums " + "are supported: adler32, md5 and md4.") ChecksumType type; @Argument(index = 2, usage = "The checksum value in hexadecimal.") String checksumValue; @Override public String call() throws CacheException { Checksum checksum = new Checksum(type, checksumValue); _nameSpaceProvider.setFileAttributes(ROOT, pnfsId, FileAttributes.ofChecksum(checksum), EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); return ""; } } @Command(name = "clear file checksum", hint = "clears existing checksum for the file", description = "Clears checksum value storage for the specific file and " + "checksum type.") public class ClearFileChecksumCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, usage = "The unique identifier of the file within dCache system.") PnfsId pnfsId; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "The checksums type of the file. These following checksums " + "are supported: adler32, md5 and md4.") ChecksumType type; @Override public String call() throws CacheException { _nameSpaceProvider.removeChecksum(ROOT, pnfsId, type); return ""; } } @Command(name = "get file checksum", hint = "returns file checksum", description = "Display the checksum corresponding to the specified file and " + "the checksum type. Nothing is returned if there is no corresponding checksum.") public class GetFileChecksumCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, usage = "The unique identifier of the file.") PnfsId pnfsId; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "The checksums type of the file. These following checksums " + "are supported: adler32, md5 and md4.") ChecksumType type; @Override public String call() throws CacheException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { Checksum checksum = getChecksum(ROOT, pnfsId, type); return (checksum == null) ? "" : checksum.toString(); } } @Command(name = "set log slow threshold", hint = "set the threshold for reporting slow PNFS interactions", description = "Enable reporting of slow PNFS interactions." + " If the interaction <timeout> is greater than the timeout specified by this command," + " a warning message is logged.") public class SetLogLowThresholdCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(usage = "Time in milliseconds, must be greater than zero.") String timeout; @Override public String call() throws NumberFormatException { int newTimeout; try { newTimeout = Integer.parseInt( timeout); } catch ( NumberFormatException e) { throw new NumberFormatException("Badly formatted number " + timeout); } if( newTimeout <= 0) { return "Timeout must be greater than zero."; } _logSlowThreshold = newTimeout; return ""; } } @Command(name = "get log slow threshold", hint = "return the current threshold for reporting slow PNFS interactions", description = "If the threshold disabled returns" + " \"disabled\" " +"otherwise returns " + "the set time in ms.") public class GetLogSlowThresholdCommand implements Callable<String> { @Override public String call() { if( _logSlowThreshold == THRESHOLD_DISABLED) { return "disabled"; } return String.valueOf(_logSlowThreshold) + " ms"; } } @Command(name = "set log slow threshold disabled", hint = "disable reporting of slow PNFS interactions", description = "No warning messages are logged.") public class SetLogSlowThresfoldDisabledCommand implements Callable<String> { @Override public String call() { _logSlowThreshold = THRESHOLD_DISABLED; return ""; } } public static final String fh_show_path_cache = "Shows cached information about mappings from path prefixes to\n" + "name space database IDs. The cache is only populated if the\n" + "number of thread groups is larger than 1."; public String ac_show_path_cache(Args args) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<FsPath,Integer> e: _pathToDBCache.entrySet()) { s.append(String.format("%s -> %d\n", e.getKey(), e.getValue())); } return s.toString(); } private void dumpThreadQueue(int queueId) { if (queueId < 0 || queueId >= _fifos.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" illegal queue #" + queueId); } BlockingQueue<CellMessage> fifo = _fifos[queueId]; Object[] fifoContent = fifo.toArray(); _log.warn("PnfsManager thread #" + queueId + " queue dump (" +fifoContent.length+ "):"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < fifoContent.length; i++) { sb.append("fifo[").append(i).append("] : "); sb.append(fifoContent[i]).append('\n'); } _log.warn( sb.toString() ); } private Checksum getChecksum(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId, ChecksumType type) throws CacheException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { ChecksumFactory factory = ChecksumFactory.getFactory(type); FileAttributes attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.getFileAttributes(subject, pnfsId, EnumSet.of(FileAttribute.CHECKSUM)); return factory.find(attributes.getChecksums()); } private void setChecksum(PnfsSetChecksumMessage msg){ PnfsId pnfsId = msg.getPnfsId(); String value = msg.getValue() ; try{ ChecksumType type = ChecksumType.getChecksumType(msg.getType()); Checksum checksum = new Checksum(type, value); _nameSpaceProvider.setFileAttributes(msg.getSubject(), pnfsId, FileAttributes.ofChecksum(checksum), EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); }catch(FileNotFoundCacheException e) { msg.setFailed(CacheException.FILE_NOT_FOUND, e.getMessage() ); }catch( CacheException e ){ _log.warn("Unxpected CacheException: " + e); msg.setFailed( e.getRc() , e.getMessage() ) ; }catch ( Exception e){ _log.warn(e.toString()) ; msg.setFailed( CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION , e.getMessage() ) ; } } private void updateFlag(PnfsFlagMessage pnfsMessage){ PnfsId pnfsId = pnfsMessage.getPnfsId(); PnfsFlagMessage.FlagOperation operation = pnfsMessage.getOperation() ; String flagName = pnfsMessage.getFlagName() ; String value = pnfsMessage.getValue() ; Subject subject = pnfsMessage.getSubject();"update flag "+operation+" flag="+flagName+" value="+ value+" for "+pnfsId); try{ // Note that dcap clients may bypass restrictions by not // specifying a path when interacting via mounted namespace. checkRestriction(pnfsMessage, UPDATE_METADATA); if( operation == PnfsFlagMessage.FlagOperation.GET ){ pnfsMessage.setValue( updateFlag(subject, pnfsId , operation , flagName , value ) ); }else{ updateFlag(subject, pnfsId , operation , flagName , value ); } } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) { pnfsMessage.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (CacheException e) { _log.warn("Exception in updateFlag: " + e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Exception in updateFlag", e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } private String updateFlag(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId, PnfsFlagMessage.FlagOperation operation, String flagName, String value) throws CacheException { FileAttributes attributes; switch (operation) { case SET:"flags set " + pnfsId + " " + flagName + "=" + value); _nameSpaceProvider.setFileAttributes(subject, pnfsId, FileAttributes.ofFlag(flagName, value), EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); break; case SETNOOVERWRITE:"flags set (dontoverwrite) " + pnfsId + " " + flagName + "=" + value); attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.getFileAttributes(subject, pnfsId, EnumSet.of(FileAttribute.FLAGS)); String current = attributes.getFlags().get(flagName); if ((current == null) || (!current.equals(value))) { updateFlag(subject, pnfsId, PnfsFlagMessage.FlagOperation.SET, flagName, value); } break; case GET: attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.getFileAttributes(subject, pnfsId, EnumSet.of(FileAttribute.FLAGS)); String v = attributes.getFlags().get(flagName);"flags ls " + pnfsId + " " + flagName + " -> " + v); return v; case REMOVE:"flags remove " + pnfsId + " " + flagName); _nameSpaceProvider.removeFileAttribute(subject, pnfsId, flagName); break; } return null; } public void addCacheLocation(PnfsAddCacheLocationMessage pnfsMessage){"addCacheLocation : "+pnfsMessage.getPoolName()+" for "+pnfsMessage.getPnfsId()); try { /* At this point, the file is no longer new and should * really have level 2 set. Otherwise we would not be able * to detect when the file is deleted. Unfortunately, the * only way to ensure that level 2 exists (without * changing the interface), is to remove a non-existing * attribute. * * If the cache location provider happens to be the same * as the name space provider, then is unnecessary, as * setting the cache location will set level 2. * * NOTE: Temporarily uncommented, as file leakage is not * fixed in the pool anyway. * if (_nameSpaceProvider != _cacheLocationProvider) { _nameSpaceProvider.removeFileAttribute(pnfsMessage.getPnfsId(), "_this_entry_doesn't_exist_"); } */ checkMask(pnfsMessage); checkRestriction(pnfsMessage, UPDATE_METADATA); _nameSpaceProvider.addCacheLocation(pnfsMessage.getSubject(), pnfsMessage.getPnfsId(), pnfsMessage.getPoolName()); } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException fnf ) { pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.FILE_NOT_FOUND, fnf.getMessage() ); } catch (CacheException e){ _log.warn("Exception in addCacheLocation: " + e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e){ _log.error("Exception in addCacheLocation", e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION,"Exception in addCacheLocation"); } } public void clearCacheLocation(PnfsClearCacheLocationMessage pnfsMessage){ PnfsId pnfsId = pnfsMessage.getPnfsId();"clearCacheLocation : "+pnfsMessage.getPoolName()+" for "+pnfsId); try { checkMask(pnfsMessage); checkRestriction(pnfsMessage, UPDATE_METADATA); _nameSpaceProvider.clearCacheLocation(pnfsMessage.getSubject(), pnfsId, pnfsMessage.getPoolName(), pnfsMessage.removeIfLast()); } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException fnf ) { pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.FILE_NOT_FOUND, fnf.getMessage() ); } catch (CacheException e){ _log.warn("Exception in clearCacheLocation for "+pnfsId+": "+e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e){ _log.error("Exception in clearCacheLocation for "+pnfsId, e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage() ); } } public void getCacheLocations(PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage pnfsMessage){ Subject subject = pnfsMessage.getSubject(); try { PnfsId pnfsId = populatePnfsId(pnfsMessage);"get cache locations for " + pnfsId); checkMask(pnfsMessage); checkRestriction(pnfsMessage, READ_METADATA); pnfsMessage.setCacheLocations(_nameSpaceProvider.getCacheLocation(subject, pnfsId)); pnfsMessage.setSucceeded(); } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException fnf ) { pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.FILE_NOT_FOUND, fnf.getMessage() ); } catch (CacheException e){ _log.warn("Exception in getCacheLocations: " + e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e){ _log.error("Exception in getCacheLocations", e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "Pnfs lookup failed"); } } public void createEntry(PnfsCreateEntryMessage pnfsMessage) { checkArgument(pnfsMessage.getFileAttributes().isDefined(TYPE)); FileAttributes