package ; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAdapter; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import; import org.dcache.util.Args; import dmg.util.Authorizable; import dmg.util.UserPasswords; import static; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; /** ** * * * @author Patrick Fuhrmann * @version 0.1, 15 Feb 1998 * */ public class AclCell extends CellAdapter { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AclCell.class); private AclDb _aclDb; private UserRelationable _userDb; private UserMetaDb _userMetaDb; private UserPasswords _sysPassword; private UserPasswords _egPassword; private Crypt _crypt = new Crypt() ; public AclCell(String name, String argString) { super(name, argString); } @Override protected void starting() { Args args = getArgs(); checkArgument(args.argc() >= 1, "Usage : ... <dbPath>"); File dbBase = new File(args.argv(0)); _aclDb = new AclDb(new File(dbBase, "acls")); _userDb = new InMemoryUserRelation(new FileUserRelation(new File(dbBase, "relations"))); _userMetaDb = new UserMetaDb(new File(dbBase, "meta")); UserAdminCommands uac = new UserAdminCommands(_userDb, _aclDb, _userMetaDb); addCommandListener(uac); setCommandExceptionEnabled(true); // // read the password file information // String tmp; if ((tmp = args.getOpt("syspassword")) != null) { _sysPassword = new UserPasswords(new File(tmp));"using as SystemPasswordfile : " + tmp); } if ((tmp = args.getOpt("egpassword")) != null) { _egPassword = new UserPasswords(new File(tmp));"using as EgPasswordfile : " + tmp); } } // // for now we also serve the password checking request // @Override public void messageArrived( CellMessage msg ){ Serializable obj = msg.getMessageObject() ; Serializable answer; try{ "Message type : "+obj.getClass() ) ; if( ( obj instanceof Object [] ) && ( ((Object[])obj).length >= 3 ) && ( ((Object[])obj)[0].equals("request") ) ){ Object [] request = (Object[])obj ; String user = request[1] == null ? "unknown" : (String)request[1] ; String command = (String)request[2] ;'>' + command + "< request from " + user ) ; try{ switch (command) { case "check-password": answer = acl_check_password(request); break; case "check-permission": answer = acl_check_permission(request); break; case "get-metainfo": answer = acl_get_metainfo(request); break; default: throw new Exception("Command not found : " + command); } }catch( Exception xe ){ throw new Exception( "Problem : "+xe ) ; } }else{ String r = "Illegal message object received from : "+ msg.getSourcePath() ; _log.warn( r ) ; throw new Exception( r ) ; } }catch(Exception iex ){ answer = iex ; } if( answer instanceof Object [] ) { ((Object[]) answer)[0] = "response"; } msg.revertDirection() ; msg.setMessageObject(answer) ; sendMessage(msg) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // r[0] : request // r[1] : <requestor> // r[2] : get-metainfo // r[3] : <user> // r[4] : <key>[,<key>[...]] // // checks : nothing // // response // // r[0] : response // r[1] : <requestor> // r[2] : get-metainfo // r[3] : <user> // r[4] : <key>[,<key>[...]] // r[5] : <valueOfKey1> // r[6] : <valueOfKey2> // r[7] : ... // private Serializable acl_get_metainfo( Object [] request ) { if( ( request.length < 5 ) || ( request[3] == null ) || ( request[4] == null ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough or illegal arguments for 'check-password'"); } String userName = request[3].toString() ; UserMetaDictionary dict = _userMetaDb.getDictionary(userName) ; if( dict == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No such user : " + userName); } List<Object> result = new ArrayList<>(asList(request).subList(0, 5)); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( request[4].toString() , "," ) ; while( st.hasMoreTokens() ){ result.add(dict.valueOf(st.nextToken())) ; } return result.toArray(new Object[result.size()]); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // r[0] : request // r[1] : <anything> // r[2] : check-password // r[3] : <user> // r[4] : <password>[plainText] // // checks : nothing // // response // // r[0] : response // r[1] : <user> // r[2] : check-password // r[3] : <user> // r[4] : <password>[plainText] // r[5] : Boolean(true/false) // private Serializable acl_check_password( Object [] request ) { if( request.length < 5 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough arguments for 'check-password'"); } Object [] response = new Object[6] ; System.arraycopy(request, 0, response, 0, 5); response[1] = request[3] ; String userName = (String)request[3] ; String password = (String)request[4] ; response[5] = matchPassword(userName, password); return response ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // r[0] : request // r[1] : <anything> // r[2] : check-permission // r[3] : <principal> // r[4] : <acl> // // checks : nothing // // response // // r[0] : response // r[1] : <user> // r[2] : check-permission // r[3] : <principal> // r[4] : <acl> // r[5] : Boolean(true/false) // private Serializable acl_check_permission( Object [] request ) { if( request.length < 5 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough arguments for 'check-permission'"); } Object [] response = new Object[6] ; System.arraycopy(request, 0, response, 0, 5); response[1] = request[3] ; String userName = (String)request[3] ; String acl = (String)request[4] ; response[5] = checkPermission(userName, acl); return response ; } private boolean checkPermission( String user , String acl ) { if( user.equals("admin") ) { return true; } try{ if( _aclDb.check( acl , user , _userDb ) ) { return true; } }catch(Exception ee ){} try{ if( _aclDb.check( "super.access" , user , _userDb ) ) { return true; } }catch(Exception ee ){} return false ; } private static final String DUMMY_ADMIN = "5t2Hw7lNqVock" ; private boolean matchPassword( String userName , String password ){ String pswd; updatePassword() ; try{ if( userName.equals("admin" ) ){ if( ( _sysPassword == null ) || ( ( pswd = _sysPassword.getPassword(userName) ) == null ) ){ if( ( _egPassword == null ) || ( ( pswd = _egPassword.getPassword(userName) ) == null ) ){ pswd = DUMMY_ADMIN ; } } return _crypt.crypt( pswd , password ).equals(pswd) ; }else{ // // the user must have been created. // UserMetaDictionary dict = _userMetaDb.getDictionary(userName) ; if( dict == null ) { return false; } // // check for login disabled. // String dis = dict.valueOf("login") ; if( ( dis != null ) && ( dis.equals("no") ) ) { return false; } if( ( _sysPassword == null ) || ( ( pswd = _sysPassword.getPassword(userName) ) == null ) ){ if( ( _egPassword == null ) || ( ( pswd = _egPassword.getPassword(userName) ) == null ) ){ return false ; } } return _crypt.crypt( pswd , password ).equals(pswd) ; } }catch( Throwable t ){ _log.warn( "Found : "+t ) ; } return false ; } private void updatePassword(){ try{ if( _sysPassword != null ) { _sysPassword.update(); } }catch(Exception ee ){ _log.warn( "Updating failed : "+_sysPassword ) ; } try{ if( _egPassword != null ) { _egPassword.update(); } }catch(Exception ee ){ _log.warn( "Updating failed : "+_egPassword ) ; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the interpreter // private void checkPermission( Args args , String acl ) throws Exception { if( ! ( args instanceof Authorizable ) ) { throw new AclPermissionException("Command not authorizable"); } String user = ((Authorizable)args).getAuthorizedPrincipal() ; if( user.equals("admin") ) { return; } try{ if( _aclDb.check( "super.access" , user , _userDb ) ) { return; } }catch(Exception ee ){} if( ! _aclDb.check(acl,user,_userDb) ) { throw new AclPermissionException("Acl >" + acl + "< negative for " + user); } } public String ac_interrupted( Args args ) { return "\n" ; } public static final String hh_set_passwd = "[-user=<userName>] [-old=<oldPasswd>] newPswd verifyPswd"; public String ac_set_passwd_$_2( Args args )throws Exception { if( _egPassword == null ) { throw new AclPermissionException("No private password file found"); } if( ! ( args instanceof Authorizable ) ) { throw new AclPermissionException("Command not authorizable"); } String pswd1 = args.argv(0) ; String pswd2 = args.argv(1) ; if( ! pswd1.equals( pswd2 ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("pswd1 doesn't match pswd2"); } String auth = ((Authorizable)args).getAuthorizedPrincipal() ; String user = args.getOpt("user") ; user = user == null ? auth : user ; String old = args.getOpt("old"); String acl = "user."+user+".setpassword" ; String [] record; if( ! ( auth.equals("admin" ) || _aclDb.check( acl , auth , _userDb ) ) ){ if( auth.equals(user) ){ if( old == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("-old=<oldPassword> option missing"); } }else{ throw new AclPermissionException( "Acl >"+acl+"< negative for "+auth ) ; } if( ( pswd2 = _egPassword.getPassword(user) ) == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User not found in private passwd file"); } if( ! _crypt.crypt( pswd2 , old ).equals(pswd2) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Old password doesn't match"); } record = _egPassword.getRecord(user) ; if( record == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User " + user + " doesn't exist"); } }else{ record = _egPassword.getRecord(user) ; if( record == null ){ record = new String[2] ; record[0] = user ; } } record[1] = _crypt.crypt( user.substring(0,2) , pswd1 ) ; _egPassword.addRecord( record ) ; _egPassword.commit() ; return "" ; } }