package; import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level; import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger; import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext; import ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder; import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent; import ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; /** * Test the LinkInfoVisitor class. */ public class LinkInfoVisitorTests { static final StatePath LINKS_PATH = new StatePath( "links"); static final private String CONSOLE_APPENDER_NAME = "console"; static final private String CONSOLE_APPENDER_PATTERN = "%-5level - %msg%n"; /** * Direct all warning or more severe messages from ListInfoVisitor * log4j target to the console. * * FIXME: This should be done by a generic configuration file * specified as a system property in ant. */ static { LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); loggerContext.reset(); ConsoleAppender<ILoggingEvent> ca = new ConsoleAppender<>(); ca.setContext(loggerContext); ca.setName(CONSOLE_APPENDER_NAME); PatternLayoutEncoder pl = new PatternLayoutEncoder(); pl.setContext(loggerContext); pl.setPattern(CONSOLE_APPENDER_PATTERN); pl.start(); ca.setEncoder(pl); ca.start(); Logger logger = loggerContext.getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME); logger.addAppender(ca); logger.setLevel(Level.WARN); } /** A mapping between operation preference to the name of the corresponding metric */ static final Map<LinkInfo.OPERATION,String> OPERATION_METRIC_NAME = Collections.unmodifiableMap( new HashMap<LinkInfo.OPERATION,String>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2219445130285814842L; { put( LinkInfo.OPERATION.CACHE, "cache"); put( LinkInfo.OPERATION.P2P, "p2p"); put( LinkInfo.OPERATION.READ, "read"); put( LinkInfo.OPERATION.WRITE, "write"); }}); /** A mapping between unit type to the name of the corresponding branch */ static final Map<LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE,String> UNIT_TYPE_METRIC_NAME = Collections.unmodifiableMap( new HashMap<LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE,String>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4333350816329550714L; { put( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.DCACHE, "dcache"); put( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.NETWORK, "net"); put( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.PROTOCOL, "protocol"); put( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.STORE, "store"); }}); TestStateExhibitor _exhibitor; LinkInfoVisitor _visitor; @Before public void setUp() { _exhibitor = new TestStateExhibitor(); _visitor = new LinkInfoVisitor(); } @Test public void testEmptyState() { _exhibitor.visitState( _visitor); Map<String,LinkInfo> acquiredInfo = _visitor.getInfo(); assertEquals( "", 0, acquiredInfo.size()); } @Test public void testSingleEmptyLink() { Set<String> linkNames = new HashSet<>(); linkNames.add( "link-1"); assertEmptyLinksOk( linkNames); } @Test public void testTwoEmptyLink() { Set<String> linkNames = new HashSet<>(); linkNames.add( "link-1"); linkNames.add( "link-2"); assertEmptyLinksOk( linkNames); } @Test public void testLinkWithSinglePool() { Set<String> pools = new HashSet<>(); pools.add( "a pool"); assertLinkWithPoolsOk( pools); } @Test public void testLinkWithSpaceMetrics() { String linkName = "link-1"; long totalSpace = 10; long freeSpace = 8; long preciousSpace = 1; long removableSpace = 1; StateLocation.putLink( _exhibitor, linkName); SpaceInfo linkSpace = new SpaceInfo( totalSpace, freeSpace, preciousSpace, removableSpace); StateLocation.putLinkSpaceMetrics( _exhibitor, linkName, linkSpace); LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo = new LinkInfo(linkName); assertSingleLinkInfo( linkName, expectedLinkInfo); } @Test public void testLinkWithTwoPools() { Set<String> pools = new HashSet<>(); pools.add( "a pool"); pools.add( "another pool"); assertLinkWithPoolsOk( pools); } @Test public void testLinkWithThreePools() { Set<String> pools = new HashSet<>(); pools.add( "a pool"); pools.add( "another pool"); pools.add( "a third pool"); assertLinkWithPoolsOk( pools); } @Test public void testLinkWithSinglePoolgroup() { Set<String> poolgroups = new HashSet<>(); poolgroups.add( "a poolgroup"); assertLinkWithPoolgroupsOk( poolgroups); } @Test public void