assign = pnfsMessage.getFileAttributes(); FileType type = assign.removeFileType(); Subject subject = pnfsMessage.getSubject(); String path = pnfsMessage.getPnfsPath(); try { File file = new File(path); checkMask(subject, file.getParent(), pnfsMessage.getAccessMask()); Set<FileAttribute> requested = pnfsMessage.getAcquire(); FileAttributes attrs = null; switch (type) { case DIR:"create directory {}", path); checkRestrictionOnParent(pnfsMessage, MANAGE); PnfsId pnfsId = _nameSpaceProvider.createDirectory(subject, path, assign); pnfsMessage.setPnfsId(pnfsId); // // FIXME : is it really true ? // // now we try to get the storageInfo out of the // parent directory. If it fails, we don't care. // We declare the request to be successful because // the createEntry seem to be ok. try{ "Trying to get storageInfo for {}", pnfsId); /* If we were allowed to create the entry above, then * we also ought to be allowed to read it here. Hence * we use ROOT as the subject. */ attrs = _nameSpaceProvider.getFileAttributes(ROOT, pnfsId, requested); } catch (CacheException e) { _log.warn("Can't determine storageInfo: " + e); } break; case REGULAR:"create file {}", path); checkRestriction(pnfsMessage, UPLOAD); requested.add(FileAttribute.STORAGEINFO); requested.add(FileAttribute.PNFSID); attrs = _nameSpaceProvider.createFile(subject, path, assign, requested); StorageInfo info = attrs.getStorageInfo(); if (info.getKey("path") == null) { info.setKey("path", path); } info.setKey("uid", Integer.toString(assign.getOwnerIfPresent().or(-1))); info.setKey("gid", Integer.toString(assign.getGroupIfPresent().or(-1))); pnfsMessage.setPnfsId(attrs.getPnfsId()); break; case LINK: checkArgument(pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsCreateSymLinkMessage); String destination = ((PnfsCreateSymLinkMessage)pnfsMessage).getDestination();"create symlink {} to {}", path, destination); checkRestrictionOnParent(pnfsMessage, MANAGE); pnfsId = _nameSpaceProvider.createSymLink(subject, path, destination, assign); pnfsMessage.setPnfsId(pnfsId); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + type); } pnfsMessage.setFileAttributes(attrs); pnfsMessage.setSucceeded(); } catch (CacheException e) { pnfsMessage.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Bug found when creating entry:", e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } void createUploadPath(PnfsCreateUploadPath message) { try { checkRestriction(message, UPLOAD); FsPath uploadPath = _nameSpaceProvider.createUploadPath(message.getSubject(), message.getPath(), message.getRootPath(), message.getSize(), message.getAccessLatency(), message.getRetentionPolicy(), message.getSpaceToken(), message.getOptions()); message.setUploadPath(uploadPath); message.setSucceeded(); } catch (CacheException e) { message.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Create upload path failed", e); message.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } void commitUpload(PnfsCommitUpload message) { try { checkRestriction(message, UPLOAD); FileAttributes attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.commitUpload(message.getSubject(), message.getUploadPath(), message.getPath(), message.getOptions(), message.getRequestedAttributes()); message.setFileAttributes(attributes); message.setSucceeded(); } catch (CacheException e) { message.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Commit upload path failed", e); message.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } void cancelUpload(PnfsCancelUpload message) { Subject subject = message.getSubject(); String explanation = message.getExplanation(); try { checkRestriction(message, UPLOAD); Set<FileAttribute> requested = message.getRequestedAttributes(); requested.addAll(EnumSet.of(PNFSID, NLINK, SIZE)); Collection<FileAttributes> deletedFiles = _nameSpaceProvider.cancelUpload(subject, message.getUploadPath(), message.getPath(), requested, explanation); .filter(f -> f.isUndefined(SIZE)) // currently uploading .filter(f -> f.getNlink() == 1) // with no hard links .map(FileAttributes::getPnfsId) .forEach(id -> .map(CellPath::new) .forEach(p -> _stub.notify(p, new DoorCancelledUploadNotificationMessage(subject, id, explanation)))); message.setDeletedFiles(deletedFiles); message.setSucceeded(); } catch (CacheException e) { message.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Cancel upload path failed", e); message.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } public void deleteEntry(PnfsDeleteEntryMessage pnfsMessage) { String path = pnfsMessage.getPnfsPath(); PnfsId pnfsId = pnfsMessage.getPnfsId(); Subject subject = pnfsMessage.getSubject(); Set<FileType> allowed = pnfsMessage.getAllowedFileTypes(); Set<FileAttribute> requested = pnfsMessage.getRequestedAttributes(); try { if (path == null && pnfsId == null) { throw new InvalidMessageCacheException("pnfsid or path have to be defined for PnfsDeleteEntryMessage"); } checkMask(pnfsMessage); checkRestriction(pnfsMessage, DELETE); FileAttributes attributes; if (path != null) {"delete PNFS entry for {}", path); if (pnfsId != null) { attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.deleteEntry(subject, allowed, pnfsId, path, requested); } else { requested.add(PNFSID); attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.deleteEntry(subject, allowed, path, requested); pnfsMessage.setPnfsId(attributes.getPnfsId()); } } else {"delete PNFS entry for {}", pnfsId); attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.deleteEntry(subject, allowed, pnfsId, requested); } pnfsMessage.setFileAttributes(attributes); pnfsMessage.setSucceeded(); } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) { pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.FILE_NOT_FOUND, e.getMessage()); } catch (CacheException e) { _log.warn("Failed to delete entry: " + e.getMessage()); pnfsMessage.