package dmg.cells.nucleus ; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Objects; import static; /** * Do not subclass - otherwise raw encoding in LocationMgrTunnel will break. * * @author Patrick Fuhrmann * @version 0.1, 15 Feb 1998 */ public final class CellMessage implements Cloneable , Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5559658187264201731L; /** * Maximum TTL adjustment in milliseconds. */ private static final int TTL_BUFFER_MAXIMUM = 10000; /** * Maximum TTL adjustment as a fraction of TTL. */ private static final float TTL_BUFFER_FRACTION = 0.10f; private CellPath _source , _destination ; private Object _message ; private long _creationTime ; private long _ttl = Long.MAX_VALUE; private int _mode ; private UOID _umid , _lastUmid ; private byte[] _messageStream; private boolean _isPersistent; private Object _session; private static final int ORIGINAL_MODE = 0 ; private static final int STREAM_MODE = 1 ; private transient long _receivedAt; public CellMessage(CellAddressCore address, Serializable msg) { this(new CellPath(address)); _message = msg; } public CellMessage(CellAddressCore address) { this(new CellPath(address)); } public CellMessage(CellPath path, Serializable msg) { this(path.clone()); _message = msg; } public CellMessage(CellPath path) { _source = new CellPath(); _destination = path; _creationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _receivedAt = _creationTime; _mode = ORIGINAL_MODE; _umid = new UOID(); _lastUmid = _umid; _session = CDC.getSession(); } public CellMessage() { this(new CellPath()); } @Override public String toString(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; sb.append( "<CM: S=" ).append(_source). append( ";D=").append(_destination) ; if( _mode == ORIGINAL_MODE ) { sb.append(";C="). append(_message.getClass().getName()); } else { sb.append(";C=Stream"); } sb.append( ";O=" ).append( _umid ).append( ";LO=" ).append( _lastUmid ); if (_session != null) { sb.append(";SID=").append(_session); } if (_ttl < Long.MAX_VALUE) { sb.append(";TTL=").append(_ttl); } sb.append('>') ; return sb.toString() ; } @Override public int hashCode(){ return _umid.hashCode() ; } @Override public boolean equals( Object obj ){ if( obj instanceof CellMessage ) { return ((CellMessage) obj)._umid.equals(_umid); } else if( obj instanceof UOID ) { return obj.equals(_umid); } return false ; } public boolean isReply() { return _isPersistent; } public UOID getUOID() { return _umid ; } public UOID getLastUOID() { return _lastUmid ; } public void setUOID( UOID umid ) { _umid = umid ; } public void setLastUOID( UOID lastUOID ) { _lastUmid = lastUOID ; } public Serializable getSession() { return (Serializable) _session; } public void setSession(Serializable session) { _session = session; } public void setTtl(long ttl) { _ttl = ttl; _receivedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public long getTtl() { return _ttl; } public CellAddressCore getSourceAddress() { return _source.getSourceAddress(); } public CellPath getDestinationPath(){ return _destination ; } public CellPath getSourcePath(){ return _source ; } public Serializable getMessageObject(){ return (Serializable) _message ; } public void setMessageObject(Serializable obj) { checkState(_mode == ORIGINAL_MODE); _message = obj; } public void revertDirection(){ checkState(!_source.getSourceAddress().isDomainAddress(), "Cannot return envelope to a domain address."); _destination = _source.revert(); _source = new CellPath() ; _lastUmid = _umid ; _umid = new UOID(); _isPersistent = true; } public boolean isFinalDestination(){ return _destination.isFinalDestination() ; } public boolean isFirstDestination(){ return _destination.isFirstDestination() ; } public boolean nextDestination(){ return ; } // // package methods // boolean isStreamMode(){ return _mode == STREAM_MODE ; } /** * The method does not copy the message object - only the encoded message * stream (if any). */ @Override public CellMessage clone() { try { CellMessage copy = (CellMessage) super.clone(); copy._destination = _destination.clone(); if (_source != null) { copy._source = _source.clone(); } copy._messageStream = _messageStream; return copy; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public CellMessage encode() throws SerializationException { checkState(_mode == ORIGINAL_MODE); CellMessage encoded = clone(); encoded._mode = STREAM_MODE; encoded._message = null; encoded._messageStream = encode(_message); return encoded; } public CellMessage decode() throws SerializationException { checkState(_mode == STREAM_MODE); CellMessage decoded = clone(); decoded._mode = ORIGINAL_MODE; decoded._messageStream = null; decoded._message = decode(_messageStream); return decoded; } protected static byte[] encode(Object message) { int initialBufferSize = 256; ByteArrayOutputStream array = new ByteArrayOutputStream(initialBufferSize); try (ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(array)) { out.writeObject(message); } catch (InvalidClassException e) { throw new SerializationException("Failed to serialize object: " + e + "(this is usually a bug)", e); } catch (NotSerializableException e) { throw new SerializationException("Failed to serialize object because the object is not serializable (this is usually a bug)", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SerializationException("Failed to serialize object: " + e, e); } return array.toByteArray(); } protected static Object decode(byte[] messageStream) { try (ObjectInputStream stream = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(messageStream))) { return stream.readObject(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new SerializationException("Failed to deserialize object: The class could not be found. Is there a software version mismatch in your installation?", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SerializationException("Failed to deserialize object: " + e, e); } } public void addSourceAddress( CellAddressCore source ){ _source.add(source) ; } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); _receivedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Returns the number of milliseconds since this message was * received by the local domain. If the message created in the * local domain, then the method returns the number of * milliseconds since it was created. */ public long getLocalAge() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - _receivedAt; } /** * Returns the adjusted TTL of a message. The adjusted TTL is the * TTL with some time subtracted to allow for cell communication * overhead. Returns Long.MAX_VALUE if the TTL is infinite. */ public long getAdjustedTtl() { return (_ttl == Long.MAX_VALUE) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : _ttl - Math.min(TTL_BUFFER_MAXIMUM, (long) (_ttl * TTL_BUFFER_FRACTION)); } /** * Writes CellMessage to a data output stream. * * The CellMessage must be in stream mode. * * This is the raw encoding used by tunnels since release 3.0. */ public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws IOException { checkState(_mode == STREAM_MODE); out.writeByte(_mode); out.writeBoolean(_isPersistent); out.writeLong(_creationTime); out.writeLong(_ttl); _umid.writeTo(out); _lastUmid.writeTo(out); _source.writeTo(out); _destination.writeTo(out); out.writeUTF(Objects.toString(_session, "")); out.writeInt(_messageStream.length); out.write(_messageStream); } /** * Reads CellMessage from a data input stream. * * This is the raw encoding used by tunnels since release 3.0. */ public static CellMessage createFrom(DataInput in) throws IOException { CellMessage message = new CellMessage(); message._mode = in.readByte(); if (message._mode != STREAM_MODE) { throw new IOException("Invalid message tunnel wire format."); } /* Need to initialize the transient reception time after the first field is read as * this function may have been called while the input stream is empty. */ message._receivedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); message._isPersistent = in.readBoolean(); message._creationTime = in.readLong(); message._ttl = in.readLong(); message._umid = UOID.createFrom(in); message._lastUmid = UOID.createFrom(in); message._source = CellPath.createFrom(in); message._destination = CellPath.createFrom(in); message._session = Strings.emptyToNull(in.readUTF()); int len = in.readInt(); message._messageStream = new byte[len]; in.readFully(message._messageStream); return message; } }