testLinkWithTwoPoolgroups() { Set<String> poolgroups = new HashSet<>(); poolgroups.add( "a poolgroup"); poolgroups.add( "another poolgroup"); assertLinkWithPoolgroupsOk( poolgroups); } @Test public void testLinkWithThreePoolgroup() { Set<String> poolgroups = new HashSet<>(); poolgroups.add( "a poolgroup"); poolgroups.add( "another poolgroup"); poolgroups.add( "a third poolgroup"); assertLinkWithPoolgroupsOk( poolgroups); } @Test public void testLinkWithUnitgroup() { Set<String> unitgroups = new HashSet<>(); unitgroups.add( "unitgroup"); assertLinkWithUnitgroupsOk( unitgroups); } @Test public void testLinkWithTwoUnitgroups() { Set<String> unitgroups = new HashSet<>(); unitgroups.add( "unitgroup-1"); unitgroups.add( "unitgroup-2"); assertLinkWithUnitgroupsOk( unitgroups); } @Test public void testLinkWithThreeUnitgroups() { Set<String> unitgroups = new HashSet<>(); unitgroups.add( "unitgroup-1"); unitgroups.add( "unitgroup-2"); unitgroups.add( "unitgroup-3"); assertLinkWithUnitgroupsOk( unitgroups); } @Test public void testLinkWithReadPref() { String linkName = "my link"; LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo = new LinkInfo("expected link"); addOperationPrefInLink( linkName, LinkInfo.OPERATION.READ, 5); expectedLinkInfo.setOperationPref( LinkInfo.OPERATION.READ, 5); assertSingleLinkInfo( linkName, expectedLinkInfo); } @Test public void testLinkWithWritePref() { String linkName = "my link"; LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo = new LinkInfo("expected link"); addOperationPrefInLink( linkName, LinkInfo.OPERATION.WRITE, 5); expectedLinkInfo.setOperationPref( LinkInfo.OPERATION.WRITE, 5); assertSingleLinkInfo( linkName, expectedLinkInfo); } @Test public void testLinkWithP2pPref() { String linkName = "my link"; LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo = new LinkInfo("expected link"); addOperationPrefInLink( linkName, LinkInfo.OPERATION.P2P, 5); expectedLinkInfo.setOperationPref( LinkInfo.OPERATION.P2P, 5); assertSingleLinkInfo( linkName, expectedLinkInfo); } @Test public void testLinkWithCachePref() { String linkName = "my link"; LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo = new LinkInfo("expected link"); addOperationPrefInLink( linkName, LinkInfo.OPERATION.CACHE, 5); expectedLinkInfo.setOperationPref( LinkInfo.OPERATION.CACHE, 5); assertSingleLinkInfo( linkName, expectedLinkInfo); } @Test public void testLinkWithAllPrefs() { String linkName = "my link"; LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo = new LinkInfo("expected link"); addOperationPrefInLink( linkName, LinkInfo.OPERATION.READ, 5); addOperationPrefInLink( linkName, LinkInfo.OPERATION.WRITE, 7); addOperationPrefInLink( linkName, LinkInfo.OPERATION.CACHE, 13); addOperationPrefInLink( linkName, LinkInfo.OPERATION.P2P, 17); expectedLinkInfo.setOperationPref( LinkInfo.OPERATION.READ, 5); expectedLinkInfo.setOperationPref( LinkInfo.OPERATION.WRITE, 7); expectedLinkInfo.setOperationPref( LinkInfo.OPERATION.CACHE, 13); expectedLinkInfo.setOperationPref( LinkInfo.OPERATION.P2P, 17); assertSingleLinkInfo( linkName, expectedLinkInfo); } @Test public void testLinkWithStoreUnit() { Set<String> units = new HashSet<>(); units.add("unit1"); assertLinkWithSameUnitsOk( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.STORE, units); } @Test public void testLinkWithTwoStoreUnits() { Set<String> units = new HashSet<>(); units.add("unit1"); units.add("unit2"); assertLinkWithSameUnitsOk( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.STORE, units); } @Test public void testLinkWithDcacheUnit() { Set<String> units = new HashSet<>(); units.add("unit1"); assertLinkWithSameUnitsOk( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.DCACHE, units); } @Test public void testLinkWithTwoDcacheUnits() { Set<String> units = new HashSet<>(); units.add("unit1"); units.add("unit2"); assertLinkWithSameUnitsOk( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.DCACHE, units); } @Test public void testLinkWithNetUnit() { Set<String> units = new HashSet<>(); units.add("unit1"); assertLinkWithSameUnitsOk( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.NETWORK, units); } @Test public void testLinkWithTwoNetUnits() { Set<String> units = new HashSet<>(); units.add("unit1"); units.add("unit2"); assertLinkWithSameUnitsOk( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.NETWORK, units); } @Test public void