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Failed to delete entry", e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } public void rename(PnfsRenameMessage msg) { try { checkMask(msg); PnfsId pnfsId = msg.getPnfsId(); String sourcePath = msg.getPnfsPath(); String destinationPath = msg.newName(); // This case is for compatibility with versions before 2.14 if (sourcePath == null) { if (pnfsId == null) { throw new InvalidMessageCacheException("Either path or pnfs id is required."); } sourcePath = _nameSpaceProvider.pnfsidToPath(msg.getSubject(), pnfsId); }"Rename {} to new name: {}", sourcePath, destinationPath); checkRestriction(msg, MANAGE, FsPath.create(sourcePath).parent()); checkRestriction(msg, MANAGE, FsPath.create(destinationPath).parent()); boolean overwrite = msg.getOverwrite() && !msg.getRestriction().isRestricted(DELETE, FsPath.create(destinationPath)); _nameSpaceProvider.rename(msg.getSubject(), pnfsId, sourcePath, destinationPath, overwrite); } catch (CacheException e){ msg.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error(e.toString(), e); msg.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "Pnfs rename failed"); } } private String pathfinder(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId ) throws CacheException { return _nameSpaceProvider.pnfsidToPath(subject, pnfsId); } public void mapPath( PnfsMapPathMessage pnfsMessage ){ PnfsId pnfsId = pnfsMessage.getPnfsId() ; String globalPath = pnfsMessage.getGlobalPath() ; Subject subject = pnfsMessage.getSubject(); boolean shouldResolve = pnfsMessage.shouldResolve(); if( ( pnfsId == null ) && ( globalPath == null ) ){ pnfsMessage.setFailed( 5 , "Illegal Arguments : need path or pnfsid" ) ; return ; } try { if (globalPath == null) {"map: id2path for " + pnfsId); String path = pathfinder(subject, pnfsId); checkRestriction(pnfsMessage, READ_METADATA, FsPath.create(path)); pnfsMessage.setGlobalPath(path); } else {"map: path2id for " + globalPath); checkRestriction(pnfsMessage, READ_METADATA, FsPath.create(globalPath)); pnfsMessage.setPnfsId(pathToPnfsid(subject, globalPath, shouldResolve)); } checkMask(pnfsMessage); } catch(FileNotFoundCacheException fnf){ pnfsMessage.setFailed( CacheException.FILE_NOT_FOUND , fnf.getMessage() ) ; }catch (CacheException ce) { pnfsMessage.setFailed(ce.getRc(), ce.getMessage()); _log.warn("mapPath: " + ce.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Exception in mapPath (pathfinder) " + e, e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } private void getParent(PnfsGetParentMessage msg) { try { PnfsId pnfsId = populatePnfsId(msg); checkMask(msg); msg.setParent(_nameSpaceProvider.getParentOf(msg.getSubject(), pnfsId)); } catch (CacheException e) { _log.warn(e.toString()); msg.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error(e.toString(), e); msg.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage()); } } /** * PnfsListDirectoryMessages can have more than one reply. This is * to avoid large directories exhausting available memory in the * PnfsManager. In current versions of Java, the only way to list * a directory without building the complete result array in * memory is to gather the elements inside a filter. * * This filter collects entries and sends partial replies for the * PnfsListDirectoryMessage when a certain number of entries have * been collected. The filter will not send the final reply (the * caller has to do that). */ private class ListHandlerImpl implements ListHandler { private final CellPath _requestor; private final PnfsListDirectoryMessage _msg; private final long _delay; private final UOID _uoid; private final FsPath _directory; private final Subject _subject; private final Restriction _restriction; private long _deadline; private int _messageCount; public ListHandlerImpl(CellPath requestor, UOID uoid, PnfsListDirectoryMessage msg, long initialDelay, long delay) { _msg = msg; _requestor = requestor; _uoid = uoid; _delay = delay; _directory = checkNotNull(_msg.getFsPath()); _subject = _msg.getSubject(); _restriction = _msg.getRestriction(); _deadline = (delay == Long.MAX_VALUE) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : System.currentTimeMillis() + initialDelay; } private void sendPartialReply() { _msg.setReply(); CellMessage envelope = new CellMessage(_requestor, _msg); envelope.setLastUOID(_uoid); sendMessage(envelope); _messageCount++; _msg.clear(); } @Override public void addEntry(String name, FileAttributes attrs) { if (Subjects.isRoot(_subject) || !_restriction.isRestricted(READ_METADATA, _directory, name)) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); _msg.addEntry(name, attrs); if (_msg.getEntries().size() >= _directoryListLimit || now > _deadline) { sendPartialReply(); _deadline = (_delay == Long.MAX_VALUE) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : now + _delay; } } } public int getMessageCount() { return _messageCount; } } private void listDirectory(CellMessage envelope, PnfsListDirectoryMessage msg) { if (!msg.getReplyRequired()) { return; } try { String path = msg.getPnfsPath(); checkMask(msg.getSubject(), path, msg.getAccessMask()); checkRestriction(msg, LIST); long delay = envelope.getAdjustedTtl(); long initialDelay = (delay == Long.MAX_VALUE) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : delay - envelope.getLocalAge(); CellPath source = envelope.getSourcePath().revert(); ListHandlerImpl handler = new ListHandlerImpl(source, envelope.getUOID(), msg, initialDelay, delay); _nameSpaceProvider.list(msg.getSubject(), path, msg.getPattern(), msg.getRange(), msg.getRequestedAttributes(), handler); msg.setSucceeded(handler.getMessageCount() + 1); } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException | NotDirCacheException e) { msg.