package org.dcache.missingfiles.plugins; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.dcache.auth.FQAN; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.util.ConfigurationProperties; import org.dcache.util.FireAndForgetTask; import static; /** * Missing-files plugin for sending notification that access was attempted to * a file. We use an external program, SEMsg_SendNotAvailable to send the actual * messages. This plugin collects the messages and sends them in batches. */ public class SEMsgPlugin implements Plugin { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SEMsgPlugin.class); private Executor _executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); private static final String PROPERTY_TOPIC = ""; private static final String PROPERTY_ENDPOINT = ""; private static final String PROPERTY_COMMAND = "missing-files.plugins.semsg.command"; private static final String PROPERTY_CERTIFICATE = "missing-files.plugins.semsg.certificate"; private static final String PROPERTY_PRIVATE_KEY = "missing-files.plugins.semsg.private-key"; private static final Future<Result> DEFER = new FinalResult(Result.DEFER); private String _topic; private String _endpoint; private String _command; private String _certificatePath; private String _privateKeyPath; public SEMsgPlugin(ConfigurationProperties properties) { _topic = getRequiredProperty(properties, PROPERTY_TOPIC); _endpoint = getRequiredProperty(properties, PROPERTY_ENDPOINT); _command = getRequiredProperty(properties, PROPERTY_COMMAND); _certificatePath = getRequiredProperty(properties, PROPERTY_CERTIFICATE); _privateKeyPath = getRequiredProperty(properties, PROPERTY_PRIVATE_KEY); } private static String getRequiredProperty(ConfigurationProperties properties, String key) { String value = properties.getValue(key); if(value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing property: " + key); } return value; } @Override public Future<Result> accept(final Subject subject, final String requestPath, final String internalPath) { _executor.execute(new FireAndForgetTask(() -> sendMessage(subject, requestPath))); return DEFER; } private void sendMessage(Subject subject, String path) { String authDn = buildAuthDnFor(subject); try { int rc = runCommand(authDn, path); if(rc != 0) { _log.error("call to command failed: rc={}", rc); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { _log.debug("Interrupted while sending notification"); } catch (IOException e) { _log.error("{}", e.getMessage()); } } private String buildAuthDnFor(Subject subject) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String dn = Subjects.getDn(subject); if(dn != null) { sb.append(dn); for(FQAN fqan : Subjects.getFqans(subject)) { sb.append(',').append(fqan); } } else { sb.append("<UNKNOWN>"); } return sb.toString(); } private int runCommand(String authDn, String path) throws IOException, InterruptedException { List<String> args = newArrayList(_command, _endpoint, authDn, "-t", _topic, path); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(args); _log.debug("Command: {}", builder.command()); Map<String,String> envar = builder.environment(); envar.put("X509_USER_CERT", _certificatePath); envar.put("X509_USER_KEY", _privateKeyPath); Process process = builder.start(); return process.waitFor(); } }