package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import dmg.cells.nucleus.UOID; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class handles reply messages from the TopoCell when issuing a * "gettopomap" command. In fact, it does little beyond maintaining a * simple list of domains. * * @author Paul Millar <> */ public class TopoMapHandler extends CellMessageHandlerSkel { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TopoMapHandler.class); private static final StatePath DOMAINS_PATH = new StatePath("domains"); public TopoMapHandler(StateUpdateManager sum, MessageMetadataRepository<UOID> msgMetaRepo) { super(sum, msgMetaRepo); } @Override public void process(Object msgPayload, long metricLifetime) { // The TopoCell may return null whilst starting up. if (msgPayload == null) { return; } if (!msgPayload.getClass().isArray()) { LOGGER.error("received a message that isn't an array"); return; } Class<?> arrayClass = msgPayload.getClass().getComponentType(); if (arrayClass == null) { LOGGER.error("unable to figure out what array type is."); return; } if (!arrayClass.equals(CellDomainNode.class)) { LOGGER.error("received array is not instance of CellDomainNode[]"); return; } StateUpdate update = new StateUpdate(); CellDomainNode domains[] = (CellDomainNode[]) msgPayload; for (CellDomainNode domain : domains) { addDomain(update, domain, metricLifetime); } applyUpdates(update); } /** * Add information about a domain to the list of pending updates. * @param update the StateUpdate to append new metric requests, * @param domain the information to add. */ private void addDomain(StateUpdate update, CellDomainNode domain, long lifetime) { StatePath thisDomainPath = DOMAINS_PATH.newChild(domain.getName()); update.appendUpdate(thisDomainPath.newChild("address"), new StringStateValue(domain.getAddress(), lifetime)); /* * We could also record tunnel information here... * * CellTunnelInfo tunnels[] = domain.getLinks(); */ } }