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (CacheException e) { _log.warn(e.toString()); msg.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error(e.toString(), e); msg.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage()); } } private class ProcessThread implements Runnable { private final BlockingQueue<CellMessage> _fifo ; private ProcessThread(BlockingQueue<CellMessage> fifo) { _fifo = fifo; } @Override public void run() { try { for (CellMessage message = _fifo.take(); message != SHUTDOWN_SENTINEL; message = _fifo.take()) { CDC.setMessageContext(message); try { /* Discard messages if we are close to their * timeout (within 10% of the TTL or 10 seconds, * whatever is smaller) */ PnfsMessage pnfs = (PnfsMessage) message.getMessageObject(); if (message.getLocalAge() > message.getAdjustedTtl() && useEarlyDiscard(pnfs)) { _log.warn("Discarding {} because its time to live has been exceeded.", pnfs.getClass().getSimpleName()); sendTimeout(message, "TTL exceeded"); continue; } processPnfsMessage(message, pnfs); fold(pnfs); } catch (Throwable e) { _log.warn("processPnfsMessage: {} : {}", Thread.currentThread().getName(), e); } finally { CDC.clearMessageContext(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } protected void fold(PnfsMessage message) { if (_canFold && message.getReturnCode() == 0) { Iterator<CellMessage> i = _fifo.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { CellMessage envelope =; PnfsMessage other = (PnfsMessage) envelope.getMessageObject(); if (other.invalidates(message)) { break; } if (other.fold(message)) {"Folded {}", other.getClass().getSimpleName()); _foldedCounters.incrementRequests(message.getClass()); i.remove(); envelope.revertDirection(); sendMessage(envelope); } } } } } public void messageArrived(CellMessage envelope, PnfsListDirectoryMessage message) throws CacheException { String path = message.getPnfsPath(); if (path == null) { throw new InvalidMessageCacheException("Missing PNFS id and path"); } int group = pathToThreadGroup(path);"Using list queue [{}] {}", path, group); if (!_listQueues[group].offer(envelope)) { throw new MissingResourceCacheException("PnfsManager queue limit exceeded"); } } public void messageArrived(CellMessage envelope, PnfsMessage message) throws CacheException { PnfsId pnfsId = message.getPnfsId(); String path = message.getPnfsPath(); int index; if (pnfsId != null) { index = pnfsIdToThreadGroup(pnfsId) * _threads + (int) (Math.abs((long) pnfsId.hashCode()) % _threads);"Using thread [{}] {}", pnfsId, index); } else if (path != null) { index = pathToThreadGroup(path) * _threads + (int) (Math.abs((long) path.hashCode()) % _threads);"Using thread [{}] {}", path, index); } else { index = _random.nextInt(_fifos.length);"Using random thread {}", index); } /* * try to add a message into queue. * tell requester, that queue is full */ if (!_fifos[index].offer(envelope)) { throw new MissingResourceCacheException("PnfsManager queue limit exceeded"); } } @VisibleForTesting void processPnfsMessage(CellMessage message, PnfsMessage pnfsMessage) { long ctime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { if (!processMessageTransactionally(message, pnfsMessage)) { return; } } catch (TransactionException e) { if (pnfsMessage.getReturnCode() == 0) { _log.error("Name space transaction failed: {}", e.getMessage()); pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "Name space transaction failed."); } } if (pnfsMessage.getReturnCode() == CacheException.INVALID_ARGS) { _log.error("Inconsistent message {} received form {}", pnfsMessage.getClass(), message.getSourcePath()); } long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - ctime; _gauges.update(pnfsMessage.getClass(), duration); if (_logSlowThreshold != THRESHOLD_DISABLED && duration > _logSlowThreshold) { _log.warn("{} processed in {} ms", pnfsMessage.getClass(), duration); } else {"{} processed in {} ms", pnfsMessage.getClass(), duration); } postProcessMessage(message, pnfsMessage); } @Transactional private boolean processMessageTransactionally(CellMessage message, PnfsMessage pnfsMessage) { if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsAddCacheLocationMessage) { addCacheLocation((PnfsAddCacheLocationMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsClearCacheLocationMessage) { clearCacheLocation((PnfsClearCacheLocationMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage) { getCacheLocations((PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsCreateEntryMessage) { createEntry((PnfsCreateEntryMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsCreateUploadPath) { createUploadPath((PnfsCreateUploadPath) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsCommitUpload) { commitUpload((PnfsCommitUpload) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsCancelUpload) { cancelUpload((PnfsCancelUpload) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsDeleteEntryMessage) { deleteEntry((PnfsDeleteEntryMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsMapPathMessage) { mapPath((PnfsMapPathMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsRenameMessage) { rename((PnfsRenameMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsFlagMessage) { updateFlag((PnfsFlagMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsSetChecksumMessage) { setChecksum((PnfsSetChecksumMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PoolFileFlushedMessage) { processFlushMessage((PoolFileFlushedMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsGetParentMessage) { getParent((PnfsGetParentMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsListDirectoryMessage) { listDirectory(message, (PnfsListDirectoryMessage) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsGetFileAttributes) { getFileAttributes((PnfsGetFileAttributes) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsSetFileAttributes) { setFileAttributes((PnfsSetFileAttributes) pnfsMessage); } else