testLinkWithProtoUnit() { Set<String> units = new HashSet<>(); units.add("unit1"); assertLinkWithSameUnitsOk( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.PROTOCOL, units); } @Test public void testLinkWithTwoProtoUnits() { Set<String> units = new HashSet<>(); units.add("unit1"); units.add("unit2"); assertLinkWithSameUnitsOk( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.PROTOCOL, units); } /** * PRIVATE SUPPORT METHODS */ /** * Update the simulated dCache state */ private void addPoolInLink( String linkName, String poolName) { _exhibitor.addBranch( LINKS_PATH.newChild( linkName).newChild( "pools").newChild( poolName)); } private void addPoolgroupInLink( String linkName, String poolgroupName) { _exhibitor.addBranch( LINKS_PATH.newChild( linkName).newChild( "poolgroups").newChild( poolgroupName)); } private void addOperationPrefInLink( String linkName, LinkInfo.OPERATION operation, long value) { _exhibitor.addMetric( LINKS_PATH.newChild( linkName).newChild( "prefs").newChild( OPERATION_METRIC_NAME.get( operation)), new IntegerStateValue( value)); } private void addUnitInLink( String linkName, LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE unitType, String unit) { _exhibitor.addBranch( LINKS_PATH.newChild( linkName).newChild( "units").newChild(UNIT_TYPE_METRIC_NAME.get( unitType)).newChild( unit)); } private void addUnitgroupInLink( String linkName, String unitgroupName) { _exhibitor.addBranch( LINKS_PATH.newChild( linkName).newChild( "unitgroups").newChild( unitgroupName)); } /** * Verify that a link with only a specified Set of pools is read correctly. */ private void assertLinkWithPoolsOk( Set<String> pools) { LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo = new LinkInfo("expected link"); String linkName = "a link"; for( String poolName : pools) { addPoolInLink( linkName, poolName); expectedLinkInfo.addPool( poolName); } assertSingleLinkInfo( linkName, expectedLinkInfo); } private void assertLinkWithUnitgroupsOk( Set<String> unitgroups) { LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo = new LinkInfo("expected link"); String linkName = "a link"; for( String unitgroupName : unitgroups) { addUnitgroupInLink( linkName, unitgroupName); expectedLinkInfo.addUnitgroup( unitgroupName); } assertSingleLinkInfo( linkName, expectedLinkInfo); } private void assertLinkWithSameUnitsOk( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE unitType, Set<String> units) { String linkName = "my link"; LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo = new LinkInfo( "expected link"); for( String unitName : units) { addUnitInLink( linkName, unitType, unitName); expectedLinkInfo.addUnit( unitType, unitName); } assertSingleLinkInfo( linkName, expectedLinkInfo); } /** * Verify that a link with only a specified Set of poolgroups is read correctly. */ private void assertLinkWithPoolgroupsOk( Set<String> poolgroups) { LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo = new LinkInfo("expected link"); String linkName = "a link"; for( String poolgroupName : poolgroups) { addPoolgroupInLink( linkName, poolgroupName); expectedLinkInfo.addPoolgroup( poolgroupName); } assertSingleLinkInfo( linkName, expectedLinkInfo); } private void assertEmptyLinksOk( Set<String> linkNames) { for( String linkName : linkNames) { _exhibitor.addBranch(LINKS_PATH.newChild(linkName)); } _exhibitor.visitState( _visitor); Map<String,LinkInfo> acquiredInfo = _visitor.getInfo(); assertEquals( "number of found links", linkNames.size(), acquiredInfo.size()); LinkInfo defaultLinkInfo = new LinkInfo("a representative link"); for( String linkName : linkNames) { LinkInfo linkInfo = acquiredInfo.get( linkName); assertEquals( "LinkInfo for link " + linkName, defaultLinkInfo, linkInfo); } } /** * Check that when we visit the state we get a single LinkInfo that matches the expected * properties. * @param linkName * @param expectedLinkInfo */ private void assertSingleLinkInfo( String linkName, LinkInfo expectedLinkInfo) { _exhibitor.visitState( _visitor); Map<String,LinkInfo> acquiredInfo = _visitor.getInfo(); assertEquals( "wrong number of LinkInfo returned", 1, acquiredInfo.size()); LinkInfo foundLinkInfo = acquiredInfo.get( linkName); assertNotNull( "couldn't find LinkInfo for link " + linkName, foundLinkInfo); assertEquals( "wrong information in LinkInfo for link " + linkName, expectedLinkInfo, foundLinkInfo); } }