package; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.Message; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellEndpoint; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageAnswerable; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import dmg.cells.nucleus.NoRouteToCellException; import dmg.cells.nucleus.SerializationException; import dmg.cells.nucleus.UOID; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageSender; import static; /** * A MessageHandlerChain allows multiple MessageHandler subclass instances to attempt to * process an incoming Message. This allows easy addition of extra monitoring by receiving * additional messages. * * Zero or more MessageHandler subclass instances are registered with the MessageHandlerChain. * When passed an incoming Message, the MessageHandlerChain instance will pass the Message to * each MessageHandler subclass instance in turn until one succeeds in processing the Message. * * @author Paul Millar <> */ public class MessageHandlerChain implements MessageMetadataRepository<UOID>, MessageSender, CellMessageAnswerable, CellMessageSender { /** The period between successive flushes of ancient metadata, in milliseconds */ private static final long METADATA_FLUSH_THRESHOLD = 3600000; // 1 hour private static final long METADATA_FLUSH_PERIOD = 600000; // 10 minutes /** Our default timeout for sending messages, in milliseconds */ private static final long STANDARD_TIMEOUT = 1000; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageHandlerChain.class); private final List<MessageHandler> _messageHandler = new LinkedList<>(); private CellEndpoint _endpoint; @Override public void setCellEndpoint(CellEndpoint endpoint) { _endpoint = endpoint; } /** * @return a simple array of registered MessageHandlers subclass types. */ public String[] listMessageHandlers() { int i=0; String[] msgHandlers; synchronized (_messageHandler) { msgHandlers = new String[_messageHandler.size()]; for (MessageHandler mh : _messageHandler) { // We're assuming only one instance per Class msgHandlers[i++] = mh.getClass().getSimpleName(); } } return msgHandlers; } /** * Common method to send a CellMessage and register a handler for the return message. * This is deprecated against using Vehicles and registering MessageHandlers. * @param ttl lifetime of resulting metric, in seconds. * @param handler the call-back handler for the return message * @param path the CellPath to target cell * @param requestString the String, requesting information */ @Override public void sendMessage(long ttl, CellMessageAnswerable handler, CellPath path, String requestString) { if (handler == null) { LOGGER.error("ignoring attempt to send string-based message without call-back"); return; } CellMessage envelope = new CellMessage(path, requestString); sendMessage(ttl, handler, envelope); } /** * The preferred way of sending requests for information. * @param ttl lifetime of resulting metric, in seconds. * @param path the CellPath for the recipient of this message * @param message the Message payload */ @Override public void sendMessage(long ttl, CellPath path, Message message) { CellMessage envelope = new CellMessage(path, message); sendMessage(ttl, null, envelope); } /** * Send a message envelope and record metadata against it. * @param ttl the metadata for the message * @param handler the call-back for this method, or null if none should be used. * @param envelope the message to send * @throws SerializationException if the payload isn't serialisable. */ @Override public void sendMessage(long ttl, CellMessageAnswerable handler, CellMessage envelope) throws SerializationException { putMetricTTL(envelope.getUOID(), ttl); _endpoint.sendMessage(envelope, handler != null ? handler : this, MoreExecutors.directExecutor(), STANDARD_TIMEOUT); } public void setHandlers(List<MessageHandler> handlers) { synchronized (_messageHandler) { _messageHandler.clear(); _messageHandler.addAll(handlers); } } /* * SUPPORT FOR MessageMetadataRepository INTERFACE */ /** * For each message we send, a small amount of metadata is recorded (when it was sent and a long). * The long is so, when the return message is received, we can pass this parameter on * to the message processing plug-in. The time is so we can (every so often) delete stale entries * due to message-loss. */ private static class MessageMetadata { Date _timeSent; final long _ttl; MessageMetadata(long ttl) { _timeSent = new Date(); _ttl = ttl; } } private final Map<UOID,MessageMetadata> _msgMetadata = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Date _nextFlushOldMetadata; @Override public boolean containsMetricTTL(UOID messageId) { return _msgMetadata.containsKey(messageId); } @Override public long getMetricTTL(UOID messageId) { flushOldMetadata(); LOGGER.trace("Querying for metric ttl stored against message-ID {}", messageId); MessageMetadata metadata = _msgMetadata.get(messageId); if (metadata == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No metadata recorded for " + "message " + messageId); } return metadata._ttl; } @Override public void remove(UOID messageId) { if (_msgMetadata.remove(messageId) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No metadata recorded for " + "message " + messageId); } } @Override public void putMetricTTL(UOID messageId, long ttl) { checkNotNull(messageId, "Attempting to record ttl against null messageId"); LOGGER.trace("Adding metric ttl {} against message-ID {}", ttl, messageId); _msgMetadata.put(messageId, new MessageMetadata(ttl)); } /** * Scan through our recorded Metadata and remove very old entries. * This is only done "every so often" and adds some safety against * lost packets resulting in accumulated memory usage. */ private void flushOldMetadata() { Date now = new Date(); if (_nextFlushOldMetadata != null && now.before(_nextFlushOldMetadata)) { return; } // Flush ancient metadata for (Iterator<MessageMetadata> itr = _msgMetadata.values().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { MessageMetadata item =; if (now.getTime() - item._timeSent.getTime() > METADATA_FLUSH_THRESHOLD) { itr.remove(); } } _nextFlushOldMetadata = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + METADATA_FLUSH_PERIOD); } /* * The following three methods implement CellMessageAnswerable interface for * Message methods. */ @Override public void answerArrived(CellMessage request, CellMessage answer) { Object messagePayload = answer.getMessageObject(); if (!(messagePayload instanceof Message)) { LOGGER.warn("Received msg where payload is not instanceof Message"); return; } if (!containsMetricTTL(request.getLastUOID())) { LOGGER.warn("Attempt to add metrics without recorded metric TTL for msg {}", request); return; } synchronized (_messageHandler) { for (MessageHandler mh : _messageHandler) { if (mh.handleMessage((Message) messagePayload, getMetricTTL(request.getLastUOID()))) { return; } } } } @Override public void answerTimedOut(CellMessage request) { remove(request.getLastUOID());"Message timed out"); } @Override public void exceptionArrived(CellMessage request, Exception exception) { remove(request.getLastUOID()); if (exception instanceof NoRouteToCellException) { // This can happen after a cell dies and info hasn't caught up LOGGER.debug("Sending message to {} failed: {}", ((NoRouteToCellException)exception).getDestinationPath(), exception.getMessage()); } else if (exception instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { // Can happen for a short while when a poolgroup is deleted LOGGER.debug("Command failed: {}", exception.getMessage()); } else { LOGGER.error("Received remote exception: ", exception); } } }