if (pnfsMessage instanceof PnfsRemoveChecksumMessage) { removeChecksum((PnfsRemoveChecksumMessage) pnfsMessage); } else { _log.warn("Unexpected message class [{}] from source [{}]", pnfsMessage.getClass(), message.getSourcePath()); return false; } return true; } private void postProcessMessage(CellMessage envelope, PnfsMessage message) { if (message instanceof PoolFileFlushedMessage && message.getReturnCode() == 0) { postProcessFlush(envelope, (PoolFileFlushedMessage) message); } else if (_cacheModificationRelay != null && message.getReturnCode() == 0) { postProcessLocationModificationMessage(envelope, message); } else if (message.getReplyRequired()) { envelope.revertDirection(); sendMessage(envelope); } } private void postProcessFlush(CellMessage envelope, PoolFileFlushedMessage pnfsMessage) { long timeout = envelope.getAdjustedTtl() - envelope.getLocalAge(); /* Asynchronously notify flush notification targets about the flush. */ PoolFileFlushedMessage notification = new PoolFileFlushedMessage(pnfsMessage.getPoolName(), pnfsMessage.getPnfsId(), pnfsMessage.getFileAttributes()); List<ListenableFuture<PoolFileFlushedMessage>> futures = new ArrayList<>(); for (String address : _flushNotificationTargets) { futures.add(_stub.send(new CellPath(address), notification, timeout)); } /* Only generate positive reply if all notifications succeeded. */ Futures.addCallback(Futures.allAsList(futures), new FutureCallback<List<PoolFileFlushedMessage>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(List<PoolFileFlushedMessage> result) { pnfsMessage.setSucceeded(); reply(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE, "PNFS manager failed while notifying other " + "components about the flush: " + t.getMessage()); reply(); } private void reply() { envelope.revertDirection(); sendMessage(envelope); } }); } public void processFlushMessage(PoolFileFlushedMessage pnfsMessage) { try { StorageInfo info = pnfsMessage.getFileAttributes().getStorageInfo(); FileAttributes attributesToUpdate = FileAttributes.ofStorageInfo(info); // Note: no Restriction check as message sent autonomously by pool. _nameSpaceProvider.setFileAttributes(pnfsMessage.getSubject(), pnfsMessage.getPnfsId(), attributesToUpdate, EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); } catch (CacheException e) { pnfsMessage.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.warn("Failed to process flush notification", e); pnfsMessage.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } private void postProcessLocationModificationMessage(CellMessage envelope, PnfsMessage message) { if (message.getReplyRequired()) { envelope.revertDirection(); sendMessage(envelope); } if (message instanceof PnfsAddCacheLocationMessage) { PnfsMessage msg = new PnfsAddCacheLocationMessage(message.getPnfsId(), ((PnfsAddCacheLocationMessage) message).getPoolName()); sendMessage(new CellMessage(_cacheModificationRelay, msg)); } else if (message instanceof PnfsClearCacheLocationMessage) { PnfsMessage msg = new PnfsClearCacheLocationMessage(message.getPnfsId(), ((PnfsClearCacheLocationMessage) message).getPoolName()); sendMessage(new CellMessage(_cacheModificationRelay, msg)); } else if (message instanceof PnfsSetFileAttributes) { Collection<String> locations = ((PnfsSetFileAttributes)message).getLocations(); if (locations == null) { return; } PnfsId pnfsId = message.getPnfsId(); ->{ PnfsMessage msg = new PnfsAddCacheLocationMessage(pnfsId, pool); sendMessage(new CellMessage(_cacheModificationRelay, msg)); }); } } /** * Process the request to remove a checksum value from a file. */ private void removeChecksum(PnfsRemoveChecksumMessage message) { try { // REVISIT: cannot enforce restriction as no path is specified. _nameSpaceProvider.removeChecksum(message.getSubject(), message.getPnfsId(), message.getType()); } catch (CacheException e) { message.setFailed(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch(RuntimeException e) { message.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } /** * Maps path to PnfsId. * * Internally updates the path to database ID cache. */ private PnfsId pathToPnfsid(Subject subject, String path, boolean resolve) throws CacheException { PnfsId pnfsId = _nameSpaceProvider.pathToPnfsid(subject, path, resolve); updatePathToDatabaseIdCache(path, pnfsId.getDatabaseId()); return pnfsId; } /** * Adds an entry to the path to database ID cache if that entry * does not already exist. The cache is only populated if the * number of thread groups is large than 1. */ private void updatePathToDatabaseIdCache(String path, int id) { try { if (_threadGroups > 1) { Integer db = _pathToDBCache.get(FsPath.create(path)); if (db == null || db != id) { String root = getDatabaseRoot(new File(path)).getPath(); _pathToDBCache.put(FsPath.create(root), id);"Path cache updated: " + root + " -> " + id); } } } catch (Exception e) { /* Log it, but since it is only a cache update we don't * mind too much. */ _log.warn("Error while resolving the database ID: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Given a PNFS path, returns the database mount point of the * database containing the entry. */ private File getDatabaseRoot(File file) throws Exception { /* First find the PNFS ID of file. May fail if the file does * not exist, but then we look at the parent instead. */ PnfsId id; try { id = _nameSpaceProvider.pathToPnfsid(ROOT, file.getPath(), true); } catch (CacheException e) { file = file.getParentFile(); if (file == null) { throw e; } return getDatabaseRoot(file); } /* Now look at the path back to the root and find the point at * which the database ID changes, or resolving the PNFS ID * fails. That point is the database mount point. */ try { String parent = file.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return file; } PnfsId parentId = _nameSpaceProvider.pathToPnfsid(ROOT, parent, true); while (parentId.getDatabaseId() == id.getDatabaseId()) { file = new File(parent); parent = file.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return file; } parentId = _nameSpaceProvider.pathToPnfsid(ROOT, parent, true); } return file; } catch (CacheException e) { return file; } } /** * Returns the thread group number for a path. The mapping is * based on the database ID of the path. A cache is used to avoid * lookups in the name space provider once the path prefix for a * database has been determined. In case of a cache miss an * arbitrary but deterministic thread group is chosen. */ private int pathToThreadGroup(String path) { if (_threadGroups == 1) { return 0; } Integer db = _pathToDBCache.get(FsPath.create(path)); if (db != null) { return db % _threadGroups; }"Path cache miss for " + path); return MathUtils.absModulo(path.hashCode(), _threadGroups); } /** * Returns the thread group number for a PNFS id. The mapping is * based on the database ID of the PNFS id. */ private int pnfsIdToThreadGroup(PnfsId id) { return (id.getDatabaseId() % _threadGroups); } private boolean useEarlyDiscard(PnfsMessage message) { Class<? extends PnfsMessage> msgClass = message.getClass(); for (Class<?> c: DISCARD_EARLY) { if (c.equals(msgClass)) { return true; } } return false; } private void sendTimeout(CellMessage envelope, String error) { Message msg = (Message) envelope.getMessageObject(); if (msg.getReplyRequired()) { msg.setFailed(CacheException.TIMEOUT, error); envelope.revertDirection(); sendMessage(envelope); } } public void getFileAttributes(PnfsGetFileAttributes message) { try { Subject subject = message.getSubject(); PnfsId pnfsId = populatePnfsId(message); checkMask(message); checkRestriction(message, READ_METADATA); Set<FileAttribute> requested = message.getRequestedAttributes(); if (message.getUpdateAtime() && _atimeGap >= 0) { requested.add(ACCESS_TIME); } if(requested.contains(FileAttribute.STORAGEINFO)) { /* * TODO: The 'classic' result of getFileAttributes was a * cobination of fileMetadata + storageInfo. This was * used to add the owner and group information into * storageInfo's internal Map. Uid and Gid are used by the * HSM flush scripts. * * This atavism will have to be cut out when HSM * interface will undestand Subject or FileAttributes * will be passed to HSM interface. */ requested = EnumSet.copyOf(requested); requested.add(FileAttribute.OWNER); requested.add(FileAttribute.OWNER_GROUP); } FileAttributes attrs = _nameSpaceProvider.getFileAttributes(subject, pnfsId, requested); if (attrs.isDefined(FileAttribute.STORAGEINFO)) { StorageInfo storageInfo = attrs.getStorageInfo(); if (storageInfo.getKey("path") == null) { storageInfo.setKey("path", message.getPnfsPath()); } storageInfo.setKey("uid", Integer.toString(attrs.getOwner())); storageInfo.setKey("gid", Integer.toString(attrs.getGroup())); } message.setFileAttributes(attrs); message.setSucceeded(); if (message.getUpdateAtime() && _atimeGap >= 0) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (attrs.getFileType() == FileType.REGULAR && Math.abs(now - attrs.getAccessTime()) > _atimeGap) { _nameSpaceProvider.setFileAttributes(Subjects.ROOT, pnfsId, FileAttributes.ofAccessTime(now), EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); } } } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e){ message.setFailed(e.getRc(), e); } catch (CacheException e) { _log.warn("Error while retrieving file attributes: " + e.getMessage()); message.setFailed(e.getRc(), e); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Error while retrieving file attributes: " + e.getMessage(), e); message.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } public void setFileAttributes(PnfsSetFileAttributes message) { try { FileAttributes attr = message.getFileAttributes(); PnfsId pnfsId = populatePnfsId(message); checkMask(message); checkRestriction(message, UPDATE_METADATA); if (attr.isDefined(FileAttribute.LOCATIONS)) { /* * Save for post-processing. */ message.setLocations(attr.getLocations()); } /* * update ctime on atime update */ if (attr.isDefined(ACCESS_TIME) && !attr.isDefined(CHANGE_TIME)) { attr.setChangeTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } FileAttributes updated = _nameSpaceProvider. setFileAttributes(message.getSubject(), pnfsId, attr, message.getAcquire()); message.setFileAttributes(updated); message.setSucceeded(); }catch(FileNotFoundCacheException e){ message.setFailed(e.getRc(), e); }catch(CacheException e) { _log.warn("Error while updating file attributes: " + e.getMessage()); message.setFailed(e.getRc(), e); }catch(RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Error while updating file attributes: " + e.getMessage(), e); message.setFailed(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e); } } private PnfsId populatePnfsId(PnfsMessage message) throws CacheException { PnfsId pnfsId = message.getPnfsId(); if (pnfsId == null) { String path = message.getPnfsPath(); if (path == null ) { throw new InvalidMessageCacheException("no pnfsid or path defined"); } pnfsId = pathToPnfsid(message.getSubject(), path, true); message.setPnfsId(pnfsId); } return pnfsId; } /** * Checks the access mask for a given message. */ private void checkMask(PnfsMessage message) throws CacheException { if (message.getPnfsId() != null) { checkMask(message.getSubject(), message.getPnfsId(), message.getAccessMask()); } else { checkMask(message.getSubject(), message.getPnfsPath(), message.getAccessMask()); } } /** * Checks an access mask. */ private void checkMask(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId, Set<AccessMask> mask) throws CacheException { if (!Subjects.isRoot(subject) && !mask.isEmpty()) { Set<FileAttribute> required = _permissionHandler.getRequiredAttributes(); FileAttributes attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.getFileAttributes(subject, pnfsId, required); if (!checkMask(subject, mask, attributes)) { throw new PermissionDeniedCacheException("Access denied"); } } } /** * Checks an access mask. */ private void checkMask(Subject subject, String path, Set<AccessMask> mask) throws CacheException { if (!Subjects.isRoot(subject) && !mask.isEmpty()) { Set<FileAttribute> required = _permissionHandler.getRequiredAttributes(); PnfsId pnfsId = pathToPnfsid(ROOT, path, false); FileAttributes attributes = _nameSpaceProvider.getFileAttributes(subject, pnfsId, required); if (!checkMask(subject, mask, attributes)) { throw new PermissionDeniedCacheException("Access denied"); } } } /** * Checks whether a subject has a certain set of access right to a * file system object. * * @param subject The Subject for which to check access rights * @param mask The access right to check * @param attr The FileAttributes of the object to check access rights to * @return true if subject has all access rights in mask, * false otherwise */ private boolean checkMask(Subject subject, Set<AccessMask> mask, FileAttributes attr) { AccessType access = ACCESS_ALLOWED; for (AccessMask m: mask) { switch (m) { case READ_DATA: access = access.and(_permissionHandler.canReadFile(subject, attr)); break; case LIST_DIRECTORY: access = access.and(_permissionHandler.canListDir(subject, attr)); break; case WRITE_DATA: access = access.and(_permissionHandler.canWriteFile(subject, attr)); break; case ADD_FILE: access = access.and(_permissionHandler.canCreateFile(subject, attr)); break; case APPEND_DATA: /* Doesn't make much sense in dCache at the moment, so * we simply translate this to WRITE_DATA. */ access = access.and(_permissionHandler.canWriteFile(subject, attr)); break; case ADD_SUBDIRECTORY: access = access.and(_permissionHandler.canCreateSubDir(subject, attr)); break; case EXECUTE: /* Doesn't make sense for files in dCache, but for * directories this is the lookup permission. */ access = access.and(_permissionHandler.canLookup(subject, attr)); break; case READ_ATTRIBUTES: case WRITE_ATTRIBUTES: case READ_ACL: case WRITE_ACL: case WRITE_OWNER: case READ_NAMED_ATTRS: case WRITE_NAMED_ATTRS: case DELETE: case DELETE_CHILD: case SYNCHRONIZE: /* These attributes are either unsupported in dCache * or not readily accessible through the current * PermissionHandler interface. */ access = access.and(ACCESS_UNDEFINED); break; } if (access == ACCESS_DENIED) { return false; } } return (access == ACCESS_ALLOWED); } private static Activity toActivity(AccessMask mask) { switch (mask) { case READ_DATA: return DOWNLOAD; case LIST_DIRECTORY: return LIST; case WRITE_DATA: case APPEND_DATA: return UPLOAD; case ADD_FILE: case ADD_SUBDIRECTORY: return MANAGE; case DELETE_CHILD: case DELETE: return DELETE; case READ_NAMED_ATTRS: case EXECUTE: case READ_ATTRIBUTES: case READ_ACL: return READ_METADATA; case WRITE_NAMED_ATTRS: case WRITE_ATTRIBUTES: case WRITE_ACL: case WRITE_OWNER: case SYNCHRONIZE: return UPDATE_METADATA; } throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected AccessMask: " + mask); } private static void checkRestrictionOnParent(PnfsMessage message, Activity activity) throws PermissionDeniedCacheException { if (!Subjects.isRoot(message.getSubject())) { FsPath path = message.getFsPath(); if (path != null && !path.isRoot()) { checkRestriction(message.getRestriction(), message.getAccessMask(), activity, path.parent()); } } } private static void checkRestriction(PnfsMessage message, Activity activity) throws PermissionDeniedCacheException { if (!Subjects.isRoot(message.getSubject())) { FsPath path = message.getFsPath(); if (path != null) { checkRestriction(message.getRestriction(), message.getAccessMask(), activity, path); } } } private static void checkRestriction(PnfsMessage message, Activity activity, FsPath path) throws PermissionDeniedCacheException { if (!Subjects.isRoot(message.getSubject())) { checkRestriction(message.getRestriction(), message.getAccessMask(), activity, path); } } private static void checkRestriction(Restriction restriction, Set<AccessMask> mask, Activity activity, FsPath path) throws PermissionDeniedCacheException { if ( .map(PnfsManagerV3::toActivity) .anyMatch(a -> restriction.isRestricted(a, path)) || restriction.isRestricted(activity, path)) { throw new PermissionDeniedCacheException("Permission denied: " + path); } } }